예제 #1
 private static object GetSubtitle(GUIDEntry value)
     using (var stu = new teStructuredData(IOHelper.OpenFile(value))) {
         STU_7A68A730         container = stu.GetInstance <STU_7A68A730>();
         IEnumerable <string> strings = new[] { container.m_798027DE?.m_text?.Value, container.m_A84AA2B5?.m_text?.Value, container.m_D872E45C?.m_text?.Value, container.m_1485B834?.m_text?.Value }.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x));
         return(string.Join("\n", strings));
예제 #2
        protected override void Read(BinaryReader reader)
            Header = reader.Read <PlaceableDataHeader>();

            if (Header.PlaceableOffset > 0)
                reader.BaseStream.Position = Header.PlaceableOffset;

                CommonStructures = new CommonStructure[Header.PlaceableCount];
                Placeables       = new IMapPlaceable[Header.PlaceableCount];

                for (int i = 0; i < Header.PlaceableCount; i++)
                    long beforePos = reader.BaseStream.Position;

                    CommonStructure commonStructure = reader.Read <CommonStructure>();
                    CommonStructures[i] = commonStructure;

                    Placeables[i] = Manager.CreateType(commonStructure, reader);

                    reader.BaseStream.Position = beforePos + CommonStructures[i].Size;

                if (CommonStructures.Length > 0 && CommonStructures[0].Type == teMAP_PLACEABLE_TYPE.ENTITY && Header.InstanceDataOffset > 0)
                    int execCount = 0;
                    reader.BaseStream.Position = Header.InstanceDataOffset + 16;
                    foreach (IMapPlaceable placeable in Placeables)
                        if (!(placeable is teMapPlaceableEntity entity))

                        entity.InstanceData = new STUComponentInstanceData[entity.Header.InstanceDataCount];
                        for (int i = 0; i < entity.Header.InstanceDataCount; i++)
                            long beforePos = reader.BaseStream.Position;
                            try {
                                teStructuredData structuredData = new teStructuredData(reader);
                                entity.InstanceData[i] = structuredData.GetInstance <STUComponentInstanceData>();
                                AlignPosition(beforePos, reader, structuredData);
                            } catch (Exception) {
                                AlignPositionInternal(reader, beforePos + 8); // try and recover

                    if (execCount > 0)
                        Debugger.Log(0, "teMapChunk", $"Threw {execCount} exceptions when trying to parse entity instance data\r\n");
예제 #3
        public static T GetInstance <T>(ulong key) where T : STUInstance
            if (key == 0)
            teStructuredData structuredData = OpenSTUSafe(key);

            return(structuredData?.GetInstance <T>());
예제 #4
        public static void TryConvertFile(Stream stream, string convertDir, string md5)
            using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8, true)) {
                uint magic = reader.ReadUInt32();

                stream.Position = 0;
                if (magic == teChunkedData.Magic)
                    teChunkedData chunkedData = new teChunkedData(reader);
                    if (chunkedData.Header.StringIdentifier == "MODL")
                        OverwatchModel model = new OverwatchModel(chunkedData, 0);
                        using (Stream file = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(convertDir, md5) + ".owmdl")) {
                else if (magic == 0x4D4F5649)      // MOVI
                    stream.Position = 128;
                    using (Stream file = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(convertDir, md5) + ".bk2")) {
                    // ok might be a heckin bundle

                    /*int i = 0;
                     * while (reader.BaseStream.Position < reader.BaseStream.Length) {
                     *  try {
                     *      magic = reader.ReadUInt32();
                     *      if (magic != teChunkedData.Magic) {
                     *          reader.BaseStream.Position -= 3;
                     *          continue;
                     *      }
                     *      reader.BaseStream.Position -= 4;
                     *      teChunkedData chunkedData = new teChunkedData(reader);
                     *      if (chunkedData.Header.StringIdentifier == "MODL") {
                     *          OverwatchModel model = new OverwatchModel(chunkedData, 0);
                     *          using (Stream file = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(convertDir, md5) + $"-{i}.owmdl")) {
                     *              file.SetLength(0);
                     *              model.Write(file);
                     *          }
                     *      }
                     *      i++;
                     *  } catch (Exception) {
                     *      // fine
                     *  }
                     * }*/

                    try {
                        //teStructuredData structuredData =new teStructuredData(stream, true);

                        teTexture texture = new teTexture(reader);
                        if (!texture.PayloadRequired && texture.Header.DataSize <= stream.Length &&
                            (texture.Header.Flags == teTexture.Flags.Tex1D ||
                             texture.Header.Flags == teTexture.Flags.Tex2D ||
                             texture.Header.Flags == teTexture.Flags.Tex3D ||
                             texture.Header.Flags == teTexture.Flags.Cube ||
                             texture.Header.Flags == teTexture.Flags.Array ||
                             texture.Header.Flags == teTexture.Flags.Unk16 ||
                             texture.Header.Flags == teTexture.Flags.Unk32 ||
                             texture.Header.Flags == teTexture.Flags.Unk128) &&
                            texture.Header.Height < 10000 && texture.Header.Width < 10000 && texture.Header.DataSize > 68)
                            using (Stream file = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(convertDir, md5) + ".dds")) {
                                texture.SaveToDDS(file, false, texture.Header.MipCount);
                    } catch (Exception) {
                        // fine

                    try {
                        stream.Position = 0;
                        teStructuredData structuredData = new teStructuredData(stream, true);

                        if (structuredData.GetInstance <STUResourceKey>() != null)
                            var key = structuredData.GetInstance <STUResourceKey>();

                            Console.Out.WriteLine("found key");
                            var longKey        = ulong.Parse(key.m_keyID, NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                            var longRevKey     = BitConverter.ToUInt64(BitConverter.GetBytes(longKey).Reverse().ToArray(), 0);
                            var keyValueString = BitConverter.ToString(key.m_key).Replace("-", string.Empty);
                            var keyNameProper  = longRevKey.ToString("X16");
                            Console.Out.WriteLine("Added Encryption Key {0}, Value: {1}", keyNameProper, keyValueString);
                        // if (structuredData.GetInstance<STUHero>() != null) {
                        // }
                    } catch (Exception) {
                        // fine