private static void UploadTrackingDataAndFlushBuffer() { if (bufferedTrackedPositions == null) { return; } if (bufferedTrackedPositions.Count == 0) { return; } //copy tracking data and clear buffer TrackedPosition[] tmp; lock (bufferedTrackedPositionsLock) { int numPositions = bufferedTrackedPositions.Count; tmp = new TrackedPosition[numPositions]; bufferedTrackedPositions.CopyTo(tmp); bufferedTrackedPositions.Clear(); } radiomapEntities context = new radiomapEntities(radiomapUri); foreach (TrackedPosition pos in tmp) { context.AddToTrackedPositions(pos); } context.BeginSaveChanges(SaveChangesOptions.Batch, OnPositionEstimatesSaved, context); }
private void RemoveEdgeTask() { if (CurrentEdge == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No link to remove"); } isUploading = true; mContext = LocationService.radiomapContext; //Add the edge mContext.DeleteObject(CurrentEdge); try { mContext.BeginSaveChanges(OnChangesSaved, mContext); uploadProgressIndicator.IsVisible = isUploading; } catch (Exception ex) { isUploading = false; uploadProgressIndicator.IsVisible = isUploading; // Display the error from the response. string errorMsg = ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ex.Message; MessageBox.Show(string.Format("The following error occured: {0}", errorMsg)); } }
//Upload a symbolicLocation in the background (update or create) //Form: AsyncTask<[Input Parameter Type], [Progress Report Type], [Result Type]> private void AddEdgeTask() { isUploading = true; mContext = LocationService.radiomapContext; /* Uri radiomapUri = new Uri(""); mContext = new radiomapEntities(radiomapUri); Building b = (mContext.Buildings.Where(b1 => b1.ID == LocationService.CurrentBuilding.ID)).First(); Vertex v0 = (mContext.Vertices.Where(v => v.ID == mCurrentEdge.Vertices[0].ID)).First(); Vertex v1 = (mContext.Vertices.Where(v => v.ID == mCurrentEdge.Vertices[1].ID)).Single(); mContext.AddToEdges(mCurrentEdge); mContext.AddLink(b, "Edges", mCurrentEdge); mContext.AddLink(v0, "Edges", mCurrentEdge); mContext.AddLink(v1, "Edges", mCurrentEdge); */ //Link to/from the building and endpoints mContext.AddToEdges(mCurrentEdge); Building b = LocationService.CurrentBuilding; b.Edges.Add(mCurrentEdge); /* foreach (Vertex v in mCurrentEdge.Vertices) { if (!v.Edges.Contains(mCurrentEdge)) v.Edges.Add(mCurrentEdge); } */ try { mContext.BeginSaveChanges(OnChangesSaved, mContext); uploadProgressIndicator.IsVisible = isUploading; } catch (Exception ex) { isUploading = false; uploadProgressIndicator.IsVisible = isUploading; MessageBox.Show(string.Format("The changes could not be saved.\n" + "The following error occurred: {0}", ex.Message)); } }
//Upload a symbolicLocation in the background (update or create) //Form: AsyncTask<[Input Parameter Type], [Progress Report Type], [Result Type]> private void UploadSymbolicLocationTask(SymbolicLocation tmpSymLoc) { isUploading = true; mContext = LocationService.radiomapContext; Vertex currentVertex = Map2DOffline.SelectedOfflineVertex; SymbolicLocation currentSymLoc = currentVertex.SymbolicLocations.FirstOrDefault(); //1) upload NEW symbolic location if (currentSymLoc == null) { mContext.AddRelatedObject(currentVertex, "SymbolicLocations", tmpSymLoc); currentVertex.SymbolicLocations.Add(tmpSymLoc); } //2) or UPDATE existing else { //copy updated values currentSymLoc.title = tmpSymLoc.title; currentSymLoc.description = tmpSymLoc.description; currentSymLoc.url = tmpSymLoc.url; currentSymLoc.is_entrance = tmpSymLoc.is_entrance; mContext.UpdateObject(currentSymLoc); } try { mContext.BeginSaveChanges(OnChangesSaved, mContext); //uploadProgressBar.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; uploadProgressIndicator.IsVisible = isUploading; } catch (Exception ex) { isUploading = false; uploadProgressIndicator.IsVisible = isUploading; MessageBox.Show(string.Format("The changes could not be saved.\n" + "The following error occurred: {0}", ex.Message)); } }