private static void m0002c2(struct01c6 p0, ref byte[] p1, ref int p2) { while (p0.f00001b > (p1.Length - p2)) { byte[] destinationArray = new byte[p0.f00001b + p1.Length]; try { Array.Copy(p1, destinationArray, p1.Length); } catch (Exception) { } p1 = destinationArray; } for (int i = 0; i < p0.f00001b; i++) { p1[p2] = (byte) p0.f0001f4.ReadByte(); p2++; } if (p0.f0001f4.Position != p0.f0001f4.Length) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Length of data in IDAT doesn't match the length provided by the chunk. Bytes read: {0} Bytes expected: {1}.", (uint) p0.f0001f4.Position, p0.f00001b)); } }
private static void m0002bf(struct01c6 p0, ref struct01de p1) { uint num = ((uint) p0.f0001f4.Length) / 3; if ((num * 3) == p0.f0001f4.Length) { for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { struct01df structdf = new struct01df(); structdf.f000008 = (byte) p0.f0001f4.ReadByte(); structdf.f00001d = (byte) p0.f0001f4.ReadByte(); structdf.f000025 = (byte) p0.f0001f4.ReadByte(); p1.f000018[i] = structdf; } } }