public void MarkGymAttendance(int nPackageID, string strMembershipID, bool needToVerify) { string cmdText = "select npackageid from tblMemberPackage mp left join tblReceipt r on mp.strReceiptNo=r.strReceiptNo left join tblPackage p on mp.strPackageCode=p.strPackageCode " + "where mp.strReceiptNo is not null and r.strReceiptNo is null and nStatusID=0 and mp.strRemarks not like '%PKG MISSING FROM SYSTEM%' " + "and mp.strReceiptNo not like '%FOC%' and fFree=0 and p.nCategoryID not in (23,14) and nPackageID=@nPackageID "; TblInstructorCommission commission = new TblInstructorCommission(); DataTable dt = commission.LoadData(cmdText, new string[] { "@nPackageID" }, new object[] { nPackageID }); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Not allow to use this package as not receipt found.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } MemberPackage memberPackage = new MemberPackage(); myClassInstance.StrClassCode = "GYM"; DataTable table = myClassInstance.SelectAllWstrClassCodeLogic(); if (table == null || table.Rows.Count == 0) throw new Exception("Failed to mark GYM Attendance."); int nClassInstanceID = ACMS.Convert.ToInt32(table.Rows[0]["nClassInstanceID"]); bool createNewClassAttendance = false; if (needToVerify) { if (!VerifyMemberPackageAllowCertainClass(nPackageID,"GYM")) { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("The package you wish to use is not allow to attend the class. Do you still want to mark it. \n " + "(An unlinked record will be create if you click yes) ", "Warning",MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { MemberPackage.CreateUnlinkedMemberPackage(strMembershipID, ref nPackageID); } else { return; } //throw new Exception("The package you wish to use is not allow to attend the class. Please use other package."); } } createNewClassAttendance = memberPackage.NewClassAttendance(nPackageID, strMembershipID, nClassInstanceID, 1, User.BranchCode, DateTime.Today.Date, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, true); PrintClassAttendanceReminder(nPackageID, strMembershipID, nClassInstanceID); }
private decimal GetCommission(int nCommissionTypeID, int nInstructorTypeID) { string cmdText = "Select * From tblInstructorTypeCommission where nCommissionTypeID = @nCommissionTypeID And nInstructorTypeID = @nInstructorTypeID"; //myClassInstance.LoadData(cmdText, new string TblInstructorCommission commission = new TblInstructorCommission(); DataTable table = commission.LoadData(cmdText, new string[] {"@nCommissionTypeID", "@nInstructorTypeID"}, new object[]{nCommissionTypeID, nInstructorTypeID}); if (table != null && table.Rows.Count > 0) { return ACMS.Convert.ToDecimal(table.Rows[0]["mCommissionAmount"]); } return 0; }