예제 #1
    public void CreateLinks(LinkedListNode <GameObject> node)
        scrNode nodeScript = node.Value.GetComponent <scrNode>();
        Bounds  nodeBounds = new Bounds(node.Value.transform.position, new Vector3(CELL_SIZE * 2, CELL_SIZE * 2, CELL_SIZE * 2));               // Instead, could look for nodes at the adjacent positions of positions array, derp.

        LinkedList <GameObject> .Enumerator activeNode = nodePool.GetEnumerator();
        for (int i = 0; i < inactiveNodeCount; ++i)
        while (activeNode.MoveNext() && nodeScript.CurrentLinks != scrNode.LINKS_MAX)
            // Don't link to fully infected nodes.
            if (nodeScript.FullyInfected ^ activeNode.Current.GetComponent <scrNode>().FullyInfected)
                if (nodeBounds.Contains(activeNode.Current.transform.position))
                    // Determine which order to link the nodes.
                    if (nodeScript.FullyInfected)
                        activeNode.Current.GetComponent <scrNode>().Link(node.Value);
예제 #2
    public void Init(LinkedListNode <GameObject> cube, scrNode parent, Vector3 position, DataState state)
        transform.position = position;
        transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
        Parent             = parent;
        Cube = cube;

        StatePrev = state;
        State     = state;
        if (State == DataState.INFECTED)
            infectionTransitionCompleted = true;
            renderer.material            = scrNodeMaster.Instance.MatCubeInfected;
            infectionTransitionCompleted = false;
            infectionTransitionTimer     = 0.0f;

            if (State == DataState.BLOCKED)
                renderer.material = scrNodeMaster.Instance.MatCubeBlocked;
                renderer.material = scrNodeMaster.Instance.MatCubeUninfected;

        damageTimer = 0;
        Uploading   = false;
예제 #3
    public IEnumerator Destroy(LinkedListNode <GameObject> node)
        scrNode nodeScript = node.Value.GetComponent <scrNode>();

        CellStates[ToCellSpace(nodeScript.transform.position.x), ToCellSpace(nodeScript.transform.position.y)] = CellState.FREE;

        // Clear and reset the nodes cubes and make them available to future nodes.
        for (int i = 0, numLoops = 0; i < nodeScript.Cubes.Length; ++i)
            LinkedListNode <GameObject> cube = nodeScript.Cubes[i];
            if (++numLoops == LOOPS_PER_FRAME)
                numLoops = 0;
                yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

예제 #4
    public override void Init()
        GetComponentInChildren <TextMesh>().text = Name;

        SiegeNode = null;

        pathfinder        = GetComponent <scrPathfinder>();
        pathfinder.Target = scrPlayer.Instance.gameObject;

        powerup.Colour      = NameToColour(Name);
        powerup.Size        = 0.5f + (Mathf.Max(Name.Length, 16)) / 10.0f;
        powerup.Speed       = 220.0f / powerup.Size;
        powerup.Wiggle      = Name[0] < 'M' ? Name[0] * 0.5f : 0;
        powerup.Erratic     = (Mathf.Abs(Name[Name.Length - 1] - Name[0]) % 10) / 7.0f;
        powerup.Homing      = Name[0].ToString().ToUpper()[0] < 'H';
        powerup.Penetrative = Name[Name.Length - 1] <= '9';

        Transform ship = transform.Find("Ship");

        ship.Find("Core_Core").renderer.material.color = powerup.Colour;
        ship.Find("Core_Glow").renderer.material.SetColor("_TintColor", new Color(powerup.Colour.r * 0.5f, powerup.Colour.g * 0.5f, powerup.Colour.b * 0.5f, 0.0625f));
        transform.GetComponentInChildren <TrailRenderer>().material.SetColor("_TintColor", powerup.Colour);
        ExplosionColour = powerup.Colour;
예제 #5
    // Update is called once per frame
    protected override void Update()
        if (damageTimer >= DamageToDestroy)
            scrGUI.Instance.EnqueuePowerup(Name, powerup.Colour);


        // If sieging, shoot at the node.
        if (SiegeNode != null && SiegeNode.Cubes != null)
            if (!SiegeNode.gameObject.activeSelf || SiegeNode.Infected)
                SiegeNode         = null;
                pathfinder.Target = scrPlayer.Instance.gameObject;

            if (targetCubeIndex >= SiegeNode.Cubes.Length)
                targetCubeIndex = 0;

            // Change cube if target cube is destroyed.
            if (SiegeNode.Cubes[targetCubeIndex] == null)
                Vector2 direction = SiegeNode.Cubes[targetCubeIndex].Value.transform.position - transform.position;
                transform.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(transform.rotation, Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, Mathf.Rad2Deg * Mathf.Atan2(direction.y, direction.x)), 180 * Time.deltaTime);

                // Check the distance.
                if (direction.magnitude < scrNodeMaster.CELL_SIZE)
                    fireTimer += Time.deltaTime * fireRate;
                    if (fireTimer >= 1)
                        fireTimer = 0;

                        StartCoroutine(Shoot(Random.Range(3, 8)));
        // If not sieging, check for a node to siege.
            // Aim towards the player.
            Vector2 direction = scrPlayer.Instance.transform.position - transform.position;
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(transform.rotation, Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, Mathf.Rad2Deg * Mathf.Atan2(direction.y, direction.x)), 180 * Time.deltaTime);

            if (direction.magnitude < scrNodeMaster.CELL_SIZE)
                fireTimer += Time.deltaTime * fireRate;
                if (fireTimer >= 1)
                    fireTimer = 0;

                    StartCoroutine(Shoot(Random.Range(3, 8)));

            // Get nodes that are close by.
            Collider2D[] nearNodes = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(transform.position, scrNodeMaster.CELL_SIZE, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Node"));

            // Get a near node that is clean.
            scrNode clean = null;
            foreach (Collider2D c in nearNodes)
                scrNode n = c.GetComponent <scrNode>();
                if (!n.Infected && !n.Blocked)
                    clean = n;

            // If the clean node was set, start sieging.
            if (clean != null)
                SiegeNode         = clean;
                pathfinder.Target = SiegeNode.gameObject;

예제 #6
    public IEnumerator Create(Message message, bool infected)
        creating = true;

        creatingMessage = message;

        yield return(StartCoroutine(Parse()));

        // Check if vandal tags detected.
        if (creating == false)
            yield break;

        if (scrMaster.Instance.Transitioning)
            if (infected)
                scrGUI.Instance.AddToFeed(message.page_title, new Color(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f));
            creating = false;
            yield break;

        if (freePositionsCount == 0)
            //	Debug.Log("There are no free positions left to create a node for \"" +  message.page_title + "\".");
            creating = false;
            if (!infected)
                yield break;

        // Don't create a node if there are no nodes available.
        if (inactiveNodeCount == 0)
            //	Debug.Log("There are no inactive nodes left to create a node for \"" +  message.page_title + "\".");
            creating = false;
            if (!infected)
                yield break;

        // Don't create a node if there are no cubes available.
        if (inactiveCubeCount == 0)
            //	Debug.Log("There are no inactive cubes left to create a node for \"" +  message.page_title + "\".");
            creating = false;
            if (!infected)
                yield break;

        // Set the size of the core based on the change_size of the message.
        int coreSize = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.CeilToInt(Mathf.Log10(Mathf.Abs(message.change_size) + 1)), scrNode.CORE_SIZE_MIN, scrNode.CORE_SIZE_MAX);

        // Get the number of cubes there would be around this core.
        int numCubes = scrNode.CubePositions[coreSize - 1].Length;

        // Don't create a node if there aren't enough cubes available.
        if (inactiveCubeCount < numCubes)
            Debug.Log("There are not enough inactive cubes (" + inactiveCubeCount + "/" + numCubes + ") in the pool to create a node for \"" + message.page_title + "\".");
            creating = false;
            if (!infected)
                yield break;

        // If not creating but got this far, node is infected and must replace an existing one,
        if (creating == false)
            creating = true;

            // Loop through the active nodes until one is found that is completely out of the player's view.
            LinkedListNode <GameObject> n = nodePool.Last;
            for (int i = 0; i < TOTAL_NODES - inactiveNodeCount; ++i)
                scrNode nScript = n.Value.GetComponent <scrNode>();

                // Don't replace nodes in view, fully infected nodes, the node being uploaded, or nodes that arent being infected.
                if (!(nScript.VisibleToPlayer || nScript.FullyInfected || !nScript.Infected || NodeBeingUploaded != null && n.Value == NodeBeingUploaded.gameObject))
                    // Convert the node.

                // Move back one node.
                n = n.Previous;

                yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

            scrGUI.Instance.AddToFeed(message.page_title, ColCoreInfected);

            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3.0f));             // 3 Second delay between node creation.

            creating = false;

            yield break;

        // All checks have passed - a node can be made.  Get the first inactive node in the node pool.
        LinkedListNode <GameObject> node = nodePool.First;

        // Activate, position and initialise the node.
        node.Value.transform.position = PopRandomFreePosition();
        scrNode nodeScript = node.Value.GetComponent <scrNode>();

        nodeScript.Init(node, message, coreSize, infected, creatingWords);
        // Set the cell's state to either infected or, if contribution is positive, clean else blocked.
        CellStates[ToCellSpace(nodeScript.transform.position.x), ToCellSpace(nodeScript.transform.position.y)] = infected ? CellState.INFECTED : nodeScript.Data.change_size > 0 ? CellState.CLEAN : CellState.BLOCKED;

        // Assign cubes to the node.
        LinkedListNode <GameObject> cube = cubePool.First;

        for (int i = 0, numLoops = 0; i < numCubes; ++i)
            // Get the next cube before the cube is activated.
            LinkedListNode <GameObject> next = cube.Next;

            // Activate the cube and add it to the node.

            // Move to the next cube in the pool.
            cube = next;

            if (++numLoops == LOOPS_PER_FRAME)
                numLoops = 0;
                yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

        // Query surrounding nodes for links.

        // Release the node! Go! Go free!!

        scrGUI.Instance.AddToFeed(message.page_title, infected ? ColCoreInfected : (message.change_size > 0 ? Color.cyan : Color.grey));

        creating = false;
예제 #7
 public void Upload()
     Uploading = true;
     Parent    = null;