public ActionResult WeChart(string id) { wx_userweixin wxuser = wx_userweixinService.instance().SingleByCompanyID(new Guid(id)); if (wxuser == null) { wxuser = new wx_userweixin() { CompanyID = new Guid(id) } } ; return(View(wxuser)); }
/// <summary> ///【强制刷新】access_token值 /// access_token是公众号的全局唯一票据,公众号调用各接口时都需使用access_token。正常情况下access_token有效期为7200秒, /// 重复获取将导致上次获取的access_token失效。 /// 每日限额获取access_token.我们将access_token保存到数据库里,间隔时间为20分钟,从微信公众平台获得一次。 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static string FlushAccessToken(int wid, out string error) { string token = ""; error = ""; try { wx_property_info pBll = new wx_property_info(); BLL.wx_userweixin wBll = new wx_userweixin(); Model.wx_userweixin weixininfo = wBll.GetModel(wid); if (weixininfo.AppId == null || weixininfo.AppSecret == null || weixininfo.AppId.Trim().Length <= 0 || weixininfo.AppSecret.Trim().Length <= 0) { error = "appId或者AppSecret未填写完全,请在[我的公众帐号]里补全信息!"; return(""); } var result = CommonApi.GetToken(weixininfo.AppId, weixininfo.AppSecret); token = result.access_token; //第一次插入微信属性表 if (!pBll.ExistsWid(wid, "access_token")) { //插入 pBll.AddAccess_Token(wid, token, result.expires_in); } else { WeiXinPF.Model.wx_property_info wxProperty = new WeiXinPF.Model.wx_property_info(); wxProperty = pBll.GetModelList("iName='access_token' and wid=" + wid)[0]; //更新到数据库里 wxProperty.iContent = token; wxProperty.createDate = DateTime.Now; wxProperty.expires_in = result.expires_in; pBll.Update(wxProperty); } } catch (Exception ex) { error = "获得access_token出错:" + ex.Message; WXLogs.AddLog(wid, "access_token", "获得access_token(FlushAccessToken)", error); } return(token); }
public MsgUserType GetUserType(UserManagerDto user) { MsgUserType result = MsgUserType.User; //酒店管理员 var wxHotelAdmin = new BLL.wx_hotel_admin(); int intUser = 0; if (int.TryParse(user.UserId, out intUser)) { var hotelAdmin = wxHotelAdmin.GetModel(intUser); if (hotelAdmin != null) { result = MsgUserType.Hotel; return(result); } //餐饮管理员 var wxDiancaiAdmin = new BLL.wx_diancai_admin(); var diancaiAdmin = wxDiancaiAdmin.GetModel(intUser); if (diancaiAdmin != null) { result = MsgUserType.Shop; return(result); } //todo:是否需要判断固定的微信号? //景区管理员 var count = new wx_userweixin().GetUserWxNumCount(intUser); if (count > 0) { result = MsgUserType.Scenic; return(result); } } else { //todo:判断微信是否是用户 //如果userid不是Int型 ,默认就认为它是微信用户 result = MsgUserType.WeChatCustomer; return(result); } return(result); }
public JsonResult WeChart(FormCollection form) { ResultBase_form result = new ResultBase_form(); wx_userweixin m = new wx_userweixin(); TryUpdateModel <wx_userweixin>(m, form); if (m.ID == Guid.Empty) { result.status = wx_userweixinService.instance().Insert(m); } else { result.status = wx_userweixinService.instance().Update(m); } result.msg = result.status == 0 ? "操作失败" : "操作成功"; result.ResultURL = "/Company/Index"; return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
/// <summary> /// 及时获得access_token值 /// access_token是公众号的全局唯一票据,公众号调用各接口时都需使用access_token。正常情况下access_token有效期为7200秒, /// 重复获取将导致上次获取的access_token失效。 /// 每日限额获取access_token.我们将access_token保存到数据库里,间隔时间为20分钟,从微信公众平台获得一次。 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static string getAccessToken(Guid CompanyID, out string error) { string token = ""; error = ""; try { wx_userweixin wx = wx_userweixinService.instance().SingleByCompanyID(CompanyID); //if (wx.AppId == null || wx.AppSecret == null || wx.AppId.Trim().Length <= 0 || wx.AppSecret.Trim().Length <= 0) //{ // error = "appId或者AppSecret未填写完全,请在[我的公众帐号]里补全信息!"; // return ""; //} TimeSpan chajun = DateTime.Now - wx.ModifyTime; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(wx.Access_Token) || chajun.TotalSeconds >= wx.expires_in) { //var result = CommonApi.GetToken(wx.AppId, wx.AppSecret); //wx.Access_Token = result.access_token; //wx.expires_in = result.expires_in; //wx.ModifyTime = DateTime.Now; //if (wx_userweixinService.instance().Update(wx) == 1) //{ // token = result.access_token; //} token = ReloadToken(CompanyID); } else { token = wx.Access_Token; } } catch (Exception ex) { error = "获得access_token出错:" + ex.Message; } return(token); }
public static string ReloadToken(Guid CompanyID) { wx_userweixin wx = wx_userweixinService.instance().SingleByCompanyID(CompanyID); //if (wx.AppId == null || wx.AppSecret == null || wx.AppId.Trim().Length <= 0 || wx.AppSecret.Trim().Length <= 0) //{ // return "appId或者AppSecret未填写完全,请在[我的公众帐号]里补全信息!"; //} var wx_open = wx_openInfoService.instance().Single(new Guid(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["openID"])); RefreshAuthorizerTokenResult result = ComponentApi.ApiAuthorizerToken(wx_open.open_access_token, wx_open.open_sAppID, wx.AppId, wx.refresh_token); if (result.errcode == Entity.Weixin.ReturnCode.请求成功) { wx.Access_Token = result.authorizer_access_token; wx.refresh_token = result.authorizer_refresh_token; wx.expires_in = result.expires_in; wx.ModifyTime = DateTime.Now; if (wx_userweixinService.instance().Update(wx) == 1) { return("ok"); } return("更新数据库出错"); } return(result.errcode.ToString()); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Token = "";//与微信公众账号后台的Token设置保持一致,区分大小写。 int wid = 0; wid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("apiid"); if (wid <= 0) { WriteContent("参数非法"); return; } wx_userweixin wbll = new wx_userweixin(); Token = wbll.GetWeiXinToken(wid); if (Token == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Token)) { WriteContent("不存在该微信号或账号已过期或已被禁用!"); return; } // Token = "uweixin"; string signature = Request["signature"]; string timestamp = Request["timestamp"]; string nonce = Request["nonce"]; string echostr = Request["echostr"]; if (Request.HttpMethod == "GET") { //get method - 仅在微信后台填写URL验证时触发 if (CheckSignature.Check(signature, timestamp, nonce, Token)) { WriteContent(echostr); //返回随机字符串则表示验证通过 } else { WriteContent("failed:" + signature + ",token:" + Token + " " + CheckSignature.GetSignature(timestamp, nonce, Token) + "。" + "如果你在浏览器中看到这句话,说明此地址可以被作为微信公众账号后台的Url,请注意保持Token一致。"); } Response.End(); } else { //本地测试的时候注释掉 ----start ----- if (!CheckSignature.Check(signature, timestamp, nonce, Token)) { WriteContent("参数错误!"); return; } //本地测试的时候注释掉 ----end ----- //post method - 当有用户想公众账号发送消息时触发 Model.wx_userweixin uweixin = wbll.GetModel(wid); var postModel = new PostModel() { Signature = Request.QueryString["signature"], Msg_Signature = Request.QueryString["msg_signature"], Timestamp = Request.QueryString["timestamp"], Nonce = Request.QueryString["nonce"], //以下保密信息不会(不应该)在网络上传播,请注意 Token = Token, EncodingAESKey = uweixin.extStr, //根据自己后台的设置保持一致 AppId = uweixin.AppId //根据自己后台的设置保持一致 }; //v4.2.2之后的版本,可以设置每个人上下文消息储存的最大数量,防止内存占用过多,如果该参数小于等于0,则不限制 var maxRecordCount = 10; //自定义MessageHandler,对微信请求的详细判断操作都在这里面。 var messageHandler = new CustomMessageHandler(Request.InputStream, postModel, maxRecordCount); try { //测试时可开启此记录,帮助跟踪数据,使用前请确保App_Data文件夹存在,且有读写权限。 messageHandler.RequestDocument.Save( Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/" + DateTime.Now.Ticks + "_Request_" + messageHandler.RequestMessage.FromUserName + ".txt")); //执行微信处理过程 messageHandler.Execute(); //测试时可开启,帮助跟踪数据 messageHandler.ResponseDocument.Save( Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/" + DateTime.Now.Ticks + "_Response_" + messageHandler.ResponseMessage.ToUserName + ".txt")); //为了解决官方微信5.0软件换行bug暂时添加的方法,平时用下面一个方法即可 begin string lastStr = ""; if (messageHandler != null && messageHandler.ResponseDocument != null && messageHandler.ResponseDocument.ToString().Trim() != "") { lastStr = messageHandler.ResponseDocument.ToString().Replace("\r\n", "\n"); } else { lastStr = messageHandler.ResponseDocument.ToString(); } // WriteContent( messageHandler.ResponseDocument.ToString()); //为了解决官方微信5.0软件换行bug暂时添加的方法,平时用下面一个方法即可 end //如果自动回复已经关闭,则不返回内容,start 1220 WeiXCommFun wxcomm = new WeiXCommFun(); int apiid = wxcomm.getApiid(); if (!wxcomm.wxCloseKW(apiid)) { lastStr = ""; } //如果自动回复已经关闭,则不返回内容,end 1220 WriteContent(lastStr); return; } catch (Exception ex) { using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/Error_" + DateTime.Now.Ticks + ".txt"))) { tw.WriteLine(ex.Message); tw.WriteLine(ex.InnerException.Message); if (messageHandler.ResponseDocument != null) { tw.WriteLine(messageHandler.ResponseDocument.ToString()); } tw.Flush(); tw.Close(); } WriteContent(""); } finally { Response.End(); } } }
/// <summary> /// 及时获得access_token值 /// access_token是公众号的全局唯一票据,公众号调用各接口时都需使用access_token。正常情况下access_token有效期为7200秒, /// 重复获取将导致上次获取的access_token失效。 /// 每日限额获取access_token.我们将access_token保存到数据库里,间隔时间为20分钟,从微信公众平台获得一次。 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static string getAccessToken(int wid, out string error) { string token = ""; error = ""; try { wx_property_info pBll = new wx_property_info(); BLL.wx_userweixin wBll = new wx_userweixin(); Model.wx_userweixin weixininfo = wBll.GetModel(wid); if (weixininfo.AppId == null || weixininfo.AppSecret == null || weixininfo.AppId.Trim().Length <= 0 || weixininfo.AppSecret.Trim().Length <= 0) { error = "appId或者AppSecret未填写完全,请在[我的公众帐号]里补全信息!"; WXLogs.AddLog(wid, "access_token", "获得access_token", error); return(""); } WeiXinPF.Model.wx_property_info wxProperty = new WeiXinPF.Model.wx_property_info(); //第一次插入微信属性表 if (!pBll.ExistsWid(wid, "access_token")) { AccessTokenResult result = CommonApi.GetToken(weixininfo.AppId, weixininfo.AppSecret); token = result.access_token; pBll.AddAccess_Token(wid, token, result.expires_in); return(token); //WeChatAccountManager manager = WeChatAccountManager.CreateInstance(weixininfo.AppId, weixininfo.AppSecret); //Credential credential = new Credential(manager); //token = credential.AccessToken; //pBll.AddAccess_Token(wid, token, 7000); //return token; } wxProperty = pBll.GetModelList("iName='access_token' and wid=" + wid)[0]; double chajunSecond = (DateTime.Now - wxProperty.createDate.Value).TotalSeconds; if (chajunSecond >= wxProperty.expires_in) { //从微信平台重新获得access_token AccessTokenResult result = CommonApi.GetToken(weixininfo.AppId, weixininfo.AppSecret); token = result.access_token; //更新到数据库里 wxProperty.iContent = token; wxProperty.createDate = DateTime.Now; wxProperty.expires_in = result.expires_in; //WeChatAccountManager manager = WeChatAccountManager.CreateInstance(weixininfo.AppId, weixininfo.AppSecret); //Credential credential = new Credential(manager); //token = credential.AccessToken; ////更新到数据库里 //wxProperty.iContent = token; //wxProperty.createDate = DateTime.Now; //wxProperty.expires_in = 7000; //pBll.Update(wxProperty); } else { token = wxProperty.iContent; } } catch (Exception ex) { error = "获得access_token出错:" + ex.Message; WXLogs.AddLog(wid, "access_token", "获得access_token", error); } return(token); }
/// <summary> /// 获取jssdk 里的临时票据 /// </summary> /// <param name="wid"></param> /// <param name="error"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string getJsApiTicket(int wid, out string error) { string atErr = ""; string accessToken = getAccessToken(wid, out atErr); if (atErr != "") { accessToken = FlushAccessToken(wid, out atErr); } if (accessToken == "") { error = "取accessToken值出现异常"; WXLogs.AddLog(wid, "getJsApiTicket", "获得getJsApiTicket", "WeiXinPF.WeiXinComm.getJsApiTicket" + error); return(""); } string token = ""; error = ""; try { wx_property_info pBll = new wx_property_info(); BLL.wx_userweixin wBll = new wx_userweixin(); Model.wx_userweixin weixininfo = wBll.GetModel(wid); if (weixininfo.AppId == null || weixininfo.AppSecret == null || weixininfo.AppId.Trim().Length <= 0 || weixininfo.AppSecret.Trim().Length <= 0) { error = "appId或者AppSecret未填写完全,请在[我的公众帐号]里补全信息!"; return(""); } WeiXinPF.Model.wx_property_info wxProperty = new WeiXinPF.Model.wx_property_info(); //第一次插入微信属性表 if (!pBll.ExistsWid(wid, "JsApiTicket")) { string type = "jsapi"; var url = string.Format("{0}&type={1}", accessToken, type); JsApiTicketResult result = OneGulp.WeChat.HttpUtility.Get.GetJson <JsApiTicketResult>(url); token = result.ticket; //存入属性表 wxProperty.wid = wid; wxProperty.iName = "JsApiTicket"; wxProperty.iContent = token; wxProperty.createDate = DateTime.Now; wxProperty.expires_in = result.expires_in; wxProperty.count = 1; pBll.Add(wxProperty); return(token); } wxProperty = pBll.GetModelList("iName='JsApiTicket' and wid=" + wid)[0]; double chajunSecond = (DateTime.Now - wxProperty.createDate.Value).TotalSeconds; if (chajunSecond >= wxProperty.expires_in) { //从微信平台重新获得access_token string type = "jsapi"; var url = string.Format("{0}&type={1}", accessToken, type); JsApiTicketResult result = OneGulp.WeChat.HttpUtility.Get.GetJson <JsApiTicketResult>(url); token = result.ticket; //更新到数据库里 wxProperty.iContent = token; wxProperty.createDate = DateTime.Now; wxProperty.expires_in = result.expires_in; pBll.Update(wxProperty); } else { token = wxProperty.iContent; } } catch (Exception ex) { error = "获得getJsApiTicket出错:" + ex.Message; WXLogs.AddLog(wid, "getJsApiTicket", "获得getJsApiTicket", "WeiXinPF.WeiXinComm.getJsApiTicket" + error); } return(token); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Token = "EtuFiNl9mTje5NTQ2LNl";//与微信公众账号后台的Token设置保持一致,区分大小写。 int wid = 0; wid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("apiid"); if (wid <= 0) { WriteContent("参数非法"); return; } wx_userweixin wbll = new wx_userweixin(); Token = wbll.GetWeiXinToken(wid); if (Token == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Token)) { WriteContent("不存在该微信号!"); return; } // Token = "uweixin"; string signature = Request["signature"]; string timestamp = Request["timestamp"]; string nonce = Request["nonce"]; string echostr = Request["echostr"]; if (Request.HttpMethod == "GET") { //get method - 仅在微信后台填写URL验证时触发 if (CheckSignature.Check(signature, timestamp, nonce, Token)) { WriteContent(echostr); //返回随机字符串则表示验证通过 } else { WriteContent("failed:" + signature + ",token:" + Token + " " + CheckSignature.GetSignature(timestamp, nonce, Token) + "。" + "如果你在浏览器中看到这句话,说明此地址可以被作为微信公众账号后台的Url,请注意保持Token一致。"); } Response.End(); } else { //post method - 当有用户想公众账号发送消息时触发 //本地测试的时候注释掉 ----start ----- if (!CheckSignature.Check(signature, timestamp, nonce, Token)) { WriteContent("参数错误!"); return; } //本地测试的时候注释掉 ----end ----- //v4.2.2之后的版本,可以设置每个人上下文消息储存的最大数量,防止内存占用过多,如果该参数小于等于0,则不限制 var maxRecordCount = 10; // Senparc.Weixin.MP.Entities.Request.PostModel postModel = null; var postModel = new PostModel() { Signature = Request.QueryString["signature"], Msg_Signature = Request.QueryString["msg_signature"], Timestamp = Request.QueryString["timestamp"], Nonce = Request.QueryString["nonce"], //以下保密信息不会(不应该)在网络上传播,请注意 Token = Token, EncodingAESKey = "mgHwkbnJwqMojMcbPrFRBFjReCMSgTYtZGQkHeUduGr", //根据自己后台的设置保持一致 AppId = "wx57d365e74490cf2f" //根据自己后台的设置保持一致 }; //自定义MessageHandler,对微信请求的详细判断操作都在这里面。 var messageHandler = new CustomMessageHandler(Request.InputStream, postModel, maxRecordCount); try { //测试时可开启此记录,帮助跟踪数据,使用前请确保App_Data文件夹存在,且有读写权限。 messageHandler.RequestDocument.Save( Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/0000" + DateTime.Now.Ticks + "_Request_" + messageHandler.RequestMessage.FromUserName + ".txt")); //执行微信处理过程 messageHandler.Execute(); //测试时可开启,帮助跟踪数据 messageHandler.ResponseDocument.Save( Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/1111" + DateTime.Now.Ticks + "_Response_" + messageHandler.ResponseMessage.ToUserName + ".txt")); WriteContent(messageHandler.ResponseDocument.ToString()); return; } catch (Exception ex) { using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/Error_" + DateTime.Now.Ticks + ".txt"))) { tw.WriteLine(ex.Message); tw.WriteLine(ex.InnerException.Message); if (messageHandler.ResponseDocument != null) { tw.WriteLine(messageHandler.ResponseDocument.ToString()); } tw.Flush(); tw.Close(); } WriteContent(""); } finally { Response.End(); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Token = "";//与微信公众账号后台的Token设置保持一致,区分大小写。 int wid = 0; wid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("apiid"); if (wid <= 0) { WriteContent("参数非法"); return; } wx_userweixin wbll = new wx_userweixin(); Token = wbll.GetWeiXinToken(wid); if (Token == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Token)) { WriteContent("不存在该微信号!"); return; } // Token = "uweixin"; string signature = Request["signature"]; string timestamp = Request["timestamp"]; string nonce = Request["nonce"]; string echostr = Request["echostr"]; if (Request.HttpMethod == "GET") { //get method - 仅在微信后台填写URL验证时触发 if (CheckSignature.Check(signature, timestamp, nonce, Token)) { WriteContent(echostr); //返回随机字符串则表示验证通过 } else { WriteContent("failed:" + signature + ",token:"+Token+" " + CheckSignature.GetSignature(timestamp, nonce, Token) + "。" + "如果你在浏览器中看到这句话,说明此地址可以被作为微信公众账号后台的Url,请注意保持Token一致。"); } Response.End(); } else { //post method - 当有用户想公众账号发送消息时触发 //本地测试的时候注释掉 ----start ----- if (!CheckSignature.Check(signature, timestamp, nonce, Token)) { WriteContent("参数错误!"); return; } //本地测试的时候注释掉 ----end ----- //v4.2.2之后的版本,可以设置每个人上下文消息储存的最大数量,防止内存占用过多,如果该参数小于等于0,则不限制 var maxRecordCount = 10; //自定义MessageHandler,对微信请求的详细判断操作都在这里面。 var messageHandler = new CustomMessageHandler(Request.InputStream, maxRecordCount); try { //测试时可开启此记录,帮助跟踪数据,使用前请确保App_Data文件夹存在,且有读写权限。 //messageHandler.RequestDocument.Save( // Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/" + DateTime.Now.Ticks + "_Request_" + // messageHandler.RequestMessage.FromUserName + ".txt")); //执行微信处理过程 messageHandler.Execute(); //测试时可开启,帮助跟踪数据 //messageHandler.ResponseDocument.Save( // Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/" + DateTime.Now.Ticks + "_Response_" + // messageHandler.ResponseMessage.ToUserName + ".txt")); WriteContent(messageHandler.ResponseDocument.ToString()); return; } catch (Exception ex) { using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/Error_" + DateTime.Now.Ticks + ".txt"))) { tw.WriteLine(ex.Message); tw.WriteLine(ex.InnerException.Message); if (messageHandler.ResponseDocument != null) { tw.WriteLine(messageHandler.ResponseDocument.ToString()); } tw.Flush(); tw.Close(); } WriteContent(""); } finally { Response.End(); } } }
public List <ShortMsgWithCountDto> GetAllLastNewMsg(UserManagerDto toUserDto) { List <ShortMsgWithCountDto> result = new List <ShortMsgWithCountDto>(); if (toUserDto != null) { var userType = _userService.GetUserType(toUserDto); Expression <Func <ShortMsg, bool> > func; if (userType != MsgUserType.User) { var userids = new List <string>(); var hotelBll = new BLL.wx_hotel_admin(); var diancaiBll = new BLL.wx_diancai_admin(); switch (userType) { case MsgUserType.Hotel: var listU = hotelBll.GetModelList(String.Format( "HotelId=(SELECT HotelId FROM dbo.wx_hotel_admin WHERE ManagerId={0})" , toUserDto.UserId)); if (listU != null && listU.Any()) { userids = listU.Select(i => i.ManagerId.ToString()).ToList(); } break; case MsgUserType.Shop: var listD = diancaiBll.GetModelList(String.Format( "ShopId=(SELECT ShopId FROM dbo.wx_diancai_admin WHERE ManagerId={0})" , toUserDto.UserId)); if (listD != null && listD.Any()) { userids = listD.Select(i => i.ManagerId.ToString()).ToList(); } break; case MsgUserType.Scenic: default: //景区管理员 var count = new wx_userweixin().GetUserWxNumCount(toUserDto.UserId.ToInt()); if (count > 0) { userids.Add(toUserDto.UserId); } break; } func = c => c.MsgToUserType == (int)userType && userids.Contains(c.ToUserId) && c.IsRead == false; } else { func = c => c.ToUserId == toUserDto.UserId && c.IsRead == false; } var msgList = _msgRepository.GetAllList(func); //todo:判断组合方法 //现在是如果不是微信用户发的,就按发送人分组 //是微信用户发的直接分组 var list = msgList.Where(c => (MsgUserType)c.MsgFromUserType != MsgUserType.WeChatCustomer).GroupBy(c => new { FromUserId = c.FromUserId, Type = c.Type, DetailType = c.DetailType }) .Select(c => new { Count = c.Count(), Key = c.Key }).ToList(); if (list.Any()) { var listReslut = list.Select(c => new ShortMsgWithCountDto { Count = c.Count, Msg = GetLastNewMsg(toUserDto, c.Key.FromUserId, c.Key.Type, c.Key.DetailType) }).ToList(); //多个商品在商品描述上加上xx等5件商品 listReslut.ForEach(c => { if (c.Count > 1) { var index = c.Msg.Content.LastIndexOf(']'); c.Msg.Content = c.Msg.Content.Insert(index + 1, String.Format("等{0}件商品", c.Count)); } }); result.AddRange(listReslut); } //添加是微信用户发的直接分组的 if (msgList.Any(c => (MsgUserType)c.MsgFromUserType == MsgUserType.WeChatCustomer)) { var wxlist = msgList.Where(c => (MsgUserType)c.MsgFromUserType == MsgUserType.WeChatCustomer).GroupBy(c => c.MsgFromUserType) .Select(c => new { Count = c.Count(), Key = c.Max(u => u.Id) }).ToList(); if (wxlist.Any()) { var listReslut = wxlist.Select(c => new ShortMsgWithCountDto { Count = c.Count, Msg = GetMsg(c.Key) }).ToList(); //多个订单在商品描述上加上xx等5件订单 listReslut.ForEach(c => { if (c.Count > 1) { var index = c.Msg.Content.LastIndexOf("的订单"); var msgContent = c.Msg.Content.Substring(0, index); var msgHz = c.Msg.Content.Substring(c.Msg.Content.LastIndexOf(",")); //todo:写死的判断多个时后缀 var hz = c.Msg.Type.ToLower().Contains("order") ? "订单" : ""; c.Msg.Content = String.Format("{2}等{0}个{1}{3}", c.Count, hz, msgContent, msgHz); } }); result.AddRange(listReslut); } } } return(result); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Token = "";//与微信公众账号后台的Token设置保持一致,区分大小写。 int wid = 0; wid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("apiid"); if (wid <= 0) { WriteContent("参数非法"); return; } wx_userweixin wbll = new wx_userweixin(); Token = wbll.GetWeiXinToken(wid); if (Token == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Token)) { WriteContent("不存在该微信号!"); return; } // Token = "uweixin"; string signature = Request["signature"]; string timestamp = Request["timestamp"]; string nonce = Request["nonce"]; string echostr = Request["echostr"]; if (Request.HttpMethod == "GET") { //get method - 仅在微信后台填写URL验证时触发 if (CheckSignature.Check(signature, timestamp, nonce, Token)) { WriteContent(echostr); //返回随机字符串则表示验证通过 } else { WriteContent("failed:" + signature + ",token:" + Token + " " + CheckSignature.GetSignature(timestamp, nonce, Token) + "。" + "如果你在浏览器中看到这句话,说明此地址可以被作为微信公众账号后台的Url,请注意保持Token一致。"); } Response.End(); } else { //post method - 当有用户想公众账号发送消息时触发 //本地测试的时候注释掉 ----start ----- if (!CheckSignature.Check(signature, timestamp, nonce, Token)) { WriteContent("参数错误!"); return; } //本地测试的时候注释掉 ----end ----- //v4.2.2之后的版本,可以设置每个人上下文消息储存的最大数量,防止内存占用过多,如果该参数小于等于0,则不限制 var maxRecordCount = 10; //自定义MessageHandler,对微信请求的详细判断操作都在这里面。 var messageHandler = new CustomMessageHandler(Request.InputStream, maxRecordCount); try { //测试时可开启此记录,帮助跟踪数据,使用前请确保App_Data文件夹存在,且有读写权限。 //messageHandler.RequestDocument.Save( // Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/" + DateTime.Now.Ticks + "_Request_" + // messageHandler.RequestMessage.FromUserName + ".txt")); //执行微信处理过程 messageHandler.Execute(); //测试时可开启,帮助跟踪数据 //messageHandler.ResponseDocument.Save( // Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/" + DateTime.Now.Ticks + "_Response_" + // messageHandler.ResponseMessage.ToUserName + ".txt")); WriteContent(messageHandler.ResponseDocument.ToString()); return; } catch (Exception ex) { using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/Error_" + DateTime.Now.Ticks + ".txt"))) { tw.WriteLine(ex.Message); tw.WriteLine(ex.InnerException.Message); if (messageHandler.ResponseDocument != null) { tw.WriteLine(messageHandler.ResponseDocument.ToString()); } tw.Flush(); tw.Close(); } WriteContent(""); } finally { Response.End(); } } }