예제 #1
 public BlobStoreTest()
   List<CardInfo> lst = SmartCardUtils.GetReaderNames();
   String readerName = lst[0].ReaderName;
   smartCard = new SmartCard(readerName, pin);
   CardMode mode = this.smartCard.GetCardMode();
   if (mode != CardMode.ROOT)
   BigInteger.TryParse(pString, out p);
   BigInteger.TryParse(qString, out q);
   KeyPair pq = new KeyPair(p, q);
   String puk = this.smartCard.InitDevice(pq, pin);
 private void initCardButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
   using (SmartCardTransaction scT = new SmartCardTransaction(this.smartCard.device))
     string puk;
       String pin = "1234";
       KeyPair pq = new KeyPair(p, q);
       puk = this.smartCard.InitDevice(pq, pin);
     catch (ErrorCode ex)
       String msg = String.Format("Could not INITIALIZE DEVICE. error code: {0} {1}", ex.SW1, ex.SW2);
    /// <summary>
    /// This is the descrypt method from the ABC4Trust Lite doc appendix B p. 227
    /// It will decrypt the chipher based on the N provided.
    /// Please note that the smartcard return Big-endian byte stream and descrypt expect
    /// little endian data.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="keyPair">keys used to decrypt the data</param>
    /// <param name="chipher">data to descrypt</param>
    /// <returns>Byte stream of the descrypted data.</returns>
    public static byte[] Decrypt(KeyPair keyPair, byte[] chipher)
      BigInteger d = ModInverse(new BigInteger(3), keyPair.Phi);
      BigInteger iChiper = new BigInteger(chipher);
      BigInteger plain = BigInteger.ModPow(iChiper, d, keyPair.N);

      byte[] NArray = keyPair.N.ToByteArray();
      byte[] plainBytes = plain.ToByteArray();
      Array.Reverse(plainBytes, 0, plainBytes.Length);
      byte[] plainBytesWithZero = new byte[NArray.Length];
      Buffer.BlockCopy(plainBytes, 0, plainBytesWithZero, plainBytesWithZero.Length - plainBytes.Length, plainBytes.Length);
      byte[] pad = new byte[plainBytesWithZero.Length - 32];
      byte[] h = new byte[32];
      Buffer.BlockCopy(plainBytesWithZero, 0, pad, 0, pad.Length);
      Buffer.BlockCopy(plainBytesWithZero, pad.Length, h, 0, 32);

      SHA256 shaM = new SHA256Managed();
      byte[] hPrime = shaM.ComputeHash(pad);
      if (!Utils.ByteArrayCompare(hPrime, h))
      shaM.Clear(); //dispose the sha256 object.

      byte[] L = new byte[2];
      Buffer.BlockCopy(pad, 1, L, 0, 2);
      Array.Reverse(L, 0, L.Length);

      int LSize = BitConverter.ToInt16(L, 0);
      byte[] data = new byte[LSize];
      Buffer.BlockCopy(pad, 3, data, 0, data.Length);

      return data;
예제 #4
    public String InitDevice(KeyPair keyPair, String pin)
      byte[] pk = keyPair.N.ToByteArray();
      Array.Reverse(pk, 0, pk.Length);
      ErrorCode errPutData = device.PutData(pk);
      if (!errPutData.IsOK)
        errPutData.Command = "PutData";
        throw errPutData;
      ErrorCode errSetAuth = device.SetAuthKey(0x00);
      if (!errSetAuth.IsOK)
        errSetAuth.Command = "SetAuthKey";
        throw errSetAuth;
      byte[] rawData;
      ErrorCode errInitDevice = device.InitDevice(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x01}, new byte[] {0x00, 0x20 }, out rawData);
      if (!errInitDevice.IsOK)
        errInitDevice.Command = "InitDevice";
        throw errInitDevice;
      Array.Reverse(rawData, 0, rawData.Length);
      byte[] decryptData = SmartCardCrypto.Decrypt(keyPair, rawData);
      byte[] initPin = new byte[4];
      byte[] initPuk = new byte[8];
      Buffer.BlockCopy(decryptData, 0, initPin, 0, 4);
      Buffer.BlockCopy(decryptData, 4, initPuk, 0, 8);

      byte[] pinA = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(pin);
      ErrorCode errSetPin = device.SetPin(initPin, pinA);
      if (!errSetPin.IsOK)
        errSetPin.Command = "SetPin";
        throw errSetPin;
      return BitConverter.ToString(initPuk);
 public void InitDevice()
     CardMode mode = this.smartCard.GetCardMode();
     if (mode != CardMode.ROOT)
     KeyPair pq = new KeyPair(p, q);
     String puk = this.smartCard.InitDevice(pq, pin);
   catch (ErrorCode ex)
     Assert.Fail(String.Format("Reset the device failed: {0}:{1} with command {2}", ex.SW1, ex.SW2, ex.Command));
   catch (Exception ex)
     Assert.Fail(String.Format("Reset the device failed: {0}", ex.Message));