상속: MonoBehaviour
예제 #1
        public ServiceManager(
            NodeContainer container, CacheStorage storage, Logger logger, TimerManager timerManager,
            BoundServiceManager boundServiceManager,
            machoNet machoNet,
            objectCaching objectCaching,
            alert alert,
            authentication authentication,
            character character,
            userSvc userSvc,
            charmgr charmgr,
            config config,
            dogmaIM dogmaIM,
            invbroker invbroker,
            warRegistry warRegistry,
            station station,
            map map,
            account account,
            skillMgr skillMgr,
            contractMgr contractMgr,
            corpStationMgr corpStationMgr,
            bookmark bookmark,
            LSC LSC,
            onlineStatus onlineStatus,
            billMgr billMgr,
            facWarMgr facWarMgr,
            corporationSvc corporationSvc,
            clientStatsMgr clientStatsMgr,
            voiceMgr voiceMgr,
            standing2 standing2,
            tutorialSvc tutorialSvc,
            agentMgr agentMgr,
            corpRegistry corpRegistry,
            marketProxy marketProxy,
            stationSvc stationSvc,
            certificateMgr certificateMgr,
            jumpCloneSvc jumpCloneSvc,
            LPSvc LPSvc,
            lookupSvc lookupSvc,
            insuranceSvc insuranceSvc,
            slash slash,
            ship ship,
            corpmgr corpmgr,
            repairSvc repairSvc,
            reprocessingSvc reprocessingSvc,
            ramProxy ramProxy,
            factory factory)
            this.Container           = container;
            this.CacheStorage        = storage;
            this.BoundServiceManager = boundServiceManager;
            this.TimerManager        = timerManager;
            this.Logger = logger;
            this.Log    = this.Logger.CreateLogChannel("ServiceManager");

            // store all the services
            this.machoNet        = machoNet;
            this.objectCaching   = objectCaching;
            this.alert           = alert;
            this.authentication  = authentication;
            this.character       = character;
            this.userSvc         = userSvc;
            this.charmgr         = charmgr;
            this.config          = config;
            this.dogmaIM         = dogmaIM;
            this.invbroker       = invbroker;
            this.warRegistry     = warRegistry;
            this.station         = station;
            this.map             = map;
            this.account         = account;
            this.skillMgr        = skillMgr;
            this.contractMgr     = contractMgr;
            this.corpStationMgr  = corpStationMgr;
            this.bookmark        = bookmark;
            this.LSC             = LSC;
            this.onlineStatus    = onlineStatus;
            this.billMgr         = billMgr;
            this.facWarMgr       = facWarMgr;
            this.corporationSvc  = corporationSvc;
            this.clientStatsMgr  = clientStatsMgr;
            this.voiceMgr        = voiceMgr;
            this.standing2       = standing2;
            this.tutorialSvc     = tutorialSvc;
            this.agentMgr        = agentMgr;
            this.corpRegistry    = corpRegistry;
            this.marketProxy     = marketProxy;
            this.stationSvc      = stationSvc;
            this.certificateMgr  = certificateMgr;
            this.jumpCloneSvc    = jumpCloneSvc;
            this.LPSvc           = LPSvc;
            this.lookupSvc       = lookupSvc;
            this.insuranceSvc    = insuranceSvc;
            this.slash           = slash;
            this.ship            = ship;
            this.corpmgr         = corpmgr;
            this.repairSvc       = repairSvc;
            this.reprocessingSvc = reprocessingSvc;
            this.ramProxy        = ramProxy;
            this.factory         = factory;
예제 #2
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     playerAnim = GetComponent <Animator>();
     slash      = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("playerMelee").GetComponent <slash>();