예제 #1
    //void lookForAvailable(lookDirection theWantedDirection ,int theRow, int incre, int firstTkenLocation){
    void lookForMatches(string theCubeWeFound, int theCubeWeFoundValue, lookDirection decidedDir)
        //IEnumerator lookForMatches( string theCubeWeFound, int theCubeWeFoundValue, lookDirection decidedDir){

        int indexCaseCheckHorizontal = 0;
        int indexCaseCheckVertical   = 0;

        //We declare it before use
        lookDirection theWantedDirection;

        //theWantedDirection = lookDirection.left;
        //theWantedDirection = decidedDir;

        theWantedDirection = lookDirection.up;

        switch (theWantedDirection)
        case lookDirection.right:
            //int nextCaseCheck  = theField[theRow,incre + 1];
            indexCaseCheckHorizontal = -1;

        case lookDirection.left:
            //int nextCaseCheck  = theField[theRow,incre - 1];
            indexCaseCheckHorizontal = +1;

        case lookDirection.up:
            //int nextCaseCheck  = theField[theRow,incre + 1];
            indexCaseCheckVertical = +1;

        case lookDirection.down:
            //int nextCaseCheck  = theField[theRow,incre - 1];
            indexCaseCheckVertical = -1;

        /*int posTempVertical =  indexCaseCheckVertical;
         * int posTempHorizontal = indexCaseCheckHorizontal;*/
        int theIncreV = indexCaseCheckVertical;
        int theIncreH = indexCaseCheckHorizontal;

        /*print ("INCREV " +theIncreV); //Why does this shows up as empty?
         * print ("INCREH " +theIncreH);*///Why does this shows up as empty?

        int theNumRows = (createField.theField.Length / 10);

        for (int theRow = 0; theRow < theNumRows; theRow++)

            //We populate the rows
            for (int incre = 0; incre < 11; incre++)
                //We try to recover the location,
                if (createField.theTileNames[theRow, incre] == theCubeWeFound)
                    /*	print ("  ");
                     *      print ("  ");
                     *      print ("  ");
                     *      print ("THE CUBE FOUND: " + theCubeWeFound  + " " + theCubeWeFoundValue );*/


                    //------------START LINE RESOLUTION

                    //int dummyIncre = 0;
                    int matchCounter = 0;

                    // <  Left and Right > We look through  the items with a forward movement.
                    //while( createField.theField[theRow, incre+ dummyIncre] != 0 ){
                    for (int dummyIncre = 0; dummyIncre < 11; dummyIncre++)
//							print("|||==========|||  " + createField.theTileNames[theRow, incre+ dummyIncre] + "       " + createField.theField[theRow, incre+ dummyIncre]);

                        /*if( createField.theField[theRow, incre + dummyIncre] == 0){
                         *      print ("<Q> LOG OUT <Q>");
                         *      break;
                         * }  */

                        //Add each value in the
//							print ("<!> Check Dummy:" + dummyIncre + "  " +createField.theTileNames[theRow, incre + dummyIncre]);
                        //memCubeCombi.Add( createField.theTileNames[theRow, incre + dummyIncre]);
//							print("We are adding:" + createField.theTileNames[theRow, incre + dummyIncre] + "    "  + createField.theField[theRow, incre + dummyIncre] );

                        //print(" Table lenght: " + memCubeCombi.Count);

                        // < !!! > This one goes from  right to left and gathers the cube all together
                        if (createField.theField[theRow, incre + dummyIncre] != theCubeWeFoundValue)
//                              print ("<!> Not same Leave:" + dummyIncre);

                            //We check which cubes are getting deleted.
                            foreach (string tempItem in memCubeCombi)
//									print ("---- > " + tempItem);


//								print ("<P> We are now starting the deleting process:  " + matchCounter );
                            if (/* dummyIncre >= 3 */ matchCounter >= 3)
                                //								print ("<!-!> OK We Copy to Final: " + dummyIncre + "Started with: " + theCubeWeFound + ":  " + theCubeWeFoundValue);
                                //								print(" Table lenght: " + memCubeCombi.Count);
                                finalMemCubeCombi = memCubeCombi;

                                //We can try here to delete the unrelated cubes.

                                for (int t = 0; t < memCubeCombi.Count; t++)
                                    //if(memCubeCombi[t] == createField.theTileNames
                                    //for(int search = 0; search < createField.theTileNames.Length; search++){

                                    //Loop until we recover the position of the current index [t]
                                    int someNumRows = (createField.theField.Length / 10);
                                    for (int someTheRow = 0; someTheRow < theNumRows; someTheRow++)
                                        for (int someIncre = 0; someIncre < 11; someIncre++)
                                            //We check if the position held by the table matches the index in the loop. If so we delete the info from the main table.
                                            if (memCubeCombi[t] == createField.theTileNames[someTheRow, someIncre])
                                                //The data value held i the temp table has been recovered.
                                                //													print ("<!> ==>   We delete the data at position   <== <!>" + createField.theTileNames[someTheRow,someIncre]+ "  " + createField.theField[someTheRow,someIncre]);

                                                //We delete the information contained in the real table
                                                createField.theField[someTheRow, someIncre] = 0;

                                                // <note>The system automatically handles the vitual update.

                                                //We Contact the scoreManager and update the score upon each cube delete.
                                                scoreManager theActualScore = GetComponent <scoreManager>();
                                                //theActualScore.scoreValue +=1;
                                            }                            //End If
                                        }                                //End for
                                    }                                    //EndFor
                                }                                        //End For

                                //Small For each that check the output
                                foreach (string tempItem in memCubeCombi)
                                    print("==> " + tempItem);


                            //dummyIncre = 0;
                            //We add the cube in the temporary memory.
                            memCubeCombi.Add(createField.theTileNames[theRow, incre + dummyIncre]);
                            //Raise the number of match
                            matchCounter += 1;

                        //dummyIncre+= indexCaseCheckHorizontal; // +1 to the left  <-

//							print ("<CHECK> value of dummy " + dummyIncre + "  " + createField.theTileNames[theRow, incre + dummyIncre] + "  " + createField.theField[theRow, incre + dummyIncre] );

                        if (createField.theField[theRow, incre + dummyIncre] == 0)
//								print (" <&&&&> OMG!!!!!!  " + createField.theTileNames[theRow, incre + dummyIncre]);

//						print(" < VVVVVVVVVVVVV > Process should be done in here    < VVVVVVVVVVVVV >");


                    //------------END LINE RESOLUTION

                    //yield return new WaitForSeconds(0);

                    //      FROM   TOP TO BOTTOM DETECTION
                    //Will make the same thing as the previous one but taht will take care of gathering the cubes from bottom to top

                    //int dummyIncre = 0;

                    /*	int matchCounter2 = 0;
                     *      // <  Left and Right > We look through  the items with a forward movement.
                     *      //while( createField.theField[theRow, incre+ dummyIncre] != 0 ){
                     *      for(int dummyIncreUp = 0; dummyIncreUp < 7; dummyIncreUp ++ ){
                     *              print("|||==========|||  " + createField.theTileNames[ dummyIncreUp, incre] + "       " + createField.theField[ dummyIncreUp, incre]);
                     *              //print("|||  NEXT BELOW  |||  " + createField.theTileNames[ dummyIncreUp, incre] + "       " + createField.theField[ dummyIncreUp, incre]);
                     *              //We check if the next item is the same as the  cube we found.
                     *              if(createField.theField[ dummyIncreUp, incre] != theCubeWeFoundValue){
                     *                      //We check which cubes are getting deleted.
                     *                      foreach (string tempItemOther in memCubeCombiOther){
                     *                              print ("---- > " + tempItemOther );
                     *                      }
                     *                              if(   matchCounter2 >=3  ){
                     *                                      finalMemCubeCombiOther = memCubeCombiOther;
                     *                                      for( int t = 0; t < memCubeCombiOther.Count; t++){
                     *                                              //Loop until we recover the position of the current index [t]
                     *                                              int someNumRowsOther = (createField.theField.Length/10);
                     *                                              for(int someTheRowOther = 0; someTheRowOther < theNumRows; someTheRowOther++){
                     *                                                      for(int someIncre = 0; someIncre < 11; someIncre++){
                     *                                                              //We check if the position held by the table matches the index in the loop. If so we delete the info from the main table.
                     *                                                              if(memCubeCombiOther[t] == createField.theTileNames[someTheRowOther, someIncre]){
                     *                                                                      //The data value held i the temp table has been recovered.
                     *                                                                      print ("<!> ==>   We delete the data at position   <== <!>" + createField.theTileNames[someTheRowOther, someIncre]+ "  " + createField.theField[someTheRowOther, someIncre]);
                     *                                                                      //We delete the information contained in the real table
                     *                                                                      createField.theField[someTheRowOther,someIncre] = 0;
                     *                                                                      // <note>The system automatically handles the vitual update.
                     *                                                                      //We Contact the scoreManager and update the score upon each cube delete.
                     *                                                                      scoreManager theActualScore = GetComponent<scoreManager>();
                     *                                                                      //theActualScore.scoreValue +=1;
                     *                                                                      theActualScore.raiseScore();
                     *                                                              }//End If
                     *                                                      }//End for
                     *                                              }//EndFor
                     *                                      }//End For
                     *                                      //Small For each that check the output
                     *                                      foreach (string tempItemOther in memCubeCombiOther){
                     *                                              print ("==> " + tempItemOther);
                     *                                      }
                     *                                      //memCubeCombi.Clear();
                     *                                      break;
                     *                              }
                     *                      memCubeCombiOther.Clear();
                     *                      //dummyIncre = 0;
                     *                      break;
                     *              }else{
                     *                      //We add the cube in the temporary memory.
                     *                      print ("< ### > What is being saved in the memory !!!! " + createField.theTileNames[ dummyIncreUp, incre ] );
                     *                      memCubeCombiOther.Add( createField.theTileNames[ dummyIncreUp, incre] );
                     *                      //Raise the number of match
                     *                      matchCounter2 += 1;
                     *              }
                     *      //	print("|||==========|||  " + createField.theTileNames[theRow + dummyIncreUp, incre] + "       " + createField.theField[theRow + dummyIncreUp, incre]);
                     *              if( (incre + theRow) < 7 ){
                     * //								print("|||==========|||  " + createField.theTileNames[incre+ theRow, dummyIncreUp] + "       " + createField.theField[incre+ theRow, dummyIncreUp]);
                     *              }
                     *      }*/

/*						print("       " );
 *                                              print("       " );
 *                                              print("       " );*/
