예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 新增加
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int Add(t_App_Au model)
            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();

            strSql.Append(" declare @oid int; ");
            strSql.Append(" select @oid=id from t_App_Au where accid=@accid and appkey=@appkey; ");
            strSql.Append(" if(isnull(@oid,0)>0) ");
            strSql.Append(" begin ");
            strSql.Append(" 	update t_App_Au set aa_Status = @aa_Status, appkey = @appkey , ");
            strSql.Append(" 	appName = @appName ,stattime = @stattime ,endtime = @endtime ,aa_time = GETDATE() , ");
            strSql.Append(" 	aa_remark = @aa_remark  where accid=@accid and appkey=@appkey; ");
            strSql.Append(" 	select @oid; ");
            strSql.Append(" end ");
            strSql.Append(" else ");
            strSql.Append(" begin ");
            strSql.Append(" 	insert into t_App_Au(aa_Status,accid,appkey,appName,stattime,endtime,aa_time,aa_remark)  ");
            strSql.Append(" 	values (@aa_Status,@accid,@appkey,@appName,@stattime,@endtime,@aa_time,@aa_remark) ; ");
            strSql.Append(" 	select @@IDENTITY; ");
            strSql.Append(" end ");

            object id = HelperForFrontend.ExecuteScalar(strSql.ToString(), model);

            if (id != null)
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 新增加
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int Add(t_App_Au model)
            t_App_AuDAL dal = new t_App_AuDAL();

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 开通店铺权限
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accid">店铺ID</param>
        /// <param name="appKey">权限KEY</param>
        /// <param name="operId">操作人ID</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int AddAccountApp(int accid, int appKey, int operId)
            t_App_Au model = new t_App_Au();

            model.accid     = accid;
            model.appkey    = appKey;
            model.appName   = Enum.GetName(typeof(Model.Enum.AppAuEnum.AppName), appKey);
            model.stattime  = DateTime.Now;
            model.endtime   = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(6);
            model.aa_time   = DateTime.Now;
            model.aa_remark = "(后台" + operId + "授权)";
            model.aa_Status = 0;
            if (appKey == 1 || appKey == 2)
                string rm = CommonLib.Helper.CreateUUID();
                T_AccountBLL.UpdateRandomNumber(accid, rm);

            if (appKey == 7)
                #region 颜色尺码
                List <DapperWhere> whereList = new List <DapperWhere>();
                whereList.Add(new DapperWhere("accId", accid));
                whereList.Add(new DapperWhere("gaType", 1));
                List <T_Goods_Attribute> attributeList = new List <T_Goods_Attribute>();
                attributeList = BLL.Base.T_Goods_AttributeBaseBLL.GetList(whereList);
                if (attributeList.Count < 2)
                    Dictionary <string, int> attr = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                    attr["颜色"] = 0;
                    attr["尺码"] = 0;

                    foreach (T_Goods_Attribute item in attributeList)
                        attr[item.gaName] = 1;

                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> ik in attr)
                        if (ik.Value == 0)
                            T_Goods_Attribute addModel = new T_Goods_Attribute();
                            addModel.gaName   = ik.Key;
                            addModel.gaType   = 1;
                            addModel.gaRemark = "";
                            addModel.gaTime   = DateTime.Now;
                            addModel.gaAlive  = 1;
                            addModel.accId    = accid;
            if (appKey == 21)
                #region 手机串号
                List <DapperWhere> whereList = new List <DapperWhere>();
                whereList.Add(new DapperWhere("accId", accid));
                whereList.Add(new DapperWhere("gaType", 2));
                List <T_Goods_Attribute> attributeList = new List <T_Goods_Attribute>();
                attributeList = BLL.Base.T_Goods_AttributeBaseBLL.GetList(whereList);
                if (attributeList.Count < 2)
                    Dictionary <string, int> attr = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                    attr["串号"] = 0;

                    foreach (T_Goods_Attribute item in attributeList)
                        attr[item.gaName] = 1;

                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> ik in attr)
                        if (ik.Value == 0)
                            T_Goods_Attribute addModel = new T_Goods_Attribute();
                            addModel.gaName   = ik.Key;
                            addModel.gaType   = 2;
                            addModel.gaRemark = "";
                            addModel.gaTime   = DateTime.Now;
                            addModel.gaAlive  = 0;
                            addModel.accId    = accid;
