예제 #1
 public ResponseData AddRoleByEntity(RoleViewModel data)
     using (SATEntities db = new SATEntities())
         ResponseData result = new Models.ResponseData();
             tb_Role model = new tb_Role();
             model.RoleID     = data.RoleID;
             model.RoleName   = data.RoleName;
             data.RoleDesc    = data.RoleDesc;
             model.RoleStatus = (data.Status == "1") ? true : false;
             model.CreateBy   = data.ModifyBy;
             model.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
             model.ModifyBy   = data.ModifyBy;
             model.ModifyDate = DateTime.Now;
         catch (Exception)
예제 #2
        public string getCM(int ma)
            List <string>  LstDSmaTL = new List <string>();
            NewsEntities   db        = new NewsEntities();
            string         CM        = "";
            List <tb_Role> lstCM     = db.tb_Role.Where(x => x.ID_User == ma).ToList();
            int            sl        = lstCM.Count();

            for (int i = 0; i < sl; i++)
                tb_Role obj = lstCM.ElementAt(i);
                CM += obj.tb_ChuyenMuc.TenChuyenMuc.ToString() + " || ";
예제 #3
        public string getCM(int ma)
            List <string>  LstDSmaTL = new List <string>();
            NewsEntities   db        = new NewsEntities();
            string         CM        = "";
            List <tb_Role> lstCM     = db.tb_Role.Where(x => x.ID_User == ma).ToList();
            int            sl        = lstCM.Count();

            for (int i = 0; i < sl; i++)
                tb_Role obj = lstCM.ElementAt(i);
                CM += obj.tb_ChuyenMuc.TenChuyenMuc.ToString() + "; ";
                foreach (ListItem item in cbbChuyenMuc.Items)
                    if (item.Value == obj.tb_ChuyenMuc.ID_ChuyenMuc.ToString())
                        item.Selected = true;
예제 #4
        public static RoleDetails Find_RoleDetails(tb_Role next_role, tb_Request_Hdr data, tb_WF_Employee employee)
            RoleDetails role = new RoleDetails();

            role.role_id   = next_role.Role_ID;
            role.role_name = next_role.Role_Desc;
            if (next_role.Organization_Flag == false)
                if (next_role.Assigned_ID != null)
                    #region Normal
                    role.assigned_person_id = next_role.Assigned_ID;
                    #endregion Normal
                    if (next_role.GroupRole == true)
                        #region Having Multiple
                        var universal = _Entities.tb_UniversalLookupTable.Where(x => x.Table_Name == next_role.Role_ID && x.IsActive == true).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (universal != null)
                            role.assigned_person_id = universal.Table_Name;
                        #endregion Having Multiple
                        #region Having Single
                        var universal = _Entities.tb_UniversalLookupTable.Where(x => x.Table_Name == next_role.Role_ID && x.IsActive == true && (x.Code == null || x.Code == data.tb_WFType.WF_ID)).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (universal != null)
                            role.assigned_person_id = universal.Description;
                        #endregion Having Single
                if (next_role.org_type == null || next_role.org_type == string.Empty)
                    role.assigned_person_id = employee.Line_Manager;
                else if (next_role.org_type.Trim() == "DT")// Check the department table
                    #region Department
                    var department = _Entities.tb_Department.Where(x => x.IsActive == true && x.Department_Id == employee.Department_Id).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (department != null)
                        if (next_role.role_type == "MN" && department.Dept_Manager != null)
                            role.assigned_person_id = department.Dept_Manager;
                        else if (next_role.role_type == "CR" && department.Dept_Controller != null)
                            role.assigned_person_id = department.Dept_Controller;
                        else if (next_role.role_type == "OA" && department.Dep_Office_Admin != null)
                            role.assigned_person_id = department.Dep_Office_Admin;
                    #endregion Department
                else if (next_role.org_type.Trim() == "BL")// Check the business line table
                    #region Business Line
                    var business = _Entities.tb_BusinessLine.Where(x => x.IsActive == true && x.BL_Id == employee.tb_Department.tb_ProductGroup.BusinessLine_Id).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (business != null)
                        if (next_role.role_type == "MN" && business.BL_Manager != null)
                            role.assigned_person_id = business.BL_Manager;
                        else if (next_role.role_type == "CR" && business.BL_Controller != null)
                            role.assigned_person_id = business.BL_Controller;
                        else if (next_role.role_type == "OA" && business.BL_Office_Admin != null)
                            role.assigned_person_id = business.BL_Office_Admin;
                    #endregion Business Line
                else if (next_role.org_type.Trim() == "B")// Check the business
                    #region Business
                    var business = _Entities.tb_Business.Where(x => x.IsActive == true && x.Bus_Id == employee.tb_Department.tb_ProductGroup.tb_BusinessLine.Business_Id).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (business != null)
                        if (next_role.role_type == "MN" && business.Bus_Manager != null)
                            role.assigned_person_id = business.Bus_Manager;
                        else if (next_role.role_type == "CR" && business.Bus_Controller != null)
                            role.assigned_person_id = business.Bus_Controller;
                        else if (next_role.role_type == "OA" && business.Bus_Office_Admin != null)
                            role.assigned_person_id = business.Bus_Office_Admin;
                    #endregion Business
                else if (next_role.org_type == "PG")// Check the Product group table
                    #region Product Group
                    var product = _Entities.tb_ProductGroup.Where(x => x.IsActive == true && x.PG_Id == employee.tb_Department.PG_Id).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (product != null)
                        if (next_role.role_type == "MN" && product.PG_Manager != null)
                            role.assigned_person_id = product.PG_Manager;
                        else if (next_role.role_type == "CR" && product.PG_Controller != null)
                            role.assigned_person_id = product.PG_Controller;
                        else if (next_role.role_type == "OA" && product.PG_Office_Admin != null)
                            role.assigned_person_id = product.PG_Office_Admin;
                    #endregion Product Group
            var next_emp = _Entities.tb_WF_Employee.Where(x => x.LocalEmplyee_ID == role.assigned_person_id && x.IsActive == true).FirstOrDefault();
            if (next_emp != null)
                role.assigned_person_id = next_emp.LocalEmplyee_ID;
                if (next_emp.DelegationFlag == true)
                    role.deligated_personId = next_emp.Delegate_Emp_Code == null ? next_emp.LocalEmplyee_ID : next_emp.Delegate_Emp_Code;
                    role.deligated_personId = next_emp.LocalEmplyee_ID;
                if (role.deligated_personId == data.Employee_ID)
                    //var bus_line = _entity.tb_BusinessLine.Where(x => x.BL_Id == employee.BusinessLine_Id && x.Country_Id == country.Id && x.IsActive == true).FirstOrDefault();
                    //var line_manager = _entity.tb_WF_Employee.Where(x => x.LocalEmplyee_ID == bus_line.BL_Manager && x.IsActive == true).FirstOrDefault();
                    var line_manager = _Entities.tb_WF_Employee.Where(x => x.LocalEmplyee_ID == employee.Line_Manager && x.IsActive == true).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (line_manager != null)
                        if (line_manager.DelegationFlag == true)
                            role.assigned_person_id = line_manager.Delegate_Emp_Code == null ? line_manager.LocalEmplyee_ID : line_manager.Delegate_Emp_Code;
                            role.assigned_person_id = line_manager.LocalEmplyee_ID;
                role.deligated_personId = role.assigned_person_id;