public static void AddGeneralTab_Postfix(uGUI_OptionsPanel __instance)
            __instance.AddHeading(MainPatcher.tabIndex, "Additional VR Options");
            __instance.AddToggleOption(MainPatcher.tabIndex, "Enable VR Animations", GameOptions.enableVrAnimations, delegate(bool v)
                GameOptions.enableVrAnimations = v;
                if (Player.main != null)
                    Player.main.playerAnimator.SetBool("vr_active", !v);
            __instance.AddToggleOption(MainPatcher.tabIndex, "Look Down for HUD", MainPatcher.lookDownHUD, delegate(bool v)
                MainPatcher.lookDownHUD = v;
                if (!v && MainPatcher.quickSlots != null && MainPatcher.barsPanel != null)
                    MainPatcher.quickSlots.transform.localScale =;
                    MainPatcher.barsPanel.transform.localScale  =;
#if SN1
            __instance.AddSliderOption(MainPatcher.tabIndex, "Walk Speed(Default: 60%)", VROptions.groundMoveScale * 100f, 50f, 100f, 60f, delegate(float v)
                VROptions.groundMoveScale = v / 100f;
#elif BZ
            __instance.AddSliderOption(MainPatcher.tabIndex, "Walk Speed(Default: 60%)", VROptions.groundMoveScale * 100f, 50f, 100f, 60f, 1f, delegate(float v)
                VROptions.groundMoveScale = v / 100f;
            }, SliderLabelMode.Int, "0");
        public static void Postfix(uGUI_OptionsPanel __instance)
            nitroxSettingsManager ??= Resolve <NitroxSettingsManager>(true);
            int tabIndex = __instance.AddTab("Nitrox");

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <NitroxSettingsManager.Setting> > settingEntries in nitroxSettingsManager.NitroxSettings)
                __instance.AddHeading(tabIndex, settingEntries.Key);
                foreach (NitroxSettingsManager.Setting setting in settingEntries.Value)
                    switch (setting.SettingType)
                    case NitroxSettingsManager.SettingType.TOGGLE:
                        __instance.AddToggleOption(tabIndex, setting.Label, setting.GetValue <bool>(), (UnityAction <bool>)setting.Callback);

                    case NitroxSettingsManager.SettingType.SLIDER:
                        __instance.AddSliderOption(tabIndex, setting.Label, setting.GetValue <float>(), setting.SliderMinValue, setting.SliderMaxValue, setting.SliderDefaultValue, (UnityAction <float>)setting.Callback);

                    case NitroxSettingsManager.SettingType.LIST:
                        __instance.AddChoiceOption(tabIndex, setting.Label, setting.ListItems, setting.GetValue <int>(), (UnityAction <int>)setting.Callback);
예제 #3
 //TODO: Create a new tab instead of using general for all the additional VR options and if possible move existing VR to the same tab
 static void Postfix(uGUI_OptionsPanel __instance)
     __instance.AddHeading(generalTabIndex, "Additional VR Options");//add new heading under the General Tab
     __instance.AddToggleOption(generalTabIndex, "Enable VR Animations", GameOptions.enableVrAnimations, delegate(bool v)
         GameOptions.enableVrAnimations = v;
         //playerAnimator vr_active is normally set in the Start function of Player so we need to update it if option changed during gameplay
         if (Player.main != null)
             Player.main.playerAnimator.SetBool("vr_active", !v);
     __instance.AddSliderOption(generalTabIndex, "Walk Speed(Default: 60%)", VROptions.groundMoveScale * 100, 50, 100, 60, delegate(float v)
         VROptions.groundMoveScale = v / 100f;
     __instance.AddSliderOption(generalTabIndex, "Subtitle Height", subtitleYPos, 20, 75, 50, delegate(float v)
         subtitleYPos = v;
     __instance.AddSliderOption(generalTabIndex, "Subtitle Scale", subtitleScale * 100, 50, 150, 100, delegate(float v)
         subtitleScale = v / 100;
     __instance.AddSliderOption(generalTabIndex, "PDA Distance", PDA_Distance * 100f, 25, 40, 40, delegate(float v)
         PDA_Distance = v / 100f;
     __instance.AddHeading(generalTabIndex, "VR HUD Options");//add new heading under the General Tab
     __instance.AddToggleOption(generalTabIndex, "Dynamic HUD", DynamicHUD, delegate(bool v)
         DynamicHUD = v;
         if (!DynamicHUD)
     __instance.AddSliderOption(generalTabIndex, "HUD Opacity", HUDAlpha * 100f, 20, 100, 100, delegate(float v)
         HUDAlpha = v / 100f;
     __instance.AddSliderOption(generalTabIndex, "HUD Distance", HUD_Distance / 0.5f, 1, 4, 2, delegate(float v)
         HUD_Distance = v * 0.5f;
     __instance.AddSliderOption(generalTabIndex, "HUD Scale", HUD_Scale / 0.5f, 1, 4, 2, delegate(float v)
         HUD_Scale = v * 0.5f;
예제 #4
 static void Postfix(uGUI_OptionsPanel __instance)
     __instance.AddHeading(generalTabIndex, "Misc VR Options");
     __instance.AddToggleOption(generalTabIndex, "Disable Y-Axis Input", VROptions.disableInputPitch, (bool v) => VROptions.disableInputPitch = v);
     __instance.AddSliderOption(generalTabIndex, "Ground Speed Scale", VROptions.groundMoveScale, 0.6f, (float v) => {
         if (v <= 0f)
             // Never allow 0 scale speed (immobile)
             v = .05f;
         VROptions.groundMoveScale = v;
예제 #5
        internal static void AddTabs_Postfix(uGUI_OptionsPanel __instance)
            uGUI_OptionsPanel optionsPanel = __instance;

            // Start the modsTab index at a value of -1
            var modsTab = -1;

            // Loop through all of the tabs
            for (int i = 0; i < optionsPanel.tabsContainer.childCount; i++)
                // Check if they are named "Mods"
                var text = optionsPanel.tabsContainer.GetChild(i).GetComponentInChildren <Text>(true);
                if (text != null && text.text == "Mods")
                    // Set the tab index to the found one and break
                    modsTab = i;
            // If no tab was found, create one
            if (modsTab == -1)
                modsTab = optionsPanel.AddTab("Mods");

            // Maybe this could be split into its own file to handle smlhelper options, or maybe it could be removed alltogether
            optionsPanel.AddHeading(modsTab, "SMLHelper");
            optionsPanel.AddToggleOption(modsTab, "Enable debug logs", V2.Logger.EnableDebugging, V2.Logger.SetDebugging);

            foreach (ModOptions modOption in modOptions.Values)
                optionsPanel.AddHeading(modsTab, modOption.Name);

                foreach (ModOption option in modOption.Options)
                    switch (option.Type)
                    case ModOptionType.Slider:
                        var slider = (ModSliderOption)option;

                        optionsPanel.AddSliderOption(modsTab, slider.Label, slider.Value, slider.MinValue, slider.MaxValue, slider.Value,
                                                     new UnityAction <float>((float sliderVal) =>
                                                                             modOption.OnSliderChange(slider.Id, sliderVal)));

                    case ModOptionType.Toggle:
                        var toggle = (ModToggleOption)option;

                        optionsPanel.AddToggleOption(modsTab, toggle.Label, toggle.Value,
                                                     new UnityAction <bool>((bool toggleVal) =>
                                                                            modOption.OnToggleChange(toggle.Id, toggleVal)));

                    case ModOptionType.Choice:
                        var choice = (ModChoiceOption)option;

                        optionsPanel.AddChoiceOption(modsTab, choice.Label, choice.Options, choice.Index,
                                                     new UnityAction <int>((int index) =>
                                                                           modOption.OnChoiceChange(choice.Id, index, choice.Options[index])));

                    case ModOptionType.Keybind:
                        var keybind = (ModKeybindOption)option;

                        ModKeybindOption.AddBindingOptionWithCallback(optionsPanel, modsTab, keybind.Label, keybind.Key, keybind.Device,
                                                                      new UnityAction <KeyCode>((KeyCode key) =>
                                                                                                modOption.OnKeybindChange(keybind.Id, key)));

                        V2.Logger.Log($"Invalid ModOptionType detected for option: {option.Id} ({option.Type.ToString()})", LogLevel.Error);
예제 #6
            public static void Postfix(uGUI_OptionsPanel __instance)
                if (nullableModsTabIndex.HasValue)
                    var modsTabIndex = nullableModsTabIndex.Value;

                    __instance.AddHeading(modsTabIndex, $"Terraforming");

#if BelowZero
                    __instance.AddToggleOption(modsTabIndex, $"Rebuilding messages", Config.Instance.rebuildMessages,
                                               new UnityAction <bool>(value => Config.Instance.rebuildMessages = value),
                                               $"Shows terrain rebuilding message while terrain rebuilding is in progress. Enabled by default."

                    __instance.AddToggleOption(modsTabIndex, $"Habitant modules burying", Config.Instance.habitantModulesPartialBurying,
                                               new UnityAction <bool>(value => Config.Instance.habitantModulesPartialBurying = value),
                                               $"Allows habitat burying into terrain and adjusts overlapping terrain around them. Enabled by default."

                    __instance.AddSliderOption(modsTabIndex, $"Space between terrain and module", Config.Instance.spaceBetweenTerrainHabitantModule,
                                               0.0f, 10.0f,
                                               new UnityAction <float>(value => Config.Instance.spaceBetweenTerrainHabitantModule = value),

                    __instance.AddToggleOption(modsTabIndex, $"Propulsion cannon terrain impact", Config.Instance.terrainImpactWithPropulsionCannon,
                                               new UnityAction <bool>(value => Config.Instance.terrainImpactWithPropulsionCannon = value),
                                               $"Causes the repulsion cannon to remove small portion of terrain after \"shooting\" pulse to spot. Enabled by default."

                    __instance.AddToggleOption(modsTabIndex, $"Destroy obstacles on construction", Config.Instance.destroyLargerObstaclesOnConstruction,
                                               new UnityAction <bool>(value => Config.Instance.destroyLargerObstaclesOnConstruction = value),
                                               $"Disables restrictions of overlapping larger objects with placable habitat module. Destroys them when construction of module finishes. Enabled by default."
                    __instance.AddToggleOption(modsTabIndex, $"Rebuilding messages", Config.Instance.rebuildMessages,
                                               new UnityAction <bool>(value => Config.Instance.rebuildMessages = value)

                    __instance.AddToggleOption(modsTabIndex, $"Habitant modules burying", Config.Instance.habitantModulesPartialBurying,
                                               new UnityAction <bool>(value => Config.Instance.habitantModulesPartialBurying = value)

                    __instance.AddSliderOption(modsTabIndex, $"Terrain vs module space", Config.Instance.spaceBetweenTerrainHabitantModule,
                                               0.0f, 10.0f,
                                               new UnityAction <float>(value => Config.Instance.spaceBetweenTerrainHabitantModule = value)

                    __instance.AddToggleOption(modsTabIndex, $"Repulsion terrain impact", Config.Instance.terrainImpactWithPropulsionCannon,
                                               new UnityAction <bool>(value => Config.Instance.terrainImpactWithPropulsionCannon = value)

                    __instance.AddToggleOption(modsTabIndex, $"Destroy obstacles", Config.Instance.destroyLargerObstaclesOnConstruction,
                                               new UnityAction <bool>(value => Config.Instance.destroyLargerObstaclesOnConstruction = value)
        // Class: uGUI_OptionsPanel
        public static void AddGeneralTab_Postfix(uGUI_OptionsPanel __instance)
            __instance.AddHeading(tabIndex, "Additional VR Options");//add new heading under the General Tab
            __instance.AddToggleOption(tabIndex, "Enable VR Animations", GameOptions.enableVrAnimations, delegate(bool v)
                GameOptions.enableVrAnimations = v;
                //playerAnimator vr_active is normally set in the Start function of Player so we need to update it if option changed during gameplay
                if (Player.main != null)
                    Player.main.playerAnimator.SetBool("vr_active", !v);
            __instance.AddToggleOption(tabIndex, "Look Down for HUD", lookDownHUD, delegate(bool v)
                lookDownHUD = v;
                //immediated reenable the HUD if option toggled off
                if (!v && quickSlots != null && barsPanel != null)
            __instance.AddSliderOption(tabIndex, "Walk Speed (Default: 60%)", VROptions.groundMoveScale * 100, 50, 100, 60, delegate(float v)
                VROptions.groundMoveScale = v / 100f;

            /* Weird stuff was happening if the PDA was opened and when entering the Seamoth when pitch was changed with the mouse or controller
             * __instance.AddToggleOption(tabIndex, "Enable Pitch Control", !VROptions.disableInputPitch, delegate (bool v)
             * {
             *  VROptions.disableInputPitch = !v;
             *  //reset pitch to zero if pitch control is disabled.
             *  if (VROptions.disableInputPitch)
             *  {
             *      Player.main.GetComponentInChildren<MainCameraControl>().ResetCamera();
             *  }
             * });*/
            __instance.AddHeading(MainPatcher.tabIndex, "VR HUD");
            __instance.AddSliderOption(MainPatcher.tabIndex, "Subtitles Vertical Offset", MainPatcher.subtitlesVerticalOffset, -1000f, 1000f, 800f, delegate(float v)
                MainPatcher.subtitlesVerticalOffset = v;
            __instance.AddSliderOption(MainPatcher.tabIndex, "Subtitles Scale", MainPatcher.subtitlesScale * 100f, 10f, 200f, 100f, delegate(float v)
                MainPatcher.subtitlesScale = v / 100f;
            __instance.AddSliderOption(MainPatcher.tabIndex, "PDA Scale", MainPatcher.pdaScale * 100f, 10f, 200f, 128f, delegate(float v)
                MainPatcher.pdaScale = v / 100f;
            __instance.AddSliderOption(MainPatcher.tabIndex, "Menu Vertical Offset", MainPatcher.mainMenuVerticalOffset, -1000f, 1000f, 800f, delegate(float v)
                MainPatcher.mainMenuVerticalOffset = v;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, HUDElementConfig> ElementConfig in HUDElements)
                string LabelPrefix = ElementConfig.Key + " ";
                __instance.AddSliderOption(MainPatcher.tabIndex, LabelPrefix + "Horizontal Offset", ElementConfig.Value.Offset.x, -999f, 999f, 0f, delegate(float v)
                    ElementConfig.Value.Offset.x = v;
                __instance.AddSliderOption(MainPatcher.tabIndex, LabelPrefix + "Vertical Offset", ElementConfig.Value.Offset.y, -999f, 999f, 0f, delegate(float v)
                    ElementConfig.Value.Offset.y = v;
                __instance.AddSliderOption(MainPatcher.tabIndex, LabelPrefix + "Scale", ElementConfig.Value.Scale * 100f, 5f, 200f, 1f, delegate(float v)
                    ElementConfig.Value.Scale = v / 100f;