private void Update() { if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("MonsterMode") == 0) { if (Players.Count < 10) { PlayerCount.text = "0" + Players.Count; } else { PlayerCount.text = "" + Players.Count; } if (Enemies.Count < 10) { EnemyCount.text = "0" + Enemies.Count; } else { EnemyCount.text = "" + Enemies.Count; } } else { if (Players.Count < 10) { PlayerCount.text = "0" + Enemies.Count; } else { PlayerCount.text = "" + Enemies.Count; } if (Enemies.Count < 10) { EnemyCount.text = "0" + Players.Count; } else { EnemyCount.text = "" + Players.Count; } } Vector3 mousePositon = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition); if (player == null) { pathfcost = 0; stats.text = "Nothing"; } if (GetWinner == VICTORY_DICTATOR.ENEMY) { s_camera.staticCam.StartCoroutine(s_camera.staticCam.Fade(, 0.3f)); game_on = false; if (s_camera.staticCam.isfaded) { UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.LoadScene("Title"); } } if (game_on) { switch (STATES) { case STATEMACHINE.IDLE: switch (TURNSTATE) { case TURNS.PLAYER: if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { if (CheckForObject(mousePositon)) { s_object obj = GetObjectFromWorld(mousePositon); if (IsCharacter(mousePositon, obj)) { o_character obselect = obj.GetComponent <o_character>(); if ( > 0) { if (obselect.playable) { pathfcost = 0; SwitchCharacter((o_character)obj); CheckCharacterSurroundings(false); } player = obselect; STATES = STATEMACHINE.SELECT_CHAR; } } } } break; #region ENEMY case TURNS.ENEMY: if (EnemyQueue.Count > 0) { //print("Chara " + EnemyQueue.Peek()); player = EnemyQueue.Peek(); //print("pl " + player); STATES = STATEMACHINE.SELECT_CHAR; } else { s_camera.staticCam.StartCoroutine(s_camera.staticCam.Fade(Color.clear, 4)); if (s_camera.staticCam.isfaded) { print("Progress END: " + EnemyQueue.Count); EndTurn(); } } break; #endregion } break; case STATEMACHINE.SELECT_CHAR: switch (TURNSTATE) { case TURNS.PLAYER: if (player.current_item != null) { stats.text = + "\n" + "Item: " +; } else { stats.text =; } //actionpoints = "AP: " + player.actionPoints + "/" + player.maxActionPoints; if (CheckForObject(mousePositon)) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { CheckCharacterSurroundings(false); s_object obj = GetObjectFromWorld(mousePositon); if (obj != null) { if (obj.GetType() == typeof(o_character)) { o_character chara = obj.GetComponent <o_character>(); if (targets.Contains(chara)) { if (!chara.playable) { targetToAttack = chara; STATES = STATEMACHINE.ATTACK_SELECT; } } } } } } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { Vector2 mousepos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition); if (player.MoveCost(mousepos) != -1) { Grid.UnpaintAllNodes(); pathfcost = player.MoveCost(mousepos); player.SetDirections(Grid.NodeFromWorld(mousepos)); List <o_node> dir = player.directions; foreach (o_node d in dir) { Grid.PaintNode(Grid.NodePositionFromWorld(d), Color.yellow); } STATES = STATEMACHINE.MOVE_TO; } } break; #region ENEMY case TURNS.ENEMY: if (player.current_item != null) { UseItem(); } /*if (targetToAttack != null) * if ( == 0 && !targetToAttack.IsDisappear()) * return; */ CheckCharacterSurroundings(true); if (targets.Count == 0) { STATES = STATEMACHINE.MOVE_TO; } else { STATES = STATEMACHINE.ATTACK_SELECT; } break; #endregion } //Have a cancel button where this player is no longer the focus //Attack button where it checks enemies break; case STATEMACHINE.MOVE_TO: switch (TURNSTATE) { case TURNS.PLAYER: if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { Vector2 mousepos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition); if (player.playable) { if (player.actionPoints >= pathfcost) { if (Grid.NodeFromWorld(mousepos) == player.directions[player.directions.Count - 1]) { ConfirmMovement(); return; } } } if (player.MoveCost(mousepos) != -1) { Grid.UnpaintAllNodes(); pathfcost = player.MoveCost(mousepos); player.SetDirections(Grid.NodeFromWorld(mousepos)); List <o_node> dir = player.directions; foreach (o_node d in dir) { Grid.PaintNode(Grid.NodePositionFromWorld(d), Color.yellow); } } } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) { Grid.UnpaintAllNodes(); LooseFocus(); } break; #region ENEMY case TURNS.ENEMY: int newcost = int.MaxValue; o_character tar = null; foreach (o_character e in Players) { //Check around the target and pathfind for each position. HashSet <o_node> aroundChar = Grid.CheckAroundNode(Grid.NodeFromWorld(e.transform.position)); int potentialMoveCost = int.MaxValue; e.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color =; o_node nof = null; foreach (o_node no in aroundChar) { if (!no.walkable) { continue; } int comp = player.MoveCost(no.position); if (comp == -1) { continue; } potentialMoveCost = Mathf.Min(potentialMoveCost, comp); if (potentialMoveCost == comp) { nof = no; } } e.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = Color.white; if (potentialMoveCost <= player.range) { if (potentialMoveCost <= player.actionPoints) { tar = e; newcost = Mathf.Min(newcost, potentialMoveCost); if (newcost == potentialMoveCost) { if (nof != null) { player.SetDirections(nof); } } } } else { continue; } Grid.UnpaintAllNodes(); } if (newcost != int.MaxValue) { Grid.UnpaintAllNodes(); pathfcost = newcost; if (pathfcost > 0) { ConfirmMovement(); } else { NextEnemy(); } } else { NextEnemy(); } break; #endregion } //Confirm? //Cancecl Move break; case STATEMACHINE.ATTACK_SELECT: switch (TURNSTATE) { case TURNS.PLAYER: if (targetToAttack != null) { targetToAttack.renderer.color = Color.magenta; } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { s_object obj = GetObjectFromWorld(mousePositon); if (obj != targetToAttack) { o_character newtarg = targets.Find(x => obj == x); if (newtarg != null) { targetToAttack.renderer.color = Color.white; targetToAttack = newtarg; return; } } } if ( > 0 && player.actionPoints >= 2) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { targetToAttack.renderer.color = Color.white; STATES = STATEMACHINE.ATTACK_EXECUTE; } } if ( <= 0 || player.actionPoints < 2) { targetToAttack.renderer.color = Color.white; LooseFocus(); } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) { if (targetToAttack != null) { targetToAttack.renderer.color = Color.white; } LooseFocus(); } break; #region ENEMY case TURNS.ENEMY: CheckCharacterSurroundings(true); if (targets.Count > 0) { //The enemy can attack the player again if they have sufficent points if (player.actionPoints >= 2) { targetToAttack = GetTargetWithLowestHealth(); if ( > 0) { if (!isattacking && !IsSkipped) { StartCoroutine(AttackingAnim()); } if (IsSkipped) { AttackCalculations(targetToAttack); } } } else { NextEnemy(); } } else { STATES = STATEMACHINE.SELECT_CHAR; } break; #endregion } break; case STATEMACHINE.ATTACK_EXECUTE: if (!isattacking) { StartCoroutine(AttackingAnim()); } else if (TURNSTATE == TURNS.PLAYER) { STATES = STATEMACHINE.ATTACK_SELECT; } break; case STATEMACHINE.WALK: //Call Player enumarator to walk //Once done go back to select char break; } } }