예제 #1
 private void Awake()
     unlockedSpells = new spells[3];
     if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("unlockedSpells"))
         string spellArray = PlayerPrefs.GetString("unlockedSpells");
         if (spellArray[0] == '1')
             unlockedSpells[0]   = spells.Fire;
             unlockedSpellCount += 1;
             equipedSpell        = unlockedSpells[0];
         if (spellArray[1] == '1')
             unlockedSpells[1]   = spells.Ice;
             unlockedSpellCount += 1;
             equipedSpell        = unlockedSpells[1];
         if (spellArray[2] == '1')
             unlockedSpells[2]   = spells.Air;
             unlockedSpellCount += 1;
             equipedSpell        = unlockedSpells[2];
         equipedSpell = spells.None;
예제 #2
    void cast(spells sp, GameObject target)
        Robot_behavior_base commands = target.GetComponent <Robot_behavior_base>();

        switch (sp)
        case spells.Freeze:

        case spells.MoveLeft:
            commands.StartCoroutine("moveLeft", 5);

        case spells.MoveRight:
            commands.StartCoroutine("moveRight", 5);


        if (debug)
            Debug.Log("Cast " + sp + " on " + target);
예제 #3
    void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)
        if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Book")) // Si coge libro, pocion o corazon, desaparece
            animator.SetBool("isFrontSide", true);
            player.GetComponent <PlayerController>().enableMoving = false;
            other.gameObject.transform.position = new Vector2(player.transform.position.x, player.transform.position.y + 1);

            int spellId = other.gameObject.GetComponent <BookController>().id;
            if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("unlockedSpells"))
                string unlockedSpells = PlayerPrefs.GetString("unlockedSpells");
                char[] spellArray     = unlockedSpells.ToCharArray();
                spellArray[spellId] = '1';
                unlockedSpells      = new string(spellArray);
                PlayerPrefs.SetString("unlockedSpells", unlockedSpells);
                char[] spells = { '0', '0', '0' };
                spells[spellId] = '1';
                string unlockedSpells = new string(spells);
                PlayerPrefs.SetString("unlockedSpells", unlockedSpells);

            if (spellId == 0)
                unlockedSpells[0] = spells.Fire;
            else if (spellId == 1)
                unlockedSpells[1] = spells.Ice;
            else if (spellId == 2)
                unlockedSpells[2] = spells.Air;

            equipedSpell        = unlockedSpells[spellId];
            unlockedSpellCount += 1;

            //StartCoroutine(showObject(1, other.gameObject));
예제 #4
    void scrollSpell(int amount)
        int final = (int)spell + amount;

        if (final >= (int)spells.max - 1)
            final = 0;
        else if (final < 0)
            final = (int)spells.max - 1;

        spell = (spells)final;

        if (debug)
            Debug.Log("Changed to spell " + spell);
예제 #5
    IEnumerator seterror; //Sets error state to false after t_error time.

    void Awake()
        spellarray[0] = new spells("FireBall", 1.5f, (int)enum_casting.StraightMagicShot, fireballanim, CastLocationFireBall, 100f, 0.6f, 0f, 0f, true);
        spellarray[1] = new spells("FrostBolt", 1.0f, (int)enum_casting.CastSpell, frostboltanim, CastLocationFrostBolt, 10f, 0.2f, 0f, 0f, true);
        spellarray[2] = new spells("PermaFrost", 2.0f, (int)enum_casting.CastSpell, PermaFrostGameObject, CastLocationPermaFrost, 10f, 0f, 8f, 0f, true);

        aoespellarray[0] = new AoEspell(10f, 30f, 15f);
        castkeys         = new string[3] {
            "q", "e", "r"
        };                                         //Cast Keys

        spellerrors = new string[4] {
            "You Must Face The Target!", "No Target!", "Currently Casting", "Spell is On CoolDown!"
        t_error = 0.5f;//Display error for 0.5 sec

        //Cast bar Initializers
        castbarp_y  = 1.5f;//Distance the cast bar is placed from the middle(pos)
        castbarp_x  = 0.75f;
        castbarsize = new Vector2(160, 16);
        castbarpos  = new Vector2(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2);
        //Error Initializer
예제 #6
    IEnumerator targettedspell(int spellname)
    {//Spell Coroutine which generates a spell provided with a cast time, cast anim, and object which is defined via the caller.
        b_casting = true;
        this.GetComponent <Animator>().speed = 0.5f;//This speed works well for all spells.

        spells c_spell = spellarray[spellname];
        //Current spell struct which contains the information regarding the spell
        float casttime = c_spell.casttime * (1f - this.GetComponent <Properties>().haste / GeneralProperties.hastecap);
        //Cast time * fraction(of haste cap the player has achieved)
        float      dmg        = c_spell.b_damage + (GetComponent <Properties>().AP *c_spell.APratio);   //Base Damage of spell + Ability Power * AP ratio
        GameObject castobject = c_spell.spell;                                                          //Cast Object of Spell

        this.GetComponent <Player_controller>().mainsubmachinestate = (int)mainsubmachinstates.Casting; //Change Main SubState to Casting.
        this.GetComponent <Player_controller>().currentCastinganim  = c_spell.castanim;                 //Set the currentcasting anim to spell casting animation.
        Transform castlocation = c_spell.s_location;                                                    //The Location where the Spell will be instantiated.

        spell_casting = spellname;                                                                      //Update current spell being casted.
        s_starttime   = Time.time;                                                                      //Start timer of current spell

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(casttime));                                                     //Wait for cast time to completed

        StartCoroutine(CoolDown(spell_casting));                                                        //Start cooldown coroutine and pass it the current spell being casted.

        b_casting = false;
        this.GetComponent <Animator>().speed = 1f;//Set Speed back to 1

        if (Target != null)
        {//Ensure that spell doesnt get instantiated if target is dead.
            GameObject spell = Instantiate(castobject, castlocation.position, this.transform.rotation) as GameObject;
            //Cast a fire ball and keep a variable of its gameobject.
            spell.GetComponent <Targetedspell>().target   = Target;          //Set the target of our spell to current target.
            spell.GetComponent <Targetedspell>().damage   = dmg;             //Damage of Spell
            spell.GetComponent <Targetedspell>().castedby = this.gameObject; //The Game Object which casted the spell;
            spell.GetComponent <Targetedspell>().c_spell  = spellname;       //Notify Target spell of the current spell being casted
예제 #7
    public IEnumerator castPermaFrost()
        spells c_spells = spellarray[(int)enum_spell.PermaFrost];//General Spell Values of permafrost.

        b_casting = true;
        this.GetComponent <Animator>().speed = 0.5f; //This speed works well for all spells.

        spell_casting = (int)enum_spell.PermaFrost;  //Update current spell being cast.

        this.GetComponent <Player_controller>().mainsubmachinestate = (int)mainsubmachinstates.Casting;
        this.GetComponent <Player_controller>().currentCastinganim  = (int)enum_casting.PermaFrost;
        AoEspell c_spell = aoespellarray[(int)enum_AoESpells.PermaFrost]; //AoE specific values

        GameObject castobject = c_spells.spell;                           //Game Object to cast.
        float      dmg        = c_spells.b_damage;
        float      radius     = c_spell.radius;
        float      speed      = c_spell.speed;
        Transform  origin     = c_spells.s_location;
        float      casttime   = c_spells.casttime;

        s_starttime = Time.time;//Log the spell start time

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(casttime * (1f - this.GetComponent <Properties>().haste / GeneralProperties.hastecap)));

        this.GetComponent <Animator>().speed = 1f; //Set Speed Back to one

        StartCoroutine(CoolDown(spell_casting));   //Start cooldown coroutine and pass it the current spell being casted.

        GameObject spell = Instantiate(castobject, origin.position, this.transform.rotation) as GameObject;

        spell.GetComponent <PermaFrost>().castedby = this.gameObject;
        spell.GetComponent <PermaFrost>().radius   = radius; //Max Radius of spell
        spell.GetComponent <PermaFrost>().damage   = dmg;    //Base Damage of Spell
        spell.GetComponent <PermaFrost>().speed    = speed;  //Speed of Expantion.
        b_casting = false;                                   //Done Casting
예제 #8
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (!PauseMenu.IsPaused)
            if (Input.GetButton("Fire1") && Time.time >= nextBasicAttackTime && player.GetComponent <PlayerController>().enableMoving)
                nextBasicAttackTime = Time.time + basicAttackCoolDown;


            if (Input.GetButton("Fire2") && player.GetComponent <PlayerController>().enableMoving)
                if (equipedSpell == spells.Fire && Time.time >= nextFireballTime)
                    //Starts cooldown animation in HUD
                    nextFireballTime = Time.time + fireballCoolDown;
                    var        position = attackPos.position;
                    GameObject spell    = Instantiate(fireball, new Vector2(position.x + 2 * Mathf.Sign(gameObject.transform.localScale.x), position.y), Quaternion.identity);
                    PlayerFireBall spellController = spell.GetComponent <PlayerFireBall>();
                    spellController.enemy = "Enemy";
                    Vector3 spellScale = spell.transform.localScale;
                    spell.transform.localScale = new Vector3(spellScale.x * Mathf.Sign(gameObject.transform.localScale.x), spellScale.y, spellScale.z);
                    //Instantiate(fireball, attackPos.transform);

                if (equipedSpell == spells.Ice && Time.time >= nextIceTime)
                    //Starts cooldown animation in HUD
                    nextIceTime = Time.time + iceCoolDown;
                    var        position         = transform.position;
                    GameObject spell            = Instantiate(ice, new Vector2(position.x + 2 * Mathf.Sign(gameObject.transform.localScale.x), position.y), Quaternion.identity);
                    PlayerIce  spell1Controller = spell.GetComponent <PlayerIce>();
                    spell1Controller.enemy = "Enemy";
                    GameObject spell2           = Instantiate(ice, new Vector2(position.x + 2 * Mathf.Sign(gameObject.transform.localScale.x), position.y), Quaternion.identity);
                    PlayerIce  spell2Controller = spell2.GetComponent <PlayerIce>();
                    spell2Controller.enemy = "Enemy";
                    GameObject spell3           = Instantiate(ice, new Vector2(position.x + 2 * Mathf.Sign(gameObject.transform.localScale.x), position.y), Quaternion.identity);
                    PlayerIce  spell3Controller = spell3.GetComponent <PlayerIce>();
                    spell3Controller.enemy = "Enemy";

                    if (Mathf.Sign(transform.localScale.x) > 0)
                        spell2.GetComponent <Transform>().rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, iceAngle);
                        spell3.GetComponent <Transform>().rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 360 - iceAngle);
                        spell.GetComponent <Transform>().rotation  = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 180);
                        spell2.GetComponent <Transform>().rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 180 + iceAngle);
                        spell3.GetComponent <Transform>().rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 180 - iceAngle);

                    Vector3 spellScale = spell.transform.localScale;
                    spell.transform.localScale = new Vector3(spellScale.x * Mathf.Sign(gameObject.transform.localScale.x), spellScale.y, spellScale.z);

                if (equipedSpell == spells.Air && Time.time >= nextDashTime)
                    //Starts cooldown animation in HUD
                    nextDashTime = Time.time + dashCoolDown;
                    animator.SetBool("isDashing", true);

            if (Input.GetButton("ChangeRight") && Time.time > nextSpellChange)
                if (unlockedSpellCount > 1)
                    nextSpellChange = Time.time + spellChangeCoolDown;
                    int index = Array.IndexOf(unlockedSpells, equipedSpell);
                    index = (index + 1) % unlockedSpellCount;

                    equipedSpell = unlockedSpells[index];

            if (Input.GetButton("ChangeLeft") && Time.time > nextSpellChange)
                if (unlockedSpellCount > 1)
                    nextSpellChange = Time.time + spellChangeCoolDown;
                    int index = Array.IndexOf(unlockedSpells, equipedSpell);
                    index = (index - 1) % unlockedSpellCount;
                    if (index == -1)
                        index = unlockedSpellCount - 1;
                    equipedSpell = unlockedSpells[index];

            if (animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Attack"))
                Collider2D[] enemiesToDamage = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(attackPos.position, attackRange, whatIsEnemy);
                for (int i = 0; i < enemiesToDamage.Length; ++i)
                    if (enemiesToDamage[i].GetComponent <EnemyController>().enemyName.CompareTo("Aabbeell") == 0)
                        enemiesToDamage[i].GetComponent <EnemyController>().takeDamage(damage, damage /*Basic*/);
                        enemiesToDamage[i].GetComponent <EnemyController>().takeDamage(damage);