public void DeassignUserToRole(string mUser, string mRole) { if (_App == null) { return; } IuserService UserSrv = new userService(SessionFactoryConfigPath); IroleService RoleSrv = new roleService(SessionFactoryConfigPath); user TempUser = UserSrv.GetByName(mUser, _App.AppID); if (TempUser == null) { return; } role TempRole = RoleSrv.GetByName(mRole, _App.AppID); if (TempRole == null) { return; } if (TempUser.Roles.Contains(TempRole)) { TempUser.Roles.Remove(TempRole); } UserSrv.CommitChanges(); }
public override void AddUsersToRoles(string[] usernames, string[] roleNames) { if (_App == null) { return; } IuserService UserSrv = new userService(SessionFactoryConfigPath); IroleService RoleSrv = new roleService(SessionFactoryConfigPath); foreach (string UN in usernames) { user mUser = UserSrv.GetByName(UN, _App.AppID); if (mUser != null) { string[] currentRoles = (from r in mUser.Roles where r.AppID == _App.AppID select; foreach (string r in roleNames) { if (!currentRoles.Contains(r)) { role mRole = RoleSrv.GetByName(r, _App.AppID); if (mRole != null) { mUser.Roles.Add(mRole); } } } UserSrv.Save(mUser); } } UserSrv.CommitChanges(); }
/// <summary> /// Removes the specified user names from the specified roles for the configured applicationName /// </summary> /// <param name="usernames"> A string array of user names to be removed from the specified roles.</param> /// <param name="roleNames">A string array of role names to remove the specified user names from.</param> public override void RemoveUsersFromRoles(string[] usernames, string[] roleNames) { if (_App == null) { return; } IuserService UserSrv = new userService(SessionFactoryConfigPath); IroleService RoleSrv = new roleService(SessionFactoryConfigPath); string hql = "from user u where u.username in (:usernames)"; IList <user> UserList = UserSrv.GetbyHQuery(hql, new SQLParam("usernames", usernames.ToString())); string hql2 = "from role r where in (:roleNames) AND r.AppID = :AppID"; IList <role> RoleList = RoleSrv.GetbyHQuery(hql2, new SQLParam("roleNames", roleNames.ToString()), new SQLParam("AppID", _App.AppID)); foreach (user u in UserList) { foreach (role r in RoleList) { if (u.Roles.Contains(r)) { u.Roles.Remove(r); } } } UserSrv.CommitChanges(); }
/// <summary> /// remove all oldrole assign for the permission and assign new [mRoles] for the permission /// </summary> /// <param name="mObject"></param> /// <param name="mOperation"></param> /// <param name="mRoles"></param> public void UpdatePermission(string mObject, string mOperation, string[] mRoles) { if (_App == null) { return; } IroleService RoleSrv = new roleService(SessionFactoryConfigPath); string HQL = "from role r where r.AppID = :AppID AND in ({0})"; string ParaStr = ":" + string.Join(",:", mRoles); HQL = string.Format(HQL, ParaStr); SQLParam[] paramList = new SQLParam[mRoles.Length + 1]; paramList[0] = new SQLParam("AppID", _App.AppID); for (int i = 0; i < mRoles.Length; i++) { paramList[i + 1] = new SQLParam(mRoles[i], mRoles[i]); } //List<role> RoleLst = RoleSrv.GetbyHQuery(HQL, new SQLParam("rolenames", string.Join(",",mRoles)), new SQLParam("AppID", _App.AppID)); List <role> RoleLst = RoleSrv.GetbyHQuery(HQL, paramList); if (RoleLst == null || RoleLst.Count == 0) { return; } //Grant permission IpermissionService PermissionSrv = new permissionService(SessionFactoryConfigPath); permission TempPermission = PermissionSrv.GetPermission(mObject, mOperation, _App.AppID); if (TempPermission != null) { List <role> TmpRolseLst = new List <role>(); foreach (role r in TempPermission.Roles) { if (!RoleLst.Contains(r)) { TmpRolseLst.Add(r); } } foreach (role r in TmpRolseLst) { TempPermission.Roles.Remove(r); } foreach (role r in RoleLst) { if (!TempPermission.Roles.Contains(r)) { TempPermission.Roles.Add(r); } } PermissionSrv.CommitChanges(); } }
public override bool RoleExists(string roleName) { if (_App == null) { return(false); } IroleService RoleSrv = new roleService(SessionFactoryConfigPath); return(RoleSrv.GetByName(roleName, _App.AppID) != null); }
public void UpdateUsersToRoles(string username, string[] roleNames) { if (_App == null) { return; } IuserService UserSrv = new userService(SessionFactoryConfigPath); IroleService RoleSrv = new roleService(SessionFactoryConfigPath); user mUser = UserSrv.GetByName(username, _App.AppID); updateRolesForUser(mUser, roleNames); }
public IList <operation> GetOperationsOnRoleObject(string mRole, string mObject) { if (_App == null) { return(null); } IobjectService ObjectSrv = new objectService(SessionFactoryConfigPath); IroleService RoleSrv = new roleService(SessionFactoryConfigPath); role TempRole = RoleSrv.GetByName(mRole, _App.AppID); objectRbac TempObject = ObjectSrv.GetByName(mObject, _App.AppID); return((from per in TempRole.Permissions where (per.ObjectRBAC == TempObject) select per.Operation).ToList <operation>()); }
public override string[] GetUsersInRole(string roleName) { if (_App == null) { return(null); } IroleService RoleSrv = new roleService(SessionFactoryConfigPath); role mRole = RoleSrv.GetByName(roleName, _App.AppID); if (mRole == null) { return(null); } return((from u in mRole.Users select u.username).ToArray()); }
public override string[] GetAllRoles() { if (_App == null) { return(null); } IroleService RoleSrv = new roleService(SessionFactoryConfigPath); IList <role> lst = RoleSrv.GetAll(_App.AppID); if (lst == null || lst.Count == 0) { return new string[] { } } ; return((from r in lst select; }
private void updateRolesForUser(user mUser, string[] roleNames) { IuserService UserSrv = new userService(SessionFactoryConfigPath); IroleService RoleSrv = new roleService(SessionFactoryConfigPath); if (mUser != null) { if (roleNames == null || roleNames.Length <= 0) { if (mUser.Roles != null) { mUser.Roles.Clear(); } } else { if (mUser.Roles == null) { mUser.Roles = new List <role>(); } string[] currentRoles = (from r in mUser.Roles where r.AppID == _App.AppID select; string[] RemoveRoles = (from rl in currentRoles where !roleNames.Contains(rl) select rl).ToArray(); string[] InsertRoles = (from rl in roleNames where !currentRoles.Contains(rl) select rl).ToArray(); //remove role foreach (string r in RemoveRoles) { role mRole = RoleSrv.GetByName(r, _App.AppID); if (mRole != null) { mUser.Roles.Remove(mRole); } } foreach (string r in InsertRoles) { role mRole = RoleSrv.GetByName(r, _App.AppID); if (mRole != null) { mUser.Roles.Add(mRole); } } } UserSrv.Save(mUser); UserSrv.CommitChanges(); } }
/// <summary> /// getAllPermissionName from Role /// </summary> /// <param name="role"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string[] RolePermissions(string role) { if (_App == null) { return(null); } IroleService RoleSrv = new roleService(SessionFactoryConfigPath); role TempRole = RoleSrv.GetByName(role, _App.AppID); if (TempRole == null) { return(null); } else { return((from per in TempRole.Permissions select; } }
public override void CreateRole(string roleName) { IroleService RoleSrv = new roleService(SessionFactoryConfigPath); if (_App == null) { return; } role mRole = RoleSrv.GetByName(roleName, _App.AppID); if (mRole == null) { mRole = new role(); mRole.AppID = _App.AppID; = roleName; RoleSrv.CreateNew(mRole); RoleSrv.CommitChanges(); } }
public void RevokePermission(string mObject, string mOperation, string[] mRoles) { if (_App == null) { return; } //string HQL = "from role r where in (:rolenames) AND r.AppID = :AppID"; //List<role> RoleLst = RoleSrv.GetbyHQuery(HQL, new SQLParam("rolenames", mRoles), new SQLParam("AppID", _App.AppID)); IroleService RoleSrv = new roleService(SessionFactoryConfigPath); string HQL = "from role r where r.AppID = :AppID AND in ({0})"; string ParaStr = ":" + string.Join(",:", mRoles); HQL = string.Format(HQL, ParaStr); SQLParam[] paramList = new SQLParam[mRoles.Length + 1]; paramList[0] = new SQLParam("AppID", _App.AppID); for (int i = 0; i < mRoles.Length; i++) { paramList[i + 1] = new SQLParam(mRoles[i], mRoles[i]); } List <role> RoleLst = RoleSrv.GetbyHQuery(HQL, paramList); if (RoleLst == null || RoleLst.Count == 0) { return; } IpermissionService PermissionSrv = new permissionService(SessionFactoryConfigPath); permission TempPermission = PermissionSrv.GetPermission(mObject, mOperation, _App.AppID); if (TempPermission != null) { foreach (role r in RoleLst) { // not using r.Permissions because amount of roles allway is less than amount of Permissions. ->because perfomance if (TempPermission.Roles.Contains(r)) { TempPermission.Roles.Remove(r); } } PermissionSrv.CommitChanges(); } }
public override bool DeleteRole(string roleName, bool throwOnPopulatedRole) { if (_App == null) { return(false); } IroleService RoleSrv = new roleService(SessionFactoryConfigPath); role mRole = RoleSrv.GetByName(roleName, _App.AppID); if (mRole == null) { return(false); } try { RoleSrv.Delete(mRole); RoleSrv.CommitChanges(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public void GrantPermission(string mObject, string mOperation, string[] mRoles) { if (_App == null) { return; } IroleService RoleSrv = new roleService(SessionFactoryConfigPath); string HQL = "from role r where r.AppID = :AppID AND in ({0})"; string ParaStr = ":" + string.Join(",:", mRoles); HQL = string.Format(HQL, ParaStr); SQLParam[] paramList = new SQLParam[mRoles.Length + 1]; paramList[0] = new SQLParam("AppID", _App.AppID); for (int i = 0; i < mRoles.Length; i++) { paramList[i + 1] = new SQLParam(mRoles[i], mRoles[i]); } List <role> RoleLst = RoleSrv.GetbyHQuery(HQL, paramList); if (RoleLst == null || RoleLst.Count == 0) { return; } IoperationService OperationSrv = new operationService(SessionFactoryConfigPath); IobjectService ObjectSrv = new objectService(SessionFactoryConfigPath); IpermissionService PermissionSrv = new permissionService(SessionFactoryConfigPath); //Grant permission permission TempPermission = PermissionSrv.GetPermission(mObject, mOperation, _App.AppID); if (TempPermission == null) { objectRbac tempObject = ObjectSrv.GetByName(mObject, _App.AppID); operation tempOperation = OperationSrv.GetByName(mOperation, _App.AppID); if (tempObject == null || tempOperation == null) { return; } TempPermission = new permission(); TempPermission.AppID = _App.AppID; = + ":" +; TempPermission.ObjectRBAC = tempObject; TempPermission.Operation = tempOperation; TempPermission.Roles = new List <role>(); foreach (role r in RoleLst) { TempPermission.Roles.Add(r); } PermissionSrv.CreateNew(TempPermission); PermissionSrv.CommitChanges(); } else { foreach (role r in RoleLst) { if (!TempPermission.Roles.Contains(r)) { TempPermission.Roles.Add(r); } } PermissionSrv.CommitChanges(); } }