예제 #1
        public override void Dispose()

            //string error_string;
            string           last_driver = "";
            ui_system_info   system;
            ui_software_info swinfo;

            get_selection(out swinfo, out system);
            if (swinfo != null)
                last_driver = swinfo.shortname;
            else if (system != null)
                last_driver = system.driver.name;

            string filter = m_persistent_data.filter_data().get_config_string();

            ui_options mopt = ui().options();

            mopt.set_value(ui_options.OPTION_LAST_RIGHT_PANEL, ui_globals.rpanel, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE);
            mopt.set_value(ui_options.OPTION_LAST_USED_FILTER, filter, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE);
            mopt.set_value(ui_options.OPTION_LAST_USED_MACHINE, last_driver, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE);
            mopt.set_value(ui_options.OPTION_HIDE_PANELS, ui_globals.panels_status, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE);

            m_isDisposed = true;
예제 #2
        //    if (m_thread)
        //        m_thread->join();

        public void cache_data(ui_options options)
            lock (m_mutex)  //std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
                if (!m_started)
                    m_started = true;
                    //m_thread = std::make_unique<std::thread>(
                    //        [this, datpath = std::string(options.history_path()), titles = std::string(options.system_names())]
                    //        {
                    //            do_cache_data(datpath, titles);
                    //        });
                    var datpath = options.history_path();
                    var titles  = options.system_names();
                    do_cache_data(datpath, titles);
예제 #3
        protected machine_static_info(ui_options options, machine_config config, ioport_list ports)
            m_options             = options;
            m_flags               = config.gamedrv().flags;
            m_unemulated_features = config.gamedrv().type.unemulated_features();
            m_imperfect_features  = config.gamedrv().type.imperfect_features();
            m_has_bioses          = false;
            m_has_dips            = false;
            m_has_configs         = false;
            m_has_keyboard        = false;
            m_has_test_switch     = false;
            m_has_analog          = false;

            ioport_list local_ports = new ioport_list();
            string      sink;

            foreach (device_t device in new device_enumerator(config.root_device()))
                // the "no sound hardware" warning doesn't make sense when you plug in a sound card
                if (device.GetClassInterface <device_sound_interface>() != null)  // dynamic_cast<device_sound_interface *>(&device))
                    m_flags &= ~machine_flags.type.NO_SOUND_HW;

                // build overall emulation status
                m_unemulated_features |= device.type().unemulated_features();
                m_imperfect_features  |= device.type().imperfect_features();

                // look for BIOS options
                device_t parent            = device.owner();
                device_slot_interface slot = device.GetClassInterface <device_slot_interface>();  //device_slot_interface const *const slot(dynamic_cast<device_slot_interface const *>(parent));
                if (parent == null || (slot != null && (slot.get_card_device() == device)))
                    for (Pointer <tiny_rom_entry> rom = device.rom_region(); !m_has_bioses && rom != null && !ROMENTRY_ISEND(rom.op); ++rom)  //for (tiny_rom_entry const *rom = device.rom_region(); !m_has_bioses && rom && !ROMENTRY_ISEND(rom); ++rom)
                        if (ROMENTRY_ISSYSTEM_BIOS(rom.op))
                            m_has_bioses = true;

            // suppress "requires external artwork" warning when external artwork was loaded
            if (config.root_device().has_running_machine())
                for (render_target target = config.root_device().machine().render().first_target(); target != null; target = target.next())
                    if (!target.hidden() && target.external_artwork())
                        m_flags &= ~machine_flags.type.REQUIRES_ARTWORK;

            // unemulated trumps imperfect when aggregating (always be pessimistic)
            m_imperfect_features &= ~m_unemulated_features;

            // scan the input port array to see what options we need to enable
            foreach (var port in (ports != null ? ports : local_ports))
                foreach (ioport_field field in port.Value.fields())
                    switch (field.type())
                    case ioport_type.IPT_DIPSWITCH: m_has_dips = true;          break;

                    case ioport_type.IPT_CONFIG:    m_has_configs = true;       break;

                    case ioport_type.IPT_KEYBOARD:  m_has_keyboard = true;      break;

                    case ioport_type.IPT_SERVICE:   m_has_test_switch = true;   break;

                    default: break;

                    if (field.is_analog())
                        m_has_analog = true;
예제 #4
 //  machine_static_info - constructors
 public machine_static_info(ui_options options, machine_config config)
     : this(options, config, null)
예제 #5
        //  ctor
        menu_select_game(mame_ui_manager mui, render_container container, string gamename)
            : base(mui, container, false)
            m_persistent_data     = system_list.instance();
            m_icons               = new icon_cache(MAX_ICONS_RENDER);
            m_icon_paths          = "";
            m_displaylist         = new std.vector <ui_system_info>();
            m_searchlist          = new std.vector <std.pair <double, ui_system_info> >();
            m_searched_fields     = (unsigned)system_list.available.AVAIL_NONE;
            m_populated_favorites = false;

            string     error_string;
            string     last_filter;
            ui_options moptions = mui.options();

            // load drivers cache

            // check if there are available system icons

            // build drivers list
            if (!load_available_machines())

            if (s_first_start)
                //s_first_start = false; TODO: why wasn't it ever clearing the first start flag?

                ui_globals.rpanel = (uint8_t)std.min(std.max(moptions.last_right_panel(), (int)RP_FIRST), (int)RP_LAST);

                string tmp   = moptions.last_used_filter();
                size_t found = tmp.find_first_of(',');
                string fake_ini;
                if (found == npos)
                    fake_ini = util.string_format("\uFEFF{0} = 1\n", tmp);
                    string sub_filter = tmp.substr(found + 1);
                    tmp      = tmp.Substring((int)found); // .resize(found);
                    fake_ini = util.string_format("\uFEFF{0} = {1}\n", tmp, sub_filter);

                emu_file file = new emu_file(ui().options().ui_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ);

                MemoryU8 fake_ini_buffer = new MemoryU8(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(fake_ini));
                if (!file.open_ram(fake_ini_buffer, (u32)fake_ini.size()))  //if (!file.open_ram(fake_ini.c_str(), fake_ini.size()))

            // do this after processing the last used filter setting so it overwrites the placeholder
            m_filter_highlight = (int)m_persistent_data.filter_data().get_current_filter_type();

            if (!moptions.remember_last())

            mui.machine().options().set_value(OPTION_SNAPNAME, "%g/%i", OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE);

            ui_globals.curdats_view  = 0;
            ui_globals.panels_status = (uint16_t)moptions.hide_panels();
            ui_globals.curdats_total = 1;