public IEnumerator loadNewQuestion_ie(int amount, string category, string difficulty, string type) { string url = api + "?amount=" + amount + "&category=" + category + "&difficulty=" + difficulty + "&type=" + type; Debug.Log(url); WWW www = new WWW(url); yield return(www); if (www.error != null) { Debug.LogError("ERROR DOWNLOADING QUESTION: " + www.error); } else { string wwwString = www.text; wwwString = wwwString.Replace("{\"response_code\":0,\"results\":[", ""); wwwString = wwwString.Remove(wwwString.Length - 2); Debug.Log(wwwString); //q = (questionObj)JsonUtility.FromJson(wwwString, typeof(questionObj)); q = JsonUtility.FromJson <questionObj>(wwwString); q.setAnswers(); //Debug.Log(q.incorrect_answers[0]); } //ui.setQuestion(q); }
public void showCorrectAnswer(questionObj q) { answerBackground[0].color =; answerBackground[1].color =; answerBackground[2].color =; answerBackground[3].color =; answerBackground[q.correct_answer_id].color =; answerText[q.correct_answer_id].color =; footerText = "The correct answer is \"" + q.answers_letters[q.correct_answer_id] + ". " + q.answers[q.correct_answer_id] + "\""; footer.text = footerText; }
public void setQuestion(questionObj q) { question.text = q.question; answerPrecent[0].gameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchorMin = new Vector2(1, 0); answerPrecent[1].gameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchorMin = new Vector2(1, 0); answerPrecent[2].gameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchorMin = new Vector2(1, 0); answerPrecent[3].gameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchorMin = new Vector2(1, 0); if (q.type == "boolean") { answerBackground[0].enabled = false; answerBackground[1].enabled = true; answerBackground[2].enabled = false; answerBackground[3].enabled = true; answerPrecent[0].enabled = false; answerPrecent[1].enabled = true; answerPrecent[2].enabled = false; answerPrecent[3].enabled = true; footerText = "To submit your answer, type #T or #F in the chat.\nType #help for more info."; } else { answerBackground[0].enabled = true; answerBackground[1].enabled = true; answerBackground[2].enabled = true; answerBackground[3].enabled = true; answerPrecent[0].enabled = true; answerPrecent[1].enabled = true; answerPrecent[2].enabled = true; answerPrecent[3].enabled = true; footerText = "To submit your answer, type #A, #B, #C, or #D in the chat.\nType #help for more info."; // To use 50 / 50, type #5050 in chat. To trust the crowd, type #crowd in chat. } int i = 0; while (i < 4) { answerText[i].text = "<b>" + q.answers_letters[i] + "</b>. " + q.answers[i]; answerText[i].color = Color.white; answerBackground[i].color =; i++; } footer.text = "<b>Submit your answer now. (30)</b>\n" + footerText; Debug.Log(q.correct_answer_id); }