예제 #1
파일: AdsInfo.cs 프로젝트: kiddove/html
 // constructor
 public AdsInfo()
     tgt_location = new LocationInfo();
     tgt_network = new NetworkInfo();
     tgt_device = new DeviceInfo();
     tgt_language = new LanguageInfo();
     ads_bid = new List<BidInfo>();
     keyword = new List<string>();
     campaign_name = source = type_video_media = click_reference = src_account = camp_start_date = camp_stop_date = "";
예제 #2
파일: Condition.cs 프로젝트: kiddove/html
 // constructor
 public DeviceCondition()
     deviceinfo = new DeviceInfo();
예제 #3
파일: Filter.cs 프로젝트: kiddove/html
        public string GetFullResult()
            string strResult = "{}";
            AdsInfo adi = new AdsInfo();
                //SqlConnection sc = DBConn.GetConnection();
                using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
                    using (SqlConnection sc = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["sqlserver"].ConnectionString))
                        if (sc != null)
                            // step1. basic
                            //string strSQL = String.Format("select id, source, type_ads, type_video_media, click_reference, time_to_play_video_ads, src_account, convert(VARCHAR(24), camp_start_date, 20), convert(VARCHAR(24), camp_stop_date, 20), camp_status, campaign_name from dbo.tb_ads_info where camp_status = 1 and id {0}", m_condition.GetCondition());
                            string strSQL = String.Format("select id, source, type_ads, type_video_media, click_reference, time_to_play_video_ads, src_account, convert(VARCHAR(24), camp_start_date, 20), convert(VARCHAR(24), camp_stop_date, 20), camp_status, campaign_name, multstream from dbo.tb_ads_info where id {0}", m_condition.GetCondition(null));
                            // step2. addional
                            DataSet dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(sc, CommandType.Text, strSQL);

                            if (dt != null && dt.Tables.Count > 0 && dt.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1)
                                DataRow r = dt.Tables[0].Rows[0];
                                adi.id = Convert.ToInt32(r[0]);
                                adi.source = Convert.ToString(r[1]);
                                adi.type_ads = Convert.ToByte(r[2]);
                                adi.type_video_media = Convert.ToString(r[3]);
                                adi.click_reference = Convert.ToString(r[4]);
                                adi.time_to_play_video_ads = Convert.ToInt32(r[5]);
                                adi.src_account = Convert.ToString(r[6]);
                                adi.camp_start_date = Convert.ToString(r[7]);
                                adi.camp_stop_date = Convert.ToString(r[8]);
                                adi.camp_status = Convert.ToByte(r[9]);
                                adi.campaign_name = Convert.ToString(r[10]);
                                adi.multstream = Convert.ToString(r[11]);
                            // step2. addional

                            // network
                            //strSQL = String.Format("select b.network from dbo.tb_tgt_network as a, dbo.tb_network as b where a.network_id = b.network_id and a.id {0}", m_condition.GetCondition());
                            strSQL = String.Format("select network from dbo.tb_tgt_network where id {0}", m_condition.GetCondition(null));
                            dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(sc, CommandType.Text, strSQL);
                            if (dt != null && dt.Tables.Count > 0 && dt.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                NetworkInfo ni = new NetworkInfo();
                                foreach (DataRow r in dt.Tables[0].Rows)
                                adi.tgt_network = ni;
                            // device
                            //strSQL = String.Format("select b.device from dbo.tb_tgt_device as a, dbo.tb_device as b where a.device_id = b.device_id and a.id {0}", m_condition.GetCondition());
                            strSQL = String.Format("select device from dbo.tb_tgt_device where id {0}", m_condition.GetCondition(null));
                            dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(sc, CommandType.Text, strSQL);
                            if (dt != null && dt.Tables.Count > 0 && dt.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                DeviceInfo di = new DeviceInfo();
                                foreach (DataRow r in dt.Tables[0].Rows)
                                adi.tgt_device = di;
                            // language
                            //strSQL = String.Format("select b.language from dbo.tb_tgt_language as a, dbo.tb_language as b where a.language_id = b.language_id and a.id {0}", m_condition.GetCondition());
                            strSQL = String.Format("select language from dbo.tb_tgt_language where id {0}", m_condition.GetCondition(null));
                            dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(sc, CommandType.Text, strSQL);
                            if (dt != null && dt.Tables.Count > 0 && dt.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                LanguageInfo li = new LanguageInfo();
                                foreach (DataRow r in dt.Tables[0].Rows)
                                adi.tgt_language = li;

                            //// location
                            ////strSQL = String.Format("select cou.country, pro.province, ci.city from dbo.tb_tgt_location as l, dbo.tb_country as cou, dbo.tb_province as pro, dbo.tb_city as ci where l.location_code = (select right('000' + CAST((select country_id from tb_country where country = cou.country) as varchar(3)), 3) + right('000' + cast((select province_id from tb_province where province = pro.province) as varchar(3)), 3) + right('000' + cast((select city_id from tb_city where city = ci.city) as varchar(3)), 3)) and l.id {0} order by cou.country, pro.province, ci.city;", m_condition.GetCondition());
                            //strSQL = String.Format("select country, province, city from dbo.tb_tgt_location where id {0} order by country, province, city;", m_condition.GetCondition());
                            //dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(sc, CommandType.Text, strSQL);
                            //if (dt != null && dt.Tables.Count > 0 && dt.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                            //    LocationInfo lci = new LocationInfo();
                            //    int i1, i2;
                            //    foreach (DataRow r in dt.Tables[0].Rows)
                            //    {
                            //        string sCountry = Convert.ToString(r[0]);
                            //        string sProvince = Convert.ToString(r[1]);
                            //        string sCity = Convert.ToString(r[2]);

                            //        //i1 = lci.country.FindIndex(x => x.name == sCountry);
                            //        // all value from database should use ==
                            //        i1 = lci.country.FindIndex(x => x.name.Equals(sCountry, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                            //        if (i1 < 0)
                            //        {
                            //            CountryInfo ci = new CountryInfo();
                            //            ci.name = sCountry;
                            //            lci.country.Add(ci);
                            //            i1 = lci.country.Count - 1;
                            //        }

                            //        //lci.country[i1]
                            //        i2 = lci.country[i1].province.FindIndex(x => x.name == sProvince);
                            //        //i2 = lci.country.FindIndex(x => x.name.Equals(sProvince, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                            //        if (i2 < 0)
                            //        {
                            //            ProvinceInfo pi = new ProvinceInfo();
                            //            pi.name = sProvince;
                            //            lci.country[i1].province.Add(pi);
                            //            i2 = lci.country[i1].province.Count - 1;
                            //        }
                            //        lci.country[i1].province[i2].city.Add(sCity);
                            //    }
                            //    adi.tgt_location = lci;

                            // location
                            //strSQL = String.Format("select cou.country, pro.province, ci.city from dbo.tb_tgt_location as l, dbo.tb_country as cou, dbo.tb_province as pro, dbo.tb_city as ci where l.location_code = (select right('000' + CAST((select country_id from tb_country where country = cou.country) as varchar(3)), 3) + right('000' + cast((select province_id from tb_province where province = pro.province) as varchar(3)), 3) + right('000' + cast((select city_id from tb_city where city = ci.city) as varchar(3)), 3)) and l.id {0} order by cou.country, pro.province, ci.city;", m_condition.GetCondition());
                            strSQL = String.Format("select country, province_code, city from dbo.tb_tgt_location where id {0} order by country, province_code, city;", m_condition.GetCondition(null));
                            dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(sc, CommandType.Text, strSQL);
                            if (dt != null && dt.Tables.Count > 0 && dt.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                LocationInfo lci = new LocationInfo();
                                foreach (DataRow r in dt.Tables[0].Rows)
                                    GeoLocation gl = new GeoLocation();
                                    gl.country_name = Convert.ToString(r[0]);
                                    gl.region_code = Convert.ToString(r[1]);
                                    gl.city = Convert.ToString(r[2]);

                                adi.tgt_location = lci;

                            // bid info
                            strSQL = String.Format("select budget, price, describe from dbo.tb_bid_info where id {0}", m_condition.GetCondition(null));
                            dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(sc, CommandType.Text, strSQL);
                            if (dt != null && dt.Tables.Count > 0)// && dt.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1)
                                //BidInfo bi = new BidInfo();
                                foreach (DataRow r in dt.Tables[0].Rows)
                                    BidInfo bi = new BidInfo();
                                    bi.budget = Convert.ToInt32(r[0]);
                                    bi.price = Convert.ToInt32(r[1]);
                                    bi.describe = Convert.ToString(r[2]);


                            // keyword
                            strSQL = String.Format("select keyword from dbo.tb_keyword_info where id {0}", m_condition.GetCondition(null));
                            dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(sc, CommandType.Text, strSQL);
                            if (dt != null && dt.Tables.Count > 0)// && dt.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1)
                                //BidInfo bi = new BidInfo();
                                foreach (DataRow r in dt.Tables[0].Rows)
                            strResult = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(adi);
                            //Trace.WriteLine("can not get sql connection.");
                            AdssLogger.WriteLog("FinalFilter.GetFullResult() --- can not get sql connection.");
            catch (Exception e)
                AdssLogger.WriteLog("FinalFilter.GetFullResult() --- Exception: " + e.Message);

            return strResult;
예제 #4
파일: AdsInfo.cs 프로젝트: kiddove/html
 public GetListCondition()
     source = new List<string>();
     type_ads = new List<byte>();
     type_video_media = new List<string>();
     click_reference = new List<string>();
     time_to_play_video_ads = new List<int>();
     camp_start_date = new List<string>();
     camp_stop_date = new List<string>();
     camp_status = new List<byte>();
     tgt_location = new LocationInfo();
     tgt_network = new NetworkInfo();
     tgt_device = new DeviceInfo();
     tgt_language = new LanguageInfo();
     token = new List<string>();
     bid_ads = new List<BidInfo>();
     campaign_name = new List<string>();