//Is used to determine whether the player can unlock and open the door public void lockedDoor() { //Accesses door animation _animator = GetComponentInChildren <Animator>(); //Accesses bool that dettermines whether the player has the key hasKey = Key.GetComponentInParent <s_Key>().hasKey; if (hasKey == true) { //Checks if the player has opened the locked door before if (firstOpened == true) { firstOpened = false; //Sets state change message to: Unlocked! text_stateChangeMessage.text = item.itemMessage.ToString(); i_Properties.StartCoroutine("textFade"); } openDoor = !openDoor; //animation for door trigger _animator.SetBool("open", openDoor); UpdateDoorMessage(); } else { //state change message is set to: Locked! text_stateChangeMessage.text = item.stateChangeMessage.ToString(); i_Properties.StartCoroutine("textFade"); } }
public void pickUpItem() //states haskey as true, makes the mesh disappear and enables the player to unlock certain doors { if (keyPickedUp == false) { keyPickedUp = !keyPickedUp; hasKey = true; // player has key ItemUse = !ItemUse; Key.SetActive(false); //Gameobject is disabled text_itemMessage.text = item.stateChangeMessage.ToString(); // turns item message text into state change message text text_stateChangeMessage.text = item.stateChangeMessage.ToString(); i_Properties.StartCoroutine("textFade"); } }