public static trigger_adapter trigger_create(string modelDir, string dictionaryFile, bool verboseLogging) { //printf(" creating recognizer\n"); Pointer <ps_decoder_t> ps = PointerHelpers.NULL <ps_decoder_t>(); Pointer <cmd_ln_t> config = PointerHelpers.NULL <cmd_ln_t>(); config = cmd_ln.cmd_ln_init(config, pocketsphinx.ps_args(), 1, "-hmm", modelDir, "-dict", dictionaryFile, "-verbose", "y"); ps = pocketsphinx.ps_init(config); cmd_ln.cmd_ln_free_r(config); trigger_adapter adapter = new trigger_adapter(); = ps; adapter.user_is_speaking = false; adapter.last_hyp = PointerHelpers.Malloc <byte>(512); adapter.last_hyp[0] = 0; return(adapter); }
public static int trigger_start_processing(trigger_adapter adapter) { //printf(" process start\n"); Pointer <ps_decoder_t> ps =; adapter.utt_started = true; return(pocketsphinx.ps_start_utt(ps)); // todo use ps_start_stream? }
public static int trigger_stop_processing(trigger_adapter adapter) { //printf(" process stop\n"); Pointer <ps_decoder_t> ps =; if (adapter.utt_started) { pocketsphinx.ps_end_utt(ps); adapter.utt_started = false; if (adapter.last_hyp.IsNonNull) { adapter.last_hyp[0] = (byte)'\0'; } } return(0); }
public static int trigger_reconfigure(trigger_adapter adapter, Pointer <byte> keyfile) { Pointer <ps_decoder_t> ps =; //printf(" reconfiguring %s\n", keyfile); if (pocketsphinx.ps_set_kws(ps, cstring.ToCString("keyword_search"), keyfile) != 0) { return(-1); } if (pocketsphinx.ps_set_search(ps, cstring.ToCString("keyword_search")) != 0) { return(-1); } return(0); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { string rootDir = "C:\\Code\\Durandal"; string modelDir = rootDir + "\\Data\\sphinx\\en-us-semi"; string dictFile = rootDir + "\\Data\\sphinx\\cmudict_SPHINX_40.txt"; trigger_adapter trigger = psphinx_trigger.trigger_create(modelDir, dictFile, true); Pointer <byte> configuration1 = cstring.ToCString("ACTIVATE/3.16227766016838e-13/\nEXECUTE COURSE/3.16227766016838e-13/\n"); psphinx_trigger.trigger_reconfigure(trigger, configuration1); // Read input file 1 byte[] file_bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(rootDir + "\\Extensions\\Pocketsphinx\\Test1.raw"); int samples = file_bytes.Length / 2; short[] file = new short[samples]; Pointer <short> input_file_ptr = new Pointer <short>(new UpcastingMemoryBlockAccess <short>(new MemoryBlock <byte>(file_bytes)), 0); input_file_ptr.MemCopyTo(file, 0, samples); input_file_ptr = new Pointer <short>(file); // Send it to the trigger in chunks Pointer <byte> hyp = PointerHelpers.Malloc <byte>(512); Pointer <byte> lasthyp = PointerHelpers.Malloc <byte>(512); psphinx_trigger.trigger_start_processing(trigger); for (int cursor = 0; cursor < (samples - 159); cursor += 160) { psphinx_trigger.trigger_process_samples(trigger, input_file_ptr + cursor, 160); psphinx_trigger.trigger_get_last_hyp(trigger, hyp); if (cstring.strlen(hyp) != 0 && cstring.strcmp(hyp, lasthyp) != 0) { Console.Write("Got trigger {0} at sample number {1}\n", cstring.FromCString(hyp), cursor); cstring.strncpy(lasthyp, hyp, 512); } } psphinx_trigger.trigger_stop_processing(trigger); Console.Write("\n\nON TO TEST #2\n\n\n"); Pointer <byte> configuration2 = cstring.ToCString("COMPUTER/3.16227766016838e-13/\n"); psphinx_trigger.trigger_reconfigure(trigger, configuration2); // Read input file 2 file_bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(rootDir + "\\Extensions\\Pocketsphinx\\Test2.raw"); samples = file_bytes.Length / 2; file = new short[samples]; input_file_ptr = new Pointer <short>(new UpcastingMemoryBlockAccess <short>(new MemoryBlock <byte>(file_bytes)), 0); input_file_ptr.MemCopyTo(file, 0, samples); input_file_ptr = new Pointer <short>(file); // Send it to the trigger in chunks hyp = PointerHelpers.Malloc <byte>(512); lasthyp = PointerHelpers.Malloc <byte>(512); psphinx_trigger.trigger_start_processing(trigger); for (int cursor = 0; cursor < (samples - 159); cursor += 160) { psphinx_trigger.trigger_process_samples(trigger, input_file_ptr + cursor, 160); psphinx_trigger.trigger_get_last_hyp(trigger, hyp); if (cstring.strlen(hyp) != 0 && cstring.strcmp(hyp, lasthyp) != 0) { Console.Write("Got trigger {0} at sample number {1}\n", cstring.FromCString(hyp), cursor); cstring.strncpy(lasthyp, hyp, 512); } } psphinx_trigger.trigger_stop_processing(trigger); psphinx_trigger.trigger_free(trigger); }
public static bool trigger_process_samples(trigger_adapter adapter, Pointer <short> samples, int numSamples) { Pointer <ps_decoder_t> ps =; pocketsphinx.ps_process_raw(ps, samples, (uint)numSamples, 0, 0); byte in_speech = pocketsphinx.ps_get_in_speech(ps); if (in_speech != 0 && !adapter.user_is_speaking) { adapter.user_is_speaking = true; } bool returnVal = false; BoxedValueInt score = new BoxedValueInt(); Pointer <byte> hyp = pocketsphinx.ps_get_hyp(ps, score); if (hyp.IsNonNull) { //printf(" tenative hyp %s\n", hyp); if (!adapter.triggered) { returnVal = true; adapter.triggered = true; uint hypsize = cstring.strlen(hyp); cstring.strncpy(adapter.last_hyp, hyp, hypsize); adapter.last_hyp[hypsize] = 0; //printf(" adapter last hyp is %s\n", hyp); } } if (in_speech == 0 && adapter.user_is_speaking) { /* speech .Deref. silence transition, time to start new utterance */ pocketsphinx.ps_end_utt(ps); adapter.utt_started = false; hyp = pocketsphinx.ps_get_hyp(ps, score); if (hyp.IsNonNull) { //printf(" final hyp %s\n", hyp); if (!adapter.triggered) { returnVal = true; adapter.triggered = true; uint hypsize = cstring.strlen(hyp); cstring.strncpy(adapter.last_hyp, hyp, hypsize); adapter.last_hyp[hypsize] = 0; //printf(" adapter last hyp is %s\n", hyp); } } if (pocketsphinx.ps_start_utt(ps) < 0) { //printf(" failed to restart utterance\n"); } adapter.utt_started = true; adapter.user_is_speaking = false; adapter.triggered = false; //printf("Ready....\n"); } return(returnVal); }
public static int trigger_free(trigger_adapter adapter) { pocketsphinx.ps_free(; return(0); }
public static void trigger_get_last_hyp(trigger_adapter adapter, Pointer <byte> buffer) { cstring.strncpy(buffer, adapter.last_hyp, 512); }