예제 #1
    protected void UserRegisterSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int userId = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["id"] ?? "0");//ID

        Cms.BLL.C_user   bll   = new Cms.BLL.C_user();
        Cms.Model.C_user model = new Cms.BLL.C_user().GetModel(userId);
        wxuser.UserSale  wu    = new wxuser.UserSale();
        wxuser.userinfo  xw    = new wxuser.userinfo();
        wu = wxuser.getUserRegister(model.openid, model.username, model.sex, model.useraddress, string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", model.birthday), string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", model.marryday), model.telphone, "");
        if (wu.result == "更新成功")
            xw = wxuser.getuserinfo(model.openid);
            if (xw.result == "获取成功")
                model              = bll.GetModel(model.id);
                model.usercard     = xw.usercard;
                model.userallscore = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(xw.userallscore)).ToString());
                model.userscore    = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(xw.userscore)).ToString());
                model.userYesScore = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(xw.userallscore)).ToString()) - Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(xw.userscore)).ToString());
                model.userlevel    = xw.userlevel;
                model.shopname     = xw.shopname;
                Literal1.Text = wu.content + "-" + wu.result;
                ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page.GetType(), "JsPrint", "parent.jsdialog(\"注册会员\", \"" + Literal1.Text + "\", \"back\",\"Success\",\"\")", true);
                ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page.GetType(), "JsPrint", "parent.jsdialog(\"注册失败\", \"" + Literal1.Text + "\", \"back\",\"Error\",\"\")", true);
            ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page.GetType(), "JsPrint", "parent.jsdialog(\"注册失败\", \"" + Literal1.Text + "\", \"back\",\"Error\",\"\")", true);
예제 #2
    protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string Keywords = this.txtKeywords.Text.Trim();

        wxuser.userinfo xw = new wxuser.userinfo();
        xw            = wxuser.getuserinfo(Keywords);
        Literal1.Text = xw.content + "-" + xw.result + "-" + xw.openid + "-" + xw.sex + "-" + xw.shopname + "-" + xw.telephone + "-" + xw.useraddress + "-" + xw.userallscore + "-" + xw.usercard + "-" + xw.userlevel + "-" + xw.username + "-" + xw.userscore + "-" + xw.allbuy + "-" + xw.birthday + "-" + xw.buytimes;
예제 #3
    protected void UserScoreSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int userId = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["id"] ?? "0");//ID

        Cms.BLL.C_user   bll   = new Cms.BLL.C_user();
        Cms.Model.C_user model = new Cms.BLL.C_user().GetModel(userId);
        wxuser.UserSale  wu    = new wxuser.UserSale();
        wxuser.userinfo  xw    = new wxuser.userinfo();
        // wu = wxuser.getUserScore(model.usercard, model.openid, "1", "产品购买", "100");
        // Literal1.Text = wu.content + "-" + wu.result;
예제 #4
    protected void UserBindSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int userId = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["id"] ?? "0");//ID

        Cms.BLL.C_user   bll   = new Cms.BLL.C_user();
        Cms.Model.C_user model = new Cms.BLL.C_user().GetModel(userId);
        wxuser.UserSale  wu    = new wxuser.UserSale();
        wxuser.userinfo  xw    = new wxuser.userinfo();
        xw            = wxuser.getUserBind(model.openid, model.telphone, model.usercard);
        Literal1.Text = xw.content + "-" + xw.result;
        ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page.GetType(), "JsPrint", "parent.jsdialog(\"会员绑定验证\", \"" + Literal1.Text + "\", \"back\",\"Success\",\"\")", true);
예제 #5
    protected void UserInfoSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int userId = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["id"] ?? "0");//ID

        Cms.BLL.C_user   bll   = new Cms.BLL.C_user();
        Cms.Model.C_user model = new Cms.BLL.C_user().GetModel(userId);
        wxuser.UserSale  wu    = new wxuser.UserSale();
        wxuser.userinfo  xw    = new wxuser.userinfo();
        xw                 = wxuser.getuserinfo(model.openid);
        Literal1.Text      = "内容:" + xw.content + ";结果:" + xw.result + ";微信openid:" + xw.openid + ";性别:" + xw.sex + ";门店:" + xw.shopname + ";手机:" + xw.telephone + ";地址:" + xw.useraddress + ";所有积分:" + xw.userallscore + ";<br>会员卡:" + xw.usercard + ";会员等级:" + xw.userlevel + ";姓名:" + xw.username + ";未使用积分:" + xw.userscore + ";消费金额:" + xw.allbuy + ";生日:" + xw.birthday + ";结婚日期" + xw.marryday + ";消费次数:" + xw.buytimes;
        model.userallscore = Convert.ToInt32(xw.userallscore);
        model.userscore    = Convert.ToInt32(xw.userscore);
        model.userYesScore = Convert.ToInt32(xw.userallscore) - Convert.ToInt32(xw.userscore);
        model.userlevel    = xw.userlevel;
        // bll.Update(model);

        ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page.GetType(), "JsPrint", "parent.jsdialog(\"获取会员信息\", \"" + Literal1.Text + "\", \"back\",\"Success\",\"\")", true);
예제 #6
    protected void UserSignSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int userId = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["id"] ?? "0");//ID

        Cms.BLL.C_user   bll           = new Cms.BLL.C_user();
        Cms.Model.C_user model         = new Cms.BLL.C_user().GetModel(userId);
        wxuser.UserSale  wu            = new wxuser.UserSale();
        wxuser.userinfo  xw            = new wxuser.userinfo();
        DateTime         todaybegin    = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());
        DateTime         mingtianBegin = todaybegin.AddDays(1);

        if (!Cms.DBUtility.DbHelperSQL.Exists("select count(1) from C_integral_rec where scorename='签到领取积分' and user_id=" + model.id + "and updateTime>='" + todaybegin + "' and updateTime<'" + mingtianBegin + "'"))
            wxuser.userinfo userinfo = new wxuser.userinfo();
            xw                 = wxuser.getUserSign(model.openid, model.usercard);
            Literal1.Text      = xw.content + "-" + xw.result;
            xw                 = wxuser.getuserinfo(model.openid);
            model.userallscore = Convert.ToInt32(xw.userallscore);
            model.userscore    = Convert.ToInt32(xw.userscore);
            model.userYesScore = Convert.ToInt32(xw.userallscore) - Convert.ToInt32(xw.userscore);

            Cms.BLL.C_integral_rec   integral_BLL   = new Cms.BLL.C_integral_rec();
            Cms.Model.C_integral_rec integral_model = new Cms.Model.C_integral_rec();
            integral_model.article_id = 1;
            integral_model.user_id    = model.id;
            integral_model.usercard   = model.usercard;
            integral_model.openid     = model.openid;
            integral_model.numberid   = "2";
            integral_model.scorename  = "签到领取积分";
            integral_model.title      = "签到领取积分";
            integral_model.wescore    = 2000;
            integral_model.quantity   = 1;
            integral_model.type       = 0;
            integral_model.updateTime = DateTime.Now;
            ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page.GetType(), "JsPrint", "parent.jsdialog(\"会员签到\", \"" + Literal1.Text + "\", \"back\",\"Success\",\"\")", true);
            ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page.GetType(), "JsPrint", "parent.jsdialog(\"您今日已经签到过了\", \"您今日已经签到过了\", \"back\",\"Error\",\"\")", true);
예제 #7
    protected void UserSaleSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int userId = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["id"] ?? "0");//ID

        Cms.BLL.C_user         bll   = new Cms.BLL.C_user();
        Cms.Model.C_user       model = new Cms.BLL.C_user().GetModel(userId);
        wxuser.UserSale        wu    = new wxuser.UserSale();
        wxuser.userinfo        xw    = new wxuser.userinfo();
        List <wxuser.UserSale> list  = new List <wxuser.UserSale>();

        list = wxuser.getUserSale(model.openid, model.usercard);
        for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
            wxuser.UserSale ux = new wxuser.UserSale();
            ux            = list[i];
            Literal1.Text = ux.content + "-" + ux.result + "||";
        ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page.GetType(), "JsPrint", "parent.jsdialog(\"消费列表\", \"" + Literal1.Text + "\", \"back\",\"Success\",\"\")", true);
예제 #8
    protected void UserUpdateSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int userId = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["id"] ?? "0");//ID

        Cms.BLL.C_user   bll   = new Cms.BLL.C_user();
        Cms.Model.C_user model = new Cms.BLL.C_user().GetModel(userId);
        wxuser.userinfo  xw    = new wxuser.userinfo();
        xw = wxuser.getUserUpdate(model.openid, model.usercard, model.username, model.sex, model.useraddress, string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", model.birthday), string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", model.marryday), model.telphone, model.shopcode);
        if (xw.result == "更新成功")
            Literal1.Text = xw.content + "-" + xw.result;
            ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page.GetType(), "JsPrint", "parent.jsdialog(\"更新会员信息\", \"" + Literal1.Text + "\", \"back\",\"Success\",\"\")", true);
            Literal1.Text = xw.content + "-" + xw.result;
            ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page.GetType(), "JsPrint", "parent.jsdialog(\"更新会员信息\", \"" + Literal1.Text + "\", \"back\",\"Success\",\"\")", true);
예제 #9
 public void UpdateUser(int user_id)
     Cms.Model.C_user muser = new Cms.BLL.C_user().GetModel(user_id);
     wxuser.UserSale wu = new wxuser.UserSale();
     wxuser.userinfo xw = new wxuser.userinfo();
     xw = wxuser.getuserinfo(muser.openid);
     if (xw.result == "获取失败")
         wu = wxuser.getUserRegister(muser.openid, muser.username, muser.sex, muser.useraddress, string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", muser.birthday), string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", muser.marryday), muser.telphone, muser.shopcode);
         //Literal1.Text = wu.content + "-" + wu.result + "-" + wu.usercard;
         xw = wxuser.getuserinfo(muser.openid);
         string UpdateSql = "update C_user set usercard='" + xw.usercard + "' where id=" + user_id;
         int    counts    = Cms.DBUtility.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql(UpdateSql);//修改
         if (counts > 0)
             adminUser.AddAdminLog(DTEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString(), muser.username); //记录日志
             JscriptMsg("绑定成功!", "userlist.aspx", "Success");
             JscriptMsg("绑定失败!", "userlist.aspx", "Success");
         string UpdateSql = "update C_user set usercard='" + xw.usercard + "' where id=" + user_id;
         int    counts    = Cms.DBUtility.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql(UpdateSql);//修改
         if (counts > 0)
             adminUser.AddAdminLog(DTEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString(), muser.username); //记录日志
             JscriptMsg("绑定成功!", "userlist.aspx", "Success");
             JscriptMsg("绑定失败!", "userlist.aspx", "Success");