protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { tb_AttachmentService attSer = new tb_AttachmentService(); List <tb_Attachment> atts = attSer.GetListArray(""); gvList.DataSource = atts; gvList.DataBind(); tb_FolderService folderSer = new tb_FolderService(); List <tb_Folder> allFolder = folderSer.GetListArray(""); allFolder.Insert(0, new tb_Folder()); ddlFolders.DataSource = allFolder; ddlFolders.DataBind(); ddlFolders.DataTextField = "Folder_NAME"; ddlFolders.DataValueField = "Folder_ID"; #region 是否有删除功能 if (Session["currentUserId"] != null) { VAN_OA.Dal.TB_AdminDeleteService deleteSer = new VAN_OA.Dal.TB_AdminDeleteService(); if (deleteSer.CheckIsExistByUserId(Convert.ToInt32(Session["currentUserId"])) == false) { gvList.Columns[6].Visible = false; } } #endregion } }
private void show() { try { string sql = " "; if (txtMainName.Text.Trim() != "") { sql += string.Format(" and mainName like '%{0}%'", txtMainName.Text); } if (txtFrom.Text != "") { if (CommHelp.VerifesToDateTime(txtFrom.Text) == false) { base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('创建时间 格式错误!');</script>"); return; } sql += string.Format(" and createTime>='{0} 00:00:00'", txtFrom.Text); } if (txtTo.Text != "") { if (CommHelp.VerifesToDateTime(txtTo.Text) == false) { base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('创建时间 格式错误!');</script>"); return; } sql += string.Format(" and createTime<='{0} 23:59:59'", txtTo.Text); } if (ddlFolders.Text != "0") { sql += string.Format(" and tb_Attachment.folder_Id={0}", ddlFolders.Text); } tb_AttachmentService attSer = new tb_AttachmentService(); List <tb_Attachment> atts = attSer.GetListArray(sql); gvList.DataSource = atts; gvList.DataBind(); } catch (Exception) { } }