public cCritterArmedPlayer(cGame pownergame = null)
            : base(pownergame)
            _sensitive       = false;
            _collidepriority = cCollider.CP_PLAYER;             /* Don't use the setCollidePriority mutator, as that
                                                                 * forces a call to pgame()->buildCollider(); */
            //	setDensity(cCritter.INFINITEDENSITY);
            //So it can bull through.  But it's wiser to let the individual games do this.
            AttitudeToMotionLock = false;         /* We want the player's
                                                   * attitude to be controlled by the listner actions and not by bumping into things,
                                                   * or moving with gravity. */
            AimToAttitudeLock    = true;          /* Normally
                                                   * we want a player to shoot in the dirction of his attitude. */
            cShape ppolygon = new cShape(3);

            /* Now make it a thin isoceles triangle, with the apex at the 0th vertex.
             * All that matters at first is the ratios of the numbers, as we will use
             * seRadius to make the thing the right size. */
            ppolygon.setVertex(0, new cVector3(4.0f, 0.0f));
            ppolygon.setVertex(1, new cVector3(0.0f, 1.0f));
            ppolygon.setVertex(2, new cVector3(0.0f, -1.0f));
            ppolygon.Radius = cCritter.PLAYERRADIUS; //Make it to a good size.
            Sprite          = ppolygon;              /* Normally the _prismdz will get changed to PLAYERPRISMDZ
                                                      * by the cGame.setPlayer call */
            PrismDz         = cSprite.PLAYERPRISMDZ;
예제 #2

        public void setEndsThicknessHeight(cVector3 enda, cVector3 endb,
                                           float thickness = THICKNESS, float height = WALLPRISMDZ)
            _position = (enda + endb) * 0.5f;

            /* This line is important, as otherwise the
             * cCritter.draw will thing this thing was wrapped,
             * and it'll get drawn in two places. */
            _tangent = endb - enda;
            float length = _tangent.Magnitude;

            _normal   = _tangent.defaultNormal(); /* We orient so that
                                                   * the normal is oriented to the tangent as the "y-axis"
                                                   * is to the the "x-axis".*/
            _binormal = _tangent.mult(_normal);
            _attitude = new cMatrix3(_tangent, _normal, _binormal, _position);
            Skeleton  = new cRealBox3(length, thickness, height);
            Speed     = 0.0f; /* Also sets _velocity to ZEROVECTOR,
                               * but doesn't wipe out _direction. */
            /*In looking at these settings, think of the wall as aligned horizontally with endb - enda pointing to the right and the normal pointing into the screen*/
            cShape ppolygon = new cShape(4);

            ppolygon.Edged           = true;
            ppolygon.FillColor       = Color.Gray;
            ppolygon.LineWidthWeight = cColorStyle.LW_IGNORELINEWIDTHWEIGHT;
            ppolygon.LineWidth       = 1;
            //Means draw a one-pixel edge line.
            ppolygon.setVertex(0, new cVector3(0.5f * length, 0.5f * thickness));
            ppolygon.setVertex(1, new cVector3(-0.5f * length, 0.5f * thickness));
            ppolygon.setVertex(2, new cVector3(-0.5f * length, -0.5f * thickness));
            ppolygon.setVertex(3, new cVector3(0.5f * length, -0.5f * thickness));
            ppolygon.fixCenterAndRadius(); /* Use this call after a bunch
                                            * of setVertex if points are just where you want. */
            ppolygon.SpriteAttitude = cMatrix3.translation(new cVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -height / 2.0f));

            /* This corrects for the fact that we always draw the ppolygon with its
             * bottom face in the xy plane and its top in the plane z = height.  We
             * shift it down so it's drawn to match the skeleton positon. */
            Sprite = ppolygon; /* Also sets cSprite._prismdz to
                                * cCritter._defaultprismdz, which we set to
                                * CritterWall.WALLPRISMDZ in our cCritterWall
                                * constructor. */