public bool validateWebInfo(string hash) { crcDupes.possibleCrcType type = new crcDupes.possibleCrcType(); type = Program.form.crcDb.crcToCleanCrc(hash.ToUpper()); if ((type == null) || (type.hash == "")) { type = new crcDupes.possibleCrcType { hash = hash.ToUpper() }; Program.form.romHeader.romHeader.cleanCrc.type = crcDupes.romTypes.unknown; } webInfoClass class2 = Program.form.web.parseWebInfo(type.hash); if ((class2 == null) || (class2.item[0] == null)) { return(false); } foreach (webInfoItemClass class3 in class2.item) { DateTime utcNow; DateTime time2; if (class3 == null) { continue; } switch (class3.key) { case "error:hash not found": System.IO.File.Delete("data/web/info/" + Program.form.romHeader.romHeader.cleanCrc.hash + "_info.dsapdb"); return(false); case "error:bad hash": System.IO.File.Delete("data/web/info/" + Program.form.romHeader.romHeader.cleanCrc.hash + "_info.dsapdb"); return(false); case "romnum": case "romnam": case "romgrp": case "romsav": case "romzip": case "romdir": case "id": case "wifi": case "boxart": case "dscompat": case "newsdate": case "romrgn": case "nfolink": case "icon": case "n3dsopt": case "romsize": { continue; } case "date": { utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow; int year = int.Parse(class3.val.Substring(0, 4)); int month = int.Parse(class3.val.Substring(4, 2)); int day = int.Parse(class3.val.Substring(6, 2)); int hour = int.Parse(class3.val.Substring(8, 2)); int minute = int.Parse(class3.val.Substring(10, 2)); int second = int.Parse(class3.val.Substring(12, 2)); time2 = new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second); long num7 = long.Parse(utcNow.Year.ToString("D2") + utcNow.Month.ToString("D2") + utcNow.Day.ToString("D2") + utcNow.Hour.ToString("D2") + utcNow.Minute.ToString("D2") + utcNow.Second.ToString("D2")); long num8 = long.Parse(time2.Year.ToString("D2") + time2.Month.ToString("D2") + time2.Day.ToString("D2") + time2.Hour.ToString("D2") + time2.Minute.ToString("D2") + time2.Second.ToString("D2")); if (num7 <= num8) { break; } if (utcNow.Subtract(time2).TotalMinutes <= 10080.0) { continue; } return(false); } default: MessageBox.Show("Invalid web info: " + class3.key); return(false); } if (time2.Subtract(utcNow).TotalMinutes > 0.0) { return(true); } } return(true); }
public webInfoClass parseWebInfo(string hash) { = new webInfoClass(); if (System.IO.File.Exists("data/web/info/" + hash + "_info.dsapdb")) { = hash; string str = ""; FileStream fs = null; try { string sKey ="790077003F0028003F0050003F003F00"); fs = new FileStream("data/web/info/" + hash + "_info.dsapdb", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(this.encryptor.createDecryptionReadStream(sKey, fs))) { int index = 0; while ((str = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { try { if (index < 20) { string[] strArray = str.Split(new char[] { '>' }); if ([index] == null) {[index] = new webInfoItemClass(); }[index].key = strArray[0].Replace("=", "");[index].val = strArray[1]; index++; } continue; } catch { continue; } } reader.Close(); fs.Close(); } } catch (Exception exception) { = hash; if (fs != null) { fs.Close(); } Label_0153: try { System.IO.File.Delete("data/web/info/" + hash + "_info.dsapdb"); } catch { goto Label_0153; } if (Program.form.organiseForm.checkBoxDownload.Checked && Program.form.organiseForm.cancelBatchBtn.Visible) { MessageBox.Show("re-download because in batch and corrupt file"); this.downloadRomInfo(hash, Program.form.organiseForm.progressBarStage, Program.form.organiseForm.stageProgressGrpLabel); } else if (Program.form.options.getValue("auto_info_dl") == "1") { MessageBox.Show("re-download because auto download and corrupt file"); this.downloadRomInfo(hash, Program.form.toolStripProgressBar, Program.form.toolStripStatusLabel); } else { MessageBox.Show(exception.Message + "\n\nPlease re-open the rom and click refresh on the DS-Scene tab\n\nInvalid DS-Scene Web Data", "DS-Scene File Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } return(null); } } return(; }
public bool downloadRomInfo(string hash, ProgressBar progress, Label status) { bool flag; try { if (System.IO.File.Exists("data/web/info/" + hash + "_info.dsapdb")) { System.IO.File.Delete("data/web/info/" + hash + "_info.dsapdb"); } string url = "" + hash; if (Program.form.downloadFile(url, "data/temp/", "Contacting", hash + "_info.raw", progress, status) && System.IO.File.Exists("data/temp/" + hash + "_info.raw")) { string str2 ="790077003F0028003F0050003F003F00"); GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(str2, GCHandleType.Pinned); this.encryptor.EncryptFile("data/temp/" + hash + "_info.raw", "data/web/info/" + hash + "_info.dsapdb", str2, gch); System.IO.File.Delete("data/temp/" + hash + "_info.raw"); webInfoClass class2 = this.parseWebInfo(hash); if (class2 != null) { if (class2.item[0].key == "error:bad hash") { MessageBox.Show("Bad Hash Detected! " + hash); return(false); } if (class2.item[0].key == "error:hash not found") { return(false); } foreach (webInfoItemClass class3 in class2.item) { if (class3 != null) { if ((class3.key == "boxart") && (class3.val != "")) { if (System.IO.File.Exists("data/web/images/" + hash + ".jpg")) { System.IO.File.Delete("data/web/images/" + hash + ".jpg"); } class3.val = class3.val.Replace("/resize/?image=images", ""); class3.val = class3.val.Replace("&width=150", ""); Program.form.downloadFile(class3.val, "data/web/images/", "Downloading Boxart", hash + ".jpg", progress, status); Program.form.resizeBoxart("data/web/images/", hash + ".jpg"); } if ((class3.key == "icon") && (class3.val != "")) { if (System.IO.File.Exists("data/web/images/" + hash + ".png")) { System.IO.File.Delete("data/web/images/" + hash + ".png"); } Program.form.downloadFile(class3.val, "data/web/images/", "Downloading Icon", hash + ".png", progress, status); } if ((class3.key == "nfolink") && (class3.val != "")) { if (System.IO.File.Exists("data/web/nfo/" + hash + ".nfo")) { System.IO.File.Delete("data/web/nfo/" + hash + ".nfo"); } Program.form.downloadFile(class3.val, "data/web/nfo/", "Downloading NFO", hash + ".nfo", progress, status); } if (((class3.key == "romrgn") && (class3.val != "")) && !System.IO.File.Exists("data/web/images/flag_" + class3.val + ".gif")) { Program.form.downloadFile("" + class3.val + ".gif", "data/web/images/", "Download Flag", "flag_" + class3.val + ".gif", progress, status); } } } goto Label_037C; } System.IO.File.Delete("data/web/info/" + hash + "_info.dsapdb"); } return(false); Label_037C: flag = true; } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show("An error occurred while trying to contact\n\n" + exception.Message, " error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); flag = false; } return(flag); }