private void StartButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            workerConfigs configs = new workerConfigs();

            configs.LogPermittedApps = PermittedsCheckBox.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault();
            configs.LogBlockedApp    = BlockedsCheckBox.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault();
            configs.LiveLog          = LiveLogsCheckBox.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault();
            configs.Max                  = FarayanUtility.TryParseInt(MaxRecordsCountTextBox.Text).GetValueOrDefault().EnsureBetween(100, 100_000);
            StartButton.IsEnabled        = false;
            PermittedsCheckBox.IsEnabled = false;
            BlockedsCheckBox.IsEnabled   = false;
            LiveLogsCheckBox.IsEnabled   = false;
            TheBackgroundWorker          = new BackgroundWorker();
            TheBackgroundWorker.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
            TheBackgroundWorker.DoWork             += TheBackgroundWorker_DoWork;
            TheBackgroundWorker.ProgressChanged    += TheBackgroundWorker_ProgressChanged;
            TheBackgroundWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += TheBackgroundWorker_RunWorkerCompleted;
        private void TheBackgroundWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            List <string> messages = new List <string>();
            workerConfigs configs  = (workerConfigs)e.Argument;
            List <string> apps     = new List <string>();
            Dictionary <string, List <string> > taskApps = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
            int parsed = 0;

            if (!configs.LogBlockedApp && !configs.LogPermittedApps)
            using (var reader = new EventLogReader(@"C:\WINDOWS\System32\winevt\Logs\Security.evtx", PathType.FilePath)) {
                EventRecord record;
                while ((record = reader.ReadEvent()) != null && parsed < configs.Max)
                    using (record) {
                        string description = record.FormatDescription();
                        Logger.Value.Debug($"Index: {parsed}.");

                        string message = description.SplitToNonEmptyParts('\n').FirstOrDefault();
                        if (message.IsUsable() && !messages.Contains(message))

                        if (configs.LiveLog)
                            TheBackgroundWorker.ReportProgress(parsed * 100 / configs.Max, description);
                        var  firstLine         = description.SplitToNonEmptyParts("\n\n").First();
                        bool firewallBlocked   = description.StartsWith("The Windows Filtering Platform has blocked a connection.");
                        bool firewallPermitted = description.StartsWith("The Windows Filtering Platform has permitted a connection.");

                        //if (!configs.LogBlockedApp) {
                        //	if (firewallBlocked) {
                        //		Logger.Value.Debug($"Parsed: {parsed}. Skip because App bloked but config does not allow us to process blocked apps");
                        //		continue;
                        //	}

                        //if (!configs.LogPermittedApps) {
                        //	if (firewallPermitted) {
                        //		Logger.Value.Debug($"Parsed: {parsed}. Skip because App permitted but config does not allow us to process permitted apps");
                        //		continue;
                        //	}

                        var app = Regex.Match(description, "Application Name\\:	(?<app>[^\n\r]*)").Groups["app"].Value;
                        if (app.IsUsable())
                            for (int counter = 0; counter < 10; counter++)
                                if (app.StartsWith($@"\device\harddiskvolume{counter}\"))
                                    app = app.Substring($@"\device\harddiskvolume{counter}\".Length);
                                    char[] drives = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz".ToArray();
                                    foreach (var drive in drives)
                                        if (File.Exists(drive + ":\\" + app))
                                            app = drive + ":\\" + app;
                                            app = new FileInfo(app).FullName;

                            //if (firewallPermitted)
                            //	app = "(Permitted)\t" + app;
                            //if (firewallBlocked)
                            //	app = "(Blocked)\t" + app;
                            //if (!apps.Contains(app))
                            //	apps.Add(app);
                            if (!taskApps.ContainsKey(firstLine))
                                taskApps.Add(firstLine, new List <string>());
                            if (!taskApps[firstLine].Contains(app))

                            Logger.Value.Info($"Parsed: {parsed}. Adding {app}");
                            Logger.Value.Debug($"Parsed: {parsed}. App is null");
                        TheBackgroundWorker.ReportProgress(parsed * 100 / configs.Max, taskApps);

            TheBackgroundWorker.ReportProgress(100, taskApps);