static int Main() { System.Console.Write("Example with vector v:\n"); vector3d v = new vector3d(1.2, 1.5, 2.0); System.Console.Write("v = " + v + "\n"); System.Console.Write("v_x = " + v.x + "\n"); System.Console.Write("Changing v_x to 10 and v_y to 3.\n"); v.x = 10; v.y = 3; System.Console.Write("v_x = " + v.x + "\n"); v.print("v="); System.Console.Write("Defining new vector u:"); vector3d u = new vector3d(2, 5, 7); double a = 2; u.print("u="); System.Console.Write("Calculating 2*u, u+v and cross-product of u and v \n"); vector3d w = u * a; w.print("2*u = "); vector3d q = u + v; q.print("u+v = "); vector3d t = v.vectorProduct(u); t.print("u x v = "); System.Console.Write("Magnitude v = {0:f3}\n", v.magnitude()); return(0); }