private void radioBN_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (radioBN.SelectedIndex == 0) // chua xoa { gridControl1.BeginUpdate(); try { gridView1.Columns.Clear(); show(); } finally { gridControl1.EndUpdate(); } } if (radioBN.SelectedIndex == 1) // Deleted { gridControl1.BeginUpdate(); try { qlpk1Entities2 c = new qlpk1Entities2(); gridView1.Columns.Clear(); gridControl1.DataSource = c.v_Deleted_BenhNhan.ToList(); } finally { gridControl1.EndUpdate(); } } }
private void show() { txtDC.ReadOnly = true; txtHo.ReadOnly = true; txtMa.ReadOnly = true; txtSDT.ReadOnly = true; txtTen.ReadOnly = true; comboBoxEdit1.ReadOnly = true; comboBoxEdit2.ReadOnly = true; comboBoxEdit3.ReadOnly = true; comboBoxEdit4.ReadOnly = true; dateSinh.ReadOnly = true; txtDC.ResetText(); txtHo.ResetText(); txtMa.ResetText(); txtSDT.ResetText(); txtTen.ResetText(); comboBoxEdit1.ResetText(); comboBoxEdit2.ResetText(); comboBoxEdit3.ResetText(); comboBoxEdit4.ResetText(); dateSinh.Text = ""; qlpk1Entities2 c = new qlpk1Entities2(); var q = c.v_Current_BenhNhan; gridControl1.DataSource = q.ToList(); radioBN.SelectedIndex = 0; }
private void nhom() { ComboBoxItemCollection item = comboBoxEdit1.Properties.Items; item.BeginUpdate(); using (qlpk1Entities2 c = new qlpk1Entities2()) { foreach (var i in c.NhomDoiTuongs.Select(a => a.MaNhom)) { item.Add(i); } } item.EndUpdate(); }
private void btbUndo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var rowHandle = gridView1.FocusedRowHandle; var obj = gridView1.GetRowCellValue(rowHandle, "MaBenhNhan"); txtMa.Text = obj.ToString(); String ma = obj.ToString(); qlpk1Entities2 c = new qlpk1Entities2(); c.usp_UndoBenhNhan(ma); c.SaveChanges(); }
private void khoa() { ComboBoxItemCollection item = comboBoxEdit2.Properties.Items; item.BeginUpdate(); using (qlpk1Entities2 c = new qlpk1Entities2()) { foreach (var i in c.Khoas.Select(a => a.MaKhoa)) { item.Add(i); } } item.EndUpdate(); }
void load() { var b = c.Khoas.Select(a => a.TenKhoa); ComboBoxItemCollection item = cbNhom.Properties.Items; item.BeginUpdate(); using (qlpk1Entities2 c = new qlpk1Entities2()) { foreach (var i in b) { item.Add(i); } } item.EndUpdate(); }
private void comboBoxEdit2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { comboBoxEdit4.Properties.Items.Clear(); ComboBoxItemCollection item = comboBoxEdit4.Properties.Items; item.BeginUpdate(); using (qlpk1Entities2 c = new qlpk1Entities2()) { String k = comboBoxEdit2.Properties.GetDisplayText(comboBoxEdit2); var query = from e1 in c.BacSis where e1.Khoa.Equals(k) select e1.MaBS; foreach (var i in query) { item.Add(i); } } item.EndUpdate(); }
private void simpleButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { qlpk1Entities2 c = new qlpk1Entities2(); string ten = txtTen.Text.Trim(); string mk = txtMK.Text.Trim(); Boolean b = Convert.ToBoolean(c.usp_DangNhap(ten, mk).FirstOrDefault()); if (b == true) { var user = c.Users.Where(a => a.UsersName == ten).Select(a => a.UsersName).FirstOrDefault(); this.Hide(); frmMain f = new frmMain(); f.role = "1"; f.NAME = user; f.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); } else { var user = c.Users.Where(a => a.UsersName == ten).Select(a => a.UsersName).FirstOrDefault(); this.Hide(); frmMain f = new frmMain(); f.role = "2"; f.NAME = user; f.ShowDialog(); } } catch { } }
private void simpleButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show("Nó sẽ xóa cả bệnh án (nếu có), đồng ý", "Xác nhận", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)) { try { var rowHandle = gridView1.FocusedRowHandle; // Get the value for the given column - convert to the type you're expecting var obj = gridView1.GetRowCellValue(rowHandle, "MaBenhNhan"); txtMa.Text = obj.ToString(); String ma = obj.ToString(); qlpk1Entities2 c = new qlpk1Entities2(); var q = c.usp_Delete_BenhNhan(ma); c.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Đã Xóa bệnh án"); } } }
private void simpleButton6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (them == true) { qlpk1Entities2 db = new qlpk1Entities2(); if (txtDC.Text == "" || txtHo.Text == "" || txtTen.Text == "" || txtSDT.Text == "" || txtMa.Text == "" || comboBoxEdit1.Properties.GetDisplayText(comboBoxEdit1).ToString() == "" || comboBoxEdit2.Properties.GetDisplayText(comboBoxEdit2).ToString() == "" || comboBoxEdit3.Properties.GetDisplayText(comboBoxEdit3).ToString() == "" || comboBoxEdit4.Properties.GetDisplayText(comboBoxEdit4).ToString() == "" || dateSinh.Properties.GetDisplayText(dateSinh).ToString() == "" ) { MessageBox.Show("Cần thêm thông tin"); } else { using (DbContextTransaction trans = db.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { String khoa = comboBoxEdit2.Properties.GetDisplayText(comboBoxEdit2); String nhom = comboBoxEdit1.Properties.GetDisplayText(comboBoxEdit1); String bacsi = comboBoxEdit4.Properties.GetDisplayText(comboBoxEdit4); int gt = Convert.ToInt32(comboBoxEdit3.Properties.GetDisplayText(comboBoxEdit3).ToString()); bool gioitinh; if (gt == 0) { gioitinh = true; } else { gioitinh = false; } Nullable <int> sdt = Convert.ToInt32(txtSDT.Text); String dc = txtDC.Text; String ma = txtMa.Text; String ten = txtTen.Text; String ho = txtHo.Text; // String kham = Convert.ToDateTime(dateKham.Text).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); String sinh = Convert.ToDateTime(dateSinh.Text).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); DateTime a = Convert.ToDateTime(sinh); db.usp_Insert_BenhNhan(ma, ho, ten, dc, gioitinh, khoa, nhom, bacsi, sdt, a); db.SaveChanges(); trans.Commit(); MessageBox.Show("Thêm thành công"); } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); MessageBox.Show("Lỗi trong quá trình thêm"); } } } them = false; txtDC.ReadOnly = true; txtHo.ReadOnly = true; txtMa.ReadOnly = true; txtSDT.ReadOnly = true; txtTen.ReadOnly = true; comboBoxEdit1.ReadOnly = true; comboBoxEdit2.ReadOnly = true; comboBoxEdit3.ReadOnly = true; comboBoxEdit4.ReadOnly = true; dateSinh.ReadOnly = true; } if (sua == true) { qlpk1Entities2 db = new qlpk1Entities2(); if (txtDC.Text == "" || txtHo.Text == "" || txtTen.Text == "" || txtSDT.Text == "" || comboBoxEdit1.Properties.GetDisplayText(comboBoxEdit1).ToString() == "" || comboBoxEdit2.Properties.GetDisplayText(comboBoxEdit2).ToString() == "" || comboBoxEdit3.Properties.GetDisplayText(comboBoxEdit3).ToString() == "" || comboBoxEdit4.Properties.GetDisplayText(comboBoxEdit4).ToString() == "" || dateSinh.Properties.GetDisplayText(dateSinh).ToString() == "" ) { MessageBox.Show("Cần thêm thông tin"); } else { using (DbContextTransaction trans = db.Database.BeginTransaction()) { // try //{ String ma = txtMa.Text; String khoa = comboBoxEdit2.Properties.GetDisplayText(comboBoxEdit2); String nhom = comboBoxEdit1.Properties.GetDisplayText(comboBoxEdit1); String bacsi = comboBoxEdit4.Properties.GetDisplayText(comboBoxEdit4); var gt = (comboBoxEdit3.Properties.GetDisplayText(comboBoxEdit3).ToString()); bool gioitinh; if (gt == "0") { gioitinh = true; } else { gioitinh = false; } Nullable <int> sdt = Convert.ToInt32(txtSDT.Text); String dc = txtDC.Text; String ten = txtTen.Text; String ho = txtHo.Text; String sinh = Convert.ToDateTime(dateSinh.Text).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); DateTime a = Convert.ToDateTime(sinh); db.usp_Update_BenhNhan(ma, ho, ten, dc, gioitinh, khoa, nhom, bacsi, sdt, a); db.SaveChanges(); trans.Commit(); MessageBox.Show("Sửa thành công"); // } //catch (Exception ex) //{ // trans.Rollback(); // MessageBox.Show("Lỗi trong quá trình sửa "); //} } } sua = false; txtDC.ReadOnly = true; txtHo.ReadOnly = true; txtSDT.ReadOnly = true; txtTen.ReadOnly = true; comboBoxEdit1.ReadOnly = true; comboBoxEdit2.ReadOnly = true; comboBoxEdit3.ReadOnly = true; comboBoxEdit4.ReadOnly = true; dateSinh.ReadOnly = true; } }
private void gridControl1_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { var rowHandle = gridView1.FocusedRowHandle; // Get the value for the given column - convert to the type you're expecting var obj = gridView1.GetRowCellValue(rowHandle, "MaBenhNhan"); txtMa.Text = obj.ToString(); String ma = obj.ToString(); qlpk1Entities2 c = new qlpk1Entities2(); var diachi = from t in c.BenhNhans.AsEnumerable() where t.MaBenhNhan == ma select t.DiaChi; StringBuilder dc = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var s in diachi) { dc.Append(s + Environment.NewLine); } txtDC.Text = dc.ToString(); var ten = from t1 in c.BenhNhans.AsEnumerable() where t1.MaBenhNhan == ma select t1.TenBN; StringBuilder tn = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var s in ten) { tn.Append(s + Environment.NewLine); } txtTen.Text = tn.ToString(); var ho = from t2 in c.BenhNhans.AsEnumerable() where t2.MaBenhNhan == ma select t2.HoBN; StringBuilder h = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var s in ho) { h.Append(s + Environment.NewLine); } txtHo.Text = h.ToString(); var sdt = from t3 in c.BenhNhans.AsEnumerable() where t3.MaBenhNhan == ma select t3.SDT; StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var s in sdt) { st.Append(s + Environment.NewLine); } txtSDT.Text = st.ToString(); var gt = from g in c.BenhNhans.AsEnumerable() where g.MaBenhNhan == ma select g.GioiTinh; StringBuilder gt1 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var s in gt) { gt1.Append(s + Environment.NewLine); } comboBoxEdit3.Text = gt1.ToString(); var khoa = from k in c.BenhNhans.AsEnumerable() where k.MaBenhNhan == ma select k.Khoa; StringBuilder kh = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var s in khoa) { kh.Append(s + Environment.NewLine); } comboBoxEdit2.Text = kh.ToString(); var nhom = from n in c.BenhNhans.AsEnumerable() where n.MaBenhNhan == ma select n.Nhom; StringBuilder nh = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var s in nhom) { nh.Append(s + Environment.NewLine); } comboBoxEdit1.Text = nh.ToString(); var bsi = from b in c.BenhNhans.AsEnumerable() where b.MaBenhNhan == ma select b.BacSi; StringBuilder bs = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var s in bsi) { bs.Append(s + Environment.NewLine); } comboBoxEdit4.Text = bs.ToString(); var sinh = from si in c.BenhNhans.AsEnumerable() where si.MaBenhNhan == ma select si.NgaySinh; StringBuilder sh = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var s in sinh) { sh.Append(s + Environment.NewLine); } dateSinh.Text = sh.ToString(); }