public ActionResult BokRetrieveGds(String wmsno, String barcode, String gdsid, String gdstype, String bthno, String vlddat, double qty)
            var qrymst = from e in WmsDc.wms_cang
                         where e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETRIEVE &&
                         e.wmsno == wmsno
                         select e;
            var arrmst = qrymst.ToArray();
            var qrydtl = from e in WmsDc.wms_cangdtl
                         where e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETRIEVE &&
                         e.gdsid == gdsid.Trim() &&
                         e.gdstype == gdstype.Trim() &&
                         e.bthno == bthno.Trim() &&
                         e.vlddat == vlddat.Trim() &&
                         e.barcode == barcode.Trim() &&
                         e.wmsno == wmsno
                         select e;
            var arrdtl = qrydtl.ToArray();

            #region 检查输入参数
            if (arrmst.Length <= 0)
            if (arrdtl.Length <= 0)
            wms_cang mst = arrmst[0];
            //string quRetrv = mst.qu;
            //if (DoingRetrieve(LoginInfo.DefStoreid, quRetrv))
            //    return RInfo( "I0391" );
            wms_cangdtl dtl = arrdtl[0];
            if (mst != null && mst.chkflg == GetY())

            #region 商品登帐
            WmsDc.Refresh(System.Data.Linq.RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, dtl);
            if (dtl.bokflg == GetY())
                string[] whoAdt = (from e in WmsDc.emp
                                   where e.empid == dtl.bkr
                                   select e.empdes).ToArray();
                if (whoAdt.Count() > 0)
                    return(RInfo("I0125", string.Join(",", whoAdt)));

            if (dtl.bokflg == GetY() && dtl.bkr.Trim() != LoginInfo.Usrid)
                return(RInfo("I0461", dtl.bkr));

            if (dtl.bokflg == GetN() && dtl.qty != null)
                dtl.preqty = dtl.qty;
            // 确认数量大于应拣数量
            if (qty > dtl.preqty)
            dtl.qty    = Math.Round(qty, 4);
            dtl.pkgqty = Math.Round(qty, 4);

            dtl.bokflg = GetY();
            dtl.bokdat = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
            dtl.bkr    = LoginInfo.Usrid;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (ex.Message.IndexOf("牺牲品") > 0)
                        return(RInfo("E0076", ex.Message));
                return(RSucc("成功", null, "S0224"));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(RErr(ex.Message, "E0072"));
        public ActionResult BokRetrieve(String wmsno)
            using (TransactionScope scop = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, options))
                Rm.ResultObject = null;
                var qrymst = from e in WmsDc.wms_cang
                             where e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETRIEVE &&
                             e.wmsno == wmsno
                             select e;
                var arrmst = qrymst.ToArray();
                var qrydtl = from e in WmsDc.wms_cangdtl
                             where e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETRIEVE &&
                             e.wmsno == wmsno
                             select e;
                var arrdtl = qrydtl.ToArray();

                #region 检查输入参数
                if (arrmst.Length <= 0)
                if (arrdtl.Length <= 0)
                wms_cang mst = arrmst[0];
                //string quRetrv = mst.qu;
                //if (DoingRetrieve(LoginInfo.DefStoreid, quRetrv))
                //    return RInfo( "I0392" );
                foreach (wms_cangdtl d in arrdtl)
                    if (d.bokflg == GetN() && d.tpcode == "y")
                        return(RInfo("I0462", d.gdsid));
                if (mst != null && mst.chkflg == GetY())

                #region 播种单查询
                var qrybzmst = from e in WmsDc.wms_bzmst
                               where e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_BZ &&
                               e.lnkbocidat == mst.lnkbocidat &&
                               e.lnkbocino == mst.lnkbocino &&
                               e.qu == mst.qu &&
                               e.savdptid == mst.savdptid
                               select e;
                var arrbzmst = qrybzmst.ToArray();
                if (arrbzmst.Length <= 0)
                wms_bzmst bzmst = arrbzmst[0];
                var qrybzdtl = from e in WmsDc.wms_bzdtl
                               where e.wmsno == bzmst.wmsno &&
                               arrdtl.Select(e1 => e1.gdsid).Contains(e.gdsid.Trim())
                               select e;
                wms_bzdtl[] arrbzdtls = qrybzdtl.ToArray();

                #region 差异数量生成捡货损溢单,记日志

                #region 差异数量生成捡货损溢单,记日志
                JsonResult jr = (JsonResult)MakeNewBllNo(this.LoginInfo.DefSavdptid, mst.qu, WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETRIEVE_PROFIT_LOSS, (bllno) =>
                    wms_cang sycang   = new wms_cang();
                    sycang.wmsno      = bllno;
                    sycang.bllid      = WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETRIEVE_PROFIT_LOSS;
                    sycang.savdptid   = mst.savdptid;
                    sycang.prvid      = mst.prvid;
                    sycang.qu         = mst.qu;
                    sycang.rcvdptid   = mst.rcvdptid;
                    sycang.times      = mst.times;
                    sycang.lnkbocino  = mst.lnkbocino;
                    sycang.lnkbocidat = mst.lnkbocidat;
                    sycang.mkr        = LoginInfo.Usrid;
                    sycang.mkedat     = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
                    sycang.mkedat2    = GetCurrentDate();
                    sycang.ckr        = LoginInfo.Usrid;
                    sycang.chkflg     = GetY();
                    sycang.chkdat     = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
                    sycang.opr        = LoginInfo.Usrid;
                    sycang.brief      = "";
                    sycang.lnkbllid   = mst.bllid;
                    sycang.lnkno      = mst.wmsno;
                    sycang.lnkbrief   = mst.brief;

                    List <wms_cangdtl> lstsydtl = new List <wms_cangdtl>();
                    foreach (wms_cangdtl dt in arrdtl)
                        if (dt.qty != dt.preqty)
                            wms_cangdtl sydtl = new wms_cangdtl();
                            sydtl.wmsno       = bllno;
                            sydtl.bllid       = WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETRIEVE_PROFIT_LOSS;
                            sydtl.rcdidx      = dt.rcdidx;
                            sydtl.oldbarcode  = dt.oldbarcode;
                            sydtl.barcode     = dt.barcode;
                            sydtl.gdsid       = dt.gdsid;
                            sydtl.pkgid       = dt.pkgid;
                            sydtl.pkgqty      = dt.pkgqty;
                            sydtl.qty         = dt.preqty.Value - dt.qty;
                            sydtl.gdstype     = dt.gdstype;
                            sydtl.bthno       = dt.bthno;
                            sydtl.vlddat      = dt.vlddat;
                            sydtl.bcd         = dt.bcd;
                            sydtl.tpcode      = dt.tpcode;
                            sydtl.bkr         = LoginInfo.Usrid;
                            sydtl.bokflg      = GetY();
                            sydtl.bokdat      = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
                            sydtl.preqty      = dt.preqty.Value - dt.qty;
                            Log.i(LoginInfo.Usrid, Mdlid, bllno, WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETRIEVE_PROFIT_LOSS, "损溢单生成", dt.gdsid.Trim() + ":应收:" + dt.preqty.Value + ";实收:" + dt.qty, mst.qu, mst.savdptid);
                            var cwggdsbs = WmsDc.wms_cwgdsbs
                                           .Where(e => e.barcode == sydtl.barcode && e.bcd == sydtl.bcd && e.savdptid == mst.savdptid && e.gdsid == sydtl.gdsid && e.gdstype == sydtl.gdstype)
                                           .Select(e => e).Single();
                            if (cwggdsbs != null)
                                cwggdsbs.qty -= sydtl.qty;
                                if (cwggdsbs.qty <= 0)
                                    iDelCwgdsbs(new wms_cwgdsbs[] { cwggdsbs });

                    return(RRSucc("成功", null, "{{succ}}"));

                Rm = (ResultMessage)jr.Data;
                if (Rm.ResultCode != ResultMessage.RESULTMESSAGE_SUCCESS)

                //拣货数量和应拣数量判断是不是相等, 不相等就改播种单数量
                #region 拣货数量和应拣数量判断是不是相等, 不相等就改播种单数量
                var arrdtly = arrdtl
                              .Where(e => e.tpcode == "y")
                              .Select(e => new { e.gdsid, e.gdstype, e.qty });
                var arrdtln = arrdtl
                              .Where(e => e.tpcode == "n")
                              .Select(e => new { e.gdsid, e.gdstype, qty = 0.00 });
                var qsum = arrdtly.Union(arrdtln)
                           .GroupBy(g => new { g.gdsid, g.gdstype })
                           .Select(g => new { gdsid = g.Key.gdsid, gdstype = g.Key.gdstype, sumqty = g.Sum(e => e.qty) });
                foreach (var q in qsum)
                    var qbzsum = arrbzdtls
                                 .Where(e => e.gdsid == q.gdsid && e.gdstype == q.gdstype)
                                 .GroupBy(g => new { g.gdsid, g.gdstype })
                                 .Select(g => new { gdsid = g.Key.gdsid, gdstype = g.Key.gdstype, qsum = g.Sum(e => e.qty) }).Single();
                    if (qbzsum.qsum < q.sumqty)    //如果数量不一致就生成捡货损溢单,并记日志
                    else if (qbzsum.qsum >= q.sumqty)    //如果播种的数量小于捡货单的数量
                        double remainqty       = q.sumqty;
                        var    arrbzdtlsGdstyp = arrbzdtls.Where(e => e.gdstype == q.gdstype && e.gdsid == q.gdsid);
                        //按照播种数量从大到小的顺序   |
                        //从小到大开始播种             |
                        //播种到最后就播0              |

                        /*String cmdsql = "declare @remainqty deciaml(18,4)\r\n"
                         + "declare @wmsno varchar(20), @gdstype varchar(20), @rcdidx int, @gdsid varchar(10), @rcvdptid varchar(10), @qty decimal\r\n"
                         + "set @remainqty={0}\r\n"
                         + "set @gdsid={1}\r\n"
                         + "set @gdstype={2}\r\n"
                         + "set @wmsno={3}\r\n"
                         + "declare cur1 cursor for\r\n"
                         + "    select rcvdptid, qty, rcdidx from wms_bzdtl where wmsno=@wmsno and gdstype=@gdstype and gdsid=@gdsid order by qty desc, rcdidx \r\n"
                         + "open cur1\r\n"
                         + "fetch next from cur1 into @rcvdptid, @qty, @rcdidx\r\n"
                         + "while @@fetch_status=0\r\n"
                         + "begin\r\n"
                         + "    if @remainqty-@qty>0\r\n"
                         + "    begin\r\n"
                         + "        update wms_bzdtl set qty = @qty where wmsno=@wmsno and gdstype=@gdstype and gdsid=@gdsid and rcdidx=@rcdidx\r\n"
                         + "    end\r\n"
                         + "    else if @remainqty>0 and @remainqty-@qty<=0\r\n"
                         + "    begin\r\n"
                         + "        update wms_bzdtl set qty = @remainqty where wmsno=@wmsno and gdstype=@gdstype and gdsid=@gdsid and rcdidx=@rcdidx\r\n"
                         + "    end\r\n"
                         + "    else\r\n"
                         + "    begin\r\n"
                         + "        update wms_bzdtl set qty = 0 where wmsno=@wmsno and gdstype=@gdstype and gdsid=@gdsid and rcdidx=@rcdidx\r\n"
                         + "    end\r\n"
                         + "    set @remainqty = @remainqty-@qty\r\n"
                         + "    fetch next from cur1 into @rcvdptid, @qty, @rcdidx\r\n"
                         + "end\r\n"
                         + "close cur1\r\n"
                         + "deallocate cur1";*/
                         * preqty = preqty==null ? qty : preqty
                         * 公式:taxamt = qty*prc*taxrto
                         * amt = qty*prc
                         * salamt = qty*salprc
                         * patamt = qty*taxprc
                         * stotcstamt = qty*stotcstprc

                        String cmdsql = "";
                        if (mst.lnkbllid.Trim() == "206" || mst.lnkbllid.Trim() == "501")
                            cmdsql = "declare @remainqty deciaml(18,4)\r\n"
                                     + "declare @wmsno varchar(20), @gdstype varchar(20), @rcdidx int, @gdsid varchar(10), @rcvdptid varchar(10), @qty decimal, @stkouno varchar(30)\r\n"
                                     + "set @remainqty={0}\r\n"
                                     + "set @gdsid={1}\r\n"
                                     + "set @wmsno={2}\r\n"
                                     + "declare cur1 cursor for\r\n"
                                     + "    select b.rcvdptid, a.qty, a.rcdidx, b.stkouno from stkotdtl a inner join stkot b on a.stkouno=b.stkouno\r\n"
                                     + "          where b.wmsno=@wmsno and b.wmsbllid='" + WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETRIEVE + "' and a.gdsid=@gdsid order by qty desc, rcdidx \r\n"
                                     + "open cur1\r\n"
                                     + "fetch next from cur1 into @rcvdptid, @qty, @rcdidx, @stkouno\r\n"
                                     + "while @@fetch_status=0\r\n"
                                     + "begin\r\n"
                                     + "     update stkotdtl set preqty=case when preqty is null then qty else preqty end where stkouno=@stkouno and wmsbllid='" + WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETRIEVE + "' and gdsid=@gdsid and rcvidx=@rcvidx  \r\n"
                                     + "    if @remainqty-@qty>0\r\n"
                                     + "    begin\r\n"
                                     + "        update stkotdtl set qty = @qty where stkouno=@stkouno and gdsid=@gdsid and rcdidx=@rcdidx\r\n"
                                     + "    end\r\n"
                                     + "    else if @remainqty>0 and @remainqty-@qty<=0\r\n"
                                     + "    begin\r\n"
                                     + "        update stkotdtl set qty = @remainqty where stkouno=@stkouno and gdsid=@gdsid and rcdidx=@rcdidx\r\n"
                                     + "    end\r\n"
                                     + "    else\r\n"
                                     + "    begin\r\n"
                                     + "        update stkotdtl set qty = 0 where stkouno=@stkouno and gdsid=@gdsid and rcdidx=@rcdidx\r\n"
                                     + "    end\r\n"
                                     + "    update stkotdtl set amt=qty*prc, salamt=qty*salprc, patamt=qty*taxprc, stotcstamt=qty*stotcstprc where stkouno=@stkouno and gdsid=@gdsid and rcdidx=@rcdidx \r\n"
                                     + "    set @remainqty = @remainqty-@qty\r\n"
                                     + "    fetch next from cur1 into @rcvdptid, @qty, @rcdidx, @stkouno\r\n"
                                     + "end\r\n"
                                     + "close cur1\r\n"
                                     + "deallocate cur1";
                            WmsDc.ExecuteCommand(cmdsql, new object[] { remainqty, q.gdsid, bzmst.wmsno });


                #region 修改审核标记
                mst.chkflg = GetY();
                mst.chkdat = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
                mst.ckr    = LoginInfo.Usrid;

                    return(RSucc("成功", null, "S0225"));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return(RErr(ex.Message, "E0073"));
예제 #3
        public ActionResult BokReciev(String wmsno)
            var qry = from e in WmsDc.wms_bllmst
                      where e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_REVIECEBLL &&
                      e.wmsno == wmsno
                      select e;
            var arrqry = qry.ToArray();

            if (arrqry.Length <= 0)
            wms_bllmst bllmst = arrqry[0];

            #region 判断收货单是否已经登帐
            if (bllmst.chkflg == GetY())
                return(RInfo("I0053", wmsno));

            #region 判断操作员是否有审核该单据的权限
            if (!this.qus.Contains(bllmst.qu.Trim()))

            #region 是否该单据下的所有商品都已经审核
            var qry1 = from e in WmsDc.wms_blldtl
                       where e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_REVIECEBLL &&
                       e.wmsno == wmsno
                       select e;
            var arrqry1 = qry1.ToArray();
            if (arrqry1.Length <= 0)
            foreach (wms_blldtl dtl in arrqry1)
                if (dtl.bokflg == GetN())
                    return(RInfo("I0055", dtl.gdsid));

            var qrytp = from e in WmsDc.wms_blltp
                        where e.wmsno == wmsno &&
                        e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_REVIECEBLL
                        orderby e.tpcode, e.rcdidxtp
            select e;
            wms_bllmst   rmst = arrqry[0];
            wms_blldtl[] rdtl = arrqry1;

                       bllmst.savdptid, rmst.qu,
                       WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_UPBLL, (bllno) =>
                #region 修改内调单实收数量
                var qrytpdtl = from e in WmsDc.wms_blltp
                               where e.wmsno == wmsno && e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_REVIECEBLL
                               group e by new { e.wmsno, e.gdsid } into g
                select new
                    wmsno = g.Key.wmsno,
                    gdsid = g.Key.gdsid,
                    qty = g.Sum(e1 => e1.qty)
                var qryodrdtl = from e in WmsDc.stkindtl
                                join e1 in WmsDc.wms_bllmst on new { e.stkinno, e.stkin.bllid } equals new { stkinno = e1.lnknewno, bllid = e1.lnknewbllid }
                join e2 in qrytpdtl on new { e1.wmsno, e.gdsid } equals new { e2.wmsno, e2.gdsid }
                where e1.wmsno == wmsno && e1.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_REVIECEBLL && e.qty < e2.qty
                select e;
                var arrqryodrdtl = qryodrdtl.ToArray();
                if (arrqryodrdtl.Length > 0)
                    return RRInfo("I0428", arrqryodrdtl[0].gdsid);
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                String cmdsql = null;

                /*cmdsql = "update odrdtl set preqty=qty, qty=b.sumqty, pkgqty=b.sumqty, amt=convert(decimal(18,2),round(a.prc*b.sumqty, 4)), patamt=convert(decimal(18,2),round(a.taxprc*b.sumqty, 4)), taxamt=convert(decimal(18,2),round((a.taxprc*b.sumqty)-a.prc*b.sumqty, 4))   from "
                 + " odrdtl a "
                 + " inner join "
                 + " ( "
                 + " select a1.wmsno, a1.gdsid, sum(a1.qty) sumqty ,b1.lnknewno from wms_blltp a1 "
                 + "    inner join wms_bllmst b1 on a1.wmsno=b1.wmsno and a1.bllid=b1.bllid"
                 + " where b1.wmsno={0} and b1.bllid={1}"
                 + " group by a1.wmsno, a1.gdsid, b1.lnknewno	"
                 + " ) b on a.odrno=b.lnknewno and a.gdsid=b.gdsid ";
                 + sb.Append(cmdsql);
                cmdsql = "update wms_bllmst set chkflg='" + GetY() + "', ckr={0}, chkdat={1} where wmsno={2} and bllid={3} ";
                cmdsql = "update stkin set inflg='" + GetY() + "', indat={4} from stkin a inner join wms_bllmst b on b.lnknewno=a.stkinno and b.lnknewbllid=a.bllid where b.wmsno={5} and b.bllid={6} ";

                string sNow = GetCurrentDate();
                WmsDc.ExecuteCommand(sb.ToString(), new[] { LoginInfo.Usrid, sNow, wmsno, WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_REVIECEBLL, sNow, wmsno, WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_REVIECEBLL });


                #region 生成上架单

                wms_cang cwmst = new wms_cang();
                List <wms_cangdtl> lstcwdtl = new List <wms_cangdtl>();
                cwmst.wmsno = bllno;
                cwmst.bllid = WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_UPBLL;
                cwmst.savdptid = rmst.savdptid;
                cwmst.prvid = rmst.prvid;
                cwmst.qu = rmst.qu;
                /*mst.rcvdptid = rmst.rcvdptid;*/

                /*mst.times = rmst.times;
                 * mst.lnkbocino = rmst.lnkbocino;
                 * mst.lnkbocidat = rmst.lnkbocidat;*/
                cwmst.mkr = LoginInfo.Usrid;
                cwmst.mkedat = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
                cwmst.mkedat2 = GetCurrentDate();
                /*mst.ckr = rmst.ckr;*/
                cwmst.ckr = "";
                cwmst.chkflg = GetN();
                cwmst.chkdat = "";
                cwmst.opr = LoginInfo.Usrid;
                cwmst.brief = rmst.brief;
                cwmst.lnkbllid = rmst.bllid;
                cwmst.lnkno = rmst.wmsno;
                cwmst.lnkbrief = rmst.brief;
                var qrycwdtl = from e in qrytp
                               join e1 in WmsDc.wms_blldtl on new { e.wmsno, e.bllid, e.gdsid } equals new { e1.wmsno, e1.bllid, e1.gdsid }
                orderby e.rcdidx, e.rcdidxtp
                select new
                int i = 1;
                foreach (var tp in qrycwdtl)
                    wms_cangdtl cwdtl = new wms_cangdtl();
                    cwdtl.wmsno = bllno;
                    cwdtl.bllid = WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_UPBLL;
                    cwdtl.rcdidx = i++;
                    cwdtl.oldbarcode = "";
                    cwdtl.barcode = tp.e.barcode;
                    cwdtl.gdsid = tp.e.gdsid;
                    cwdtl.pkgid = tp.e.pkgid;
                    cwdtl.pkgqty = tp.e.qty;
                    cwdtl.qty = Math.Round(tp.e.qty, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                    cwdtl.gdstype = tp.e.gdstype;
                    cwdtl.bthno = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tp.e1.bthno) ? "1" : tp.e1.bthno;
                    cwdtl.vlddat = String.IsNullOrEmpty(tp.e1.vlddat) ? GetCurrentDay() : tp.e1.vlddat;
                    cwdtl.bcd = tp.e1.bcd;
                    cwdtl.tpcode = tp.e.tpcode;
                    cwdtl.barcode = "";
                    cwdtl.bkr = "";
                    cwdtl.bokflg = GetN();
                    cwdtl.bokdat = GetCurrentDate();

                #region 推荐仓位

                /*String cmdsql1 = "declare @wmsno varchar(20) "
                 + " set @wmsno={0} "
                 + " exec SuggestBarcode @wmsno ";
                 + WmsDc.ExecuteCommand(cmdsql1, new[] { wmsno });*/
                    return RRSucc("成功", null, "S0209");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return RRErr(ex.Message, "E0058");
예제 #4
        public ActionResult BokRetrieveGds(String wmsno, String barcode, String gdsid, String gdstype, double qty)
            using (TransactionScope scop = new TransactionScope())
                var qrymst = from e in WmsDc.wms_cang
                             where e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETRIEVE &&
                             e.wmsno == wmsno
                             select e;
                var arrmst = qrymst.ToArray();
                var qrydtl = from e in WmsDc.wms_cangdtl
                             where e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETRIEVE &&
                             e.gdsid == gdsid &&
                             e.gdstype == gdstype &&
                             e.barcode == barcode &&
                             e.wmsno == wmsno &&
                             e.tpcode == "y"
                             select e;
                var arrdtl = qrydtl.ToArray();

                #region 检查输入参数
                if (arrmst.Length <= 0)
                if (arrdtl.Length <= 0)
                wms_cang mst = arrmst[0];
                //string quRetrv = mst.qu;
                //if (DoingRetrieve(LoginInfo.DefStoreid, quRetrv))
                //    return RInfo( "I0117" );

                wms_cangdtl dtl = arrdtl[0];
                if (mst.chkflg == GetY())

                #region 商品登帐
                if (dtl.bokflg == GetY() && dtl.bkr.Trim() != LoginInfo.Usrid)
                    return(RInfo("I0431", dtl.bkr));

                if (dtl.bokflg == GetN() && dtl.qty != null)
                    //dtl.preqty = dtl.qty;
                if (dtl.tpcode == "n")
                if (dtl.preqty < qty && dtl.tpcode == "y")
                dtl.qty    = Math.Round(qty, 4);
                dtl.pkgqty = Math.Round(qty, 4);

                var qryallbygdsidN1 = from e in WmsDc.wms_cangdtl
                                      where e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETRIEVE &&
                                      e.gdsid == gdsid
                                      //&& e.gdstype == gdstype
                                      && e.wmsno == wmsno &&
                                      e.bokflg == GetN() && e.tpcode == "y"
                                      select e;
                int iCnt = qryallbygdsidN1.Count();
                if (mst.lnkbllid.Trim() == "206" && iCnt == 0)

                dtl.bokflg = GetY();
                dtl.bokdat = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
                dtl.bkr    = LoginInfo.Usrid;
                if (dtl.preqty != dtl.qty)
                    i(wmsno, WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETRIEVE, "拣货商品明细确认", "应拣数量:" + dtl.preqty + ",实拣数量:" + dtl.qty, mst.qu, mst.savdptid);

                #region 如果是206配送拣货的单据,在同一个拣货单里面同一商品确认完后,写入分货表
                if (mst.lnkbllid.Trim() == "206")
                    var qryallbygdsidN = from e in WmsDc.wms_cangdtl
                                         where e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETRIEVE &&
                                         e.gdsid == gdsid
                                         //&& e.gdstype == gdstype
                                         && e.wmsno == wmsno &&
                                         e.bokflg == GetN() && e.tpcode == "y"
                                         select e;
                    iCnt = qryallbygdsidN.Count();
                    if (iCnt == 0)
                        var qryAllByGdsidCang = from e in WmsDc.wms_cangdtl
                                                join e1 in WmsDc.wms_cang on new { e.wmsno, e.bllid } equals new { e1.wmsno, e1.bllid }
                        where e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETRIEVE &&
                        e.tpcode == "y" &&
                        e.gdsid == gdsid &&
                        e.wmsno == wmsno
                        group e by new
                        } into g
                            select new
                            savdptid = g.Key.savdptid,
                            wmsno    = g.Key.wmsno,
                            bllid    = g.Key.bllid,
                            bocino   = g.Key.lnkbocino,
                            bocidat  = g.Key.lnkbocidat,
                            clsid    = g.Key.times,

                            /*checi = (from e2 in WmsDc.psSndGds_dpt_dtl
                             *       where e2.dptid == g.Key.rcvdptid && e2.dh == g.Key.lnkbocino
                             *       select e2.busid.Substring(e2.busid.Trim().Length - 1, 1)).FirstOrDefault(),*/
                            gdsid  = g.Key.gdsid,
                            qty    = g.Sum(e => e.qty),
                            preqty = g.Sum(e => e.qty),
                            ckr    = "",
                            chkflg = GetN(),
                            chkdat = ""
                        var cutgds = qryAllByGdsidCang.FirstOrDefault();

                        #region 如果拣货的数量不够的话,要去修改配送单的数量和金额
                        var qrystkdtl = from e in WmsDc.stkotdtl
                                        where e.stkot.wmsbllid == cutgds.bllid &&
                                        e.stkot.wmsno == cutgds.wmsno &&
                                        e.gdsid == cutgds.gdsid
                                        orderby e.qty descending
                                        select e;
                        double q = qrystkdtl.Sum(e => e.qty) - cutgds.qty;

                        if (q > 0)
                            double diff     = q;
                            var    stkotdtl = qrystkdtl;
                            #region 减小数部分
                            foreach (stkotdtl d in stkotdtl)
                                if (d.preqty == null)
                                    d.preqty = d.qty;
                                double xtmp = d.qty * 10000 % 10000 / 10000;
                                if (diff > 0 && diff >= xtmp)
                                    diff  -= xtmp;
                                    d.qty -= xtmp;

                                    d.qty        = Math.Round(d.qty, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                                    d.pkgqty     = Math.Round(d.qty, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                                    d.taxamt     = Math.Round(d.qty * d.prc * d.taxrto, 4);
                                    d.amt        = Math.Round(d.qty * d.prc, 4);
                                    d.salamt     = d.qty * d.salprc;
                                    d.patamt     = Math.Round(d.qty * d.taxprc, 4);
                                    d.stotcstamt = Math.Round(d.qty * d.stotcstprc.Value, 4);
                                else if (diff > 0 && diff < xtmp)
                                    d.qty -= diff;
                                    diff   = 0;

                                    d.qty        = Math.Round(d.qty, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                                    d.pkgqty     = Math.Round(d.qty, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                                    d.taxamt     = Math.Round(d.qty * d.prc * d.taxrto, 4);
                                    d.amt        = Math.Round(d.qty * d.prc, 4);
                                    d.salamt     = d.qty * d.salprc;
                                    d.patamt     = Math.Round(d.qty * d.taxprc, 4);
                                    d.stotcstamt = Math.Round(d.qty * d.stotcstprc.Value, 4);
                            #endregion 减小数部分
                            #region 减去零散件规
                            foreach (stkotdtl d in stkotdtl)
                                if (d.preqty == null)
                                    d.preqty = d.qty;
                                double xtmp = (double)WmsDc.ExecuteQuery <decimal>("select convert(decimal,{0}) % convert(decimal,e.cnvrto) from v_wms_pkg e where e.gdsid={1}",
                                                                                   d.qty, d.gdsid).FirstOrDefault();

                                /*double xtmp = (from e in WmsDc.v_wms_pkg
                                 *             where e.gdsid == d.gdsid
                                 *             select Convert.ToInt32(d.qty) % e.cnvrto).FirstOrDefault();*/
                                if (diff > 0 && diff >= xtmp)
                                    diff  -= xtmp;
                                    d.qty -= xtmp;

                                    d.qty        = Math.Round(d.qty, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                                    d.pkgqty     = Math.Round(d.qty, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                                    d.taxamt     = Math.Round(d.qty * d.prc * d.taxrto, 4);
                                    d.amt        = Math.Round(d.qty * d.prc, 4);
                                    d.salamt     = d.qty * d.salprc;
                                    d.patamt     = Math.Round(d.qty * d.taxprc, 4);
                                    d.stotcstamt = Math.Round(d.qty * d.stotcstprc.Value, 4);
                                else if (diff > 0 && diff < xtmp)
                                    d.qty -= diff;
                                    diff   = 0;

                                    d.qty        = Math.Round(d.qty, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                                    d.pkgqty     = Math.Round(d.qty, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                                    d.taxamt     = Math.Round(d.qty * d.prc * d.taxrto, 4);
                                    d.amt        = Math.Round(d.qty * d.prc, 4);
                                    d.salamt     = d.qty * d.salprc;
                                    d.patamt     = Math.Round(d.qty * d.taxprc, 4);
                                    d.stotcstamt = Math.Round(d.qty * d.stotcstprc.Value, 4);
                            #endregion 减去零散件规
                            #region 减去从大到小的数量
                            foreach (stkotdtl d in stkotdtl)
                                if (d.preqty == null)
                                    d.preqty = d.qty;
                                if (diff > 0 && diff >= d.qty)
                                    diff -= d.qty;
                                    d.qty = 0;

                                    d.qty        = Math.Round(d.qty, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                                    d.pkgqty     = Math.Round(d.qty, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                                    d.taxamt     = Math.Round(d.qty * d.prc * d.taxrto, 4);
                                    d.amt        = Math.Round(d.qty * d.prc, 4);
                                    d.salamt     = d.qty * d.salprc;
                                    d.patamt     = Math.Round(d.qty * d.taxprc, 4);
                                    d.stotcstamt = Math.Round(d.qty * d.stotcstprc.Value, 4);
                                else if (diff > 0 && diff < d.qty)
                                    d.qty = d.qty - diff;
                                    diff  = 0;

                                    d.qty        = Math.Round(d.qty, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                                    d.pkgqty     = Math.Round(d.qty, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                                    d.taxamt     = Math.Round(d.qty * d.prc * d.taxrto, 4);
                                    d.amt        = Math.Round(d.qty * d.prc, 4);
                                    d.salamt     = d.qty * d.salprc;
                                    d.patamt     = Math.Round(d.qty * d.taxprc, 4);
                                    d.stotcstamt = Math.Round(d.qty * d.stotcstprc.Value, 4);
                            #endregion 减去从大到小的数量

                        // 写入分货表
                        #region 写入分货表
                        //var qryAllByGdsid = from e in WmsDc.stkotdtl
                        //                    join e1 in WmsDc.wms_cang on new { e.stkot.wmsno, e.stkot.wmsbllid } equals new { e1.wmsno, wmsbllid = e1.bllid }
                        //                    where e.stkot.wmsbllid == cutgds.bllid
                        //                    && e.stkot.wmsno == cutgds.wmsno
                        //                    && e.gdsid == cutgds.gdsid
                        //                    && e.qty != 0
                        //                    group e by new
                        //                    {
                        //                        e1.savdptid,
                        //                        e.stkot.rcvdptid,
                        //                        e1.wmsno,
                        //                        e1.bllid,
                        //                        e1.lnkbocino,
                        //                        e1.lnkbocidat,
                        //                        e1.times,
                        //                        e.gdsid
                        //                    } into g
                        //                    select new
                        //                    {
                        //                        savdptid = g.Key.savdptid,
                        //                        wmsno = g.Key.wmsno,
                        //                        bllid = g.Key.bllid,
                        //                        bocino = g.Key.lnkbocino,
                        //                        bocidat = g.Key.lnkbocidat,
                        //                        clsid = g.Key.times,
                        //                        checi = (from e2 in WmsDc.psSndGds_dpt_dtl
                        //                                 where e2.dptid == g.Key.rcvdptid && e2.dh == g.Key.lnkbocino
                        //                                 select e2.busid.Substring(e2.busid.Trim().Length - 1, 1)).FirstOrDefault(),
                        //                        gdsid = g.Key.gdsid,
                        //                        qty = g.Sum(e => e.qty),
                        //                        preqty = g.Sum(e => e.qty),
                        //                        ckr = "",
                        //                        chkflg = GetN(),
                        //                        chkdat = ""
                        //                    };
                        ////i(wmsno, "", "拣货确认", qryAllByGdsid.ToString(), "", LoginInfo.DefSavdptid);
                        //var arrQryAllByGdsid = qryAllByGdsid.ToArray();
                        //foreach (var a in arrQryAllByGdsid)
                        //    if (a.checi == null)
                        //    {
                        //        iFile(cutgds.bllid + "    " + cutgds.wmsno + "  " + cutgds.gdsid + "  ");
                        //    }

                        //var qryAllByGdsidSum = from e in arrQryAllByGdsid
                        //                       group e by new
                        //                       {
                        //                           e.savdptid,
                        //                           e.wmsno,
                        //                           e.bllid,
                        //                           e.bocino,
                        //                           e.bocidat,
                        //                           e.clsid,
                        //                           e.checi,
                        //                           e.gdsid,
                        //                           e.ckr,
                        //                           e.chkflg,
                        //                           e.chkdat
                        //                       } into g
                        //                       select new
                        //                       {
                        //                           g.Key.savdptid,
                        //                           g.Key.wmsno,
                        //                           g.Key.bllid,
                        //                           g.Key.bocino,
                        //                           g.Key.bocidat,
                        //                           g.Key.clsid,
                        //                           g.Key.checi,
                        //                           g.Key.gdsid,
                        //                           g.Key.ckr,
                        //                           g.Key.chkflg,
                        //                           g.Key.chkdat,
                        //                           qty = g.Sum(e => e.qty),
                        //                           preqty = g.Sum(e => e.preqty)
                        //                       };
                        //List<wms_cutgds> lstCg = new List<wms_cutgds>();
                        //foreach (var tcg in qryAllByGdsidSum)
                        //    wms_cutgds cg = new wms_cutgds();
                        //    cg.bllid = tcg.bllid;
                        //    cg.bocidat = tcg.bocidat;
                        //    cg.bocino = tcg.bocino;
                        //    cg.checi = tcg.checi;
                        //    cg.chkdat = tcg.chkdat;
                        //    cg.chkflg = tcg.chkflg;
                        //    cg.ckr = tcg.ckr;
                        //    cg.clsid = tcg.clsid;
                        //    cg.gdsid = tcg.gdsid;
                        //    cg.preqty = tcg.preqty;
                        //    cg.qty = tcg.qty;
                        //    cg.savdptid = tcg.savdptid;
                        //    cg.wmsno = tcg.wmsno;
                        //    lstCg.Add(cg);
                        #endregion 写入分货表


                    return(RSucc("成功", null, "S0212"));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return(RErr(ex.Message, "E0059"));
예제 #5
        public ActionResult BokRetrieveGds(String wmsno, String barcode, String gdsid, String gdstype, double qty)
            using (TransactionScope scop = new TransactionScope())
                var qrymst = from e in WmsDc.wms_cang
                             where e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETRIEVE &&
                             e.wmsno == wmsno
                             select e;
                var arrmst = qrymst.ToArray();
                var qrydtl = from e in WmsDc.wms_cangdtl
                             where e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETRIEVE &&
                             e.gdsid == gdsid &&
                             e.gdstype == gdstype &&
                             e.barcode == barcode &&
                             e.wmsno == wmsno
                             select e;
                var arrdtl = qrydtl.ToArray();

                #region 检查输入参数
                if (arrmst.Length <= 0)
                if (arrdtl.Length <= 0)
                wms_cang mst = arrmst[0];
                //string quRetrv = mst.qu;
                //if (DoingRetrieve(LoginInfo.DefStoreid, quRetrv))
                //    return RInfo( "I0391" );
                wms_cangdtl dtl = arrdtl[0];
                if (mst.chkflg == GetY())

                #region 商品登帐
                if (dtl.bokflg == GetY() && dtl.bkr.Trim() != LoginInfo.Usrid)
                    return(RInfo("I0461", dtl.bkr));

                if (dtl.bokflg == GetN() && dtl.qty != null)
                    dtl.preqty = dtl.qty;
                dtl.qty    = Math.Round(qty, 4);
                dtl.pkgqty = Math.Round(qty, 4);

                dtl.bokflg = GetY();
                dtl.bokdat = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
                dtl.bkr    = LoginInfo.Usrid;

                    return(RSucc("成功", null, "S0224"));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return(RErr(ex.Message, "E0072"));
예제 #6
        public ActionResult BokReciev(String wmsno)
            var qry = from e in WmsDc.wms_bllmst
                      where e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_REVIECEBLL &&
                      e.wmsno == wmsno
                      select e;
            var arrqry = qry.ToArray();

            if (arrqry.Length <= 0)
            wms_bllmst bllmst = arrqry[0];

                       WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_UPBLL, (bllno) =>
                //string quRetrv = bllmst.qu;
                //if (DoingRetrieve(LoginInfo.DefStoreid, quRetrv))
                //    return RRInfo( "I0226" );


                /*if (IsSameLogin(bllmst.mkr))
                 * {
                 *  return RRInfo("I0445" ,LoginInfo.Usrid  ,bllmst.mkr );
                 * }*/

                #region 判断收货单是否已经登帐
                if (bllmst.chkflg == GetY())
                    return RRInfo("I0446", wmsno);

                #region 判断操作员是否有审核该单据的权限
                var dtapwrs = from e in LoginInfo.DatPwrs
                              select e.qu;
                if (!dtapwrs.Contains(bllmst.qu.Trim()))
                    return RRInfo("I0447");

                #region 是否该单据下的所有商品都已经审核
                var qry1 = from e in WmsDc.wms_blldtl
                           where e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_REVIECEBLL &&
                           e.wmsno == wmsno
                           select e;
                var arrqry1 = qry1.ToArray();
                if (arrqry1.Length <= 0)
                    return RRNoData("N0240");
                foreach (wms_blldtl dtl in arrqry1)
                    if (dtl.bokflg == GetN())
                        return RRInfo("I0448", dtl.gdsid);

                #region 修改采购单实收数量
                var qrytpdtl = from e in WmsDc.wms_blltp
                               where e.wmsno == wmsno && e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_REVIECEBLL
                               group e by new { e.wmsno, e.gdsid } into g
                select new
                    wmsno = g.Key.wmsno,
                    gdsid = g.Key.gdsid,
                    qty = g.Sum(e1 => e1.qty)
                var qryodrdtl = from e in WmsDc.odrdtl
                                join e1 in WmsDc.wms_bllmst on e.odrno equals e1.lnknewno
                                join e2 in qrytpdtl on new { e1.wmsno, e.gdsid } equals new { e2.wmsno, e2.gdsid }
                where e1.wmsno == wmsno && e1.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_REVIECEBLL && e.qty < e2.qty
                select e;
                var arrqryodrdtl = qryodrdtl.ToArray();
                if (arrqryodrdtl.Length > 0)
                    return RRInfo("I0449", arrqryodrdtl[0].gdsid);
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                String cmdsql = null;
                cmdsql = "update odrdtl set preqty=qty, qty=isnull(b.sumqty,0), pkgqty=isnull(b.sumqty,0), amt=convert(decimal(18,2),round(a.prc*isnull(b.sumqty,0), 4)), patamt=convert(decimal(18,2),round(a.taxprc*isnull(b.sumqty,0), 4)), taxamt=convert(decimal(18,2),round((a.taxprc*isnull(b.sumqty,0))-a.prc*isnull(b.sumqty,0), 4))   from "
                         + " odrdtl a "
                         + " left join "
                         + " ( "
                         + " select a1.wmsno, a1.gdsid, sum(a1.qty) sumqty ,b1.lnknewno from wms_blltp a1 "
                         + " 	inner join wms_bllmst b1 on a1.wmsno=b1.wmsno and a1.bllid=b1.bllid"
                         + " where b1.wmsno={0} and b1.bllid={1}"
                         + " group by a1.wmsno, a1.gdsid, b1.lnknewno	"
                         + " ) b on a.odrno=b.lnknewno and a.gdsid=b.gdsid "
                         + " where a.odrno in (select lnknewno from wms_bllmst where wmsno={2})";
                cmdsql = "update wms_bllmst set chkflg='" + GetY() + "', ckr={3}, chkdat={4} where wmsno={5} and bllid={6} ";
                cmdsql = "update odr set shflg='" + GetY() + "' from odr a inner join wms_bllmst b on b.lnknewno=a.odrno and b.lnknewbllid=a.bllid where b.wmsno={7} and b.bllid={8} ";

                string sNow = GetCurrentDate();
                WmsDc.ExecuteCommand(sb.ToString(), new[] { wmsno, WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_REVIECEBLL, wmsno, LoginInfo.Usrid, sNow, wmsno, WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_REVIECEBLL, wmsno, WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_REVIECEBLL });
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return RRErr(ex.Message, "E0066");

                #region 生成上架单
                var qrytp = from e in WmsDc.wms_blltp
                            where e.wmsno == wmsno &&
                            e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_REVIECEBLL
                            orderby e.tpcode, e.rcdidxtp
                select e;
                wms_bllmst rmst = arrqry[0];
                wms_blldtl[] rdtl = arrqry1;
                wms_cang cwmst = new wms_cang();
                List <wms_cangdtl> lstcwdtl = new List <wms_cangdtl>();
                cwmst.wmsno = bllno;
                cwmst.bllid = WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_UPBLL;
                cwmst.savdptid = rmst.savdptid;
                cwmst.prvid = rmst.prvid;
                cwmst.qu = rmst.qu;
                /*mst.rcvdptid = rmst.rcvdptid;*/

                /*mst.times = rmst.times;
                 * mst.lnkbocino = rmst.lnkbocino;
                 * mst.lnkbocidat = rmst.lnkbocidat;*/
                cwmst.mkr = LoginInfo.Usrid;
                cwmst.mkedat = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
                cwmst.mkedat2 = GetCurrentDate();
                /*mst.ckr = rmst.ckr;*/
                cwmst.ckr = "";
                cwmst.chkflg = GetN();
                cwmst.chkdat = "";
                cwmst.opr = LoginInfo.Usrid;
                cwmst.brief = rmst.brief;
                cwmst.lnkbllid = rmst.bllid;
                cwmst.lnkno = rmst.wmsno;
                cwmst.lnkbrief = rmst.brief;
                var qrycwdtl = from e in qrytp
                               join e1 in WmsDc.wms_blldtl on new { e.wmsno, e.bllid, e.gdsid } equals new { e1.wmsno, e1.bllid, e1.gdsid }
                orderby e.rcdidx, e.rcdidxtp
                select new
                int i = 1;
                foreach (var tp in qrycwdtl)
                    wms_cangdtl cwdtl = new wms_cangdtl();
                    cwdtl.wmsno = bllno;
                    cwdtl.bllid = WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_UPBLL;
                    cwdtl.rcdidx = i++;
                    cwdtl.oldbarcode = "";
                    cwdtl.barcode = tp.e.barcode;
                    cwdtl.gdsid = tp.e.gdsid;
                    cwdtl.pkgid = tp.e.pkgid;
                    cwdtl.pkgqty = tp.e.qty;
                    cwdtl.qty = Math.Round(tp.e.qty, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                    cwdtl.gdstype = tp.e.gdstype;
                    cwdtl.bthno = "";
                    cwdtl.vlddat = "";
                    cwdtl.bcd = tp.e1.bcd;
                    cwdtl.tpcode = tp.e.tpcode;
                    cwdtl.barcode = "";
                    cwdtl.bkr = "";
                    cwdtl.bokflg = GetN();
                    cwdtl.bokdat = "";

                #region 推荐仓位

                /*String cmdsql1 = "declare @wmsno varchar(20) "
                 + " set @wmsno={0} "
                 + " exec SuggestBarcode @wmsno ";
                 + WmsDc.ExecuteCommand(cmdsql1, new[] { wmsno });*/
                    return RRSucc("成功", null, "S0218");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return RRErr(ex.Message, "E0067");
예제 #7
        public ActionResult BokRetrieveGds(String wmsno, String barcode, String gdsid, String gdstype, double qty)
            using (TransactionScope scop = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, options))
                var qrymst = from e in WmsDc.wms_cang
                             where e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETRIEVE &&
                             e.wmsno == wmsno
                             select e;
                var arrmst = qrymst.ToArray();
                var qrydtl = from e in WmsDc.wms_cangdtl
                             where e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETRIEVE &&
                             e.gdsid == gdsid &&
                             e.gdstype == gdstype &&
                             e.barcode == barcode &&
                             e.wmsno == wmsno &&
                             e.tpcode == "y"
                             select e;
                var arrdtl = qrydtl.ToArray();

                #region 检查输入参数
                if (arrmst.Length <= 0)
                if (arrdtl.Length <= 0)
                wms_cang mst = arrmst[0];
                //string quRetrv = mst.qu;
                //if (DoingRetrieve(LoginInfo.DefStoreid, quRetrv))
                //    return RInfo( "I0117" );

                wms_cangdtl dtl = arrdtl[0];
                if (mst != null && mst.chkflg == GetY())

                #region 商品登帐
                WmsDc.Refresh(System.Data.Linq.RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, dtl);
                if (dtl.bokflg == GetY())
                    string[] whoAdt = (from e in WmsDc.emp
                                       where e.empid == dtl.bkr
                                       select e.empdes).ToArray();
                    if (whoAdt.Count() > 0)
                        return(RInfo("I0125", string.Join(",", whoAdt)));

                if (dtl.bokflg == GetY() && dtl.bkr.Trim() != LoginInfo.Usrid)
                    return(RInfo("I0431", dtl.bkr));

                if (dtl.bokflg == GetN() && dtl.qty != null)
                    //dtl.preqty = dtl.qty;
                if (dtl.tpcode == "n")
                if (dtl.preqty < qty && dtl.tpcode == "y")
                dtl.qty    = Math.Round(qty, 4);
                dtl.pkgqty = Math.Round(qty, 4);

                var qryallbygdsidN1 = from e in WmsDc.wms_cangdtl
                                      where e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETRIEVE &&
                                      e.gdsid == gdsid
                                      //&& e.gdstype == gdstype
                                      && e.wmsno == wmsno &&
                                      e.bokflg == GetN() && e.tpcode == "y"
                                      select e;
                int iCnt = qryallbygdsidN1.Count();
                if (mst.lnkbllid.Trim() == "206" && iCnt == 0)

                dtl.bokflg = GetY();
                dtl.bokdat = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
                dtl.bkr    = LoginInfo.Usrid;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (ex.Message.IndexOf("牺牲品") > 0)
                        return(RInfo("E0076", ex.Message));
                if (dtl.preqty != dtl.qty)
                    i(wmsno, WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETRIEVE, "拣货商品明细确认", "应拣数量:" + dtl.preqty + ",实拣数量:" + dtl.qty, mst.qu, mst.savdptid);

                #region 如果是206配送拣货的单据,在同一个拣货单里面同一商品确认完后,写入分货表
                if (mst.lnkbllid.Trim() == "206")
                    var qryallbygdsidN = from e in WmsDc.wms_cangdtl
                                         where e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETRIEVE &&
                                         e.gdsid == gdsid
                                         //&& e.gdstype == gdstype
                                         && e.wmsno == wmsno &&
                                         e.bokflg == GetN() && e.tpcode == "y"
                                         select e;
                    iCnt = qryallbygdsidN.Count();
                    if (iCnt == 0)
                        var qryAllByGdsidCang = from e in WmsDc.wms_cangdtl
                                                join e1 in WmsDc.wms_cang on new { e.wmsno, e.bllid } equals new { e1.wmsno, e1.bllid }
                        where e.bllid == WMSConst.BLL_TYPE_RETRIEVE &&
                        e.tpcode == "y" &&
                        e.gdsid == gdsid &&
                        e.wmsno == wmsno
                        group e by new
                        } into g
                            select new
                            savdptid = g.Key.savdptid,
                            wmsno    = g.Key.wmsno,
                            bllid    = g.Key.bllid,
                            bocino   = g.Key.lnkbocino,
                            bocidat  = g.Key.lnkbocidat,
                            clsid    = g.Key.times,

                            /*checi = (from e2 in WmsDc.psSndGds_dpt_dtl
                             *       where e2.dptid == g.Key.rcvdptid && e2.dh == g.Key.lnkbocino
                             *       select e2.busid.Substring(e2.busid.Trim().Length - 1, 1)).FirstOrDefault(),*/
                            gdsid  = g.Key.gdsid,
                            qty    = g.Sum(e => e.qty),
                            preqty = g.Sum(e => e.qty),
                            ckr    = "",
                            chkflg = GetN(),
                            chkdat = ""
                        var cutgds = qryAllByGdsidCang.FirstOrDefault();

                        #region 如果拣货的数量不够的话,要去修改配送单的数量和金额
                        var qrystkdtl = from e in WmsDc.stkotdtl
                                        where e.stkot.wmsbllid == cutgds.bllid &&
                                        e.stkot.wmsno == cutgds.wmsno &&
                                        e.gdsid == cutgds.gdsid
                                        orderby Convert.ToInt32(e.stkot.rcvdptid) descending, e.qty descending
                        select e;

                        double q = qrystkdtl.Sum(e => e.qty) - cutgds.qty;

                        if (q > 0)
                            double diff     = q;
                            var    stkotdtl = qrystkdtl;

                            RedcStkotQty(stkotdtl.ToArray(), diff);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            if (ex.Message.IndexOf("牺牲品") > 0)
                                return(RInfo("E0076", ex.Message));

                        // 写入分货表
                        #region 写入分货表
                        //var qryAllByGdsid = from e in WmsDc.stkotdtl
                        //                    join e1 in WmsDc.wms_cang on new { e.stkot.wmsno, e.stkot.wmsbllid } equals new { e1.wmsno, wmsbllid = e1.bllid }
                        //                    where e.stkot.wmsbllid == cutgds.bllid
                        //                    && e.stkot.wmsno == cutgds.wmsno
                        //                    && e.gdsid == cutgds.gdsid
                        //                    && e.qty != 0
                        //                    group e by new
                        //                    {
                        //                        e1.savdptid,
                        //                        e.stkot.rcvdptid,
                        //                        e1.wmsno,
                        //                        e1.bllid,
                        //                        e1.lnkbocino,
                        //                        e1.lnkbocidat,
                        //                        e1.times,
                        //                        e.gdsid
                        //                    } into g
                        //                    select new
                        //                    {
                        //                        savdptid = g.Key.savdptid,
                        //                        wmsno = g.Key.wmsno,
                        //                        bllid = g.Key.bllid,
                        //                        bocino = g.Key.lnkbocino,
                        //                        bocidat = g.Key.lnkbocidat,
                        //                        clsid = g.Key.times,
                        //                        checi = (from e2 in WmsDc.psSndGds_dpt_dtl
                        //                                 where e2.dptid == g.Key.rcvdptid && e2.dh == g.Key.lnkbocino
                        //                                 select e2.busid.Substring(e2.busid.Trim().Length - 1, 1)).FirstOrDefault(),
                        //                        gdsid = g.Key.gdsid,
                        //                        qty = g.Sum(e => e.qty),
                        //                        preqty = g.Sum(e => e.qty),
                        //                        ckr = "",
                        //                        chkflg = GetN(),
                        //                        chkdat = ""
                        //                    };
                        ////i(wmsno, "", "拣货确认", qryAllByGdsid.ToString(), "", LoginInfo.DefSavdptid);
                        //var arrQryAllByGdsid = qryAllByGdsid.ToArray();
                        //foreach (var a in arrQryAllByGdsid)
                        //    if (a.checi == null)
                        //    {
                        //        iFile(cutgds.bllid + "    " + cutgds.wmsno + "  " + cutgds.gdsid + "  ");
                        //    }

                        //var qryAllByGdsidSum = from e in arrQryAllByGdsid
                        //                       group e by new
                        //                       {
                        //                           e.savdptid,
                        //                           e.wmsno,
                        //                           e.bllid,
                        //                           e.bocino,
                        //                           e.bocidat,
                        //                           e.clsid,
                        //                           e.checi,
                        //                           e.gdsid,
                        //                           e.ckr,
                        //                           e.chkflg,
                        //                           e.chkdat
                        //                       } into g
                        //                       select new
                        //                       {
                        //                           g.Key.savdptid,
                        //                           g.Key.wmsno,
                        //                           g.Key.bllid,
                        //                           g.Key.bocino,
                        //                           g.Key.bocidat,
                        //                           g.Key.clsid,
                        //                           g.Key.checi,
                        //                           g.Key.gdsid,
                        //                           g.Key.ckr,
                        //                           g.Key.chkflg,
                        //                           g.Key.chkdat,
                        //                           qty = g.Sum(e => e.qty),
                        //                           preqty = g.Sum(e => e.preqty)
                        //                       };
                        //List<wms_cutgds> lstCg = new List<wms_cutgds>();
                        //foreach (var tcg in qryAllByGdsidSum)
                        //    wms_cutgds cg = new wms_cutgds();
                        //    cg.bllid = tcg.bllid;
                        //    cg.bocidat = tcg.bocidat;
                        //    cg.bocino = tcg.bocino;
                        //    cg.checi = tcg.checi;
                        //    cg.chkdat = tcg.chkdat;
                        //    cg.chkflg = tcg.chkflg;
                        //    cg.ckr = tcg.ckr;
                        //    cg.clsid = tcg.clsid;
                        //    cg.gdsid = tcg.gdsid;
                        //    cg.preqty = tcg.preqty;
                        //    cg.qty = tcg.qty;
                        //    cg.savdptid = tcg.savdptid;
                        //    cg.wmsno = tcg.wmsno;
                        //    lstCg.Add(cg);
                        #endregion 写入分货表

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (ex.Message.IndexOf("牺牲品") > 0)
                            return(RInfo("E0076", ex.Message));

                    return(RSucc("成功", null, "S0212"));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return(RErr(ex.Message, "E0059"));