예제 #1
                                    { 495, 480 } };                           // loop return

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a NPC.
        /// AGXNASK distribution has npAgent move following a Path.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="theStage"> the world</param>
        /// <param name="label"> name of </param>
        /// <param name="pos"> initial position </param>
        /// <param name="orientAxis"> initial rotation axis</param>
        /// <param name="radians"> initial rotation</param>
        /// <param name="meshFile"> Direct X *.x Model in Contents directory </param>
        public NPAgent(Stage theStage, string label, Vector3 pos, Vector3 orientAxis,
                       float radians, string meshFile)
            : base(theStage, label, pos, orientAxis, radians, meshFile)
        { // change names for on-screen display of current camera
            first.Name  = "npFirst";
            follow.Name = "npFollow";
            above.Name  = "npAbove";
            // path is built to work on specific terrain, make from int[x,z] array pathNode
            path = new Path(stage, pathNode, Path.PathType.LOOP); // continuous search path
            nextGoal = path.NextNode;                             // get first path goal
            agentObject.turnToFace(nextGoal.Translation);         // orient towards the first path goal
            // set snapDistance to be a little larger than step * stepSize
            snapDistance = (int)(1.5 * (agentObject.Step * agentObject.StepSize));
예제 #2
        public void treasureDetection()
            Object3D tempTreasure = findClosestTreasure(this.stage.getTreasure);
            float    distance     = Vector3.Distance(tempTreasure.Translation, this.agentObject.Translation);

            if (distance < (tempTreasure.ObjectBoundingSphereRadius + detectionRadius))
                NavNode closestNode  = this.stage.graph.findClosestNavNodeInGraph(this.agentObject.Translation);
                NavNode treasureNode = this.stage.graph.getNavNode((int)tempTreasure.Translation.X, (int)tempTreasure.Translation.Z);

                Path aStarPath = new Path(this.stage, this.stage.graph.aStarPathFinding(closestNode, treasureNode), Path.PathType.SINGLE);

                path = aStarPath;
예제 #3
 // Get or Set a NavNode in the graph
 public NavNode this[int x, int z]
         NavNode node = null;
             node = graph[stringKey(x, z)];
         catch (KeyNotFoundException)
     set { graph[stringKey(x, z)] = value; }
예제 #4
                                    { 495, 480 } };                           // loop return

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a NPC.
        /// AGXNASK distribution has npAgent move following a Path.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="theStage"> the world</param>
        /// <param name="label"> name of </param>
        /// <param name="pos"> initial position </param>
        /// <param name="orientAxis"> initial rotation axis</param>
        /// <param name="radians"> initial rotation</param>
        /// <param name="meshFile"> Direct X *.x Model in Contents directory </param>
        public NPAgent(Stage theStage, string label, Vector3 pos, Vector3 orientAxis,
                       float radians, string meshFile, Treasure treasure) // Edited by David Kopp
            : base(theStage, label, pos, orientAxis, radians, meshFile)
        {                                                                 // change names for on-screen display of current camera
            first.Name  = "npFirst";
            follow.Name = "npFollow";
            above.Name  = "npAbove";
            // path is built to work on specific terrain, make from int[x,z] array pathNode
            path = new Path(stage, pathNode, Path.PathType.LOOP); // continuous search path
            nextGoal = path.NextNode;                             // get first path goal
            agentObject.turnToFace(nextGoal.Translation);         // orient towards the first path goal
            // set snapDistance to be a little larger than step * stepSize
            snapDistance = (int)(1.5 * (agentObject.Step * agentObject.StepSize));
            treasureMode = false; // Treasure mode initilized to false - added by David Kopp
            score        = 0;     // Score of NPAgent initialized to 0 - added by David Kopp
            isCollidable = true;
            aStarDone    = false;
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle player input that affects the player.
        /// See Stage.Update(...) for handling user input that affects
        /// how the stage is rendered.
        /// First check if gamepad is connected, if true use gamepad
        /// otherwise assume and use keyboard.
        /// (Added by David Kopp) If the Player / Evader gets within
        /// 300 pixels of a treasure that is not tagged then it will be
        /// tagged and their score will increase by 1. If there is no
        /// untagged treasure then treasureMode = false.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameTime"></param>
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            KeyboardState keyboardState = Keyboard.GetState();

            if (keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.R) && !oldKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.R))
                agentObject.Orientation = initialOrientation;
            // allow more than one keyboardState to be pressed
            if (keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up))
            if (keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down))
            if (keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left))
            if (keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right))
            oldKeyboardState = keyboardState; // Update saved state.
            agentObject.Yaw  = rotate * angle;
            // Player / Evader tags closest Treasure if it is untagged - added by David Kopp
            NavNode temp = stage.Treasure.getTreasure(agentObject.Translation);

            if (temp != null && Vector3.Distance((temp.Translation), agentObject.Translation) < 75 && treasureMode)
                stage.Treasure.tagTreasure(temp.Translation); // Player tags the treasure - by David Kopp
//				treasureMode = false; // Uncomment to have the player play the treasure game - by David Kopp
                score++;                                      // Increase Player / Evader's score by 1 - by David Kopp
            else if (temp == null)                            // All treasures are tagged - by David Kopp
                treasureMode = false;
            rotate = agentObject.Step = 0;
예제 #6
        // finds the closest NavNode from the given location.
        public NavNode findClosestNavNodeInGraph(Vector3 location)
            NavNode closestNode      = new NavNode(new Vector3(0));
            float   shortestDistance = 100000.0f;
            float   distance         = 0.0f;
            SortedDictionary <String, NavNode> sortedList = new SortedDictionary <string, NavNode>(graph);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <String, NavNode> node in sortedList)
                distance = Vector3.Distance(node.Value.Translation, location);

                if (distance < shortestDistance)
                    shortestDistance = distance;
                    closestNode      = node.Value;

예제 #7
        // A *
        public List <NavNode> aStarPathFinding(NavNode source, NavNode destination)
            open   = new List <NavNode>();
            closed = new List <NavNode>();
            path   = new List <NavNode>();

            NavNode current = source;

            current.Cost = 0;


            open.Sort(delegate(NavNode n1, NavNode n2)

            while (open.Count != 0)
                current = open.First <NavNode>();
                open.Remove(open.First <NavNode>());

                if (current.Translation == destination.Translation)

                current.Navigatable = NavNode.NavNodeEnum.CLOSED;

                foreach (NavNode adjacent in current.Adjacent)
                    if (!open.Contains(adjacent) && !closed.Contains(adjacent))
                        adjacent.PredecessorNode = current;

                        adjacent.DistanceFromSource = current.DistanceFromSource +
                                                      Vector3.Distance(current.Translation, adjacent.Translation);

                        adjacent.DistanceToGoal =
                            Vector3.Distance(current.Translation, adjacent.Translation) +
                            Vector3.Distance(adjacent.Translation, destination.Translation);

                        adjacent.Cost = adjacent.DistanceFromSource + adjacent.DistanceToGoal;

                        adjacent.Navigatable = NavNode.NavNodeEnum.OPEN;

                open.Sort(delegate(NavNode n1, NavNode n2)

            while (Vector3.Distance(current.Translation, source.Translation) != 0.0)
                current.Navigatable = NavNode.NavNodeEnum.PATH;
                current = current.PredecessorNode;

            aStarCompleted = true;

예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Simple path following.  If within "snap distance" of a the nextGoal (a NavNode)
        /// move to the NavNode, get a new nextGoal, turnToFace() that goal.  Otherwise
        /// continue making steps towards the nextGoal. (Added by David Kopp) If treasure mode is enabled the nextGoal will be
        /// the closest treasure to the NPAgent. After the NPAgent tags the treasure nextGoal will be the last NavNode the
        /// NPAgent was going to before entering treasure mode.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            // Check for if in treasureMode and nextGoal is not a treasure, and the game is not over - by David Kopp
            if (treasureMode & !stage.Treasure.isTreasure(nextGoal.Translation) & !stage.Treasure.GameOver)
                NavNode temp = stage.Treasure.getTreasure(agentObject.Translation); // Location of closest treasure - by David Kopp
                if (temp != null && !stage.Treasure.isTagged(temp.Translation))     // If there is a treasure and the treasure is untagged - by David Kopp
                    nextGoalTemp = nextGoal;                                        // Hold the NavNode the Agent was going to before Treasure mode is enabled - by David Kopp
                    nextGoal     = temp;
            else if (treasureMode && stage.Treasure.isTreasure(nextGoal.Translation)) // Check if treasure mode is enabled and NPAgent is going to a treasure - by David Kopp
                if (stage.Treasure.GameOver)                                          // If the game is over in route to a treasure, that was just tagged, then the NPAgent goes back to following the static path - by David Kopp
                    nextGoal = nextGoalTemp;
                else if (!stage.Treasure.GameOver && stage.Treasure.isTagged(nextGoal.Translation)) // If the game is not over and in route the treasure gets tagged - by David Kopp
                    NavNode switchTemp = stage.Treasure.getTreasure(agentObject.Translation);       // Switch nextGoal with an untagged treasure - by David Kopp
                    if (switchTemp != null)                                                         // If the game is not over and in route to a treasure that just  got tagged, then NPAgent will goto the next closest untagged treasure - by David Kopp
                        nextGoal = switchTemp;
                    else                         // If the game is not over in route to a treasure and the treasure, which was the last untagged, gets tagged. NPAgent goes back to the static path and disable treasure mode - by David Kopp
                        nextGoal     = nextGoalTemp;
                        treasureMode = !treasureMode;
            else if (!treasureMode && stage.Treasure.isTreasure(nextGoal.Translation))                  // If treasure mode is disabled and the NPAgent was heading for a Treasure (Not implemented) - by David Kopp
                nextGoal = nextGoalTemp;

            agentObject.turnToFace(nextGoal.Translation);      // adjust to face nextGoal every move
            // See if at or close to nextGoal, distance measured in 2D xz plane
            float distance = Vector3.Distance(
                new Vector3(nextGoal.Translation.X, 0, nextGoal.Translation.Z),
                new Vector3(agentObject.Translation.X, 0, agentObject.Translation.Z));

            stage.setInfo(15, stage.agentLocation(this));
                          string.Format("          nextGoal ({0:f0}, {1:f0}, {2:f0})  distance to next goal = {3,5:f2})",
                                        nextGoal.Translation.X / stage.Spacing, nextGoal.Translation.Y, nextGoal.Translation.Z / stage.Spacing, distance));
            if (distance <= snapDistance && !stage.Treasure.isTreasure(nextGoal.Translation))                // Added if the nextGoal is not a treasure - by David Kopp
            // snap to nextGoal and orient toward the new nextGoal
                nextGoal = path.NextNode;
                // agentObject.turnToFace(nextGoal.Translation);
            else if (distance <= snapDistance && stage.Treasure.isTreasure(nextGoal.Translation)) // If the NPAgent approaches a treasure and tags it - Added by David Kopp
                stage.Treasure.tagTreasure(nextGoal.Translation);                                 // Tag the treasure - by David Kopp
                nextGoal     = nextGoalTemp;                                                      // NPAgent head back to last NavNode before treasure mode was enabled -by David Kopp
                treasureMode = false;                                                             // Disable treasure mode - by David Kopp
                score++;                                                                          // Increase NPAgent's treasure score by 1 - by David Kopp
            base.Update(gameTime);                                                                // Agent's Update();
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Simple path following.  If within "snap distance" of a the nextGoal (a NavNode)
        /// move to the NavNode, get a new nextGoal, turnToFace() that goal.  Otherwise
        /// continue making steps towards the nextGoal. (Added by David Kopp) If treasure mode is enabled the nextGoal will be
        /// the closest treasure to the NPAgent. After the NPAgent tags the treasure nextGoal will be the last NavNode the
        /// NPAgent was going to before entering treasure mode.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            // Treasure scan - By David Kopp
            NavNode scan = stage.Treasure.getTreasure(agentObject.Translation);

            if (!treasureMode && stage.Treasure.distanceToTreasure(agentObject.Translation, scan.Translation) <= 4000.0f &&
                nextGoalTemp    = nextGoal;
                scanTemp        = scan;
                treasureMode    = true;
                treasurePathing = true;

            // Start aStar and fix astar algorithm
            if (!aStarDone && treasureMode && treasurePathing && !stage.Treasure.GameOver)
                NavNode        closestGraphNode    = graph.nearestGraphPoint(agentObject.Translation);
                List <NavNode> aStarPath           = graph.aStarAlgorithm(closestGraphNode, scan);
                Path           treasureHuntingPath = new Path(stage, aStarPath, Path.PathType.LOOP);
                nextGoal  = treasureHuntingPath.NextNode;
                aStarDone = true;

            // This needs to check that the treasure is still not tagged and keep folowing astar path.
            if (aStarDone && !stage.Treasure.isTagged(scanTemp.Translation))
//			// Check for if in treasureMode and nextGoal is not a treasure, and the game is not over - by David Kopp
//			if (treasureMode & !stage.Treasure.isTreasure (nextGoal.Translation) & !stage.Treasure.GameOver) {
//				NavNode temp = stage.Treasure.getTreasure (agentObject.Translation); // Location of closest treasure - by David Kopp
//				if (temp != null && !stage.Treasure.isTagged (temp.Translation)) { // If there is a treasure and the treasure is untagged - by David Kopp
//					nextGoalTemp = nextGoal; // Hold the NavNode the Agent was going to before Treasure mode is enabled - by David Kopp
//					nextGoal = temp;
//				}
//			} else if (treasureMode && stage.Treasure.isTreasure (nextGoal.Translation)) { // Check if treasure mode is enabled and NPAgent is going to a treasure - by David Kopp
//				if (stage.Treasure.GameOver) { // If the game is over in route to a treasure, that was just tagged, then the NPAgent goes back to following the static path - by David Kopp
//					nextGoal = nextGoalTemp;
//				} else if (!stage.Treasure.GameOver && stage.Treasure.isTagged (nextGoal.Translation)) { // If the game is not over and in route the treasure gets tagged - by David Kopp
//					NavNode switchTemp = stage.Treasure.getTreasure (agentObject.Translation); // Switch nextGoal with an untagged treasure - by David Kopp
//					if (switchTemp != null) { // If the game is not over and in route to a treasure that just  got tagged, then NPAgent will goto the next closest untagged treasure - by David Kopp
//						nextGoal = switchTemp;
//					} else { // If the game is not over in route to a treasure and the treasure, which was the last untagged, gets tagged. NPAgent goes back to the static path and disable treasure mode - by David Kopp
//						nextGoal = nextGoalTemp;
//						treasureMode = !treasureMode;
//					}
//				}
//			} else if (!treasureMode && stage.Treasure.isTreasure (nextGoal.Translation)) { // If treasure mode is disabled and the NPAgent was heading for a Treasure (Not implemented) - by David Kopp
//				nextGoal = nextGoalTemp;
//			} else if (!treasureMode && !stage.Treasure.GameOver) { // new addition
//				treasureMode = true;
//				NavNode scan = stage.Treasure.getTreasure;
//				if (!aStarDone && stage.Treasure.distanceToTreasure(agentObject.Translation, scan.Translation) <= 4000.0f) {
//					nextGoalTemp = nextGoal;
//					NavNode findClosestNodeToTreasurePath = 0;
//				}
//			}

            //agentObject.turnToFace(nextGoal.Translation);  // adjust to face nextGoal every move
            // See if at or close to nextGoal, distance measured in 2D xz plane
            float distance = Vector3.Distance(
                new Vector3(nextGoal.Translation.X, 0, nextGoal.Translation.Z),
                new Vector3(agentObject.Translation.X, 0, agentObject.Translation.Z));

            stage.setInfo(15, stage.agentLocation(this));
                          string.Format("          nextGoal ({0:f0}, {1:f0}, {2:f0})  distance to next goal = {3,5:f2})",
                                        nextGoal.Translation.X / stage.Spacing, nextGoal.Translation.Y, nextGoal.Translation.Z / stage.Spacing, distance));

            // This section controls how the npagent goes back to the path after he snaps to the treasure. This section is not
            // complete and needs to have clearer conditions. many of these are still from project 1.
            if (distance <= snapDistance && !stage.Treasure.isTreasure(nextGoal.Translation))                        // Added if the nextGoal is not a treasure - by David Kopp
            // snap to nextGoal and orient toward the new nextGoal
                nextGoal = path.NextNode;
                // agentObject.turnToFace(nextGoal.Translation);
            else if (distance <= snapDistance && stage.Treasure.isTreasure(nextGoal.Translation)) // If the NPAgent approaches a treasure and tags it - Added by David Kopp
                stage.Treasure.tagTreasure(nextGoal.Translation);                                 // Tag the treasure - by David Kopp
                //nextGoal = nextGoalTemp; // NPAgent head back to last NavNode before treasure mode was enabled -by David Kopp
                //treasureMode = false; // Disable treasure mode - by David Kopp
                score++;           // Increase NPAgent's treasure score by 1 - by David Kopp
            base.Update(gameTime); // Agent's Update();
예제 #10
 /// <summary>
 ///  Added a treasure to NPA's goal
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="newTreasureNode">treasure</param>
 public void newTreasureGoal(NavNode newTreasureNode)
     nextGoal       = newTreasureNode;
     treasureTarget = newTreasureNode;