public ActionResult Delete(int StoryID) { ViewBag.StoryID = StoryID; story story = StoryRepository.GetStoryByID(StoryID); return(PartialView(story)); }
public IActionResult edit(int id) { ViewBag.login = true; story st = istoryRepository.Getstory(id); return(View(st)); }
public IActionResult edit(story st) { ViewBag.login = true; story st1 = istoryRepository.Update(st); return(Redirect("~/Home/mystory")); }
public ActionResult Edit(int StoryID) { story story = StoryRepository.GetStoryByID(StoryID); GetData(story.MinistryID); return(PartialView(story)); }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { story story = db.stories.Find(id); db.stories.Remove(story); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public IActionResult create(story st) { ViewBag.login = true; st.userId = HttpContext.Session.GetString(useremail); st.createdat = DateTime.Now; story newst = istoryRepository.Add(st); return(Redirect("~/Home/mystory")); }
public bool StorySubmit(story story) { using (objDB) { objDB.stories.InsertOnSubmit(story); objDB.SubmitChanges(); return(true); } }
public ActionResult DisplayStory(int storyID) { story story = StoryRepository.GetStoryByID(storyID); story.picture = PictureRepository.GetPictureByID((int)story.PictureID); story.StoryType = ConstantRepository.GetConstantID((int)story.StoryTypeID).Value1; int GroupPictureCount = PictureRepository.GetPictureByGroup(story.MinistryID, story.StoryID).Count(); story.HasGroupPictures = false; if (GroupPictureCount > 0) { story.HasGroupPictures = true; } return(PartialView(story)); }
public ActionResult edit(int id, story story) { ViewBag.Group = "Admin"; if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { objStory.EditStory(id,,, story.title, story.story1); return(RedirectToAction("Admin")); } catch { return(View()); } } return(View()); }
public ActionResult SubmitAction(story story) { ViewBag.Group = "AboutUs"; if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { objStory.StorySubmit(story); return(View("SubmitAction", story)); } catch { return(View()); } } else { return(View()); } }
public ActionResult Create(story story) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { story.PictureID = 1; if (story.StoryLine.Length > 2000) { return(Content("Error saving: Story more than 2000 string long.")); } db.stories.Add(story); db.SaveChanges(); StoryRepository.AddRecord(story); return(Content("Story added successfully")); } } catch (Exception ex) { TempData["Message2"] = "Error adding story"; } GetData(story.MinistryID); return(PartialView(story)); }
public IActionResult show(int id) { ViewBag.login = false; if (HttpContext.Session.GetString(isloggedin) == "0") { return(View("login")); } ViewBag.login = true; story st = istoryRepository.Getstory(id); Users user = iuserreposetory.fetch(st.userId); storyViewModel model = new storyViewModel { body = st.body, title = st.title, photopath = user.photopath, firstname = user.firstname, lastname = user.lastname, email =, createdat = st.createdat, status = st.status }; return(View(model)); }
//Create a new charater //<param name="_name">Name.</param> public Character(string _name, bool enabledOnStart = true) { CharacterManager cm = CharacterManager.instance; //locate the character prefab //鎖定角色組件 GameObject prefab = Resources.Load("Characters/Character[" + _name + "]") as GameObject; //spawn an instance of the prefab directly on the character panel //立即在角色面板上產生角色組件組合結果 GameObject ob = GameObject.Instantiate(prefab, cm.characterPanel); root = ob.GetComponent <RectTransform> (); characterName = _name; renderers.renderer = ob.GetComponentInChildren <RawImage> (); if (isMultiLayerCharacter) { renderers.bodyRenderer = ob.transform.Find("bodyLayer").GetComponent <Image> (); renderers.expressionRenderer = ob.transform.Find("expressionlayer").GetComponent <Image>(); } dialogue = story.instance; //Get Rebderer(s) enabled = enabledOnStart; }
public ActionResult Edit(story story) { string ReturnUrl = Request.UrlReferrer.ToString(); try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { //add main picture foreach (var image in story.MainPic) { if (image != null) { picture pic = new picture(); pic.ImageMimeType = image.ContentType; pic.ImageData = new byte[image.ContentLength]; image.InputStream.Read(pic.ImageData, 0, image.ContentLength); pic.ministryID = 0; pic.PictureDate = System.DateTime.Today; pic.Status = "Active"; pic.Description = string.Format("Picture:{0}", story.Header); pic.DateEntered = System.DateTime.Today; pic.EnteredBy = User.Identity.Name.ToString();; db.SaveChanges(); story.PictureID = pic.pictureID; } } db.Entry(story).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); //add related picture foreach (var image in story.GroupPic) { if (image != null) { picture picture = new picture(); picture.ImageMimeType = image.ContentType; picture.ImageData = new byte[image.ContentLength]; image.InputStream.Read(picture.ImageData, 0, image.ContentLength); picture.ministryID = story.MinistryID; picture.PictureDate = System.DateTime.Today; picture.Status = "Active"; picture.GroupID = story.StoryID; picture.Description = "";//string.Format("Picture:{0}", story.Header); picture.DateEntered = System.DateTime.Today; picture.EnteredBy = User.Identity.Name.ToString();; db.SaveChanges(); } } GetData(story.MinistryID); // return Redirect("/Home/Admin?Page=Ministry"); return(Redirect(ReturnUrl)); } } catch (Exception ex) { TempData["Message2"] = string.Format("Error editing story."); } GetData(story.MinistryID); return(View(story)); }
void Awake() { instance = this; }
public void AddRecord(story Record) { myRecords.Add(record); }
public story GetStoryByID(int storyID) { record = myRecords.FirstOrDefault(e => e.StoryID == storyID); return(record); }
public void DeleteRecord(story record) { myRecords.Remove(record); context.stories.Add(record); context.SaveChanges(); }