예제 #1
        private TargetData SearchForLightSourceInventory(ccdsoftImage tsximg, TargetData lightSource)
            sky6Utils tsxu   = new sky6Utils();
            double    ra     = lightSource.TargetRA;
            double    dec    = lightSource.TargetDec;
            double    rDelta = 1000;
            double    rmsDelta;
            int       sIndex = -1;

            for (int iSource = 0; iSource < XPosArr.Length; iSource++)
                tsximg.XYToRADec((double)XPosArr[iSource], (double)YPosArr[iSource]);
                double raSrc  = tsximg.XYToRADecResultRA();
                double decSrc = tsximg.XYToRADecResultDec();;
                tsxu.ComputeAngularSeparation(ra, dec, raSrc, decSrc);
                rmsDelta = tsxu.dOut0;
                if (rmsDelta <= rDelta)
                    rDelta = rmsDelta;
                    sIndex = iSource;
                    lightSource.InventoryArrayIndex         = sIndex;
                    lightSource.TargetToSourcePositionError = rDelta * 3600.0;
                    lightSource.SourceRA  = raSrc;
                    lightSource.SourceDec = decSrc;
                    lightSource.SourceUncorrectedMagnitude = (double)MagArr[sIndex];
                    lightSource.SourceX = (double)XPosArr[sIndex];
                    lightSource.SourceY = (double)YPosArr[sIndex];
예제 #2
        public static (double, double) GetCurrentTelePosition()
            sky6RASCOMTele tsxm = new sky6RASCOMTele();

            sky6Utils tsxu = new sky6Utils();

            tsxu.PrecessNowTo2000(tsxm.dRa, tsxm.dDec);
            return(tsxu.dOut0, tsxu.dOut1);
예제 #3
        private double ComputeDistance(double ra1, double dec1, double ra2, double dec2)
        //Computes the angular distance between two polar coordinates using TSX utility function
            sky6Utils tsx_ut = new sky6Utils();

            tsx_ut.ComputeAngularSeparation(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2);
            double dist = tsx_ut.dOut0;

예제 #4
    /// ********************************************************************************

    private void TargetLoop()
        string szPathToMapFile = "C:\\Users\\Rick\\Documents\\Software Bisque\\TheSkyX Professional Edition\\Exported Data\\map.txt";

        ///Set the exposure time for the image
        double dExposure = 1.0;

        string LineFromFile;
        double dAz;
        double dAlt;

        //Connect to TSX TheSky and Uility methods
        sky6Utils        tsx_util = new sky6Utils();
        sky6RASCOMTheSky tsx_sky  = new sky6RASCOMTheSky();
        sky6RASCOMTele   tsx_tele = new sky6RASCOMTele();
        ccdsoftCamera    tsx_cam  = new ccdsoftCamera();

        ///Open the observing list export file for targets
        StreamReader MyFile = File.OpenText(szPathToMapFile); ///Stream object for Export Data text file

        ///Get the first line -- headers
        ///Exit if the file is empty
        if (MyFile.EndOfStream == true)
        LineFromFile = MyFile.ReadLine();

        int iRAindex  = LineFromFile.IndexOf("RA");
        int iDecindex = LineFromFile.IndexOf("Dec");

        while (MyFile.EndOfStream == false)
            LineFromFile = MyFile.ReadLine();
            MessageBox.Show("RA: " + LineFromFile.Substring(iRAindex, 13) + "  Dec: " + LineFromFile.Substring(iDecindex, 13));

            string sname = LineFromFile.Substring((LineFromFile.Length - 12), 12);
            tsx_util.ConvertStringToRA(LineFromFile.Substring(iRAindex, 13));
            dAz = tsx_util.dOut0;
            tsx_util.ConvertStringToDec(LineFromFile.Substring(iDecindex, 13));
            dAlt = tsx_util.dOut0;

            ///Slew to object
            tsx_tele.SlewToAzAlt(dAz, dAlt, sname);

            ///Set exposure time and try { for image, exit if error
            tsx_cam.ExposureTime = dExposure;
            ///Add to T-point Model
        ;   //Loop
예제 #5
        private Point LocateCenter(double ra, double dec)
            //Center the star chart on
            sky6StarChart tsxsc = new sky6StarChart();
            sky6Utils     tsxut = new sky6Utils();

            //Ultimately, we want to center the star chart on the FOV of the image,
            //  but not resize the chart

            tsxsc.RightAscension = ra;
            tsxsc.Declination    = dec;
            return(new Point(tsxsc.WidthInPixels / 2, tsxsc.HeightInPixels / 2));
예제 #6
        public bool IsUp(double ra, double dec, double minAlt)
            sky6Utils tsxu = new sky6Utils();

            tsxu.ConvertRADecToAzAlt(ra, dec);
            double alt = tsxu.dOut1;

            if (minAlt > alt)
예제 #7
        public TargetXDescriptor NextClosestTarget(double az, double alt)
            //Sets the first target for the session at alt/az and gets the closest target
            sky6Utils tsxu = new sky6Utils();

            tsxu.ConvertAzAltToRADec(az, alt);
            double   ra           = (double)tsxu.dOut0;
            double   dec          = (double)tsxu.dOut1;
            XElement bogusTargetX = new XElement(TargetListRecordX,
                                                 new XElement(NameX, "Bogus"),
                                                 new XElement(RAX, ra.ToString()),
                                                 new XElement(DecX, dec.ToString()),
                                                 new XElement(FilterX, "0"),
                                                 new XElement(LastDateX, DateTime.Now));
            TargetXDescriptor bogusTarget = new TargetXDescriptor(bogusTargetX);
            TargetXDescriptor firstTgt    = NextClosestTarget(bogusTarget);

예제 #8
        private XElement UpdatePosition(XElement xGalList)
        //Updates the values of HA and Altitude, then derives Side in the galaxy list by performing a TSX ComputeHA on each entry
            string gname;
            string gRA;
            string gHA;
            string gDec;
            string gAlt;

            //Open a TSX utility object for computing the hour angle
            sky6Utils tsx_ut = new sky6Utils();

            var xgals = from grec in xGalList.Elements("Galaxy") select grec;

            foreach (var grec in xgals)
                //Look up the target by galaxy name and get the hourangle
                gname = grec.Element("Name").Value.ToString();
                gRA   = grec.Element("RA").Value.ToString();
                gDec  = grec.Element("Dec").Value.ToString();

                gHA = tsx_ut.dOut0.ToString();
                grec.Element("HA").Value = gHA;

                tsx_ut.ConvertRADecToAzAlt(System.Convert.ToDouble(gRA), System.Convert.ToDouble(gDec));
                gAlt = tsx_ut.dOut1.ToString();
                grec.Element("Altitude").Value = gAlt;

                if (System.Convert.ToDouble(gHA) < 0)
                    grec.Element("Side").Value = "East";
                    grec.Element("Side").Value = "West";
예제 #9
        static bool SlewToStar(string starName, double starRA, double starDec)
            //Moves the mount to center the calibration star in the guider FOV
            //Async slew to target (letting dome catch up), then CLS to align (does not coordinate with dome)
            //First, convert RA and Dec to topocentric (Epoch now) as that is what the slew expects
            sky6Utils tsxu = new sky6Utils();

            tsxu.Precess2000ToNow(starRA, starDec);
            starRA  = tsxu.dOut0;
            starDec = tsxu.dOut1;
            sky6RASCOMTele tsxm = new sky6RASCOMTele
                Asynchronous = 0

                tsxm.SlewToRaDec(starRA, starDec, starName);
            catch (Exception ex)
            { return(false); }
예제 #10
    /// Windows C# Sample Console Application: ListSearch
    /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ///               Vaguely adapted from ErrorHandling.vbs  (Visual Basic Script)
    ///               Copyright (C) Software Bisque (2013)
    ///				Converted 2015, R.McAlister
    /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    /// This C# console application demonstrates how to run the telescope through a list of targets as defined
    ///   by a list of names.
    ///  Note:  The gist of the orginal VBS script was entitled "ErrorHandling.vbs".  However, that
    ///  script, however labeled, performed the functions as adapted to VB herein.

    public void ListSearchSample()
        ///Set the exposure time for the image
        double dExposure = 1.0;

        ///Target List
        string[] targetlist = new string[] {

        ///Create objects

        sky6StarChart         objChrt = new sky6StarChart();
        sky6RASCOMTele        objTele = new sky6RASCOMTele();
        ccdsoftCamera         objCam  = new ccdsoftCamera();
        sky6Utils             objUtil = new sky6Utils();
        sky6ObjectInformation objInfo = new sky6ObjectInformation();

        ///Connect Objects

        ///Run loop over array of target names
        double dAlt;
        double dAz;
        bool   iError;

        foreach (string target in targetlist)
            dAlt = objInfo.ObjInfoPropOut;
            dAz = objInfo.ObjInfoPropOut;

                objTele.SlewToAzAlt(dAz, dAlt, target);
                MessageBox.Show("An error has occurred running slew");

            ///Set exposure time and try for image, exit if error
            objCam.ExposureTime = dExposure;
                MessageBox.Show("An error has occurred running image");

        ///Disconnect telescope and camera
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lightSource"></param>
        /// <returns>TargetData[0] => APASS star
        /// TargetData[1] => GAIA star</returns>
        public static TargetData AcquireNearestQualifiedStar(TargetData lightSource)
            //Find the nearest APASS star and the nearest GAIA star
            const string GAIACatalogName   = "Gaia";
            const string APASSCatalogName  = "APASS";
            const string GCVSCatalogPrefix = "GCVS";

            InfoObj gaiaCatData  = new InfoObj();
            InfoObj apassCatData = new InfoObj();

            //Populate target data with catalog data, if found
            sky6StarChart tsxsc = new sky6StarChart();
            sky6Utils     tsxut = new sky6Utils();

            //Ultimately, we want to center the star chart on the FOV of the image,
            //  but not resize the chart
            tsxsc.EquatorialToStarChartXY(lightSource.SourceRA, lightSource.SourceDec);
            int xC = (int)tsxsc.dOut0;
            int yC = (int)tsxsc.dOut1;

            InfoObj[] catStarList = GetNearbyStars(tsxsc, xC, yC);
            //First, find the nearest star to the light source in the list from the catalog
            //Initialize a catalog info object with the first found star from a catalog
            gaiaCatData.CatalogSeparation  = 1000;
            apassCatData.CatalogSeparation = 1000;
            double separation;

            //Now find an APASS star that is closest, or default to the initial one
            // go through the catalog list of stars.
            foreach (InfoObj iob in catStarList)
                //Disqualify any light source with a GCVS star nearby
                if (iob.CatalogedName.Contains(GCVSCatalogPrefix))
                    lightSource.IsGCVSCataloged = true;

                tsxut.ComputeAngularSeparation(lightSource.SourceRA, lightSource.SourceDec, iob.CatalogRA, iob.CatalogDec);
                separation = (double)tsxut.dOut0 * 3600.0;
                if (separation < apassCatData.CatalogSeparation & iob.CatalogedName.Contains(APASSCatalogName))
                    apassCatData.CatalogedName     = iob.CatalogedName;
                    apassCatData.CatalogRA         = iob.CatalogRA;
                    apassCatData.CatalogDec        = iob.CatalogDec;
                    apassCatData.CatalogMag        = iob.CatalogMag;
                    apassCatData.CatalogMagB       = iob.CatalogMagB;
                    apassCatData.CatalogMagV       = iob.CatalogMagV;
                    apassCatData.CatalogMagR       = iob.CatalogMagR;
                    apassCatData.CatalogMagG       = iob.CatalogMagG;
                    apassCatData.CatalogSeparation = separation;
                if (separation < gaiaCatData.CatalogSeparation & iob.CatalogedName.Contains(GAIACatalogName))
                    gaiaCatData.CatalogedName     = iob.CatalogedName;
                    gaiaCatData.CatalogRA         = iob.CatalogRA;
                    gaiaCatData.CatalogDec        = iob.CatalogDec;
                    gaiaCatData.CatalogMag        = iob.CatalogMag;
                    gaiaCatData.CatalogMagB       = iob.CatalogMagB;
                    gaiaCatData.CatalogMagG       = iob.CatalogMagG;
                    gaiaCatData.CatalogMagR       = iob.CatalogMagR;
                    gaiaCatData.CatalogSeparation = separation;
                //check for APASS entry and hold again if so and separation is smaller than thelast
            lightSource.APASSCatalogName                  = apassCatData.CatalogedName;
            lightSource.APASSCatalogMagnitude             = apassCatData.CatalogMag;
            lightSource.APASSCatalogMagnitudeB            = apassCatData.CatalogMagB;
            lightSource.APASSCatalogMagnitudeV            = apassCatData.CatalogMagV;
            lightSource.APASSCatalogMagnitudeR            = apassCatData.CatalogMagR;
            lightSource.APASSCatalogMagnitudeG            = apassCatData.CatalogMagG;
            lightSource.APASSCatalogRA                    = apassCatData.CatalogRA;
            lightSource.APASSCatalogDec                   = apassCatData.CatalogDec;
            lightSource.SourceToAPASSCatalogPositionError = apassCatData.CatalogSeparation;
            tsxut.ComputeAngularSeparation(lightSource.TargetRA, lightSource.TargetDec, lightSource.APASSCatalogRA, lightSource.APASSCatalogDec);
            lightSource.TargetToAPASSCatalogPositionError = (double)tsxut.dOut0 * 3600.0;

            lightSource.GAIACatalogName                  = gaiaCatData.CatalogedName;
            lightSource.GAIACatalogMagnitude             = gaiaCatData.CatalogMag;
            lightSource.GAIACatalogMagnitudeB            = gaiaCatData.CatalogMagB;
            lightSource.GAIACatalogMagnitudeG            = gaiaCatData.CatalogMagG;
            lightSource.GAIACatalogMagnitudeR            = gaiaCatData.CatalogMagR;
            lightSource.GAIACatalogRA                    = gaiaCatData.CatalogRA;
            lightSource.GAIACatalogDec                   = gaiaCatData.CatalogDec;
            lightSource.SourceToGAIACatalogPositionError = gaiaCatData.CatalogSeparation;
            tsxut.ComputeAngularSeparation(lightSource.TargetRA, lightSource.TargetDec, lightSource.GAIACatalogRA, lightSource.GAIACatalogDec);
            lightSource.TargetToGAIACatalogPositionError = (double)tsxut.dOut0 * 3600.0;

            if (lightSource.APASSCatalogName != null)
                string catPrefix = lightSource.APASSCatalogName.Split(' ')[0];
                lightSource.APASSCatalogName = Utility.CreateStarLabel("APASS ", lightSource.APASSCatalogRA, lightSource.APASSCatalogDec);
                lightSource.IsAPASSCataloged = true;
                lightSource.IsAPASSCataloged = false;

            if (lightSource.GAIACatalogName != null)
                lightSource.GAIACatalogName = Utility.CreateStarLabel("Gaia ", lightSource.GAIACatalogRA, lightSource.GAIACatalogDec);
                lightSource.IsGAIACataloged = true;
                lightSource.IsGAIACataloged = false;

예제 #12
        public static bool CLSToTarget(string tgtName, SpeedVector sv, bool IsPrecision = false)
            //first, couple dome to telescope, if there is one
            sky6Dome tsxd = new sky6Dome();

                tsxd.IsCoupled = 1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //do nothing

            int            clsStatus = 123;
            sky6RASCOMTele tsxmt     = new sky6RASCOMTele();
            ClosedLoopSlew tsx_cl    = new ClosedLoopSlew();
            sky6StarChart  tsxsc     = new sky6StarChart();
            sky6Utils      tsxu      = new sky6Utils();
            //Check to see if target is above horizon
            double tgtRAH  = Transform.DegreesToHours(sv.RA_Degrees);
            double tgtDecD = sv.Dec_Degrees;

            tsxu.ConvertRADecToAzAlt(tgtRAH, tgtDecD);
            double tgtAzmD = tsxu.dOut0;
            double tgtAltD = tsxu.dOut1;

            if (tgtAltD <= 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Slew failure: Target is below the horizon");
            //Clear any image reduction, otherwise full reduction might cause a problem
            ccdsoftCamera tsxcam = new ccdsoftCamera()
                ImageReduction = ccdsoftImageReduction.cdNone,
                Asynchronous   = 1 //make sure nothing else happens while setting this up

            //Abort any ongoing imaging

            bool returnStatus = true;
            // diagnostic
            string strRA  = Utils.HourString(tgtRAH, false);
            string strDec = Utils.DegreeString(tgtDecD, false);

            tsxsc.Find(tgtRAH.ToString() + ", " + tgtDecD.ToString());
            tsxu.Precess2000ToNow(tgtRAH, tgtDecD);
            double jnRAH  = tsxu.dOut0;
            double jnDecD = tsxu.dOut1;

            //tsxmt.Asynchronous = 0;
                tsxmt.SlewToRaDec(jnRAH, jnDecD, tgtName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Slew Failure: " + ex.Message);
                returnStatus = false;
            if (IsPrecision && returnStatus)
                //***  precision slew
                    clsStatus = tsx_cl.exec();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    returnStatus = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                returnStatus = true;
예제 #13
        static DBQStar FindStar(double gIsolation)
            /* Locates a nearby star for running a guider calibration
             * Generate and observing list from the AtFocus database search near the current location
             *   (sometime in the future, cull this list for stars on the wrong side of the meridian.
             * Get the calibration distances (arc min for now) to use for framing
             * Look through the observing list array for a star isolated from it's neighbors by at least
             *   twice the calibration distance.  This means that once the FOV is centered on this ster,
             *   you can move the mount at least the calibration distance without the other star coming into
             *   the FOV.

            //Find the first star that is isolated from all the other stars on the list
            //  and from the edge of the search area.  Note that the search area is in degrees and
            //  centered on the star chart center.
            //  The star position <-> center position <= search radius - isolation radius.
            sky6StarChart tsxsc      = new sky6StarChart();
            double        gMaxRadius = (searchAreaDeg * 60) - gIsolation; //arc mins
            double        scRA       = tsxsc.RightAscension;
            double        scDec      = tsxsc.Declination;
            sky6Utils     tsxut      = new sky6Utils();

            //Loop through all the stars in the prospect list
            //  For each star, loop through from that star forward to see if any other star is
            //  within gMinRadius of the center of the star chart
            //  if so, then look through the rest of the list for any star within the gisolation
            //    distance.
            //  Eventually, need to check for meridian side as well
            //  if not, then that's our star
            int           gStarIdx = 0;
            double        gStarRadius;
            double        gRA;
            double        gDec;
            StarProspects starList = new StarProspects(searchAreaDeg);

            for (int i = 0; i < starList.Count; i++)
                gStarIdx = i;
                gRA      = starList.StarRA(i);
                gDec     = starList.StarDec(i);
                tsxut.ComputeAngularSeparation(scRA, scDec, gRA, gDec);
                gStarRadius = tsxut.dOut0 * 60;
                if (gStarRadius < gMaxRadius)
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < starList.Count; j++)
                        tsxut.ComputeAngularSeparation(starList.StarRA(j), starList.StarDec(j), gRA, gDec);
                        if ((tsxut.dOut0 * 60) < gIsolation)
                        if (j == starList.Count - 1)
예제 #14
        //Calendar generation methods

        private void GenerateCalendar()
            sky6StarChart         tdoc = new sky6StarChart();
            sky6Utils             tute = new sky6Utils();
            sky6ObjectInformation tobj = new sky6ObjectInformation();

            double traH;      //target RA in hours
            double tdecD;     //target Dec in degrees
            double tlatD;     //Observer Latitude in degrees
            double tlongD;    //Observer Longitude in degrees

            catch (Exception ex)
                //! found
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Target not Found: " + TargetNameBox.Text + " " + ex.Message);
                TargetNameBox.Text = "";
            //Reset the target name to whatever TSX found
            tobj.Index = 0;
            //TargetNameBox.Text = tobj.ObjInfoPropOut;
            enteringTargetState = false;
            //TargetNameBox.Text = TargetNameBox.Text.Replace(" ", "");

            int vj = tobj.Count;

            traH = tobj.ObjInfoPropOut;
            tdecD = tobj.ObjInfoPropOut;
            tlatD = tdoc.DocPropOut;
            tlongD = tdoc.DocPropOut;

            Celestial.RADec  tgtRADec    = new Celestial.RADec(Transform.HoursToRadians(traH), Transform.DegreesToRadians(tdecD));
            Celestial.LatLon obsLocation = new Celestial.LatLon(Transform.DegreesToRadians(tlatD), Transform.DegreesToRadians(-tlongD));

            sundata = TargetControl.SunCycle((int)CurrentYearPick.Value, obsLocation);
            tgtdata = TargetControl.TargetCycle(tgtRADec, sundata, obsLocation, (double)MinAltitudeBox.Value);
            tgtdata = TargetControl.MoonPhase(tgtdata);

            moondata = TargetControl.MoonCycle(tgtdata, obsLocation);
            //Update the target positions with the moonfree properties
            tgtdata = TargetControl.MoonClear(tgtdata, moondata);

            WriteTitle(TargetNameBox.Text, CurrentYearPick.Value.ToString());
            if ((CurrentYearPick.Value % 4) != 0)