예제 #1
        public ClosestPointToRetSplineResult CalcClosestPointOnRetSpline(Vector3 position, ClosestPointToRetSplineResult retval)
            Vector3 temp = Vector3.zero, tempDif = Vector3.zero;
            float   dist = float.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < GetNumNodes(); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < GetNode(i).GetNumReticulatedSegments(); j++)
                    ReticulatedSplineSegment seg = GetNode(i).GetReticulatedSegment(j);
                    temp    = AID.UTIL.ClosestPointToLine(seg.startPos, seg.endPos, position, true);
                    tempDif = temp - position;
                    if (dist > tempDif.sqrMagnitude)
                        //retval = temp;
                        dist = tempDif.sqrMagnitude;
                        retval.closestPoint      = temp;
                        retval.distSqrFromTarget = dist;
                        retval.retPos            = new SplineReticulatedPosition();

                        retval.retPos.splineNodeIndex      = i;  // = GetNode(i);
                        retval.retPos.retSeg               = j;  // = GetNode(i).GetReticulatedSegment(j);
                        retval.retPos.spline               = this;
                        retval.retPos.distanceFromRetStart = (temp - GetNode(i).reticulationPoints[j]).magnitude;

예제 #2
        private Vector3 _getReticulatedPosition()
            //return new pos
            ReticulatedSplineSegment seg = spline.GetNode(curSplineSegment).GetReticulatedSegment(curRetSegment);

            return(seg.startPos + seg.dir * curRetProgression);
예제 #3
        public void Reticulate(SplineNode nextNode, int resolution)
            resolution         = Mathf.Max(2, resolution);
            reticulationPoints = new Vector3[resolution];

            Vector3 t1 = inFragment + outFragment;
            Vector3 t2 = nextNode.inFragment + nextNode.outFragment;
            Vector3 p1 = transform.position;
            Vector3 p2 = nextNode.transform.position;

            float increment = 1.0f / (resolution - 1);

            bounds = new Bounds();

            for (int i = 0; i < resolution; ++i)
                reticulationPoints[i] = AID.UTIL.CubicHermite(t1, p1, p2, t2, increment * i);

            distanceToNextNode  = 0;
            reticulatedSegments = new ReticulatedSplineSegment[resolution - 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < reticulatedSegments.Length; ++i)
                ReticulatedSplineSegment retseg = new ReticulatedSplineSegment();

                retseg.startPos = reticulationPoints[i];
                retseg.endPos   = reticulationPoints[i + 1];

                retseg.dir    = retseg.endPos - retseg.startPos;
                retseg.length = retseg.dir.magnitude;

                reticulatedSegments[i] = retseg;

                distanceToNextNode += retseg.length;
예제 #4
        public Vector3 _handleDistanceMoveForward(float dist)
            float distLeft = dist;

            //HACK to prevent inf loops during development
            for (int i = 0; i < 10 && distLeft > 0f; i++)
            //while(distLeft > 0f)
                //handle spline being capped and at end already
                if (loopMode == SplineTraversalLoopMode.Stop)
                    if ((directionOfTravel && curSplineSegment >= spline.GetNumSections() - 1 &&
                         curRetSegment >= spline.GetNode(curSplineSegment).reticulatedSegments.Length - 1 &&
                         curRetProgression >= spline.GetNode(curSplineSegment).reticulatedSegments[spline.GetNode(curSplineSegment).reticulatedSegments.Length - 1].length)
                        (!directionOfTravel && curSplineSegment <= 0 && curRetSegment <= 0 && curRetProgression <= 0))

                ReticulatedSplineSegment seg = spline.GetNode(curSplineSegment).GetReticulatedSegment(curRetSegment);

                float distLeftInSeg = 0;
                if (seg != null)
                    distLeftInSeg = directionOfTravel ? seg.length - curRetProgression : seg.length - (seg.length - curRetProgression);

                //do we have more left than this segment has
                if (distLeft > distLeftInSeg)
                    distLeft -= distLeftInSeg;

                    if (directionOfTravel)
                        curRetProgression = 0;
                        //be safe
                        if (curRetSegment < spline.GetNode(curSplineSegment).GetNumReticulatedSegments() && curRetSegment >= 0)
                            curRetProgression = spline.GetNode(curSplineSegment).GetReticulatedSegment(curRetSegment).length;

                    //we move the segment
                    bool validRetSeg = curRetSegment < spline.GetNode(curSplineSegment).GetNumReticulatedSegments() && curRetSegment >= 0;

                    if (validRetSeg == false)
                        //end of spline segment move to next/handle end of spline
                        curSplineSegment += directionOfTravel ? 1 : -1;

                    //more space than we need
                    curRetProgression = directionOfTravel ? curRetProgression + distLeft : curRetProgression - distLeft;
                    distLeft          = 0;
                    break;  //force break out

예제 #5
        public float DistanceBetween(SplineReticulatedPosition other)
            //choose closest
            if (other == null || this.spline != other.spline)

            float sign = 1f;

            SplineReticulatedPosition near = null, far = null;

            if (this.splineNodeIndex < other.splineNodeIndex)
                near = this;
                far  = other;
            else if (this.splineNodeIndex > other.splineNodeIndex)
                far  = this;
                near = other;
                sign = -1;
            else if (this.retSeg < other.retSeg)
                near = this;
                far  = other;
            else if (this.retSeg > other.retSeg)
                far  = this;
                near = other;
                sign = -1;
            else//same node and ret seg
                //if start seg and end seg the same return dif in distance traveled
                return(other.distanceFromRetStart - this.distanceFromRetStart);

            //add rem distance in this seg
            float distAccum = near.spline.GetNode(near.splineNodeIndex).GetReticulatedSegment(near.retSeg).length - near.distanceFromRetStart;

            //add the distance the final seg as already traveled
            distAccum += far.distanceFromRetStart;

            int curIndex = near.splineNodeIndex, curSeg = near.retSeg + 1;

            //run until we are on the same node and same seg
            while (curIndex < far.splineNodeIndex || curSeg < far.retSeg)
                ReticulatedSplineSegment ret = near.spline.GetNode(curIndex).GetReticulatedSegment(curSeg);

                if (ret != null)
                    distAccum += ret.length;
                    //move from its seg forward
                    //end of ret info move forward
                    curSeg = 0;

            return(distAccum * sign);