protected void GridView1_RowDeleting(object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewDeleteEventArgs e) { int id = 0; var gridView1DataKey = GridView1.DataKeys[e.RowIndex]; if (gridView1DataKey != null) { id = Int32.Parse(gridView1DataKey.Value.ToString()); } int bid = 0; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["InventoryConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { connection.Open(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("select b.BillID,c.Name,c.CustomerID,c.Address,b.BillDate,b.GrandTotal,b.ShippingCharge,b.IsCanceled,ci.City,s.State,co.Country from Bill b,Customer c,City ci,Country co,State s where b.CustomerID=c.CustomerID and b.BillID='" + id + "' and c.CityID=ci.CityID and ci.StateID=s.StateID and s.CountryID=co.CountryID", connection); SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(command); DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); adp.Fill(dataTable); foreach (DataRow dr in dataTable.Rows) { BillClass bc = new BillClass() { BillId = int.Parse(dr["BillID"].ToString()), CustomerId = int.Parse(dr["CustomerID"].ToString()), CustomerName = dr["Name"].ToString(), Address = dr["Address"].ToString(), City = dr["City"].ToString(), Country = dr["Country"].ToString(), State = dr["State"].ToString(), ShippingCharge = float.Parse(dr["ShippingCharge"].ToString()), GrandTotal = float.Parse(dr["GrandTotal"].ToString()) }; ConfirmOrderForm.BillList.Add(bc); bid = (int)dr["BillID"]; if (dr["IsCanceled"].ToString() == "True") { Session["Order"] = "Already Canceled"; } else { Session["Order"] = "Not Canceled"; } break; } SqlCommand command1 = new SqlCommand("select p.ProductID,p.Name,b.Quantity,b.Price,b.DiscountPercentage,b.DiscountValue,b.ProductTotal from BillDetail b,Product p where b.BillID='" + bid + "' and b.ProductID=p.ProductID", connection); SqlDataAdapter adp1 = new SqlDataAdapter(command1); DataTable dataTable1 = new DataTable(); adp1.Fill(dataTable1); foreach (DataRow dr in dataTable1.Rows) { BillDetailClass bdc = new BillDetailClass() { ProductId = int.Parse(dr["ProductID"].ToString()), ProductName = dr["Name"].ToString(), Quantity = int.Parse(dr["Quantity"].ToString()), Price = float.Parse(dr["Price"].ToString()), DisPercentage = float.Parse(dr["DiscountPercentage"].ToString()), DisValue = float.Parse(dr["DiscountValue"].ToString()), Total = float.Parse(dr["ProductTotal"].ToString()) }; OrderWebForm.BillDetailList.Add(bdc); } connection.Close(); Response.Redirect("~/InvoiceForm.aspx"); } }
protected void btnAddNew_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int q, q2; float disper = 0, disval = 0, totalprice; //q = q2 = q3 = q4 = 0; var selectlist = BillDetailList.Where(x => x.ProductId == Convert.ToInt32(ddlProduct.SelectedValue)).ToList(); if (selectlist.Count == 0) { q = Int32.Parse(txtQuantity.Text); q2 = Quantity(Convert.ToInt32(ddlProduct.SelectedValue)); if (q <= q2) { totalprice = float.Parse(txtPrice.Text) * q; if (txtDiscount.Text != "") { disper = float.Parse(txtDiscount.Text); disval = disper * totalprice / 100; } BillDetailClass bdc = new BillDetailClass { ProductId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlProduct.SelectedValue), ProductName = ddlProduct.SelectedItem.ToString(), Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(txtQuantity.Text), Price = float.Parse(txtPrice.Text), DisPercentage = disper, DisValue = disval, Total = totalprice - disval }; BillDetailList.Add(bdc); Response.Redirect("OrderWebForm.aspx"); } else { Response.Write("Please enter quntity <=" + q2); } } else { foreach (var data in selectlist) { q = data.Quantity; var q3 = Quantity(data.ProductId); q2 = Int32.Parse(txtQuantity.Text); var q4 = q3 - q; if (q2 <= q4) { totalprice = float.Parse(txtPrice.Text) * (data.Quantity + q2); if (txtDiscount.Text != "") { disper = float.Parse(txtDiscount.Text); disval = disper * totalprice / 100; } BillDetailClass bdc = new BillDetailClass { ProductId = data.ProductId, ProductName = data.ProductName, Quantity = data.Quantity + q2, Price = float.Parse(txtPrice.Text), DisPercentage = float.Parse(txtDiscount.Text), DisValue = disval, Total = totalprice - disval }; var selectlist1 = BillDetailList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProductId == Convert.ToInt32(ddlProduct.SelectedValue)); BillDetailList.Remove(selectlist1); BillDetailList.Add(bdc); Response.Redirect("OrderWebForm.aspx"); } else { Response.Write("Please enter quntity <=" + q4); } } } }