public void Render(RenderInfo info) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(info.FileName)) { throw new XamlException("No source for render"); } IProfileRequest request = _profile.CurrentRequest; String fileName = String.Empty; UIElementBase uiElem = null; using (request.Start(ProfileAction.Render, $"load: {info.FileTitle}")) { // XamlServices.Load sets IUriContext if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(info.FileName)) { uiElem = XamlServices.Load(info.FileName) as UIElementBase; } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Text)) { uiElem = XamlServices.Parse(info.Text) as UIElementBase; } else { throw new XamlException("Xaml. There must be either a 'FileName' or a 'Text' property"); } if (uiElem == null) { throw new XamlException("Xaml. Root is not 'UIElement'"); } } using (request.Start(ProfileAction.Render, $"render: {info.FileTitle}")) { RenderContext ctx = new RenderContext(uiElem, info) { RootId = info.RootId }; uiElem.RenderElement(ctx); Grid.ClearAttached(); Splitter.ClearAttached(); FullHeightPanel.ClearAttached(); Toolbar.ClearAttached(); } if (uiElem is IDisposable disp) { disp.Dispose(); } }
public void Render(RenderInfo info) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(info.FileName)) { throw new XamlException("No source for render"); } IProfileRequest request = _profile.CurrentRequest; String fileName = String.Empty; UIElementBase uiElem = null; using (request.Start(ProfileAction.Render, $"load: {info.FileTitle}")) { try { // XamlServices.Load sets IUriContext if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(info.FileName)) { using (var fileStream = _host.ApplicationReader.FileStreamFullPath(info.FileName)) { RootFileName = info.FileName; ApplicationReader = _host.ApplicationReader; uiElem = XamlServices.Load(fileStream) as UIElementBase; } } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Text)) { uiElem = XamlServices.Parse(info.Text) as UIElementBase; } else { throw new XamlException("Xaml. There must be either a 'FileName' or a 'Text' property"); } if (uiElem == null) { throw new XamlException("Xaml. Root is not 'UIElement'"); } using (var stylesStream = _host.ApplicationReader.FileStream(String.Empty, "styles.xaml")) { if (stylesStream != null) { if (!(XamlServices.Load(stylesStream) is Styles styles)) { throw new XamlException("Xaml. Styles is not 'Styles'"); } if (uiElem is RootContainer root) { root.Styles = styles; root?.OnSetStyles(); } } } } finally { RootFileName = null; ApplicationReader = null; } } using (request.Start(ProfileAction.Render, $"render: {info.FileTitle}")) { RenderContext ctx = new RenderContext(uiElem, info) { RootId = info.RootId, Path = info.Path }; if (info.SecondPhase) { if (!(uiElem is ISupportTwoPhaseRendering twoPhaseRender)) { throw new XamlException("The two-phase rendering is not available"); } twoPhaseRender.RenderSecondPhase(ctx); } else { uiElem.RenderElement(ctx); } Grid.ClearAttached(); Splitter.ClearAttached(); FullHeightPanel.ClearAttached(); Toolbar.ClearAttached(); } if (uiElem is IDisposable disp) { disp.Dispose(); } }