public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(strcon); long GRNID = 0; try { if (context.Request.QueryString["objname"] != null) { objname = context.Request.QueryString["objname"].ToString(); } if (context.Request.QueryString["oid"] != null) { orderID = long.Parse(context.Request.QueryString["oid"]); } if (context.Request.QueryString["wrid"] != null) { WarehouseID = long.Parse(context.Request.QueryString["wrid"]); } if (context.Request.QueryString["serialno"] != null) { serialno = (context.Request.QueryString["serialno"]).ToString(); } if (context.Request.QueryString["uid"] != null) { UserID = Convert.ToInt64(context.Request.QueryString["uid"]); } if (context.Request.QueryString["page"] != null) { page = (context.Request.QueryString["page"]).ToString(); } DataSet dsUserDetail = new DataSet(); dsUserDetail = GetUserDetails(UserID); CompanyID = long.Parse(dsUserDetail.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CompanyID"].ToString()); CustomerID = long.Parse(dsUserDetail.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CustomerID"].ToString()); long PrdID = 0; PrdID = GetPrdID(serialno, CompanyID, CustomerID); if (PrdID == 0) { PrdID = GetPrdIDNew(serialno, CompanyID, CustomerID); } if (PrdID == 0) { PrdID = GetPrdIDNewCode(serialno, CompanyID, CustomerID); } context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; String jsonString = String.Empty; jsonString = "{\n"; /*json Loop Start*/ jsonString = jsonString + "\"result\":[{\n"; if (PrdID == 0) { jsonString = jsonString + "\"status\": \"failed\",\n"; jsonString = jsonString + "\"reason\": \"SKU Not Available\"\n"; } else { DataTable dtorder = new DataTable(); dtorder = CheckSKUInOrder(PrdID, orderID, objname); if (dtorder.Rows.Count > 0) { DataTable dtsrno = new DataTable(); dtsrno = CheckDuplicateSrNo(serialno, CompanyID, CustomerID, page, objname); if (dtsrno.Rows.Count > 0) { jsonString = jsonString + "\"status\": \"failed\",\n"; jsonString = jsonString + "\"reason\": \"Serial number already used\"\n"; } else { DataTable dtcurcnt = new DataTable(); dtcurcnt = GetCurrentCount(orderID, objname, PrdID); decimal grnqty = 0; decimal oqty = 1; if (dtcurcnt.Rows.Count > 0) { grnqty = Convert.ToDecimal(dtcurcnt.Rows[0]["GRNQty"]); oqty = Convert.ToDecimal(dtcurcnt.Rows[0]["OQty"]); } if (grnqty >= oqty) { jsonString = jsonString + "\"status\": \"failed\",\n"; jsonString = jsonString + "\"reason\": \"You have already reached max count\"\n"; } else { iInboundClient Inbound = new iInboundClient(); string userName = GetUserID(UserID); CustomProfile profile = CustomProfile.GetProfile(userName); tGRNHead GRNHead = new tGRNHead(); GRNHead.ObjectName = objname; GRNHead.OID = orderID; GRNHead.GRNDate = DateTime.Now; GRNHead.ReceivedBy = UserID; GRNHead.BatchNo = GEtBatchcode(orderID); GRNHead.CreatedBy = UserID; GRNHead.Creationdate = DateTime.Now; GRNHead.CustomerID = CustomerID; GRNHead.CompanyID = CompanyID; GRNHead.Status = getStatus(objname); GRNHead.OrderFrom = "Mobile"; GRNID = GetGRNStatus(orderID, objname, UserID); if (GRNID == 0) { GRNID = Inbound.SavetGRNHead(GRNHead, profile.DBConnection._constr); } if (GRNID > 0) { int save = SaveGRNDetail(orderID, objname, GRNID, PrdID, 1); SaveLottable(serialno, objname, GRNID, PrdID, 1, CompanyID, CustomerID, WarehouseID); string WorkFlow = "", NextObject = ""; int count = 0; long QCID = 0; if (objname == "PurchaseOrder") { WorkFlow = "Inbound"; NextObject = "QC"; } if (objname == "Transfer") { WorkFlow = "Transfer"; NextObject = "QC"; } if (objname == "SalesReturn") { WorkFlow = "Return"; NextObject = "QC"; } count = GetWorkFlow(profile.Personal.CompanyID, profile.Personal.CustomerId, WorkFlow, NextObject, profile.DBConnection._constr); if (count == 0) { tQualityControlHead QCHead = new tQualityControlHead(); QCHead.CreatedBy = profile.Personal.UserID; QCHead.Creationdate = DateTime.Now; QCHead.ObjectName = objname; QCHead.OID = GRNID; QCHead.QCDate = DateTime.Now; QCHead.QCBy = profile.Personal.UserID; QCHead.Remark = ""; if (objname == "PurchaseOrder") { WorkFlow = "Inbound"; NextObject = "LabelPrinting"; } if (objname == "Transfer") { WorkFlow = "Transfer"; NextObject = "LabelPrinting"; } if (objname == "SalesReturn") { WorkFlow = "Return"; NextObject = "LabelPrinting"; } int count1 = GetWorkFlow(profile.Personal.CompanyID, profile.Personal.CustomerId, WorkFlow, NextObject, profile.DBConnection._constr); if (objname == "PurchaseOrder") { if (count1 == 0) { QCHead.Status = 33; } else { QCHead.Status = 32; } } else if (objname == "Transfer") { if (count1 == 0) { QCHead.Status = 71; } else { QCHead.Status = 60; } } else if (objname == "SalesReturn") { if (count1 == 0) { QCHead.Status = 53; } else { QCHead.Status = 52; } } QCHead.Company = profile.Personal.CompanyID; QCHead.CustomerID = profile.Personal.CustomerId; QCHead.OrderFrom = "Mobile"; QCID = GetQCStatus(GRNID, objname, UserID); if (QCID == 0) { QCID = Inbound.SavetQualityControlHead(QCHead, profile.DBConnection._constr); } if (QCID > 0) { SaveQCDetails(GRNID, QCID, PrdID, 1); SaveLottableQC(serialno, objname, QCID, PrdID, 1, CompanyID, CustomerID, WarehouseID); } } if (save > 0) { jsonString = jsonString + "\"status\": \"success\",\n"; jsonString = jsonString + "\"reason\": \"\"\n"; } else { jsonString = jsonString + "\"status\": \"failed\",\n"; jsonString = jsonString + "\"reason\": \"Server error occured\"\n"; } } } } } else { jsonString = jsonString + "\"status\": \"failed\",\n"; jsonString = jsonString + "\"reason\": \"SKU Not Available In Order\"\n"; } } jsonString = jsonString + "}]\n"; jsonString = jsonString + "}\n"; /*json Loop End*/ context.Response.Write(jsonString); } catch (Exception ex) { Login.Profile.ErrorHandling(ex, "scan_serial_and_save", "ProcessRequest"); } finally { } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(strcon); long GRNID = 0; context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; String jsonString = String.Empty; jsonString = "{\n\"save_grn\": [\n"; try { DateTime shippingdate = DateTime.Now; DateTime expecteddeliverydate = DateTime.Now; if (context.Request.QueryString["userid"] != null) { uid = long.Parse(context.Request.QueryString["userid"]); } else if (context.Request.Form["userid"] != null) { uid = long.Parse(context.Request.Form["userid"]); } if (context.Request.QueryString["oid"] != null) { oid = long.Parse(context.Request.QueryString["oid"]); } else if (context.Request.Form["oid"] != null) { oid = long.Parse(context.Request.Form["oid"]); } if (context.Request.QueryString["objectname"] != null) { objectname = context.Request.QueryString["objectname"]; } else if (context.Request.Form["objectname"] != null) { objectname = context.Request.Form["objectname"]; } if (context.Request.QueryString["batchcode"] != null) { batchcode = context.Request.QueryString["batchcode"]; } else if (context.Request.Form["batchcode"] != null) { batchcode = context.Request.Form["batchcode"]; } if (context.Request.QueryString["remark"] != null) { remark = context.Request.QueryString["remark"]; } else if (context.Request.Form["remark"] != null) { remark = context.Request.Form["remark"]; } if (context.Request.QueryString["airwaybill"] != null) { airwaybill = context.Request.QueryString["airwaybill"]; } else if (context.Request.Form["airwaybill"] != null) { airwaybill = context.Request.Form["airwaybill"]; } if (context.Request.QueryString["shippingtype"] != null) { shippingtype = context.Request.QueryString["shippingtype"]; } else if (context.Request.Form["shippingtype"] != null) { shippingtype = context.Request.Form["shippingtype"]; } if (context.Request.QueryString["shippingdate"] != null) { if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["shippingdate"]) == "N/A") { } else { shippingdate = Convert.ToDateTime(context.Request.QueryString["shippingdate"]); } } else if (context.Request.Form["shippingdate"] != null) { if (context.Request.Form["shippingdate"] == "N/A") { } else { shippingdate = Convert.ToDateTime(context.Request.Form["shippingdate"]); } } if (context.Request.QueryString["expecteddeliverydate"] != null) { if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["expecteddeliverydate"]) == "N/A") { } else { expecteddeliverydate = Convert.ToDateTime(context.Request.QueryString["expecteddeliverydate"]); } } else if (context.Request.Form["expecteddeliverydate"] != null) { if (context.Request.Form["expecteddeliverydate"] == "N/A") { } else { expecteddeliverydate = Convert.ToDateTime(context.Request.Form["expecteddeliverydate"]); } } if (context.Request.QueryString["dockno"] != null) { dockno = context.Request.QueryString["dockno"]; } else if (context.Request.Form["dockno"] != null) { dockno = context.Request.Form["dockno"]; } if (context.Request.QueryString["lrno"] != null) { lrno = context.Request.QueryString["lrno"]; } else if (context.Request.Form["lrno"] != null) { lrno = context.Request.Form["lrno"]; } if (context.Request.QueryString["intime"] != null) { intime = context.Request.QueryString["intime"]; } else if (context.Request.Form["intime"] != null) { intime = context.Request.Form["intime"]; } if (context.Request.QueryString["outtime"] != null) { outtime = context.Request.QueryString["outtime"]; } else if (context.Request.Form["outtime"] != null) { outtime = context.Request.Form["outtime"]; } if (context.Request.QueryString["productdetail"] != null) { productdetail = context.Request.QueryString["productdetail"]; } else if (context.Request.Form["productdetail"] != null) { productdetail = context.Request.Form["productdetail"]; } if (context.Request.QueryString["other"] != null) { udr = context.Request.QueryString["other"]; } else if (context.Request.Form["other"] != null) { udr = context.Request.Form["other"]; } //context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; //jsonString = String.Empty; long CustomerID, CompanyID; string DuplicateLottable = ""; string userName = GetUserID(uid); CustomProfile profile = CustomProfile.GetProfile(userName); iInboundClient Inbound = new iInboundClient(); tGRNHead GRNHead = new tGRNHead(); GRNHead.CreatedBy = uid; GRNHead.Creationdate = DateTime.Now; GRNHead.ObjectName = objectname; GRNHead.OID = oid; GRNHead.ShipID = ""; GRNHead.GRNDate = DateTime.Now; GRNHead.ReceivedBy = uid; GRNHead.BatchNo = batchcode; if (remark == "N/A") { remark = ""; } GRNHead.Remark = remark; if (airwaybill == "N/A") { airwaybill = ""; } GRNHead.AirwayBill = airwaybill; if (shippingtype == "N/A") { shippingtype = ""; } GRNHead.ShippingType = shippingtype; GRNHead.CompanyID = profile.Personal.CompanyID; GRNHead.CustomerID = profile.Personal.CustomerId; GRNHead.Status = getStatus(objectname); Status = getStatus(objectname); GRNHead.ShippingDate = shippingdate; GRNHead.TransporterRemark = ""; //GRNHead.TransporterID = ; // GRNHead.DockNo = dockno; //GRNHead.TruckNo = ""; if (lrno == "N/A") { lrno = ""; } GRNHead.LRNo = lrno; if (intime == "N/A") { intime = ""; } GRNHead.InTime = intime; if (outtime == "N/A") { outtime = ""; } GRNHead.OutTime = outtime; GRNHead.ExpDeliveryDate = expecteddeliverydate; GRNHead.IsRead = false; GRNHead.Other = udr; //DataTable dtnew = new DataTable(); //dtnew = GetDatatableDetails("select * from tgrnhead where oid=" + oid + ""); //if (dtnew.Rows.Count > 0) //{ // GRNID = Convert.ToInt64(dtnew.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString()); //} //else //{ // GRNID = Inbound.SavetGRNHead(GRNHead, profile.DBConnection._constr); //} GRNID = GetGRNStatus(oid, objectname); if (GRNID == 0) { GRNID = Inbound.SavetGRNHead(GRNHead, profile.DBConnection._constr); } /* GRNDetail */ string mygrnPrdString1 = "select * from SplitString('" + productdetail + "','@')"; SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(); SqlDataAdapter da1 = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataSet ds1 = new DataSet(); DataTable dt1 = new DataTable(); SqlDataReader dr1; cmd1.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd1.CommandText = mygrnPrdString1; cmd1.Connection = conn; cmd1.Parameters.Clear(); da1.SelectCommand = cmd1; da1.Fill(ds1, "tbl2"); dt1 = ds1.Tables[0]; int cntr1 = dt1.Rows.Count; if (cntr1 > 0) { for (int P = 0; P <= cntr1 - 1; P++) { string productdetail1 = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[P]["part"].ToString().Trim(); string prdString, qtystring; long prdID; decimal qty = 0; string lot1str, lot2str, lot3str, lot1 = "", lot2 = "", lot3 = ""; dt.Clear(); string mygrnPrdString = "select * from SplitString('" + productdetail1 + "','|')"; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = mygrnPrdString; cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.Parameters.Clear(); da.SelectCommand = cmd; da.Fill(ds, "tbl1"); dt = ds.Tables[0]; int cntr = dt.Rows.Count; if (cntr > 0) { for (int i = 0; i <= cntr - 1; i++) { prdString = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["part"].ToString().Trim(); string[] spltprdString = prdString.Split(':'); prdID = long.Parse(spltprdString[1]); i = i + 1; qtystring = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["part"].ToString().Trim(); string[] spltqty = qtystring.Split(':'); qty = decimal.Parse(spltqty[1]); if (cntr > 2) { i = i + 1; lot1str = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["part"].ToString().Trim(); string[] lotsplit = lot1str.Split(':'); lot1 = lotsplit[1]; //DuplicateLottable = ChkDuplicateLottable(lot1, profile.Personal.CompanyID, profile.Personal.CustomerId); DuplicateLottable = "NO"; //if (objectname == "SalesReturn") //{ // DuplicateLottable = "No"; //} //if (DuplicateLottable == "Yes") //{ // break; //} //else { } } if (cntr > 3) { i = i + 1; lot2str = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["part"].ToString().Trim(); string[] lot2split = lot2str.Split(':'); lot2 = lot2split[1]; } if (cntr > 4) { i = i + 1; lot3str = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["part"].ToString().Trim(); string[] lot3split = lot3str.Split(':'); lot3 = lot3split[1]; } //i = i + 1; DataSet dsOrder = new DataSet(); dsOrder = GetUOMofPrd(oid, objectname, prdID); decimal poqty = 0; long UOMID = long.Parse(dsOrder.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UOMID"].ToString()); if (objectname == "PurchaseOrder") { poqty = decimal.Parse(dsOrder.Tables[0].Rows[0]["OrderQty"].ToString()); } else if (objectname == "Transfer") { poqty = decimal.Parse(dsOrder.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Qty"].ToString()); } else if (objectname == "SalesReturn") { poqty = decimal.Parse(dsOrder.Tables[0].Rows[0]["OrderQty"].ToString()); } decimal totalgrnqty = 0; DataTable dtgrn = new DataTable(); dtgrn = GetDatatableDetails("select isnull(sum(grnqty),0) as grnqty from tgrndetail where grnid=" + GRNID + " and prodid=" + prdID + ""); if (dtgrn.Rows.Count > 0) { totalgrnqty = Convert.ToDecimal(dtgrn.Rows[0]["grnqty"].ToString()); } decimal ShortQty = 0, ExcessQty = 0; decimal qtyCalculation = 0; // decimal qtyCalculation = poqty - qty; if (totalgrnqty == 0) { qtyCalculation = poqty - qty; } else { qtyCalculation = poqty - totalgrnqty; } if (qtyCalculation == 0) { ShortQty = 0; ExcessQty = 0; } else if (qtyCalculation > 0) { ShortQty = qtyCalculation; ExcessQty = 0; } else if (qtyCalculation < 0) { ShortQty = 0; ExcessQty = Math.Abs(qtyCalculation); } SqlCommand cmdDetail = new SqlCommand(); SqlDataAdapter daDetail = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataSet dsDetail = new DataSet(); DataTable dtDetail = new DataTable(); // SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(strcon); cmdDetail.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmdDetail.CommandText = "SP_MobileInsertGRNDetails"; cmdDetail.Connection = conn; cmdDetail.Parameters.Clear(); cmdDetail.Parameters.AddWithValue("GRNID", GRNID); cmdDetail.Parameters.AddWithValue("prdID", prdID); cmdDetail.Parameters.AddWithValue("qty", qty); cmdDetail.Parameters.AddWithValue("poqty", poqty); cmdDetail.Parameters.AddWithValue("ShortQty", ShortQty); cmdDetail.Parameters.AddWithValue("ExcessQty", ExcessQty); cmdDetail.Parameters.AddWithValue("UOMID", UOMID); cmdDetail.Parameters.AddWithValue("lot1", lot1); cmdDetail.Parameters.AddWithValue("lot2", lot2); cmdDetail.Parameters.AddWithValue("lot3", lot3); cmdDetail.Parameters.AddWithValue("obj", objectname); cmdDetail.Parameters.AddWithValue("CompanyId", profile.Personal.CompanyID); cmdDetail.Parameters.AddWithValue("CustomerId", profile.Personal.CustomerId); cmdDetail.Connection.Open(); cmdDetail.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmdDetail.Connection.Close(); } } if (DuplicateLottable == "Yes") { break; } // jsonString = "{\n\"arr_qc_list\":[\n"; } updateGRNStatus(GRNID); if (DuplicateLottable == "Yes") { RecordUpdateStatus(GRNID, objectname, Status, oid); jsonString = jsonString + "{\n"; jsonString = jsonString + "\"status\": \"failed\",\n"; jsonString = jsonString + "\"reason\": \"duplicateserial\"\n"; jsonString = jsonString + "}\n"; jsonString = jsonString + "]\n}"; context.Response.Write(jsonString); } else { RecordUpdateStatus(GRNID, objectname, Status, oid); jsonString = jsonString + "{\n"; jsonString = jsonString + "\"status\": \"success\",\n"; jsonString = jsonString + "\"reason\": \"\"\n"; jsonString = jsonString + "}\n"; jsonString = jsonString + "]\n}"; context.Response.Write(jsonString); } } } catch (System.Exception ex) { ErrorLog(ex.ToString(), "Save_GRN"); Login.Profile.ErrorHandling(ex, "ws-save-grn", "ProcessRequest"); // throw ex; jsonString = jsonString + "{\n"; jsonString = jsonString + "\"status\": \"failed\",\n"; jsonString = jsonString + "\"reason\": \"servererror\"\n"; jsonString = jsonString + "}\n"; jsonString = jsonString + "]\n}"; context.Response.Write(jsonString); } finally { } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(strcon); long GRNID = 0; try { DateTime shippingdate = DateTime.Now; DateTime expecteddeliverydate = DateTime.Now; if (context.Request.QueryString["userid"] != null) { UserID = long.Parse(context.Request.QueryString["userid"]); } else if (context.Request.Form["userid"] != null) { UserID = long.Parse(context.Request.Form["userid"]); } if (context.Request.QueryString["oid"] != null) { orderID = long.Parse(context.Request.QueryString["oid"]); } else if (context.Request.Form["oid"] != null) { orderID = long.Parse(context.Request.Form["oid"]); } if (context.Request.QueryString["objectname"] != null) { objname = context.Request.QueryString["objectname"]; } else if (context.Request.Form["objectname"] != null) { objname = context.Request.Form["objectname"]; } if (context.Request.QueryString["batchcode"] != null) { batchcode = context.Request.QueryString["batchcode"]; } else if (context.Request.Form["batchcode"] != null) { batchcode = context.Request.Form["batchcode"]; } if (context.Request.QueryString["remark"] != null) { remark = context.Request.QueryString["remark"]; } else if (context.Request.Form["remark"] != null) { remark = context.Request.Form["remark"]; } if (context.Request.QueryString["airwaybill"] != null) { airwaybill = context.Request.QueryString["airwaybill"]; } else if (context.Request.Form["airwaybill"] != null) { airwaybill = context.Request.Form["airwaybill"]; } if (context.Request.QueryString["shippingtype"] != null) { shippingtype = context.Request.QueryString["shippingtype"]; } else if (context.Request.Form["shippingtype"] != null) { shippingtype = context.Request.Form["shippingtype"]; } if (context.Request.QueryString["shippingdate"] != null) { if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["shippingdate"]) == "N/A") { } else { shippingdate = Convert.ToDateTime(context.Request.QueryString["shippingdate"]); } } else if (context.Request.Form["shippingdate"] != null) { if (context.Request.Form["shippingdate"] == "N/A") { } else { shippingdate = Convert.ToDateTime(context.Request.Form["shippingdate"]); } } if (context.Request.QueryString["expecteddeliverydate"] != null) { if (Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["expecteddeliverydate"]) == "N/A") { } else { expecteddeliverydate = Convert.ToDateTime(context.Request.QueryString["expecteddeliverydate"]); } } else if (context.Request.Form["expecteddeliverydate"] != null) { if (context.Request.Form["expecteddeliverydate"] == "N/A") { } else { expecteddeliverydate = Convert.ToDateTime(context.Request.Form["expecteddeliverydate"]); } } if (context.Request.QueryString["dockno"] != null) { dockno = context.Request.QueryString["dockno"]; } else if (context.Request.Form["dockno"] != null) { dockno = context.Request.Form["dockno"]; } if (context.Request.QueryString["lrno"] != null) { lrno = context.Request.QueryString["lrno"]; } else if (context.Request.Form["lrno"] != null) { lrno = context.Request.Form["lrno"]; } if (context.Request.QueryString["intime"] != null) { intime = context.Request.QueryString["intime"]; } else if (context.Request.Form["intime"] != null) { intime = context.Request.Form["intime"]; } if (context.Request.QueryString["outtime"] != null) { outtime = context.Request.QueryString["outtime"]; } else if (context.Request.Form["outtime"] != null) { outtime = context.Request.Form["outtime"]; } if (context.Request.QueryString["other"] != null) { udr = context.Request.QueryString["other"]; } else if (context.Request.Form["other"] != null) { udr = context.Request.Form["other"]; } context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; String jsonString = String.Empty; jsonString = "{\n"; /*json Loop Start*/ jsonString = jsonString + "\"result\":[{\n"; iInboundClient Inbound = new iInboundClient(); string userName = GetUserID(UserID); CustomProfile profile = CustomProfile.GetProfile(userName); DataSet dsUserDetail = new DataSet(); dsUserDetail = GetUserDetails(UserID); CompanyID = long.Parse(dsUserDetail.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CompanyID"].ToString()); CustomerID = long.Parse(dsUserDetail.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CustomerID"].ToString()); tGRNHead GRNHead = new tGRNHead(); GRNHead.ObjectName = objname; GRNHead.OID = orderID; GRNHead.GRNDate = DateTime.Now; GRNHead.ReceivedBy = UserID; GRNHead.CreatedBy = UserID; GRNHead.Creationdate = DateTime.Now; GRNHead.CustomerID = CustomerID; GRNHead.CompanyID = CompanyID; string WorkFlow = "", NextObject = ""; int count = 0; if (objname == "PurchaseOrder") { WorkFlow = "Inbound"; NextObject = "QC"; } if (objname == "Transfer") { WorkFlow = "Transfer"; NextObject = "QC"; } if (objname == "SalesReturn") { WorkFlow = "Return"; NextObject = "QC"; } count = GetWorkFlow(profile.Personal.CompanyID, profile.Personal.CustomerId, WorkFlow, NextObject, profile.DBConnection._constr); if (objname == "PurchaseOrder") { if (count == 0) { GRNHead.Status = 33; } else { GRNHead.Status = 31; } } if (objname == "Transfer") { if (count == 0) { GRNHead.Status = 71; } else { GRNHead.Status = 60; } } if (objname == "SalesReturn") { if (count == 0) { GRNHead.Status = 53; } else { GRNHead.Status = 52; } } GRNHead.OrderFrom = "Mobile"; GRNHead.ShipID = ""; if (remark == "N/A") { remark = ""; } GRNHead.Remark = remark; if (airwaybill == "N/A") { airwaybill = ""; } GRNHead.AirwayBill = airwaybill; if (shippingtype == "N/A") { shippingtype = ""; } GRNHead.ShippingType = shippingtype; GRNHead.ShippingDate = shippingdate; GRNHead.TransporterRemark = ""; if (lrno == "N/A") { lrno = ""; } GRNHead.LRNo = lrno; if (intime == "N/A") { intime = ""; } GRNHead.InTime = intime; if (outtime == "N/A") { outtime = ""; } GRNHead.OutTime = outtime; GRNHead.ExpDeliveryDate = expecteddeliverydate; GRNHead.IsRead = false; GRNHead.Other = udr; GRNHead.IsGRN = 1; DataTable dtgrn = new DataTable(); dtgrn = GetGRNStatus(orderID, objname, UserID); if (dtgrn.Rows.Count > 0) { batchcode = dtgrn.Rows[0]["BatchNo"].ToString(); GRNID = Convert.ToInt64(dtgrn.Rows[0]["ID"]); } GRNHead.ID = GRNID; GRNHead.BatchNo = batchcode; UpdateRemQty(orderID, objname); GRNID = Inbound.SavetGRNHead(GRNHead, profile.DBConnection._constr); if (GRNID > 0) { jsonString = jsonString + "\"status\": \"success\",\n"; jsonString = jsonString + "\"reason\": \"\"\n"; } else { jsonString = jsonString + "\"status\": \"failed\",\n"; jsonString = jsonString + "\"reason\": \"Server error occured\"\n"; } jsonString = jsonString + "}]\n"; jsonString = jsonString + "}\n"; /*json Loop End*/ context.Response.Write(jsonString); } catch (Exception ex) { Login.Profile.ErrorHandling(ex, "grn_save_grn", "ProcessRequest"); } finally { } }