예제 #1
        // this doesn't take into account auxiliary data such as: sync roots, vtables and so on
        public static int SizeOfUsefulData(this Object o)
            var t = o.GetType();

            if (t.IsValueType)
                // todo. will crash for structures that have a reference-type fields
                return Marshal.SizeOf(t);
            else if (t.IsArray)
                // todo. won't work for arrays that have differently sized elements
                var elcount = o.AssertCast<Array>().Dims().Product();
                return elcount * t.GetElementType().SizeOfUsefulData();
            else if (t.IsClass)
                // todo. to be implemented
                throw AssertionHelper.Fail();
                throw AssertionHelper.Fail();
예제 #2
        public static Lambda InvokedLambda(this Node n)
            var ci = n as CollectionInit;
            if (ci != null) return ci.Ctor.InvokedLambda();

            var oi = n as ObjectInit;
            if (oi != null) return oi.Ctor.InvokedLambda();

            if (n == null) return null;
            if (n is Apply)
                var app = n.AssertCast<Apply>();
                return app == null ? null : app.Callee as Lambda;
            else if (n is Eval)
                var eval = n.AssertCast<Eval>();
                return eval.Callee.InvokedLambda();
                return null;
예제 #3
 public static Type Ret(this MethodBase mi)
     if (mi == null) return null;
     if (mi is MethodInfo || mi is MethodBuilder || mi is DynamicMethod)
         return mi.AssertCast<MethodInfo>().ReturnType;
     else if (mi is ConstructorBuilder || mi is ConstructorInfo)
         return typeof(void);
         throw AssertionHelper.Fail();
예제 #4
        private static Node SimplifyConditions(this Operator op)
            var opt = op.OperatorType;
            if (opt == OperatorType.Equal ||
                opt == OperatorType.NotEqual)
                var c_false = op.Children.SingleOrDefault(c => c is Const &&
                    ((Const)c).Value is bool && (bool)((Const)c).Value == false);
                var c_true = op.Children.SingleOrDefault(c => c is Const &&
                    ((Const)c).Value is bool && (bool)((Const)c).Value == true);
                var cmpWithFalse = c_false != null;
                var cmpWithTrue = c_true != null;

                var equivToNegation = (cmpWithFalse && opt == OperatorType.Equal) ||
                    (cmpWithTrue && opt == OperatorType.NotEqual);
                if (equivToNegation)
                    var redux = cmpWithTrue ? op.Children.Except(c_true).Single() : op.Children.Except(c_false).Single();
                    return SimplifyConditions((Operator)Operator.Not(redux.AssertCast<Expression>()));

                var redundantLogicalOp = (cmpWithTrue && opt == OperatorType.Equal) ||
                    (cmpWithFalse && opt == OperatorType.NotEqual);
                if (redundantLogicalOp)
                    var redux = cmpWithTrue ? op.Children.Except(c_true).Single() : op.Children.Except(c_false).Single();
                    return redux.CurrentTransform();

            if (opt == OperatorType.Not)
                var child_op = op.Children.Single() as Operator;
                if (child_op != null)
                    var copt = child_op.OperatorType;
                    if (copt == OperatorType.Not)
                        var redux = child_op.Args.Single();
                        return redux.CurrentTransform();

                    Func<OperatorType, OperatorType?> negate = op_type =>
                        switch (op_type)
                            case OperatorType.Equal:
                                return OperatorType.NotEqual;
                            case OperatorType.GreaterThan:
                                return OperatorType.LessThanOrEqual;
                            case OperatorType.GreaterThanOrEqual:
                                return OperatorType.LessThan;
                            case OperatorType.LessThan:
                                return OperatorType.GreaterThanOrEqual;
                            case OperatorType.LessThanOrEqual:
                                return OperatorType.GreaterThan;
                            case OperatorType.NotEqual:
                                return OperatorType.Equal;
                                return null;

                    var negated = negate(copt);
                    if (negated != null)
                        var equiv = Operator.Create(negated.Value, child_op.Args);
                        return equiv.SimplifyConditions();

                    var child_bop = child_op.AssertCast<BinaryOperator>();
                    var child_lhs = child_bop == null ? null : child_bop.Lhs;
                    var child_rhs = child_bop == null ? null : child_bop.Rhs;
                    if (copt == OperatorType.AndAlso)
                        var equiv = Operator.OrElse(Operator.Not(child_lhs), Operator.Not(child_rhs));
                        return equiv.SimplifyConditions();
                    else if (copt == OperatorType.OrElse)
                        var equiv = Operator.AndAlso(Operator.Not(child_lhs), Operator.Not(child_rhs));
                        return equiv.SimplifyConditions();
                    else if (copt == OperatorType.Xor)
                        var equiv = Operator.Xor(Operator.Not(child_lhs), child_rhs);
                        return equiv.SimplifyConditions();

            if (opt == OperatorType.Xor)
                var bop = op.AssertCast<BinaryOperator>();
                var lhs = bop == null ? null : bop.Lhs as Operator;
                var rhs = bop == null ? null : bop.Rhs as Operator;

                if (lhs != null && lhs.OperatorType == OperatorType.Not &&
                    rhs != null && rhs.OperatorType == OperatorType.Not)
                    var equiv = Operator.Xor(lhs.Args.Single(), rhs.Args.Single());
                    return equiv.SimplifyConditions();

            return (Operator)op.DefaultTransform();
예제 #5
 public static Type Type(this MemberInfo mi)
     if (mi is FieldInfo)
         var fi = mi.AssertCast<FieldInfo>();
         return fi.FieldType;
     else if (mi is PropertyInfo)
         var pi = mi.AssertCast<PropertyInfo>();
         return pi.PropertyType;
         throw AssertionHelper.Fail();
예제 #6
 public static void SetValue(this MemberInfo mi, Object target, Object value)
     if (mi is FieldInfo)
         var fi = mi.AssertCast<FieldInfo>();
         fi.SetValue(target, value);
     else if (mi is PropertyInfo)
         var pi = mi.AssertCast<PropertyInfo>();
         pi = pi.DeclaringType.GetProperties(BF.All | BF.DeclOnly).AssertSingle(pid => pid.MetadataToken == pi.MetadataToken);
         var set = pi.GetSetMethod(true);
         set.Invoke(target, new []{value});
         throw AssertionHelper.Fail();
예제 #7
 public static bool CanWrite(this MemberInfo mi)
     if (mi is FieldInfo)
         return true;
     else if (mi is PropertyInfo)
         var pi = mi.AssertCast<PropertyInfo>();
         return pi.CanWrite;
         throw AssertionHelper.Fail();
예제 #8
        public static Visibility Visibility(this MemberInfo mi)
            if (mi is Type)
                var t = mi.AssertCast<Type>();
                if (t.IsNested)
                    if (t.IsNestedPublic) return Reflection.Visibility.Public;
                    if (t.IsNestedFamORAssem) return Reflection.Visibility.FamilyOrAssembly;
                    if (t.IsNestedFamily) return Reflection.Visibility.Family;
                    if (t.IsNestedAssembly) return Reflection.Visibility.Assembly;
                    if (t.IsNestedFamANDAssem) return Reflection.Visibility.FamilyAndAssembly;
                    if (t.IsNestedPrivate) return Reflection.Visibility.Private;
                    throw AssertionHelper.Fail();
                    if (t.IsPublic) return Reflection.Visibility.Public;
                    return Reflection.Visibility.Assembly;
            else if (mi is FieldInfo)
                var fi = mi.AssertCast<FieldInfo>();
                if (fi.IsPublic) return Reflection.Visibility.Public;
                if (fi.IsFamilyOrAssembly) return Reflection.Visibility.FamilyOrAssembly;
                if (fi.IsFamily) return Reflection.Visibility.Family;
                if (fi.IsAssembly) return Reflection.Visibility.Assembly;
                if (fi.IsFamilyAndAssembly) return Reflection.Visibility.FamilyAndAssembly;
                if (fi.IsPrivate) return Reflection.Visibility.Private;
                throw AssertionHelper.Fail();
            else if (mi is MethodBase)
                var mb = mi.AssertCast<MethodBase>();
                if (mb.IsPublic) return Reflection.Visibility.Public;
                if (mb.IsFamilyOrAssembly) return Reflection.Visibility.FamilyOrAssembly;
                if (mb.IsFamily) return Reflection.Visibility.Family;
                if (mb.IsAssembly) return Reflection.Visibility.Assembly;
                if (mb.IsFamilyAndAssembly) return Reflection.Visibility.FamilyAndAssembly;
                if (mb.IsPrivate) return Reflection.Visibility.Private;
                throw AssertionHelper.Fail();
            else if (mi is PropertyInfo)
                var pi = mi.AssertCast<PropertyInfo>();
                var getter = pi.CanRead ? null : pi.GetGetMethod(true);
                var setter = pi.CanRead ? null : pi.GetGetMethod(true);

                if (getter == null || setter == null)
                    throw AssertionHelper.Fail();
                else if (getter == null || setter == null)
                    return (getter ?? setter).Visibility();
                    var g_vis = getter.Visibility();
                    var s_vis = setter.Visibility();
                    return (Visibility)Math.Max((int)g_vis, (int)s_vis);
                throw AssertionHelper.Fail();
예제 #9
 public static Prop InvokedProp(this Node n)
     if (n == null) return null;
     if (n is Assign)
         var ass = (Assign)n;
         return ass.Lhs.InvokedProp();
     else if (n is Prop)
         var prop = (Prop)n;
         return prop;
     else if (n is Apply)
         var app = n.AssertCast<Apply>();
         var prop = app == null ? null : app.Callee as Prop;
         return prop;
         return null;
예제 #10
        public static ArgsInfo InvocationArgsInfo(this Node n)
            var ci = n as CollectionInit;
            if (ci != null) return ci.Ctor.InvocationArgsInfo();

            var oi = n as ObjectInit;
            if (oi != null) return oi.Ctor.InvocationArgsInfo();

            if (n == null) return null;
            if (n is Apply)
                var app = n.AssertCast<Apply>();
                return app.ArgsInfo;
            else if (n is Eval)
                var eval = n.AssertCast<Eval>();
                return eval.Callee.InvocationArgsInfo();
                return null;
예제 #11
 public static BinaryOperator Binary(this Operator op)
     return op.AssertCast<BinaryOperator>();
예제 #12
 public static UnaryOperator Unary(this Operator op)
     return op.AssertCast<UnaryOperator>();
예제 #13
 public static FluentRule DefaultEngine(this Configuration.Rule generic_rule)
     var type_rule = generic_rule.AssertCast<Configuration.TypeRule>().AssertNotNull();
     return DefaultEngine(type_rule);
예제 #14
 public static FluentConfig DefaultEngine(this Configuration.Config generic_config)
     var type_config = generic_config.AssertCast<Configuration.TypeConfig>().AssertNotNull();
     return DefaultEngine(type_config);