public void TestRpcSendManyWithValidDataIsSuccessful()
            using (NodeBuilder builder = NodeBuilder.Create(this))
                Network network = new BitcoinRegTest();
                var     node    = builder.CreateStratisPowNode(network).WithWallet().Start();

                RPCClient rpcClient    = node.CreateRPCClient();
                int       blocksToMine = (int)network.Consensus.CoinbaseMaturity + 1;
                TestHelper.MineBlocks(node, blocksToMine);
                TestHelper.WaitLoop(() => node.FullNode.GetBlockStoreTip().Height == blocksToMine);

                var alice        = new Key().GetBitcoinSecret(network);
                var aliceAddress = alice.GetAddress();
                var bob          = new Key().GetBitcoinSecret(network);
                var bobAddress   = bob.GetAddress();

                rpcClient.WalletPassphrase("password", 60);

                // Test with just defaults.
                const decimal coinsForAlice            = 1.0m;
                const decimal coinsForBob              = 2.0m;
                Dictionary <string, decimal> addresses = new Dictionary <string, decimal>();
                addresses.Add(aliceAddress.ToString(), coinsForAlice);
                addresses.Add(bobAddress.ToString(), coinsForBob);
                var addressesJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(addresses);
                var response      = rpcClient.SendCommand(RPCOperations.sendmany, string.Empty, addressesJson);
                var txid          = new uint256(response.ResultString);

                // Check the hash calculated correctly.
                var tx = rpcClient.GetRawTransaction(txid);

                // Check the output is the right amount.
                var aliceCoins = tx.Outputs.AsCoins().First(c => c.ScriptPubKey == aliceAddress.ScriptPubKey);

                var bobCoins = tx.Outputs.AsCoins().First(c => c.ScriptPubKey == bobAddress.ScriptPubKey);

                // TODO: Enable test below once WalletTransactionHandler supports recepients with SubtractFeeFromAmount=true
                // Test option to subtract fees from outputs.
                //var subtractFeeAddresses = new[] { aliceAddress.ToString(), bobAddress.ToString() };
                //response = rpcClient.SendCommand(RPCOperations.sendmany, string.Empty, addressesJson, 0, string.Empty, subtractFeeAddresses);
                //txid = new uint256(response.ResultString);

                // Check the hash calculated correctly.
                //tx = rpcClient.GetRawTransaction(txid);

                // Check the output is the right amount.
                //aliceCoins = tx.Outputs.AsCoins().First(c => c.ScriptPubKey == aliceAddress.ScriptPubKey);

                //bobCoins = tx.Outputs.AsCoins().First(c => c.ScriptPubKey == bobAddress.ScriptPubKey);