예제 #1
        public override void DeploySoldiers()
            //This is the basis of my strategy evaluation
            //If the score is rising, the strategy works and Soldiers score
            //If not, I switch to my backup strategy
            //Evaluation starts after 100 turns because I have to create towers myself

            //Every 14 turns, check for progress in the score department
            if (TurnCounter.turnCounter % 14 == 0)
                if (EvaluateScore.efficientOne)
                    EvaluateScore.efficientOne = EvaluateScore.Scoring(player);
                    EvaluateScore.efficientTwo = EvaluateScore.Scoring(player);

            //Every 10 turns set the current score as previous score
            if (TurnCounter.turnCounter % 10 == 0)
                EvaluateScore.previousScore = player.Score;

            //---Strategy A--- Strategy versus non-wall using enemies
            //If there are no towers on the map, or my soldier score and no walls detected
            //Spawn waves of soldiers every 14 gold
            if (!hurtMap.DetectWalls(hurtMap.enemyTowerPositions) && !EvaluateScore.backUpStrategy)
                if (hurtMap.ReturnWholeHurtMapValue(hurtMap.enemyTowerHurtMap) == 0 || EvaluateScore.efficientOne || EvaluateScore.efficientTwo)
                    if (player.Gold > 14)
                        for (int i = 0; i < PlayerLane.WIDTH; i++)
                            Soldier soldier = this.player.BuySoldier(attackLane, i);
            //---Strategy B--- Strategy against enemies that use a (double) wall to pool money and spam soldiers at turn >900
            //If my first strategy is not succesful and my score does not increase
            //Pool money until turn 750, then use that money to diminish all the saved money of the enemy, destroy his base and win the game
                EvaluateScore.backUpStrategy = true;
                if (TurnCounter.turnCounter > 750)
                    for (int i = 0; i < PlayerLane.WIDTH; i++)
                        Soldier soldier = this.player.BuySoldier(attackLane, i);
예제 #2
        //Check if the enemy has tower on his defendlane
        private bool DoesEnemyHaveTowers(TowerHurtMap hurtMap)
            int hurt = hurtMap.ReturnWholeHurtMapValue(hurtMap.enemyTowerHurtMap);

            if (hurt == 0)
