public override float Run() { if (runtimeFollowTintMap == null) { if (isPlayer) { LogWarning("Could not find a FollowTintMap component on the Player - be sure to place one on the sprite child."); } return(0f); } if (!isRunning) { isRunning = true; if (tintMapMethod == TintMapMethod.ChangeIntensity) { if (isInstant || timeToChange <= 0f) { runtimeFollowTintMap.SetIntensity(newIntensity); } else { runtimeFollowTintMap.SetIntensity(newIntensity, timeToChange); if (willWait) { return(timeToChange); } } } else if (tintMapMethod == TintMapMethod.ChangeTintMap) { if (followDefault) { runtimeFollowTintMap.useDefaultTintMap = true; runtimeFollowTintMap.ResetTintMap(); } else { if (runtimeNewTintMap) { runtimeFollowTintMap.useDefaultTintMap = false; runtimeFollowTintMap.tintMap = runtimeNewTintMap; runtimeFollowTintMap.ResetTintMap(); } else { LogWarning("Could not change " + + " - no alternative provided!"); } } } } else { isRunning = false; } return(0f); }
override public float Run() { if (followTintMap == null) { return(0f); } if (!isRunning) { isRunning = true; if (tintMapMethod == TintMapMethod.ChangeIntensity) { if (isInstant || timeToChange <= 0f) { followTintMap.SetIntensity(newIntensity); } else { followTintMap.SetIntensity(newIntensity, timeToChange); if (willWait) { return(timeToChange); } } } else if (tintMapMethod == TintMapMethod.ChangeTintMap) { if (followDefault) { followTintMap.useDefaultTintMap = true; followTintMap.ResetTintMap(); } else { if (newTintMap) { followTintMap.useDefaultTintMap = false; followTintMap.tintMap = newTintMap; followTintMap.ResetTintMap(); } else { ACDebug.LogWarning("Could not change " + + " - no alternative provided!"); } } } } else { isRunning = false; } return(0f); }