예제 #1
        // searchForPattern looks at the historical market data of the passed tickers
        // and analyzes the data for a specific pattern also passed as an argument
        public static void searchForPattern(patterns pattern, string[] tickers, stockDataObj stock_dataobj, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            int i = 0;

            // iterate through each ticker to check for a pattern
            while (i < tickers.Length)
                // awaiter holds the return value of the asynchronous task getStockData
                var awaiter = stock_dataobj.getStockData(tickers[i], startDate, endDate, pattern);

                // this if statement forces the main() to wait until the current ticker is done being evaluated
                // when the result of 1 is returned, move to the next ticker
                if (awaiter.Result == 1)
예제 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // initalizations...
            string outputTxtFile = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "../../../output.txt";     // used to output console data to a persistent file
            string JSONfilename  = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "../../../chartdata.json"; // used to output json data to a persistent file, later transferred to server

            // tickers used to find patterns for
            string[] tickers = { "PLTR", "LI",   "TLRY", "UAVS", "NEPT", "SNDL", "FSR",  "RIDE",
                                 "RIOT", "HYLN", "APHA", "SPLP", "LMND", "WNW",  "LAZR", "CRSR", "CNI" };

            DateTime endDate   = DateTime.Today;               // the end date is the most recent day, which is today
            DateTime startDate = DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-6); // the start date is 6 months prior to today

            File.WriteAllText(outputTxtFile, "");              // clears the outputtxtfile from previous runs
            // File.WriteAllText(JSONfilename, "{\n\t\"ihs\":[\n");
            // clears the output json data from previous runs
            File.WriteAllText(JSONfilename, "{\n");

            string imagesFolderPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "../../../images/";

            // if the images folder does not exist, create it as we will need it to store pattern folders which contain the chart images
            if (!Directory.Exists(imagesFolderPath))
                DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(imagesFolderPath);

            string ihsImagePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "../../../images/ihs/";                           // declares the path for ihs image storage

            string hsImagePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "../../../images/hs/";                             // path for hs image storage

            string doubleTopImagePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "../../../images/doubleTop/";               // path for doubletop image storage

            string doubleBottomImagePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "../../../images/doubleBottom/";         // path for double bottom image storage

            string tripleTopImagePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "../../../images/tripleTop/";               // path for triple top image storage

            string tripleBottomImagePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "../../../images/tripleBottom/";         // path for triple bottom image storage

            string bullishRectangleImagePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "../../../images/bullishRectangle/"; // path for bullish rectangle image storage

            string bearishRectangleImagePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "../../../images/bearishRectangle/"; // path for bearish rectangle image storage

            // imagepathslist holds all the image paths for the various patterns
            List <string> imagePathsList = new List <string>();

            imagePathsList.Add(ihsImagePath); imagePathsList.Add(hsImagePath);
            imagePathsList.Add(doubleTopImagePath); imagePathsList.Add(doubleBottomImagePath);
            imagePathsList.Add(tripleTopImagePath); imagePathsList.Add(tripleBottomImagePath);
            imagePathsList.Add(bullishRectangleImagePath); imagePathsList.Add(bearishRectangleImagePath);

            // if any images from previous runs is in the directory associated with a pattern, it is deleted
            // else create the directory as we will need it to hold our chart images
            // this is what the clearImageDir() call does.
            for (int i = 0; i < imagePathsList.Count; i++)

            // declare a stock data object to hold all the stock data for one ticker
            stockDataObj stock_dataobj = new stockDataObj()
                outputTxtFile = outputTxtFile,
                JSONfilename  = JSONfilename

            List <patterns> patternsList = new List <patterns>();

            patternsList.Add(patterns.ihs); patternsList.Add(patterns.hs);
            patternsList.Add(patterns.doubleTop); patternsList.Add(patterns.doubleBottom);
            patternsList.Add(patterns.tripleTop); patternsList.Add(patterns.tripleBottom);

            // searchForPattern will search the historical market data, trying to find a case
            // that exhibits the specified pattern
            for (int i = 0; i < patternsList.Count; i++)
                searchForPattern(patternsList[i], tickers, stock_dataobj, startDate, endDate);

                // the json document has a few syntactical errors after being printed to
                // that is why the fixJsonDoc() call is made to correct these errors

                // this is the final step in printing to the json doc for the specified pattern
                File.AppendAllText(JSONfilename, "\t],\n");

            // the final pattern is a little special because the json document cannot have a comma
            // after the closing bracket ]
            searchForPattern(patterns.bearishRectangle, tickers, stock_dataobj, startDate, endDate);


            File.AppendAllText(JSONfilename, "\t]\n");

            // finish up the json file
            File.AppendAllText(JSONfilename, "\n}");

            // program has finished execution
            Console.WriteLine("All Done :) press any key to exit");