public void RandomMulNumbers() { subtraction showlnum = new subtraction(); showleftnumber = showlnum.ranFnumber(1, 2001); subtraction showrnum = new subtraction(); showrightnumber = showrnum.ranLnumber(11, 201); }
public void RandomDivNumbers() { subtraction showlnum = new subtraction(); showleftnumber = showlnum.ranFnumber(1, 5001); subtraction showrnum = new subtraction(); showrightnumber = showrnum.ranLnumber(1, 10); }
public void RandomSubNumbers() { subtraction showlnum = new subtraction(); showleftnumber = showlnum.ranFnumber(1, 101); subtraction showrnum = new subtraction(); showrightnumber = showrnum.ranLnumber(20, 51); }
static void Main(string[] args) { addition a = new addition(); subtraction b = new subtraction(); multiplication c = new multiplication(); division d = new division(); int i, j; Console.WriteLine("enter the first integer:"); i = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("enter the first integer:"); j = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); a.process(i, j); b.process(i, j); c.process(i, j); d.process(i, j); Console.ReadKey(); }