/// <summary>
 /// Sets to idle state as well as signals that it's safe
 /// to spawn new weather.
 /// </summary>
 public void TurnOff()
     if (currentWeather != null)
     cloudTransition = 0;
     transition      = 0;
     totalTransition = 0;
     safeToPress    = true;
     currentWeather = null;
     weatherState   = Off;
 /// <summary>
 /// Starting point of weather cycle where weatherType is enabled
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="weatherType">Weather type.</param>
 public void EnableWeather(WeatherInfo weatherType, float startTime, float weatherLength, float transitionLength, float cloudTransitionLength = 0, float?severity = null)
     currentWeather = weatherType;
     SetSeverity(weatherType, severity);
     if (currentWeather.changesClouds)
         cloudTransInTime  = startTime;
         transInTime       = cloudTransInTime + cloudTransitionLength;
         idleTime          = transInTime + transitionLength;
         transOutTime      = idleTime + weatherLength;
         cloudTransOutTime = transOutTime + transitionLength;
         stopTime          = cloudTransOutTime + cloudTransitionLength;
         transInTime  = startTime;
         idleTime     = transInTime + transitionLength;
         transOutTime = idleTime + weatherLength;
         stopTime     = transOutTime + transitionLength;
     safeToPress  = false;
     weatherState = On;