public ActionResult newUser(user obj) { if (obj.txtId > 0) { var file = Request.Files["userImage"]; string returnMsg = obj.validation(); ViewBag.txtName = obj.txtName; ViewBag.txtLogin = obj.txtLogin; ViewBag.txtPassword = obj.txtPassword; ViewBag.txtEmail = obj.txtEmail; ViewBag.cmbGender = obj.cmbGender; ViewBag.txtAddress = obj.txtAddress; ViewBag.txtAge = obj.txtAge; ViewBag.txtCnic = obj.txtCnic; ViewBag.dateDob = obj.dateDob.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); ViewBag.chkCricket = obj.chkCricket; ViewBag.chkHockey = obj.chkHockey; ViewBag.chkChess = obj.chkChess; ViewBag.msg = ""; if (returnMsg != "true") { ViewBag.msg = returnMsg; } if (ViewBag.msg != "") { return(View()); } var uniqueName = ""; userDAO userObjDao = new userDAO(); if (file.FileName == "") { ViewBag.userImage = Request["imageName"]; obj.userImage = Request["imageName"]; } else { ViewBag.userImage = file.FileName; var ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); uniqueName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ext; var rootPath = Server.MapPath("~/UploadedFiles"); var fileSavePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(rootPath, uniqueName); file.SaveAs(fileSavePath); obj.userImage = uniqueName; } if ( { return(Redirect("/home/home?email=" + ViewBag.txtEmail)); } } else { if (Request.Files["userImage"] != null) { var file = Request.Files["userImage"]; string returnMsg = obj.validation(); ViewBag.userImage = file; ViewBag.txtName = obj.txtName; ViewBag.txtLogin = obj.txtLogin; ViewBag.txtPassword = obj.txtPassword; ViewBag.txtEmail = obj.txtEmail; ViewBag.cmbGender = obj.cmbGender; ViewBag.txtAddress = obj.txtAddress; ViewBag.txtAge = obj.txtAge; ViewBag.txtCnic = obj.txtCnic; ViewBag.dateDob = obj.dateDob.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); ViewBag.chkCricket = obj.chkCricket; ViewBag.chkHockey = obj.chkHockey; ViewBag.chkChess = obj.chkChess; ViewBag.msg = ""; if (returnMsg != "true") { ViewBag.msg = returnMsg; } if (file.FileName == "") { ViewBag.msg = "Select image and insert other fields if empty"; } if (ViewBag.msg != "") { return(View()); } var uniqueName = ""; userDAO userObjDao = new userDAO(); if (userObjDao.isUserExistByEmail(obj.txtEmail)) { ViewBag.msg = "User Already Exist! Try with another email"; return(View()); } if (userObjDao.isUserExistByLogin(obj.txtLogin)) { ViewBag.msg = "User Already Exist! Try with another login"; return(View()); } var ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); uniqueName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ext; var rootPath = Server.MapPath("~/UploadedFiles"); var fileSavePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(rootPath, uniqueName); file.SaveAs(fileSavePath); obj.userImage = uniqueName; if ( { return(Redirect("/home/home?email=" + ViewBag.txtEmail)); } } else { ViewBag.msg = "Error in loading image"; } return(View()); } return(View()); }