void ann() { listView1.Items.Clear(); Random r = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond); List <double> inputVs = new List <double>(); int times = 0; while (times < 1000) { inputVs.Clear(); if (randomInput) { for (int i = 0; i < nInput; i++) { inputVs.Add(r.Next(5)); } } else { inputVs.Add(di); inputVs.Add(di + 1); di++; if (di == 3) { di = 0; } } bool flag = net.Train(inputVs, alpha); ShowNet(); if (flag) { break; } times++; } MessageBox.Show(times.ToString()); }
private void TrainNetwork() { double error = 0; do { if (!pause) { error = Net.Train(); epoche++; //calls the UI-Thread for Updateing the Labels Content and ProgressBars Value Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { ErrorInformation.Content = "Iteration: " + epoche.ToString() + " | Error: " + Math.Round(error, 5).ToString(); })); } }while (error > minerr); }