private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (Name.Text != "" && Phone.Text != "" && Address.Text != "") { if (Regex.Match(Phone.Text, @"^([0-9]){11}").Success&& Regex.Match(Name.Text, @"^[A-Za-z]+[\s][A-Za-z]+[\s][A-Za-z]+$").Success) { salesman sal = new salesman() { Name = Name.Text, Address = Address.Text, Phone = Phone.Text }; context.salesmans.Add(sal); context.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("SalesMan Added Successfully"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Enter Correct Phone Should Be 11 Number Or Third Name "); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Complete All Data"); } }
public ReceiptInvoice CreateInvoice(salesman salesman) { ReceiptInvoice recipt = new ReceiptInvoice() { Date = DateTime.Now, salesman = salesman, ItemInReceiptInvoices = new List <ItemInReceiptInvoice>() }; return(recipt); }
private void testUpdatePaymentMethod() { CustomerSalesServicesClient client = new CustomerSalesServicesClient(); cardPaymentDTO card = new cardPaymentDTO(); card.cardDisplayName = "MARIA L B SANTOS"; card.cardFlag = "LUIZA"; card.cardNumber = "5307804589564512"; card.cardValidity = new DateTime(2017, 4, 1); card.cardValiditySpecified = true; paymentMethod paymentMethod = new paymentMethod(); paymentMethod.cardPayment = card; identityDTO idensales = new identityDTO(); idensales.documentType = document.CPF; idensales.documentTypeSpecified = true; idensales.documentValue = "44795714851"; salesman salesman1 = new salesman(); salesman1.identity = idensales; updatePaymentMethodRequest request = new updatePaymentMethodRequest(); insuranceCertificate certificate1 = new insuranceCertificate(); certificate1.paymentMethod = paymentMethod; certificate1.salesman = salesman1; certificate1.contractNumber = "1095828040419"; updatePaymentMethodResponse response = null; request.certificate = certificate1; try { response = client.updatePaymentMethod(request); Console.WriteLine("Response = " + response); Console.WriteLine("Updated = " + response.updated); Console.WriteLine("Message = " + response.message); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Exception to call service : " + ex); } }
private void testDoSale() { CustomerSalesServicesClient client = new CustomerSalesServicesClient(); doSaleRequest request = new doSaleRequest(); customer c = new customer(); c.birthDate = new DateTime(1984, 3, 3); c.birthDateSpecified = true; addressDTO add = new addressDTO(); add.addressDetail = "Rua 1"; add.type = addressType.RESIDENTIAL; add.typeSpecified = true; add.addressNumber = "123"; add.addressPostalCode = "06871120"; = "Embu"; add.neighborhood = "Marilú"; add.state = "SP"; phoneDTO phone = new phoneDTO(); phone.phoneNumber = "1143216363"; phone.type = phoneType.RESIDENTIAL; phone.typeSpecified = true; c.fullName = "Teste Abobrinha"; c.gender = gender.MALE; c.genderSpecified = true; identityDTO iden = new identityDTO(); iden.documentType = document.CPF; iden.documentTypeSpecified = true; iden.documentValue = "40614102022"; c.maritalStatus = maritalStatus.SINGLE; c.maritalStatusSpecified = true; //criar novo contato para celular e repetir //cus.contacts[1].phone.phoneNumber = segurosuppro.Celular; //cus.contacts[1].phone.type = phoneType.MOBILE; cardPaymentDTO card = new cardPaymentDTO(); card.cardDisplayName = "THIAGO SANTANA"; card.cardFlag = "luiza"; card.cardNumber = "5307804589564512"; card.cardSecurityCode = "456"; card.cardValidity = new DateTime(1985, 1, 26); card.cardValiditySpecified = true; card.cardValue = Convert.ToDecimal("19,90"); card.cardValueSpecified = true; productDTO prod = new productDTO(); prod.descripton = "CARTÃO PROTEGIDO"; prod.ID = 25; prod.IDSpecified = true; contactDTO cc = new contactDTO(); cc.address = add; = phone; contactDTO[] contatos = new contactDTO[] { cc }; c.contacts = contatos; c.identity = iden; paymentMethod payM = new paymentMethod(); payM.cardPayment = card; identityDTO idensales = new identityDTO(); idensales.documentType = document.CPF; idensales.documentTypeSpecified = true; idensales.documentValue = "10752104969"; loginDTO log = new loginDTO(); log.username = "******"; log.password = "******"; partner part = new partner(); part.ID = 001; part.IDSpecified = true; salesman salman = new salesman(); salman.identity = idensales; salman.login = log; salman.partner = part; salman.operatorName = "Saulo Mezencio"; sale sa = new sale(); sa.customer = c; sa.paymentMethod = payM; sa.product = prod; sa.salesman = salman; = sa; doSaleResponse response = null; try { response = client.doSale(request); Console.WriteLine("Response = " + response); Console.WriteLine("PARANDO PARA VISUALIZAR JANELA"); } catch (Microsoft.Web.Services3.ResponseProcessingException exR) { Console.WriteLine("Exception to call service FAULT: " + exR.Response.OuterXml); Console.WriteLine("PARANDO PARA VISUALIZAR JANELA ANTERIOR"); }/* catch (Exception ex) { * Console.WriteLine("Exception : " + ex); * Console.WriteLine("PARANDO PARA VISUALIZAR JANELA"); * }*/ }
public void AddReciptToSales(salesman sales, ReceiptInvoice itemsRecipted) { sales.ReceiptInvoices.Add(itemsRecipted); }