void Start() { soul = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Soul").transform; shop = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Canvas").GetComponent <shopController>(); Vector2 randomForce = new Vector2(Random.Range(-spawnForce, spawnForce), Random.Range(-spawnForce, spawnForce)); GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(randomForce); }
protected void btnAddToCart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { shopController sc = new shopController(); string title = (string)Session["booktitle"]; Book b = sc.loadBook(title); if (Session["cart"] != null) { CartList cl = (CartList)Session["cart"]; int id = b.BookID; decimal price = 0; price = b.Price; cartController cc = new cartController(); cl = cc.addItem(cl, id, title, price); Session["cart"] = cl; } else { CartList cl = new CartList(); int id = b.BookID; decimal price = 0; price = b.Price; cartController cc = new cartController(); cl = cc.addItem(cl, id, title, price); Session["cart"] = cl; } Response.Redirect("ViewCart.aspx"); } catch (Exception ex) { string errormsg = string.Format("<script>Error:{0}</script>", ex.Message); Response.Write(errormsg); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { shopController sc = new shopController(); string title = (string)Session["booktitle"]; //string title = "The Hate U Give";//For testing purpose Book b = sc.loadBook(title); Category c = sc.loadCategory(b);//Mr. Derek, I feel it is not necessary to have a seperate table for category...... txtTitle.Text = b.Title; txtISBN.Text = b.ISBN; txtAuthor.Text = b.Author; txtCat.Text = c.Name; txtQuantity.Text = b.Stock.ToString(); txtPrice.Text = b.Price.ToString();//Original Price Image1.ImageUrl = "~/images/" + b.ISBN + ".jpg"; } catch (Exception ex) { string errormsg = string.Format("<script>Error:{0}</script>", ex.Message); Response.Write(errormsg); } }