public void Crossfade(float _changeTime, _Camera _linkedCamera) { object[] parms = new object[2] { _changeTime, _linkedCamera }; StartCoroutine("StartCrossfade", parms); }
protected void Start() { if (KickStarter.stateHandler) { KickStarter.stateHandler.Register(this); } Upgrade(); if (limitToCameras.Count == 0 || KickStarter.mainCamera == null) { return; } activeCamera = KickStarter.mainCamera.attachedCamera; if (activeCamera != null && !isLockedOff) { if (limitToCameras.Contains(activeCamera)) { SetVisibility(true); } else { SetVisibility(false); } } else { SetVisibility(false); } }
/** * <summary>Upgrades the component to make use of the limitToCameras List, rather than the singular limitToCamera variable.</summary> */ public void Upgrade() { if (limitToCameras == null) { limitToCameras = new List <_Camera>(); } if (limitToCamera != null) { if (!limitToCameras.Contains(limitToCamera)) { limitToCameras.Add(limitToCamera); } limitToCamera = null; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (Application.isPlaying) { ACDebug.Log("LimitVisibility component on '" + + "' has been temporarily upgraded - please view its Inspector when the game ends and save the scene."); } else { UnityVersionHandler.CustomSetDirty(this, true); ACDebug.Log("Upgraded LimitVisibility on '" + + "', please save the scene."); } #endif } }
/** * <summary>Triggers the OnSwitchCamera event.</summary> * <param name = "dragBase">The object being picked up</param> */ public void Call_OnSwitchCamera(_Camera fromCamera, _Camera toCamera, float transitionTime) { if (OnSwitchCamera != null) { OnSwitchCamera(fromCamera, toCamera, transitionTime); } }
/** * <summary>Registers a _Camera, so that it can be updated</summary> * <param name = "_object">The _Camera to register</param> */ public void Register(_Camera _object) { if (!cameras.Contains(_object)) { cameras.Add(_object); } }
override public void Skip() { MainCamera mainCam = KickStarter.mainCamera; if (mainCam) { _Camera cam = linkedCamera; if (returnToLast && mainCam.lastNavCamera) { if (mainCam.lastNavCamera != null && mainCam.attachedCamera == mainCam.lastNavCamera) { cam = (_Camera)mainCam.lastNavCamera2; } else { cam = (_Camera)mainCam.lastNavCamera; } } if (cam) { if (cam is GameCameraThirdPerson) { GameCameraThirdPerson tpCam = (GameCameraThirdPerson)cam; tpCam.ResetRotation(); } mainCam.SetGameCamera(cam); cam.MoveCameraInstant(); mainCam.SnapToAttached(); } } }
/** * <summary>Unregisters a _Camera, so that it is no longer updated</summary> * <param name = "_object">The _Camera to unregister</param> */ public void Unregister(_Camera _object) { if (cameras.Contains(_object)) { cameras.Remove(_object); } }
public override void ShowGUI(List <ActionParameter> parameters) { returnToLast = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Return to last gameplay?", returnToLast); if (!returnToLast) { parameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI("New camera:", parameters, parameterID, ParameterType.GameObject); if (parameterID >= 0) { constantID = 0; linkedCamera = null; } else { linkedCamera = (_Camera)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("New camera:", linkedCamera, typeof(_Camera), true); constantID = FieldToID <_Camera> (linkedCamera, constantID); linkedCamera = IDToField <_Camera> (linkedCamera, constantID, true); } } transitionTimeParameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI("Transition time (s):", parameters, transitionTimeParameterID, ParameterType.Float); if (transitionTimeParameterID < 0) { transitionTime = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Transition time (s):", transitionTime); } fadeCurve = (AnimationCurve)EditorGUILayout.CurveField("Transition curve:", fadeCurve); willWait = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Wait until finish?", willWait); AfterRunningOption(); }
/** * Updates the visibility based on the attached camera. This is public so that it can be called by StateHandler. */ public void _Update() { if (limitToCameras.Count == 0 || KickStarter.mainCamera == null) { return; } activeCamera = KickStarter.mainCamera.attachedCamera; transitionCamera = KickStarter.mainCamera.GetTransitionFromCamera(); if (isLockedOff) { if (isVisible) { SetVisibility(false); } return; } if (activeCamera != null && limitToCameras.Contains(activeCamera)) { SetVisibility(!negateEffect); } else if (transitionCamera != null && limitToCameras.Contains(transitionCamera)) { SetVisibility(!negateEffect); } else { SetVisibility(negateEffect); } }
/** * <summary>Custom (MG): Runs the Actions from a set point. Refers to a given camera.</summary> * <param name = "i">The index number of actions to start from</param> * <param name = "addToSkipQueue">If True, then the ActionList will be skipped when the user presses the 'EndCutscene' Input button</param> */ public void InteractWithActionCamera(_Camera linkedCamera) { if (actions.Count > 0) { if (triggerTime > 0f) { StartCoroutine("PauseUntilStart", true); } else { isSkipping = false; StopCoroutine("PauseUntilStart"); StopCoroutine("RunAction"); StopCoroutine("EndCutscene"); foreach (Action action in actions) { var actionCamera = action as ActionCamera; if (actionCamera != null) { actionCamera.linkedCamera = linkedCamera; } action.isRunning = false; } ResetSkips(); BeginActionList(0, true); } } else { Kill(); } }
override public void Skip() { MainCamera mainCam = KickStarter.mainCamera; if (mainCam) { _Camera cam = linkedCamera; if (returnToLast) { cam = mainCam.GetLastGameplayCamera(); } if (cam) { if (cam is GameCameraThirdPerson) { GameCameraThirdPerson tpCam = (GameCameraThirdPerson)cam; tpCam.ResetRotation(); } cam.MoveCameraInstant(); mainCam.SetGameCamera(cam); } } }
private void Start() { Upgrade(); if (limitToCameras.Count == 0 || KickStarter.mainCamera == null) { return; } activeCamera = KickStarter.mainCamera.attachedCamera; if (activeCamera != null && !isLockedOff) { if (limitToCameras.Contains(activeCamera)) { SetVisibility(true); } else { SetVisibility(false); } } else { SetVisibility(false); } }
override public void ShowGUI(List <ActionParameter> parameters) { bool showWaitOption = false; returnToLast = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Return to last gameplay?", returnToLast); if (!returnToLast) { parameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI("New camera:", parameters, parameterID, ParameterType.GameObject); if (parameterID >= 0) { constantID = 0; linkedCamera = null; } else { linkedCamera = (_Camera)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("New camera:", linkedCamera, typeof(_Camera), true); constantID = FieldToID <_Camera> (linkedCamera, constantID); linkedCamera = IDToField <_Camera> (linkedCamera, constantID, true); } if (linkedCamera && linkedCamera is GameCameraAnimated) { GameCameraAnimated animatedCamera = (GameCameraAnimated)linkedCamera; if (animatedCamera.animatedCameraType == AnimatedCameraType.PlayWhenActive && transitionTime <= 0f) { showWaitOption = true; } } } if (linkedCamera is GameCamera25D && !returnToLast) { transitionTime = 0f; } else { transitionTime = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Transition time (s):", transitionTime); if (transitionTime > 0f) { moveMethod = (MoveMethod)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Move method:", moveMethod); showWaitOption = true; if (moveMethod == MoveMethod.CustomCurve) { timeCurve = EditorGUILayout.CurveField("Time curve:", timeCurve); } } } if (showWaitOption) { willWait = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Wait until finish?", willWait); } AfterRunningOption(); }
public override void OnGraphStop(Playable playable) { if (MainCamera != null) { lastFrameCamera = null; MainCamera.ReleaseTimelineOverride(); } }
protected void OnSwitchCamera(_Camera oldCamera, _Camera newCamera, float transitionTime) { if (limitToCamera == null) { return; } LimitToActiveCamera(newCamera); }
override public void AssignValues(List <ActionParameter> parameters) { linkedCamera = AssignFile <_Camera> (parameters, parameterID, constantID, linkedCamera); if (returnToLast) { linkedCamera = KickStarter.mainCamera.GetLastGameplayCamera(); } }
/** * <summary>Creates a new instance of the 'Camera: Crossfade' Action with key variables already set.</summary> * <param name = "newCamera">The camera to crossfade to</param> * <param name = "transitionTime">The time, in seconds, to take while transitioning to the new camera</param> * <param name = "waitUntilFinish">If True, then the Action will wait until the transition is complete<param> * <returns>The generated Action</returns> */ public static ActionCameraCrossfade CreateNew(_Camera newCamera, float transitionTime = 1f, bool waitUntilFinish = false) { ActionCameraCrossfade newAction = (ActionCameraCrossfade)CreateInstance <ActionCameraCrossfade>(); newAction.linkedCamera = newCamera; newAction.transitionTime = transitionTime; newAction.willWait = waitUntilFinish; return(newAction); }
public override void AssignValues(List<ActionParameter> parameters) { linkedCamera = AssignFile <_Camera> (parameters, parameterID, constantID, linkedCamera); if (returnToLast) { linkedCamera = KickStarter.mainCamera.GetLastGameplayCamera (); } }
/** * <summary>Goes through all Hotspots in the scene, and limits their enabed state based on a specific _Camera, if appropriate.</summary> * <param name = "_camera">The _Camera to attempt to limit all Hotspots to</param> */ public void LimitHotspotsToCamera(_Camera _camera) { if (_camera != null) { for (_i = 0; _i < hotspots.Count; _i++) { hotspots[_i].LimitToCamera(_camera); } } }
/** * <summary>Creates a new instance of the 'Camera: Split-screen' Action, set to overlay one camera over another</summary> * <param name = "underlayCamera">The camera to display full-screen underneath</param> * <param name = "overlayCamera">The camera to display on top</param> * <param name = "overlayRect">The portion of the screen that the overlay camera is drawn in</param> * <returns>The generated Action</returns> */ public static ActionCameraSplit CreateNew_Overlay(_Camera underlayCamera, _Camera overlayCamera, Rect overlayRect) { ActionCameraSplit newAction = (ActionCameraSplit)CreateInstance <ActionCameraSplit>(); newAction.orientation = CameraSplitOrientation.Overlay; newAction.cam1 = underlayCamera; newAction.cam2 = overlayCamera; newAction.overlayRect = overlayRect; return(newAction); }
/** * <summary>Creates a new instance of the 'Camera: Switch' Action with key variables already set.</summary> * <param name = "newCamera">The camera to switch to</param> * <param name = "duration">The time, in seconds, to take while transitioning to the new camera</param> * <param name = "waitUntilFinish">If True, then the Action will wait until the transition is complete<param> * <param name = "moveMethod">The method of moving from the current camera to the new camera, if transitionTime > 0</param> * <returns>The generated Action</returns> */ public static ActionCamera CreateNew(_Camera newCamera, float duration = 0f, bool waitUntilFinish = true, MoveMethod moveMethod = MoveMethod.Smooth) { ActionCamera newAction = (ActionCamera)CreateInstance <ActionCamera>(); newAction.linkedCamera = newCamera; newAction.transitionTime = duration; newAction.moveMethod = moveMethod; newAction.willWait = waitUntilFinish; return(newAction); }
/** * <summary>Goes through all Hotspots in the scene, and limits their enabed state based on a specific _Camera, if appropriate.</summary> * <param name = "_camera">The _Camera to attempt to limit all Hotspots to</param> */ public void LimitHotspotsToCamera(_Camera _camera) { if (_camera != null) { foreach (Hotspot hotspot in hotspots) { hotspot.LimitToCamera(_camera); } } }
public override void AssignValues(List <ActionParameter> parameters) { runtimeLinkedCamera = AssignFile <_Camera> (parameters, parameterID, constantID, linkedCamera); transitionTime = AssignFloat(parameters, transitionTimeParameterID, transitionTime); if (returnToLast) { runtimeLinkedCamera = KickStarter.mainCamera.GetLastGameplayCamera(); } }
public void RemoveSplitScreen() { isSplitScreen = false; SetCameraRect(); if (splitCamera) { splitCamera.RemoveSplitScreen(); splitCamera = null; } }
override public void ShowGUI(List <ActionParameter> parameters) { turnOff = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Disable previous split?", turnOff); if (!turnOff) { string label1 = "Top"; string label2 = "Bottom"; orientation = (MenuOrientation)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Divider:", orientation); if (orientation == MenuOrientation.Vertical) { label1 = "Left"; label2 = "Right"; } parameterID1 = Action.ChooseParameterGUI(label1 + " camera:", parameters, parameterID1, ParameterType.GameObject); if (parameterID1 >= 0) { constantID1 = 0; cam1 = null; } else { cam1 = (_Camera)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(label1 + " camera:", cam1, typeof(_Camera), true); constantID1 = FieldToID <_Camera> (cam1, constantID1); cam1 = IDToField <_Camera> (cam1, constantID1, false); } splitAmount1 = EditorGUILayout.Slider(label1 + " camera space:", splitAmount1, 0f, 1f); parameterID2 = Action.ChooseParameterGUI(label2 + " camera:", parameters, parameterID2, ParameterType.GameObject); if (parameterID2 >= 0) { constantID2 = 0; cam2 = null; } else { cam2 = (_Camera)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(label2 + " camera:", cam2, typeof(_Camera), true); constantID2 = FieldToID <_Camera> (cam2, constantID2); cam2 = IDToField <_Camera> (cam2, constantID2, false); } splitAmount2 = Mathf.Min(splitAmount2, 1f - splitAmount1); splitAmount2 = EditorGUILayout.Slider(label2 + " camera space:", splitAmount2, 0f, 1f); splitAmount1 = Mathf.Min(splitAmount1, 1f - splitAmount2); mainIsTopLeft = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Main Camera is " + label1.ToLower() + "?", mainIsTopLeft); } AfterRunningOption(); }
/** * <summary>Creates a new instance of the 'Camera: Split-screen' Action, set to arrange two cameras side by side</summary> * <param name = "leftCamera">The camera to on the left</param> * <param name = "rightCamera">The camera to display on the right</param> * <param name = "leftIsActive">If True, the left camera will be interactive. Otherwise, the right camera will be</param> * <param name = "leftCameraSpace">The proportion of the screen's width that the left camera takes up</param> * <param name = "rightCameraSpace">The proportion of the screen's width that the right camera takes up</param> * <returns>The generated Action</returns> */ public static ActionCameraSplit CreateNew_SideBySide(_Camera leftCamera, _Camera rightCamera, bool leftIsActive = true, float leftCameraSpace = 0.49f, float rightCameraSpace = 0.49f) { ActionCameraSplit newAction = (ActionCameraSplit)CreateInstance <ActionCameraSplit>(); newAction.orientation = CameraSplitOrientation.Vertical; newAction.cam1 = leftCamera; newAction.cam2 = rightCamera; newAction.mainIsTopLeft = leftIsActive; newAction.splitAmount1 = leftCameraSpace; newAction.splitAmount2 = rightCameraSpace; return(newAction); }
public void SetSplitScreen(_Camera _camera1, _Camera _camera2, MenuOrientation _splitOrientation, bool _isTopLeft, float splitAmountMain, float splitAmountOther) { splitCamera = _camera2; isSplitScreen = true; splitOrientation = _splitOrientation; isTopLeftSplit = _isTopLeft; SetGameCamera(_camera1); SnapToAttached(); StartSplitScreen(splitAmountMain, splitAmountOther); }
/** * <summary>Creates a new instance of the 'Camera: Split-screen' Action, set to arrange two cameras above and below each other</summary> * <param name = "topCamera">The camera to at the top</param> * <param name = "bottomCamera">The camera to display at the bottom</param> * <param name = "topIsActive">If True, the top camera will be interactive. Otherwise, the bottom camera will be</param> * <param name = "topCameraSpace">The proportion of the screen's height that the top camera takes up</param> * <param name = "bottomCameraSpace">The proportion of the screen's height that the bottom camera takes up</param> * <returns>The generated Action</returns> */ public static ActionCameraSplit CreateNew_AboveAndBelow(_Camera topCamera, _Camera bottomCamera, bool topIsActive = true, float topCameraSpace = 0.49f, float bottomCameraSpace = 0.49f) { ActionCameraSplit newAction = (ActionCameraSplit)CreateInstance <ActionCameraSplit>(); newAction.orientation = CameraSplitOrientation.Horizontal; newAction.cam1 = topCamera; newAction.cam2 = bottomCamera; newAction.mainIsTopLeft = topIsActive; newAction.splitAmount1 = topCameraSpace; newAction.splitAmount2 = bottomCameraSpace; return(newAction); }
public override void OnGraphStop(Playable playable) { if (MainCamera) { lastFrameCamera = null; MainCamera.ReleaseTimelineOverride(); if (callCustomEvents && lastFrameCamera != KickStarter.mainCamera.attachedCamera) { KickStarter.eventManager.Call_OnSwitchCamera(lastFrameCamera, KickStarter.mainCamera.attachedCamera, 0f); } } }
private void Start() { activeCamera = KickStarter.mainCamera.attachedCamera; if (activeCamera == limitToCamera) { SetVisibility (true); } else if (activeCamera != limitToCamera) { SetVisibility (false); } }
private void Update() { activeCamera = KickStarter.mainCamera.attachedCamera; if (activeCamera == limitToCamera && !isVisible) { SetVisibility(true); } else if (activeCamera != limitToCamera && isVisible) { SetVisibility(false); } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { _Camera _target = (_Camera)target; EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Attach this script to a custom Camera type to integrate it with Adventure Creator.", MessageType.Info); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("Button"); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Depth of field", EditorStyles.boldLabel); _target.focalDistance = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Focal distance", _target.focalDistance); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); UnityVersionHandler.CustomSetDirty(_target); }
/** * Updates the visibility based on the attached camera. This is public so that it can be called by StateHandler. */ public void _Update() { activeCamera = KickStarter.mainCamera.attachedCamera; if (!isLockedOff) { if (activeCamera == limitToCamera && !isVisible) { SetVisibility (true); } else if (activeCamera != limitToCamera && isVisible) { SetVisibility (false); } } else if (isVisible) { SetVisibility (false); } }
public override void AssignValues(List<ActionParameter> parameters) { linkedCamera = AssignFile <_Camera> (parameters, parameterID, constantID, linkedCamera); transitionTime = AssignFloat (parameters, transitionTimeParameterID, transitionTime); }
override public void ShowGUI (List<ActionParameter> parameters) { parameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI ("New camera:", parameters, parameterID, ParameterType.GameObject); if (parameterID >= 0) { constantID = 0; linkedCamera = null; } else { linkedCamera = (_Camera) EditorGUILayout.ObjectField ("New camera:", linkedCamera, typeof(_Camera), true); constantID = FieldToID <_Camera> (linkedCamera, constantID); linkedCamera = IDToField <_Camera> (linkedCamera, constantID, true); } transitionTime = EditorGUILayout.FloatField ("Transition time (s):", transitionTime); willWait = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Wait until finish?", willWait); AfterRunningOption (); }
override public void AssignValues (List<ActionParameter> parameters) { linkedCamera = AssignFile <_Camera> (parameters, parameterID, constantID, linkedCamera); }
/** * <summary>Creates a new split-screen effect.</summary> * <param name = "_camera1">The first _Camera to use in the effect</param> * <param name = "_camera2">The second _Camera to use in the effect</param> * <param name = "_splitOrientation">How the two _Cameras are arranged (Horizontal, Vertical)</param> * <param name = "_isTopLeft">If True, the MainCamera will take the position of _camera1</param> * <param name = "_splitAmountMain">The proportion of the screen taken up by this Camera</param> * <param name = "_splitAmountOther">The proportion of the screen take up by the other _Camera</param> */ public void SetSplitScreen(_Camera _camera1, _Camera _camera2, MenuOrientation _splitOrientation, bool _isTopLeft, float _splitAmountMain, float _splitAmountOther) { splitCamera = _camera2; isSplitScreen = true; splitOrientation = _splitOrientation; isTopLeftSplit = _isTopLeft; SetGameCamera (_camera1); StartSplitScreen (_splitAmountMain, _splitAmountOther); }
/** * <summary>Sets a _Camera as the new attachedCamera to follow.</summary> * <param name = "newCamera">The new _Camera to follow</param> * <param name = "transitionTime">The time, in seconds, that it will take to move towards the new _Camera</param> * <param name = "_moveMethod">How the Camera should move towards the new _Camera, if transitionTime > 0f (Linear, Smooth, Curved, EaseIn, EaseOut, CustomCurve)</param> * <param name = "_animationCurve">The AnimationCurve that dictates movement over time, if _moveMethod = MoveMethod.CustomCurve</param> */ public void SetGameCamera(_Camera newCamera, float transitionTime = 0f, MoveMethod _moveMethod = MoveMethod.Linear, AnimationCurve _animationCurve = null) { if (newCamera == null) { return; } if (attachedCamera != null && attachedCamera is GameCamera25D) { if (newCamera is GameCamera25D) { } else { RemoveBackground (); } } AssignOwnCamera (); _camera.ResetProjectionMatrix (); attachedCamera = newCamera; attachedCamera.SetCameraComponent (); if (attachedCamera && attachedCamera._camera) { _camera.farClipPlane = attachedCamera._camera.farClipPlane; _camera.nearClipPlane = attachedCamera._camera.nearClipPlane; _camera.orthographic = attachedCamera._camera.orthographic; } // Set LookAt if (attachedCamera is GameCamera) { GameCamera gameCam = (GameCamera) attachedCamera; cursorAffectsRotation = gameCam.followCursor; lookAtAmount = gameCam.cursorInfluence; } else if (attachedCamera is GameCameraAnimated) { GameCameraAnimated gameCam = (GameCameraAnimated) attachedCamera; if (gameCam.animatedCameraType == AnimatedCameraType.SyncWithTargetMovement) { cursorAffectsRotation = gameCam.followCursor; lookAtAmount = gameCam.cursorInfluence; } else { cursorAffectsRotation = false; } } else { cursorAffectsRotation = false; } // Set background if (attachedCamera is GameCamera25D) { GameCamera25D cam25D = (GameCamera25D) attachedCamera; cam25D.SetActiveBackground (); } // TransparencySortMode if (attachedCamera is GameCamera2D) { _camera.transparencySortMode = TransparencySortMode.Orthographic; } else if (attachedCamera) { if (attachedCamera._camera.orthographic) { _camera.transparencySortMode = TransparencySortMode.Orthographic; } else { _camera.transparencySortMode = TransparencySortMode.Perspective; } } // UFPS if (KickStarter.settingsManager.movementMethod == MovementMethod.UltimateFPS) { UltimateFPSIntegration._Update (KickStarter.stateHandler.gameState); } KickStarter.stateHandler.LimitHotspotsToCamera (attachedCamera); if (transitionTime > 0f) { SmoothChange (transitionTime, _moveMethod, _animationCurve); } else if (attachedCamera != null) { attachedCamera.MoveCameraInstant (); SnapToAttached (); } }
/** * Activates the FirstPersonCamera found in the Player prefab. */ public void SetFirstPerson() { FirstPersonCamera firstPersonCamera = KickStarter.player.GetComponentInChildren<FirstPersonCamera>(); if (firstPersonCamera) { SetGameCamera (firstPersonCamera); } if (attachedCamera) { if (lastNavCamera != attachedCamera) { lastNavCamera2 = lastNavCamera; } lastNavCamera = attachedCamera; } }
/** * Ends any active split-screen effect. */ public void RemoveSplitScreen() { isSplitScreen = false; SetCameraRect (); if (splitCamera) { splitCamera.RemoveSplitScreen (); splitCamera = null; } }
/** * <summary>Crossfades to a new _Camera over time.</summary> * <param name = "_changeTime">The duration, in seconds, of the crossfade</param> * <param name = "_linkedCamera">The _Camera to crossfade to</param> */ public void Crossfade(float _changeTime, _Camera _linkedCamera) { object[] parms = new object[2] { _changeTime, _linkedCamera}; StartCoroutine ("StartCrossfade", parms); }
/** * Updates the Camera's position. * This is called every frame by StateHandler. */ public void _LateUpdate() { if (KickStarter.settingsManager && KickStarter.settingsManager.IsInLoadingScene ()) { return; } if (KickStarter.stateHandler.gameState == GameState.Normal) { if (attachedCamera) { if (lastNavCamera != attachedCamera) { lastNavCamera2 = lastNavCamera; } lastNavCamera = attachedCamera; } } if (attachedCamera && (!(attachedCamera is GameCamera25D))) { if (!isSmoothChanging) { transform.rotation = attachedCamera.transform.rotation; transform.position = attachedCamera.transform.position; focalDistance = attachedCamera.focalDistance; if (attachedCamera is GameCamera2D) { GameCamera2D cam2D = (GameCamera2D) attachedCamera; perspectiveOffset = cam2D.GetPerspectiveOffset (); if (!_camera.orthographic) { _camera.projectionMatrix = AdvGame.SetVanishingPoint (_camera, perspectiveOffset); } else { _camera.orthographicSize = attachedCamera._camera.orthographicSize; } } else { _camera.fieldOfView = attachedCamera._camera.fieldOfView; if (cursorAffectsRotation) { SetlookAtTransformation (); transform.LookAt (lookAtTransform, attachedCamera.transform.up); } } } else { // Move from one GameCamera to another if (Time.time < startTime + changeTime) { if (attachedCamera is GameCamera2D) { GameCamera2D cam2D = (GameCamera2D) attachedCamera; perspectiveOffset.x = AdvGame.Lerp (startPerspectiveOffset.x, cam2D.GetPerspectiveOffset ().x, AdvGame.Interpolate (startTime, changeTime, moveMethod, timeCurve)); perspectiveOffset.y = AdvGame.Lerp (startPerspectiveOffset.y, cam2D.GetPerspectiveOffset ().y, AdvGame.Interpolate (startTime, changeTime, moveMethod, timeCurve)); _camera.ResetProjectionMatrix (); } if (moveMethod == MoveMethod.Curved) { // Don't slerp y position as this will create a "bump" effect Vector3 newPosition = Vector3.Slerp (startPosition, attachedCamera.transform.position, AdvGame.Interpolate (startTime, changeTime, moveMethod, timeCurve)); newPosition.y = Mathf.Lerp (startPosition.y, attachedCamera.transform.position.y, AdvGame.Interpolate (startTime, changeTime, moveMethod, timeCurve)); transform.position = newPosition; transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp (startRotation, attachedCamera.transform.rotation, AdvGame.Interpolate (startTime, changeTime, moveMethod, timeCurve)); } else { transform.position = AdvGame.Lerp (startPosition, attachedCamera.transform.position, AdvGame.Interpolate (startTime, changeTime, moveMethod, timeCurve)); transform.rotation = AdvGame.Lerp (startRotation, attachedCamera.transform.rotation, AdvGame.Interpolate (startTime, changeTime, moveMethod, timeCurve)); } focalDistance = AdvGame.Lerp (startFocalDistance, attachedCamera.focalDistance, AdvGame.Interpolate (startTime, changeTime, moveMethod, timeCurve)); _camera.fieldOfView = AdvGame.Lerp (startFOV, attachedCamera._camera.fieldOfView, AdvGame.Interpolate (startTime, changeTime, moveMethod, timeCurve)); _camera.orthographicSize = AdvGame.Lerp (startOrtho, attachedCamera._camera.orthographicSize, AdvGame.Interpolate (startTime, changeTime, moveMethod, timeCurve)); if (attachedCamera is GameCamera2D && !_camera.orthographic) { _camera.projectionMatrix = AdvGame.SetVanishingPoint (_camera, perspectiveOffset); } } else { LookAtCentre (); isSmoothChanging = false; } } if (cursorAffectsRotation && lookAtTransform != null) { lookAtTransform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp (lookAtTransform.localPosition, lookAtTarget, Time.deltaTime * 3f); } } else if (attachedCamera && (attachedCamera is GameCamera25D)) { transform.position = attachedCamera.transform.position; transform.rotation = attachedCamera.transform.rotation; } // Shake if (shakeIntensity > 0f) { if (shakeMove) { shakePosition = Random.insideUnitSphere * shakeIntensity * 0.5f; } shakeRotation = new Vector3 ( Random.Range (-shakeIntensity, shakeIntensity) * 0.2f, Random.Range (-shakeIntensity, shakeIntensity) * 0.2f, Random.Range (-shakeIntensity, shakeIntensity) * 0.2f ); shakeIntensity = Mathf.Lerp (shakeStartIntensity, 0f, AdvGame.Interpolate (shakeStartTime, shakeDuration, MoveMethod.Linear, null)); transform.position += shakePosition; transform.localEulerAngles += shakeRotation; } else if (shakeIntensity < 0f) { StopShaking (); } }
public void LimitToCamera(_Camera _limitToCamera) { if (limitToCamera != null && _limitToCamera != null) { if (_limitToCamera == limitToCamera && isOn) { TurnOn (false); } else { TurnOff (false); } } }
public override void ShowGUI(List<ActionParameter> parameters) { bool showWaitOption = false; returnToLast = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Return to last gameplay?", returnToLast); if (!returnToLast) { parameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI ("New camera:", parameters, parameterID, ParameterType.GameObject); if (parameterID >= 0) { constantID = 0; linkedCamera = null; } else { linkedCamera = (_Camera) EditorGUILayout.ObjectField ("New camera:", linkedCamera, typeof (_Camera), true); constantID = FieldToID <_Camera> (linkedCamera, constantID); linkedCamera = IDToField <_Camera> (linkedCamera, constantID, true); } if (linkedCamera && linkedCamera is GameCameraAnimated) { GameCameraAnimated animatedCamera = (GameCameraAnimated) linkedCamera; if (animatedCamera.animatedCameraType == AnimatedCameraType.PlayWhenActive && transitionTime <= 0f) { showWaitOption = true; } } } if (linkedCamera is GameCamera25D && !returnToLast) { transitionTime = 0f; } else { transitionTimeParameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI ("Transition time (s):", parameters, transitionTimeParameterID, ParameterType.Float); if (transitionTimeParameterID < 0) { transitionTime = EditorGUILayout.FloatField ("Transition time (s):", transitionTime); } if (transitionTime > 0f) { moveMethod = (MoveMethod) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup ("Move method:", moveMethod); showWaitOption = true; if (moveMethod == MoveMethod.CustomCurve) { timeCurve = EditorGUILayout.CurveField ("Time curve:", timeCurve); } } } if (showWaitOption) { willWait = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Wait until finish?", willWait); } AfterRunningOption (); }
override public void AssignValues (List<ActionParameter> parameters) { cam1 = AssignFile <_Camera> (parameters, parameterID1, constantID1, cam1); cam2 = AssignFile <_Camera> (parameters, parameterID2, constantID2, cam2); }
override public void ShowGUI (List<ActionParameter> parameters) { turnOff = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Disable previous split?", turnOff); if (!turnOff) { string label1 = "Top"; string label2 = "Bottom"; orientation = (MenuOrientation) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup ("Divider:", orientation); if (orientation == MenuOrientation.Vertical) { label1 = "Left"; label2 = "Right"; } parameterID1 = Action.ChooseParameterGUI (label1 + " camera:", parameters, parameterID1, ParameterType.GameObject); if (parameterID1 >= 0) { constantID1 = 0; cam1 = null; } else { cam1 = (_Camera) EditorGUILayout.ObjectField (label1 + " camera:", cam1, typeof (_Camera), true); constantID1 = FieldToID <_Camera> (cam1, constantID1); cam1 = IDToField <_Camera> (cam1, constantID1, false); } splitAmount1 = EditorGUILayout.Slider (label1 + " camera space:", splitAmount1, 0f, 1f); parameterID2 = Action.ChooseParameterGUI (label2 + " camera:", parameters, parameterID2, ParameterType.GameObject); if (parameterID2 >= 0) { constantID2 = 0; cam2 = null; } else { cam2 = (_Camera) EditorGUILayout.ObjectField (label2 + " camera:", cam2, typeof (_Camera), true); constantID2 = FieldToID <_Camera> (cam2, constantID2); cam2 = IDToField <_Camera> (cam2, constantID2, false); } splitAmount2 = Mathf.Min (splitAmount2, 1f-splitAmount1); splitAmount2 = EditorGUILayout.Slider (label2 + " camera space:", splitAmount2, 0f, 1f); splitAmount1 = Mathf.Min (splitAmount1, 1f-splitAmount2); mainIsTopLeft = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Main Camera is " + label1.ToLower () + "?", mainIsTopLeft); } AfterRunningOption (); }
public void LimitHotspotsToCamera(_Camera _camera) { if (_camera != null) { foreach (Hotspot hotspot in hotspots) { hotspot.LimitToCamera (_camera); } } }