public void setupCamsRenderTexturesMethod(thisPlayerPairSettings ourShipsPlayerPairSettings)
        //putting the finding objects in here because found previously that the start wont necessarily run first
        //later on refactor maybe the setup void should be a constructor
        //also its just wiring up so why have it in trigger battle cams maybe own script - yep now it is

        //code assumes goes left right maybe thats sloppy though less intensive than string comparison

        //if works would be far neater if made playersettings use a string array going left right

        tacticalScreens = GetComponentsInChildren <RawImage>();
        tacticalCams    = GetComponentsInChildren <Camera>();

        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            if (i == 0)
                RenderTexture renderTexture = Resources.Load <RenderTexture>(ourShipsPlayerPairSettings.GetBattleCamRenderTextureLeft());
                tacticalCams[i].targetTexture = renderTexture;
                tacticalScreens[i].texture    = renderTexture;
            if (i == 1)
                RenderTexture renderTexture = Resources.Load <RenderTexture>(ourShipsPlayerPairSettings.GetBattleCamRenderTextureRight());
                tacticalCams[i].targetTexture = renderTexture;
                tacticalScreens[i].texture    = renderTexture;
예제 #2
    public void changeTheSails(thisPlayerPairSettings ourPPS)
        string colorToFind = ourPPS.getShipPairColor();


        //try number

        //try 1 didnt error but didnt do it either it set sail to instance
        Material fetchedMaterial = Resources.Load <Material>(colorToFind);
        //sailColor = fetchedMaterial;

        //then try as shaders on sail and material try 2
        //sailColor.shader = fetchedMaterial.shader; // caused not set to instance of an object
        //try 3
        Material material = GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>().material;

        //material = fetchedMaterial;

        //material.shader = fetchedMaterial.shader;

        //next try set options
        //then try setting the shader ot the madetial
예제 #3
    public void passMeMyPlayerPairSettings(thisPlayerPairSettings barsPlayerPairSettings)
        //Debug.Log("im receiring my player pairsettings");

        this.myPPSettings = barsPlayerPairSettings;

        volt100Perc = this.myPPSettings.GetVolt100Perc(); //probs only need calling once unless being set
        receivedMyPlayerPairSettings = true;
        //Debug.Log(" I am perc bar " + this.gameObject.tag +"I have received " + myPPSettings.getShipPairColor()+ " settings ");
예제 #4
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        shipSelectedIndicator = GetComponent <Image>();
        selectedColor         = shipSelectedIndicator.color;

        foreach (thisPlayerPairSettings pairShip in GameManager.shipPlayerSettingsAr)
            if (tag == pairShip.getShipPairColor())
                myThisPlayerPairSettings = pairShip;
예제 #5
    private int selectedTeamNumber = -1; //little bit hacky how do i do a for loop that runs an if that if nothing found does an else
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        foreach (thisPlayerPairSettings playerPairSettings in GameManager.shipPlayerSettingsAr)
            if (tag == playerPairSettings.getShipPairColor())
                myThisPlayerPairSettings = playerPairSettings;

        arrowImage       = GetComponentInChildren <Image>();
        arrowImage.color =;//should get first
        startScaleArrow  = arrowImage.gameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>().localScale;
        textTimer        = GetComponentInChildren <Text>();
예제 #6
    public void runSetMaxFor(thisPlayerPairSettings givenThisPlayerSettingsRivalOrPair)      /// if you want to feed something a static how do you do it as they dont have an instance
//	Debug.Log("I am " + tag + " I have been assigned " + givenThisPlayerSettingsRivalOrPair.getShipPairColor() );
        foreach (thisPlayerPairSettings pairSettings in GameManager.shipPlayerSettingsAr)
            if (pairSettings.getShipPairColor() == this.gameObject.tag)
                myThisPlayerPairSettings = pairSettings;

        rivalOrOwnPair = givenThisPlayerSettingsRivalOrPair;
        runSetMax      = true;
예제 #7
    public void applyPlayerSettingsToShip(thisPlayerPairSettings shipsPlayerPairSettings)
        //	Debug.Log("instantiated player about to received their this player pair settings");
        ourShipsPlayerPairSettings = shipsPlayerPairSettings;

        //set battle cams to their render textures
        setupBattleCams = GetComponentInChildren <setupBattleCamsRenderTextures>();

        //set color
        //set team number () - public so spawner can read it - and apply it to physics collision matrix sorting layers
//		Debug.Log(" orvolt100perc before received settings is " + ourVolt100PercMax);
        ourVolt100PercMax = ourShipsPlayerPairSettings.GetVolt100Perc();
//		Debug.Log(" orvolt100perc after received settings is " + ourVolt100PercMax);
        //view port
        //Rect splitScreen = ourShipsPlayerPairSettings.GetSplitScreenArea();

        //	myMainCamera.rect.Set() ; //not sure if this need word new should because its like a vector but then goes red so dunno
        //most be a better way
        //could just instead of rect have a float array but seems dumb
        //dumb to to have to pull each float out of rec
        //is the issue actually how i pass the info
        //okay so above may not be the problem so on refactor maybe rect can be passed better
        //the issue was this code running before the start code
        //i thought start was like a constructor but it isnt
        //maybe instead of start this code should require a constructor

        myMainCamera = GetComponentInChildren <Camera>();
        //	Debug.Log("my main camera " + myMainCamera + " my main camera rect " + myMainCamera.rect );
        myMainCamera.rect = new Rect(ourShipsPlayerPairSettings.GetSplitScreenArea().x, ourShipsPlayerPairSettings.GetSplitScreenArea().y, ourShipsPlayerPairSettings.GetSplitScreenArea().width, ourShipsPlayerPairSettings.GetSplitScreenArea().height);
        //	Debug.Log("confirming that " + tag + " has been set up so it should know its volt input ");
        //give the ship spray its powerbars
        percBarDisplay[] foams = GetComponentsInChildren <percBarDisplay>();
        foreach (percBarDisplay bar in foams)

        //set ship sail colour
        GetComponentInChildren <shipSailColor>().changeTheSails(ourShipsPlayerPairSettings);

        shipBeenSetUp = true;
예제 #8
    private void allocate2dArraySplitScreenRect(thisPlayerPairSettings shipToAllocateRect)
        for (int k = splitScreenQuarters.GetLength(1) - 1; k >= 0; k--)
            for (int j = 0; j < splitScreenQuarters.GetLength(0); j++)
//								Debug.Log(" k is " + k + "j is " + j );

                    if (splitScreenQuarters[j, k] == 0)
                        splitScreenQuarters[j, k] = 1;

                        Rect thisShipRect = new Rect(((float)j * 0.5f), ((float)k * 0.5f), 0.5f, 0.5f);
//									Debug.Log(" just gave " + shipToAllocateRect.getShipPairColor() + " the k,j " + k+j + " which is the rect " + thisShipRect );
예제 #9
    private void settingUpPlayerSettingAr() //dont think i can run without an instance as without an instance dont think i can store values
        //code seems to need this block but not sure why as can use the dot to find what looking for
        redPShip = new thisPlayerPairSettings {
        yelPShip = new thisPlayerPairSettings {
        grePShip = new thisPlayerPairSettings {
        bluPShip = new thisPlayerPairSettings {

        redPShip.SetShipPairName(" MondleBrot's Wives ");
        yelPShip.SetShipPairName(" Brownian's Movement ");
        grePShip.SetShipPairName(" Marie's Glow ");
        bluPShip.SetShipPairName(" Dabloon 's Good Booty! ");



        shipPlayerSettingsAr = new thisPlayerPairSettings[] { redPShip, yelPShip, grePShip, bluPShip };