예제 #1
        public static void connectAllEuclidean <VertexListGraph, PointContainer, WeightMap, VertexIndexMap>(VertexListGraph g, PointContainer points, WeightMap wmap, VertexIndexMap vmap) // Property maps passed by value
            graph_traits <VertexListGraph> .edge_descriptor e = new graph_traits <VertexListGraph> .edge_descriptor();

            bool inserted;
            Tuple <typename graph_traits <VertexListGraph> .vertex_iterator, typename graph_traits <VertexListGraph> .vertex_iterator> verts = new Tuple <typename graph_traits <VertexListGraph> .vertex_iterator, typename graph_traits <VertexListGraph> .vertex_iterator>(vertices(g).Item1, vertices(g).Item2);

            for (typename src = verts.Item1; src != verts.Item2; src++)
                for (typename dest = src; dest != verts.Item2; dest++)
                    if (dest != src)
                        double weight = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((double)(points[vmap[*src]].x - points[vmap[*dest]].x), 2.0) + Math.Pow((double)(points[vmap[*dest]].y - points[vmap[*src]].y), 2.0));
                        boost::tie(e, inserted) = add_edge(*src, *dest, g);
                        wmap[e] = weight;                 // passed by value??
예제 #2
//C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: The original C++ template specifier was replaced with a C# generic specifier, which may not produce the same behavior:
//ORIGINAL LINE: template<typename M>
    public static void delete_endgame <M>(typename M.value_type p)