private string deleteaction(JsonArrayParse jp) { JsonObjectCollection collection = new JsonObjectCollection(); string flag = "1"; try { Business.Base.BusinessChargeAccount bc = new project.Business.Base.BusinessChargeAccount(); bc.load(jp.getValue("id")); if (obj.PopulateDataSet("select 1 from Mstr_Service where CANo='" + bc.Entity.CANo + "' and SRVSPNo='" + bc.Entity.CASPNo + "'").Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { flag = "3"; } else { int r = bc.delete(); if (r <= 0) { flag = "2"; } } } catch { flag = "2"; } collection.Add(new JsonStringValue("type", "delete")); collection.Add(new JsonStringValue("flag", flag)); collection.Add(new JsonStringValue("liststr", createList(jp.getValue("CANoS"), jp.getValue("CANameS"), jp.getValue("CASPNoS"), int.Parse(jp.getValue("page"))))); return(collection.ToString()); }
private string submitaction(JsonArrayParse jp) { JsonObjectCollection collection = new JsonObjectCollection(); string flag = "1"; try { Business.Base.BusinessChargeAccount bc = new project.Business.Base.BusinessChargeAccount(); if (jp.getValue("tp") == "update") { bc.load(jp.getValue("id")); bc.Entity.CAName = jp.getValue("CAName"); bc.Entity.APNo = jp.getValue("APNo"); int r = bc.Save("update"); if (r <= 0) { flag = "2"; } } else { Data obj = new Data(); DataTable dt = obj.PopulateDataSet("select cnt=COUNT(*) from Mstr_ChargeAccount where CANo='" + jp.getValue("CANo") + "' and CASPNo='" + jp.getValue("CASPNo") + "'").Tables[0]; if (int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["cnt"].ToString()) > 0) { flag = "3"; } else { bc.Entity.CANo = jp.getValue("CANo"); bc.Entity.CAName = jp.getValue("CAName"); bc.Entity.CASPNo = jp.getValue("CASPNo"); bc.Entity.APNo = jp.getValue("APNo"); int r = bc.Save("insert"); if (r <= 0) { flag = "2"; } } } } catch { flag = "2"; } collection.Add(new JsonStringValue("type", "submit")); collection.Add(new JsonStringValue("flag", flag)); collection.Add(new JsonStringValue("liststr", createList(jp.getValue("CANoS"), jp.getValue("CANameS"), jp.getValue("CASPNoS"), int.Parse(jp.getValue("page"))))); return(collection.ToString()); }
private string updateaction(JsonArrayParse jp) { JsonObjectCollection collection = new JsonObjectCollection(); string flag = "1"; try { Business.Base.BusinessChargeAccount bc = new project.Business.Base.BusinessChargeAccount(); bc.load(jp.getValue("id")); collection.Add(new JsonStringValue("CANo", bc.Entity.CANo)); collection.Add(new JsonStringValue("CAName", bc.Entity.CAName)); collection.Add(new JsonStringValue("CASPNo", bc.Entity.CASPNo)); collection.Add(new JsonStringValue("APNo", bc.Entity.APNo)); } catch { flag = "2"; } collection.Add(new JsonStringValue("type", "update")); collection.Add(new JsonStringValue("flag", flag)); return(collection.ToString()); }